Carly's WMAF Fantasy Pt. 29


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"She's very special to you, isn't she?" Carly asked after the door closed.

"Not as special as you, my love."

"It's not a competition, Master. I want you to love other women. I'm not threatened by it. I'm turned on by it. Just watching you dominate your ex like that was one of the hottest things I've ever seen in my life. You truly can't fathom how insanely aroused I was. If you'd blown on my clit, I'd have exploded all over you."

"I know. I'm not sure I'll ever get used to it though." I ran my fingers through my hair as I looked around the room for my discarded shirt. Carly, having already read my mind, held up both the shirt and the sock I was also floundering for.

"I guess I'll have to keep reminding you," she said with a quiet whisper.

"I guess so," I said with a kiss.

We got everything packed and, having said our goodbyes, flew down to Miami the next day. I think both Carly and I were on pins and needles as we drove down. The nervous energy of this change was palpable and I kept bouncing my left leg as I drove down the road. For the next couple days, it would just be Carly and I. The others would be joining as they could over the next couple weeks. When we arrived at the house, I gallantly ran to the passenger door and opened it for Carly who took my offered hand and stepped out. She looked like a queen as she walked into her new castle. I certainly felt very kingly as we looked at a house that both ours and bigger than anything we'd ever dreamed of living in. We walked up the steps to the front door and to the front door. Zedra was waiting inside holding the last couple pieces of paperwork and a key. I pushed the door open then grabbed Carly and lifted her into my arms. She yelped, surprised at the gesture and laughed as I managed to stagger across the threshold without smacking her head into the door frame.

Zedra was clapping in appreciation, "Well done, Mr. Simpson. I can see why Mrs. Simpson likes you so much." She winked meaningfully at me but before I could say anything, I heard a voice in the distance. Turning, I looked and saw three people walking up the driveway from down the road. The man in the front looked to be a little older than us, maybe mid 30s. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a polo shirt. He was moving at a fast jog while shouting something I couldn't hear.

Behind him were two other women. One slightly older and one younger. Both were wearing dresses and the older one was carrying some sort of shiny package. I turned to Carly and asked, "Time to meet the neighbors, I guess?"

"I guess... Is it okay to call you, Master?" she asked. Carly had long since gotten past her embarrassment. Calling your husband 'Master' in front of your entire family will do that.

"I think we can keep it chill for right now. No need to scare them off yet, right?"

"Yes, dear," Carly said all sweetness and light. She beamed a friendly smile as she moved to the door. One of the reasons we'd decided to move to the Keys is that it allowed the girls to dress sexy without drawing too much attention. Indeed, even conservatively dressed folks had to bow to the reality of 90 degrees and sunny.

The man reached the glass front door first and Carly opened it for him before he could knock. He smiled and looked at us with a friendly face. He might have been a little older than I'd originally thought, seemed fit and cheerful. Pretty much what I expected from someone living out here. "Hi, I'm Jay and this is lovely wife Carly," I said.

"Hey there neighbor," he said, extending his hand. I shook it, surprised by the firmness. Then he moved to Carly and took her hand. I was impressed with his ability to maintain eye contact given how much skin Carly was showing. Her tight, low-cut t-shirt was doing very little to hide her burgeoning, pregnancy enhanced cleavage. "I'm Paul... Paul Stanton. I'm the pastor at the church down the street."

Shit. Of course the first neighbor we'd meet would be a pastor. Paul continued, "This is my wife and daughter," he said turning around and holding the door while the other two women walked in. His daughter looked to be in high school and, despite her obvious cuteness, I managed to tear my eyes away lest I find myself being accused of staring at a kid. Fortunately, it wasn't hard to manage that feat because her mother, Mrs. Stanton, was breathtaking. She clearly showed signs of a Mediterranean heritage. Her hourglass shape, full breasts and hips were obvious even in her loose fitting dress. What was surprising was the nose ring and sleeve tattoo she also had. Given how clean cut they all were, it was such an odd look. I avoided staring but couldn't help wondering about her in the back of my mind. "Jay... Carly, let me introduce you to my beautiful wife Esther and our daughter Leah."

Esther set the tinfoil covered platter she was carrying down and extended a warm handshake to Carly and I. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Our daughter is getting ready to graduate high school so we'll be empty nesters soon. It's so nice to find a nice young couple moving into the neighborhood."

"Well we'll stop being empty nesters right around the same time," Carly said as she patted her belly.

"Really? Congratulations!" Esther said and gave Carly a friendly hug.

Paul looked at me curiously and said, "I thought you were newlyweds?"

I scowled a little bit. Surprised to be given random judgement from someone whom I just met. I pushed down my anger and simply said, "We are."

I must have done a poor job of hiding my annoyance because Paul threw up his hands and said, "Hey. No judgement here. We're not that kind of church. I can't be. I was only 20 and Esther was 16 when we had Leah. Best bad decision we ever made, right dear?"

Esther smiled warmly and Leah rolled her eyes in exaggerated annoyance. Clearly this wasn't the first time her parents had told strangers this story. Hell, the way he said it, I was fairly certain it was a stock sermon he gave. 'Everyone makes mistakes. Even pastors' was probably the title in the pamphlet.

"And now I get to be a newlywed at 35. I can finally go wild," Esther said with a smile.

"You were wild enough in your youth, dear."

I was surprised. The two of them weren't like any pair of pastor and wife I'd ever met. They seemed very comfortable and relaxed with each other. Of course, that thought was secondary to my brain doing math and realizing that Leah was only 18 or 19. While her parents laughed, I looked at her with an entirely different mindset. She was, indeed, very cute. She was wearing a short, thin sundress. It showed off her strong legs and nice shape. She had gotten her father's short stature and pale skin and her mother's dark, curly hair and curvy shape. I realized my eyes had scanned her up and down without really looking at her face and I snapped them back up quickly. She looked at me, one eye obscured by her hair, with a glimmer of curiosity. Then she tucked her hair behind her ear and started chewing on the end of her hair. "This girl could be trouble," I thought.

As if reading my mind, Carly walked up next to me and squeezed my hand. I squeezed it back and looked at her. She knew what I was thinking. She simply smiled and gave me an almost imperceptible nod before turning back to our guests, "It really is lovely to meet you guys. We've got so to do though. We're going to have a small little party for the people on the block next Friday. Nothing crazy. Just a little get to know you soiree we'd love for you to attend."

"That would be terrific," Paul said.

"Does Leah have post graduation plans?" I asked.

"Have some fun," she said, fixing her stare on me. The innuendo skipped right past her father but her mom shot her a quick, curious glance.

Paul simply laughed, "Not this summer honey. He means college. She's going to University of Miami."

"Oh that's lovely. Jay's gi... good friend is transferring there. She'll be a Sophomore next year but you'll both be new. I'm sure she'd love to meet you," Carly said. Leah smiled and nodded but said nothing. Her eyes just kept staring at me.

"Anyways, it's nice to meet the new neighbors. Enjoy the casserole and just give us the dish back next week. Welcome to the neighborhood and, if you haven't found a church yet, we'd love to see you on Sunday."

"We'll think about it," I said politely as I showed them out.

"They seem nice," Carly said.

"Uh huh. Of course this would happen though. We're living next door to a frickin' pastor. What's he going to think when he finds out about our lifestyle?"

"He seemed like much more of a live-and-let-live kind of pastor to me. Maybe Victoria will find a good church if nothing else."

I shrugged. I'd resolved not to let these things bother me even though I knew we were going to run into a fair bit of judgement. That was an easy resolution to make but I was finding it to be difficult in practice. I grabbed Carly and gave her a kiss. I wanted to take her to our bedroom and take immediate advantage of the fact that we were alone. Unfortunately, that's when the police car pulled up in the driveway.

"Oh for fuck's sake. What now?" I said.

Carly's hands stroked my shoulders as we watched from our door. Her presence calmed me even in the roughest storm and I found myself very grateful for that. It was pretty obvious that this wasn't a law enforcement call. First of all, the Sheriff hopped out of the car and walked slowly over to the pastor's family rather than heading for my front door. They talked quietly and jovially, gesturing vaguely at our house and laughing in a friendly manner. But the real hint that this was merely a social call was the girl that climbed out of the passenger side of the police cruiser. She hopped out of the car and leaned against it. She was wearing a pink bikini with a sheer white wrap around it. Her hair was back in a picture perfect pony tail and she was looking at her cell phone snapping duck face pictures for whatever random social media app she happened to on. I try really hard not to judge a book by its cover but she seemed like the kind of girl that the term THOT was invented to describe. When she yelled, "Daddy, hurry up!" to the Sheriff, I felt pretty vindicated in my reflexive cover judging.

Her father shot her a look but didn't argue. He turned and walked towards the house, ambling up the steps casually with his daughter a couple steps behind him, staring at her phone as she typed something rapidly on her phone. Probably a clever caption for her latest Instagram post.

"Howdy," he said.

"Howdy?" I asked with a smile. "This is the keys right?" I laughed as I extended my hand.

"Old habits. I grew up in the panhandle which is basically Southern Alabama."

"Y'all folks come back now. Ya'here," his daughter said in a mock gruff voice. Her eyes never left her phone.

"Don't pay her no mind. She'll complain about anything."

"Will not," she said, still typing away.

"Argue bout anything, too."

"Will no..." she said before her head snapped up and she realized she was caught. Her father and I shared a little laugh.

"What brings you by, Sheriff...?"

"Sheriff Andy... Andy Carter," he said. He extended his hand, apparently forgetting that we'd already shaken. I went ahead and shook it again just to avoid the embarrassment. He was a fair bit older than us. Probably in his fifties if not older. He must have his hands full with his daughter who couldn't have been older than 23 or so. "And this is my daughter Chloe."

"That's right. Chloe Crystal Carter... because my parents apparently loved C words," she said in a sing song voice. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to take her over my knee to paddle her ass or take her over my knee to whip her ass. But she definitely needed a spanking and I was only thinking 20% sexually.

"Anyways... we just wanted to stop by and welcome you to the neighborhood. I see you already met the Pastor's and his family."

"Yup. Very nice people," Carly said as she hugged my arm.

"He runs a real nice church. A little too liberal if you ask me but he's got a right nice way of talking to people and his family is wonderful."

"His daughter's a fucking bitch," Chloe said under her breath.

"Chloe!" the Sheriff barked, showing actual frustration for the first time.

"What? It's true. She's always been a conniving little whore."

"Go get in the car!" her father ordered, gesturing with his thumb dismissively. The girl just passively walked off, never pulling her eyes away from her phone. Her father turned back to me, "I'm sorry about that. She's been a handful since her mama died, god rest her soul."

"Oh... I'm so sorry to hear that," Carly said.

The softness in her voice definitely hit the Sheriff in the right way. He took his hat off and looked at her and said, "That's mighty nice, ma'am. It's been five years though. I'm afraid she's all out of excuses for her bad behavior now."

"Sometimes these things can lead to real problems. Maybe she needs to see a therapist or something."

"You may be right, ma'am. It's just me and her right now and I'm sure I haven't handled things well."

"Well if she needs a big sister to talk to, I'm happy to help," Carly said warmly. The man looked at her and nodded, touched by the generosity.

"So we've got a pastor and a sheriff on the street. Who lives in the fourth house?" I asked, gesturing at the only other structure in sight. It was the second largest house built on the road and appeared to be well maintained.

"Oh... that's the hotshot new ADA in Miami. She moved in about five months ago."

Of course. I tried to rally my emotions, "So a pastor, a sheriff and a District Attorney?"

"Assistant," the sheriff added nodding.

"Sorry... Assistant District Attorney... This must be the safest street in the keys."

"Well I don't know about that, Sir. But we certainly try." The man smiled at me, completely unaware of the turmoil in my stomach. "I'll let you folks be," he said as he extended his hand for me to shake for the third time. "It was nice meetin' y'all. Sorry again for my daughter but I may have her take you up on your offer Miss Carly. Good day y'all."

As the man climbed into his car, we waved him goodbye. I muttered under my breath through a gritted out smile, "Tell me if you've heard this one. A pastor, a sheriff and a DA walk into a wannabe polygamists house."

"Assistant...," Carly said with a much more relaxed smile than I was managing.

"Fucking hell, Carly. Who cares?"

"Look, it doesn't matter, Master," she said as she looked at me. "They're outdated laws only enforced when there's fraud or child abuse. Nobody cares. Nobody will care. We're not hurting anyone... well... at least nobody that doesn't WANT to be hurt," she said as she embraced me.

My thoughts were much less rosy. This whole move was supposed to be a chance for us to move somewhere private and start fresh. To be alone and able to enjoy our lives without fear of judgement or reprisal. I wanted Kyrsten to feel like my actual wife when we decided to get married. I didn't want her to have to hide it or tell people she was just a friend or something. Carly looked up at me and whispered, "We'll make it work. You'll make it work, Jay."

All I could do was hold her close and pray that she was right. Maybe I did need some divine intervention.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Oh dear, what delicious irony. Beautiful foreshadowing as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love the developments. New place and new people that seem interesting already. Can't wait to see how things progress.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Keep it up man. These people have no idea what actually makes a good story. You’re doing great

VorstenVorstenover 3 years ago
Mixed feelings

I'm glad it's alive but I've got mixed feelings about putting them in this level of "what about the neighbors?!" Shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Still Enjoying

A differing opinion here. Looking forward to the many possibilities. Keep them coming, if you can..

GoldDust0402GoldDust0402over 3 years ago
[Nervousness Intensifies]

My Conflict! Drama! Tragedy! Radar is going haywire over here, man. I disagree with the other commentors about the story being dead or misleading or whatever, but these developments bode ill from a narrative perspective. I'm not the "please add these kinks" guy, but I will ask you very sincerely not to throw a sharp right turn in to the plot for no reason other than you feel like it should have a sudden shake up.

Also, since I've broken that personal rule already, a pastor and a cop, both with legal daughters and one with a wife? I will be very, very disappointed if Jay doesn't end up cucking the hell out of both of them. There's no hiding this hate boner in 2020.

PangeriPangeriover 3 years ago

As nice as this all is, the original draw of the series, being the raceplay, is LONG gone. Any chance we could have it back? It's caused your story title to become misleading for the past 15+ chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Think it's time to close the series

I loved the first ten chapters but after around chapter 14 the story really began to lose it's a charm, from adding so many girls, it felt like there was a huge lack of character development, and girls no longer felt like characters but more like randomly forced archetypes. It's also gotten to the point where you don't really post as much as you use to.

As a huge fan of the series, it looks like you running out of love and ideas for the series, and it kinda shows in the number of pages and how frequently you post.

Personally, i'd love for you to move onto a new series and I know the fans would love it.

C_frommnC_frommnover 3 years ago

Glad to see Carly & Jay are back. and Disciplining the Ex. Will be interesting to see how long it takes to add the ADA, Sherriff's Daughter, Pastor's Wife & Daughter.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984over 3 years ago

Absolutely brilliant chapter even if it was abit of a wait. Look forward to the next installment. Gave me a chuckle on the 2nd page. Thank you for writing your stories.

tjb50caltjb50calover 3 years ago

good update, intriguing new company....keep the story going....

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