Caroline's Crush


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At that moment none of it mattered; this was what I had been born for. This was the one cock that my vagina - no, my whole body had been created for, and I wanted nothing more than to have it within me.



I growled, screamed and wailed my climax into the sleeping bag's thermal filling, biting as hard as I could to keep our terrible, wonderful secret from our so-called friends in the tent nearby. My body however suffered no such constraints, my legs wrapping themselves tightly around my brother's thighs, then his waist, drawing him into me for all they were worth, while my fingernails raked his biceps and chest until deep red marks stood out against his tanned flesh.


This time the sound was coming not from my mouth but from above my face, as Paul's own climax approached. His handsome face became twisted and contorted, his thrusts grew wild and uncontrolled and his cock began to swell and throb deep within me.

"Yes! Yes! Cum In me! cum in me pleeeasseee!"

Whether or not those words actually emerged from my mouth I cannot be sure, but they were all that filled my mind as my body readied itself for yet another full insemination. I held onto my brother as if my life depended on it as for the fourth time, I felt his ejaculation beginning deep inside me. His hips ground hard against my bare mound and his cock pulsed and throbbed against the smooth peach of my cervix as rope after rope of thick, sperm-filled semen was pumped from its end and into my welcoming body.

Salty drops of sweat fell from his forehead and onto my face as he came. I gripped his forearms in my fists, spitting out the sleeping bag's soaking wet fabric and sinking my teeth into his wrists as the last tremors of my own orgasm and his copious ejaculation met in a perfection of mutual climax.

Then it was over.

Our mutual orgasms slowly subsiding, we lay together, joined at the hips, panting as silently as we could. Paul's strong arms wrapped around my trembling frame as we slowly recovered our breath. My body tingled with the extraordinary pleasure we had just enjoyed, my heart felt as it might burst; swollen with adoration for this incredible boy; the boy I had looked for all my life, but who had been merely feet away from me all that time.

"Iloveyou!Iloveyou!Iloveyou!" I murmured helplessly into his downy chest as I felt his erection begin to soften.

The words were out of my mouth before my brain could stop them. I froze. Oh God! Had I just ruined everything?

My brother looked down at me with an expression I couldn't quite make out. For a moment a bolt of fear passed through me, but then a broad smile crossed his face.

"I love you too Caro," he said reassuringly. "I love you so much!"

His flaccid cock slipped from my body leaving me once again feeling empty. Paul drew me into his arms, and we cuddled silently, listening to the copulation on the tent alongside as it moved towards its own noisy and no doubt equally messy conclusion.

"Do you think they heard us?" I asked.

"Just now? No chance. Listen to the pair of them."

And he was right. When Vanessa reached her final, squealing orgasm only a few metres away from where we lay in each other's arms, she was beyond noticing anything beyond the confines of her own body. The blend of female wailing, and male grunting reached a crescendo as the boy who only hours ago, I had thought I was in love with, began to spurt his seed into the girl my brother had genuinely adored.

And neither of us cared any longer.

The expression of love and lust on my brother's face was meant only for me.

Chapter Ten

To say the rest of the day was a bit awkward is like saying that the moon was a bit further away than the toilet block.

At least Keiron and Vanessa had the decency to look shame faced when they eventually emerged from their little love nest an hour later. And when they did, they found Paul and me sitting outside our tent, a respectable distance apart, drinking large plastic cups of tea which we had bought from a nearby pop-up cafe.

It was so, so hard to maintain our old sibling body language when all I wanted to do was throw my arms around my new lover, kiss him and drag him back into our own den of iniquity, but I think we managed. Certainly our loved-up so-called friends showed no sign of having noticed a change in the relationship between me and my wonderful older brother.

Paul and I had taken advantage of their preoccupation to make ourselves look as respectable as we could, washing the more obvious signs of sex from our bodies at the campsite washroom. My hair was brushed adequately if not perfectly, and I had changed out of my grass-stained dress into very short shorts and a T-shirt.

In pleasing contrast, Vanessa looked as if she had been dragged through a hedge backwards; her red hair was tousled and matted, the clothes she had worn yesterday were soiled and sticking to her sweaty, sex-stained body.

With the unfairness of life, both my former heartthrob Keiron and my new lover and brother Paul simply looked even more handsome and rugged with their unshaved faces and rumpled clothes.

I looked surreptitiously from one to the other then back again and smiled; I had definitely the got better half of the deal.

Then I looked at Ness' scruffy hair and puffy face and smiled even more. For once, it looked like Paul had got the better deal too!

Unsurprisingly, the atmosphere was strained for the rest of the morning. Heavy doses of guilt and embarrassment kept Keiron's and even Ness' usual exuberance suppressed. Long silences were very much in evidence too, so we were all very subdued until mid-afternoon when the first band began to play, and we drifted together towards the stage.

Their hangovers still clearly raw and painful, Keiron and Ness had decided to stay at the back where the crowd was less intense and the toilets closer, so Paul and I made our way into the crush in front of the singer and lead guitarist.

"I bet you a tenner those two go back to the tent for another shag," Paul shouted above the music as the crowd pressed in around us, then leaned close to my ear and added. "I wish we could too."

I wasn't so sure, but only because the soreness between my thighs had become acute. After four energetic penetrations is less than twelve hours, my vulva was red raw. My choice of extra-tight-fitting short shorts wasn't helping at all either, chafing badly every time I moved.

Conversation was impossible with the band playing to close by, so I just gave him a sad look; that type of behaviour was out of the question for the two of us with so many potential witnesses around. I squeezed his hand out of sight and kissed his cheek in as sisterly a manner as I could manage, just in case there was anyone we knew nearby.

Fortunately, after the first song, the heaving crowd provided plenty of cover for my brother to touch and fondle me intimately throughout the whole set, without too much danger of being discovered.

I had somehow neglected to wear a bra; one of the few advantages my tiny boobs gave me over Vanessa with her over-sized breasts. Paul took maximum advantage of this, standing close behind me with his hands under my shirt as we danced and swayed as much as the crush of bodies would allow.

He took maximum advantage of my tiny shorts too, pressing closely against me from behind, touching me surreptitiously but comprehensively in many places, a fact amply demonstrated by the deteriorating state of my clothing as the afternoon's entertainment progressed.

It was sexy, it was dangerous, it was very, very wrong, but I loved every wicked, forbidden moment of it.


It was very late when we arrived back home, just the two of us together in Paul's car.

The last band had finished around nine o'clock and the site was emptying fast when we returned to the camp, hot and sweaty from hours of dancing, fondling and fingering, and began to pack our belongings.

Keiron and Ness had already packed up their tent and gone. No doubt there would be a full post-mortem about the event sometime over the next few weeks but having stolen the boy she knew I wanted from under my nose, I reckoned Ness would probably keep a low profile for quite a while.

That suited me well.

Paul and I carried the camping kit to his car, then set off on our way home as darkness fell. There could only be one topic of conversation, and it had to take place in the complete privacy of a fast-moving vehicle because, once back under our parents' watching eyes, such talk would become very risky indeed.

With a subject as important as this, neither of us knew how to begin, so we had been driving in silence for some time before Paul took the first tentative step, and when he did, it wrong-footed me completely.

"We didn't use any protection," he said quietly.

"What?" I stammered in surprise.

"We didn't use condoms, Caro. Are you...?"

A cold shiver passed through me. In the heat of our first incestuous copulations, the thought of birth control had simply not occurred to me. But he was dead right; I was not on the pill and Paul hadn't produced any condoms. The sex had been so unexpected and so passionate that the pack I had brought in the hope of seducing Keiron, had remained in their shiny sleeves too.

Our long night of lovemaking had been entirely unprotected. I had been inseminated several times and had spent hours on my back straight afterwards. A more likely route to conception would be hard to imagine.

In panic, I did some hasty mental calculations about the timing of my next period. It did not provide much reassurance; quite the opposite in fact, but for some reason, I did not want Paul to know this. I did not want him to have any regrets at all about what we had done.

"It's my safe time," I lied, silently praying that I could get the morning after pill when we got home, and that it worked.

He smiled, relieved.

"We'd better come up with a better solution if this is going to become a regular thing."

My heart missed a beat. Did my brother really want an ongoing sexual relationship with me? Was it going to be more than an accident; a terrible mistake that must not be repeated?

"Is that... what you want?" I asked, trying not to sound as hopeful as I felt. "A regular thing?"

"Is the Pope Catholic?" he replied immediately with a mischievous grin, then seemed to think he'd made a faux pas and backtracked. "But it's your choice of course, Caro."

It was my turn to smile. I waited long enough to make him believe it was a difficult decision before replying.

"I guess I'm going on the pill on Monday then."

Paul positively beamed. My heart leapt; the boy I wanted, wanted me too. My chest went tight, my heart started to thump, my tummy filled with butterflies, I felt short of breath.

If this wasn't love, I needed an ambulance in a hurry.

"Does it bother you that it's illegal?" he asked.

"It's not the first illegal thing either of us has done," I replied, remembering illicit drinking and the smoking of unlawful substances that we had both indulged in during parties. "Does it bother you?"

"Not at all," he said immediately and honestly. "If we're both happy, it's no-one else's business. We're not hurting anyone; not like our so-called friends."

He snorted derisorily.

"But is it just going to be sex?" Paul continued. "Are we just going to be Siblings with Benefits? Or are we going for the whole boyfriend-girlfriend-being-in-love thing?"

This had all been so unexpected, everything had happened so fast. I was far too bewildered to have even considered what might happen next. My heart was giving me a very clear message, but what if my unexpected lover didn't feel the same?

"Shall we... See how it goes?" I suggested tentatively, unwilling to push my luck too far too quickly.

"You mean keep it casual and physical?" he asked, pleasingly disappointed. "That might be tough."

It would indeed be tough, and it was not at all what I wanted. What I wanted was to tell my brother that I loved him madly, that I wanted to have his babies and be with him forever.

But I didn't dare expose myself this completely until I knew how he really felt about me.

"Maybe," I lied. "But we could try... doing things together more."

Paul grinned.


"Going out together?"

"You mean like on dates? I'd like that, but it wouldn't be easy Caro. We'll have to keep it very secret. There'd be hell to pay if we were ever found out."

"I'm good at keeping secrets," I smiled.

He paused.

"That's not all you're good at!" Paul grinned cheekily, raising an eyebrow.

"Paul!" I protested, shocked.

"I mean it," he insisted. "You were really, really good."

I blushed bright pink. No boy had ever said that to me before.

"But practice makes perfect, Caroline. Got to keep working at it. Can't have you getting complacent."

I grinned again and lay back in my seat, exhausted as we drove the rest of the way home in companionable silence.

Mum and Dad were asleep when we arrived so we left the tent and sleeping bags in the car to unpack the next day and sneaked as silently as we could to our separate bedrooms. Before climbing the stairs, we kissed goodnight passionately in the kitchen, away from parental eyes.

Paul's hands were all over my body as I hung from his neck, loving every second of that special closeness.


Later, I lay alone in my bed in the darkness trying to sleep, but it was impossible.

Everything felt different; my room, my home, my family; even me. Everything now had a different meaning.

The soreness between my legs would have been more than enough to keep me awake but the knowledge that the cause of that soreness was just across the landing, kept my mind buzzing and my heart bursting with all that had happened.

I had made love with the one boy I had known quite literally all my life.

Tomorrow, I would make the journey so many of my friends had made, to the all-night pharmacist furthest away from school. There I would get the morning after pill and make an appointment to see the sexual health nurse to get myself on proper birth control.

From then on, we could make love safely as often and as passionately as we wanted. The idea of preparing my body for sex sent a shiver of excitement right through me.

Where things would go from there, only time would tell.

In September, Paul would go back to his University and I would start my first term at mine. I was already dreading being parted from my new lover.

But until then, we had the rest of the summer before us...

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Niceguy2000Niceguy20005 days ago

I hope you continue to write and post here.

I particularly enjoyed the Rachel's Research series.

Your work is intelligent, something not always seen here.

mrdata9770mrdata97704 months ago

(1/27/2024) This is the type of story I search for on this website. Truly Romantic. From disappointment and betrayal to love and happiness. Well Done! Five stars and on my list.

Reluctant_RenegadeReluctant_Renegade7 months ago

It was… incredible. I could feel their love myself so strong it was

CristoforoColomboCristoforoColombo9 months ago

Well conceived and exceptionally well written.

ExperienceCountsExperienceCountsover 1 year ago

Nicely done. A little different than other sib-stories I've read on here. Enjoyable read.

Lee2012Lee2012almost 3 years ago

Sorry, but 2* was higher than the amount I read. Got confused with the jumping around from one paragraph to the next with not much for transitioning, thus I stopped

bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123about 3 years ago

"Caroline's Crush:" - Eighteen Year Old Sister, Caroline and Older Adolescent Brother, Paul

From the git-go I want to say.....I claim this story to be in the style of an Idyllic Ecstasy! The theme is quiet "crowded" (taking place almost fully at a music concert), and unique. The first couple pages it was difficult to make any guess as to where this story was going; during the last three (3) pages it was a very much appreciated and long, detailed, embellishing, profoundly positive love and blossoming romance affair that I've ever read, incestually OR heterosexually!!

I gave this story Five (5) Stars. As to why, I'll explain. Almost totally I reserve Five (5) Stars for the highest, best and ultimate romantic, blood-kin incestual love story between a male and female couple, where eventual impregnation occurs...or is expressly implied. In this story, though "Caro" IS now pregnant and she said (in my mind, reluctantly) she was going to obtain the morning after pill; in my vivid and imaginative mind she will not (for some reason or other) will not get the morning after pill. Further, she will decide to attend the same college as her brother, where of course they'll be roomies, and they'll tell the parents at Christmas break they're going to be grandparents within several more months; their parents will act scorned (as usually happens); shortly as they realize how deeply their children love each other, the parents will accept the pregnancy and and grandchild(ren)!! Of course, that's my fantasy-version as to how the lives of Paul and Caro's future will progress.

Writer 'JGUK2004' has done a masterful, skillful and awesome job creating this romantic, love story of sibling lovers and, hopefully, soon-to-be parents. The roles of the characters are fabulous, the dialogue is precise, easily understandable, the theme is great, and the back-story of the plot is good. Although a little more biographical details of the sibling lovers would be advisable. This writer deserves more accolades than any one person/reader can bestow upon them.

tennesseeredtennesseeredabout 3 years ago
Sweet and naughty

This story has a well constructed plot, believable dialogue, and palpable teen angst. Incest isn't in my wheelhouse but if it was, this could be my go-to story. Easy five for the aforementioned and smooth readability.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

So I really like this story, incredibly descriptive, love the story line, but the only feedback was, that it was almost exhausting to read. I found myself scrolling past parts to move the story along. With so much writing on this site that has very little effort, this was almost too much. Please keep writing because this is a great story.

ExquisitionExquisitionover 3 years ago
You write beautifully

Super. Credible. Well-written. Well done.

JimmcdJimmcdover 3 years ago
Cock hardening

Loved this story,,,so descriptive and well written. I think there is much more brother sister incest out there than people want to believe. I often look with lust at my twin sister and secretly rummage through her undies laundry for skimpy panties to abuse, . Thanks

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