Carrie Discovers Passions


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As small drop of water landed between Lexi's breasts. It caught Carrie's attention. It wasn't until that moment that it was a tear that had escaped her own eye.

Lexi reached up to caress Carrie's ass, then began to press her forward then pull her back. Gigi quietly whispered, "Please ma'am for your pleasure, take it for yourself. Her face, use it for your pleasure. Use it to cum."

Carrie slowly moved back and forth trying not to hurt or smoother Lexi. Her inexperience in this position caused her to move carefully. Gigi reached up and placed her hands on Carrie's ass and pushed her back and forth to more her with increased vigor. The feeling was amazing and Lexi seemed to want more. Carrie looked down at Lexi devouring her and was soon lost in the waved of pleasure that flooded her body as she ground her pussy into Lexi's mouth. "Eat my pus..." Carrie hesitated, " my cunt! Yes, fuck my cunt with your mouth!" The sloppy sound of her wetness got louder as she got wetter.

Lexi's mouth was now wide open allowing it to fill with the nectar that flowed from Carrie's pussy. As she rode, her eyes dropped down to her partners spread legs. Her pink slit glistened wet and begged for attention. In a split second, Carrie leaned over and dropped her face into Lexi's open pussy putting them in an erotically, sensational sixty-nine.

Immediately, Lexi's hips began to rock back and forth. Didi caressed Carrie's hair as she buried her face as deep as she could. As Carrie approached orgasm, Didi inserted a slender vibrator with a curved bulbous head a few inches into Carrie's pussy. Carrie's hips jerked at the surprise but she quickly relaxed and accepted the plastic phallus. The tip of the curved toy pressed and vibrated directly against the front wall of her vagina. The pressure and added stimulation against the front wall of her vagina created a strange and new sensation.

As orgasm began to well, she had the intense awareness that she needed to pee. Not really, but it was the closest feeling she could associate with the new feeling. "Cum Ma'am, please cum. Yes, that's it let it go. Don't hold it in; let it go, let it go."

Carrie lifted her face, " please, I need to stop. I can't hold it." Carrie feared she was about to embarrass herself and horribly offend Lexi while entwined in such a dangerous position.

Didi cooed. "Good, you can feel it building can't you? Don't hold it back. Don't fight that sensation, it's telling you that you're almost there."

The feeling was so overwhelming she flexed her muscles fight it. As her muscles contracted around the vibrator, Didi noticed and corrected her, "Please Ma'am. For your pleasure relax your muscles, don't squeeze. Please don't fight the sensation, let it flow."

"No I can't, I don't want to," Carrie started to cry. "Please don't make me do this." But as she cried she found that she couldn't actually resist.

Gigi leaned close to Carrie's ear and reminded her, "Remember, I said I would not fail you." Reluctantly she relaxed. As she did, an orgasm grabbed her soul and shook her body to the core.

It was impossible to keep eating Lexi while writhing in orgasm, so she lifted her head and let out a long, loud shriek of pleasure as the hardest, most exhilarating orgasm she had ever had. Her vaginal walls contracted hard on the plastic vibrator; it was Didi's signal to pull out the battery operated phallus.

Embarrassingly, as the vibrator was pulled from within her, her pussy exploded; the spongy flesh of her over-stimulated G-spot gave up its gift. Clear salty, sweet fluid squirted and gushed from her pussy onto Lexi's face.

Her hands trembled as she gripped Lexi's legs. The room started to spin as Carrie began to have an out-of-body experience. It was like she was hovering above the bed and could see herself laying on top of her bed partner, the twins looking on. She was covered in sweat and shaking and making noises that sounded somewhere between groaning and crying.

As she saw the wet sheets and Lexi's glistening face, she instantly looked away and closed her eyes. She didn't want to see what she had just done. Instantly, she was snapped back into her body and felt the dying contractions and spasms in her loins. She gasped for air as she looked around the room trying to reorient herself and regain visual focus.

Carrie had completely lost control and was consumed in a black sexual abyss from which she felt like she could not escape. She dropped her body weight onto Lexi's face and started to grind, buck and ride. She was oblivious to her lovers comfort; she desperately trying to pull herself from the deep blackness and back into the white hot bliss of orgasm.

The full weight of her body was resting on Lexi's face. Her hips were grinding so furiously Lexi had to use her hands to cradle Carries ass to keep from suffocating. Lexi's skin was so slick and wet Carrie easily slid back and forth on her face. Didi and Gigi looked at each other with amazement and excitement as they watched this woman lose complete control of her emotions.

Her finger nails were digging into Lexi's thighs and her face was so contorted, she looked like she was in horrible pain. She spit through her tightly clinched teeth, "Fuck me!"

Her body was covered in a sweaty sheen, her eyes flowed with tears and her nose was running. But she was entirely unconscious of her outwardly physical condition. All she knew was that she had to cum again and it had to happen soon.

Immediately the sensation was back, this time she didn't fight it but rather relaxed her body and let the feeling consume her with amazing ease. With another rush, she relaxed her vaginal muscles and another powerful orgasm gripped her right where the first one left off.

Lexi was thoroughly turned on by her partner's explicit loss of control and new sexual discovery. Carrie continued to cum and cum, the grasp of orgasm not letting go as Lexi valiantly sucked her wet pussy with amazing stamina.

The feeling was so intense, she had to make it stop. Carrie couldn't see, she couldn't breath and she couldn't think. Her entire body was wracked and flexed as she clawed her way forward, pulling herself toward Lexi's feet and away from her mouth and collapsing on the bed.

"N-..." she panted and tried to swallow. "No more." Her breathing was heavy and labored. "I can't..."

"What had just happened," she thought. Her mouth was like cotton and she was so weak it was hard to keep her eyelids opened. Her pussy was numb and still occasionally flexing with strong aftershocks. Lexi tiled her head forward and could see Carrie's labia contracting over and over.

She let herself get lost in one of the longest, most powerful orgasms she'd ever had. Two gentle sets of hands messaged and caressed as her pleasure.

After almost fifteen incredible minutes, her orgasms began to subside. She was completely out of breath and so weak she could hardly keep her head up. Gigi gently pressed Carrie's face back down into Lexi's wet pussy and softly instructed her. "I know you're tired, but for Madam's pleasure, please you must make her cum. She is at your care and at your mercy."

Lexi was covered in wetness and writhing in desire. Her body desperately needing, she begged for release drawing out every word, "Carrie, eat me. Make me cum. Please, please, please make me cum! I can hardly stand it! Shit, I'm so fucking horny. Gigi, Didi please!"

"Yes Ma'am, we're here," Gigi said tenderly. She leaned close to Carrie's ear and firmly ordered her, "Make her cum Ma'am!" Gigi carefully pressed down on the back of Carrie's head burying her face hard and deep into the wet, warm flesh of Lexi's pussy. The coaxing and begging encouraged Carrie to press on. Her tongue explored, probed and plunged into her Lexi's sex. "Now lick it hard. Make her cum with your mouth. Lick her cunt, suck it, eat it! She trusts you. Don't stop, take her all the way!" Carrie devoured her in earnest giving Lexi everything she herself had wished for from every man that had ever gone down on her. Her mouth now fixated and rhythmically stroking Lexi's clit. She delivered every oral delight that she had fantasized about and ever wanted. Lexi shook and bucked; her body electrically shocked with orgasm until she screamed out. Then everything faded to black; she was gone.


Twenty minutes passed when she finally awoke from her sexually induced coma. Carrie jerked awake and then lay back as Lexi's head was busy running up and down Carrie's slit.

Lexi looked up and smiled; her hair was still wet from Carrie's flow, "Frequent and repeated female orgasms shorten time to climax but can dramatically increase orgasmic duration."

"L-Lexi, you're just an encyclopedia of s-sex knowledge," Carrie panted and jerked as Lexi licked.

With so many orgasms in one day, Carrie was cumming with incredible speed and intensity. In just over 60 seconds, she came again, then flipped Lexi over and returned the favor.

Afterward, they two women laid still for a few minutes before Carrie spoke, "Lexi?"

"Yes dear."

"What happened to me earlier?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, earlier, I'm a little embarrassed. Did I have one of those squirting orgasms like the lady in the cabana or was it something else?"

Lexi laughed a gentle non-judgmental laugh, "It wasn't pee if that's what you're asking? It was female ejaculate; like you saw the lady do at the orgy. Once you are very aroused and your G-spot is being stimulated you can get the sensation that you need to pee but..."

"Yea, it felt like I was going to, that's why I thought I did!" Carrie interrupted.

"Good, not all women experience that sensation. The problem is that most women have a lack of understanding of what that sensation is signaling. They unfortunately interrupt sex with their partner and run to the bathroom only to discover that they really don't need to go or horribly they ask their partner to stop what he or she is doing because it makes them have that feeling. But it's not pee; it's your Skene's Gland doing what it's supposed to do. The gland is almost identical to a man's prostate. When messaged the Skene's Gland swells and if correctly stimulated it can release a clear fluid through the urethra right at the point of orgasm." Lexi paused.

"Kind of like guys do," Carrie said in her moment of discovery.

"Kind of."

"So it's a good thing?"

Lexi smiled, leaned over and kissed Carrie on the cheek, "It's a wonderful thing! It's the most complete orgasmic experience a woman can have. Your entire body releases, you hold nothing back. Unfortunately most women tighten up and fight the feeling thinking that they're about to pee and never experience the absolute pleasure of a full-body, squirting orgasm. Instead, they have what I call 'reluctant orgasms' where they're cumming but spend a lot of energy fighting that natural sensation. And all the fighting dulls the pleasure."

Lexi reflected for a second then rolled onto her side and propped her head up on her hand, "Here's a quick story for you. A woman once said that her first orgasm with her husband was always very pleasurable. Her husband was able to give her multiple orgasms and as she approached her second, she said it felt like her husband was poking her in the bladder and it made her feel like she needed to pee. She would break their intercourse and run to the bathroom. When she sat down to pee, only a trickle would come out. Why? She really didn't need to go. Meanwhile her husband would lose his erection and sometimes the night would be over."

Carrie sat rapt in the story.

"I asked her how often that happened and she said almost every time. But she said they just stopped trying for two orgasms in one night and the problem was cured. When I heard that I almost cried."

"Why?" Carrie asked.

"Because, the problem wasn't solved! She was denying herself one of a woman's greatest abilities – multiple orgasms and squirting orgasms! And that's not a cure!" Lexi rolled her eyes and shook her head, "Once the twins and I taught her how to relax and let it flow...Katie bar the door! She's a multi-orgasmic squirting machine...orgasms like atom bombs," Lexi made an explosion sound, "not to mention the happiest husband in the state of Pennsylvania! She e-mailed me several months ago and told me that she squirts so much that she and her husband have to put towels down on the bed." Lexi giggled.

"I think that's what happened to me," Carrie said sheepishly.

"Oh, I know that's what happened to you and it was fantastic. Like I said, not all women can achieve that level of satisfaction and even those that can don't do it every time. Now remember this, sexually speaking, it's the most precious gift a woman can give her lover or give herself. The gift is allowing your partner to take you to the extreme edge of pleasure as well as the gift of letting yourself be taken there. So for that," Lexi tenderly kissed Carrie on the lips, "I thank you."

"Thank me?"

"Yes, for allowing me the pleasure of being your first. But Carrie, now that you have a better understanding of your body, promise me it won't be your last."

"It won't be the last. I promise you. And more importantly..." Carrie kissed Lexi back, "... I promise me."

"Good girl. Oh and Carrie," Lexi faced her partner and raised her eyebrows a couple of times, "I heard you telling me to eat your 'cunt'. You seemed to blurt that out pretty easily," Lexi looked away then darted a look at Carrie out of the corner of her eye, "Naughty girl."

Carrie smiled and blushed but was happy she found a way to use the word - in context of course.


"Yes dear?"

"Why didn't you squirt when you came?"

"No one was messaging my Skene's Gland."

"I'm sorry."

"Carrie, today wasn't about me," Lexi slid off the edge of the bed and stretched. Carrie ogled Lexi's smooth, tan body as she pressed her arms into the air, twisted her waist and rolled her neck. "Oh, it feels good to stretch," she groaned then ended her stretch and looked over at her bedmate. "No, today was all about you."

She leaned over and kissed Carrie on the lips. Their sticky lips slowly peeled apart as Lexi pulled back a few inches. Noses still an inch apart Lexi smiled, "I don't do this for everyone you know."



"Then why me?"

Noses still inches apart, "You seemed...special to me."

"You mean needy?" Carrie's eyes darted away then back.

Lexi frowned, "Oh no, you're definitely not needy." She then rolled her eyes upward searching for the right word, "How about need-ING. As in, 'needing a jump-start'," Lexi leaned forward and passionately kissed Carrie again. "Besides, I think I had as much fun as you did."

"Thank you," Carrie smiled back, content with Lexi's gentle assessment of her situation.

"Sure," Lexi shrugged. "See you tonight. Oh, I'll introduce my husband to you at dinner. You'll like him and I know he'll like you. And remember to dress lightly. Something skimpy or sheer works well at dinner."

Carrie left Della's and headed back to her villa suite, her legs wobbling and weak; her head light and dizzy with the thought of what she had just done. There she started a bath and grabbed a snack from the mini-bar. She wanted something to eat, since lunch was only a few strategically placed pieces of fruit.

She stood up, headed to the bathroom and got into the hot bubble bath. Once she slipped into the frothy lilac blanket she leaned back and instantly fell asleep. She was totally exhausted from the day and it was only three o'clock in the afternoon.

Twenty minutes later she woke up from the sound of the rain hitting her villa roof. She sighed and stood up, quickly took a hot shower, washing away the left over bubble soap that had collected on her skin.

With her arm reaching for the terry-cloth towel, she could see herself in the mirror. It was the first time in over 20 years she had seen herself with out any pubic hair. It fascinated and excited her. She stopped to admire her new appearance.

Once again, her heart and mind filled with sadness, resentment and remorse. In the mirror she saw as sexually charged, erotic being bursting with life. She was disappointed she had not been more daring sooner in life, even with simple things like shaving or experimenting with whipped cream or talking dirty. She resented the fact she had not broken out of her shell earlier, even though she desperately wanted to. And she felt remorse for eight wasted years with a man that kept her in a virtual box and didn't see the hungry, sexual being crying to get out.

Carrie took a deep breath and let those feelings go down the drain with the soapy water. She was now free; not only from her former life but from previously constrained herself. She was reaching out to a new and unknown world and enjoying it. She was pushing the envelope of her own sexual awakening and taking pleasure in what she found. No, there'd be no more remorse; only adventure and discovery.

When she left the bathroom, it was with the intention of air-drying for a moment under the roof of her balcony and immediately showing off her new bare area to the first passers by. She walked to the railing and stood just at the edge of the roof line. Small drops of rain kissed her skin and she basked in her total, vivid nakedness. A couple walked arm in arm under her terrace and once again Carrie waved and shot out an attention getting. "Hi!" The couple gazed up as Carries widened her stance to give them a full view. They waved back. Carrie didn't flinch. No embarrassment this time. This brought a smile to Carrie's lips and a feeling of confidence and self-satisfaction. She giggled happily to herself and made her way back in to ready herself for dinner and what ever else might happen after the late meal.

Delighted and ready to head back out, Carrie stood there contemplating her day. She'd done so much and there was still dinner this evening. She wondered if she was up to it, then she laughed at herself. "Hell yes, I'm ready for it!" She was already planning on volunteering for a game of 'hide the grape' and how she would spend the winning $100 gift shop certificate.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Just brilliant. Best story on literortica

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

I rarely leave comments because the good stories seem to always have a comment that says the same thing I want to say. Nevertheless, I hope this becomes a long running series because it is really really good! the length was invisible because it flowed so well and the characters seemed lifelike. I can't wait for the next chapter and I hope ''next year'' she brings her friend with her!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Super Hot and well written

Very descriptive and excellently written. Bravo!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Yes, It was long, but ohhhh soooo worth it.. I orgasmed so hard from this story... One question tho... What else happened with Justin? Would love a sequel!! Keep up the great work

Spider1Spider1almost 15 years ago
You are There

Great story. Very vivid detail and fantastic build-up. I couldn't help but visualize Sarah Jessica Parker (Carrie). I agree with the other posters - a Carrie series could be interesting as she explores her new life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Thank you

Thank you. That was a great story hope to read more from you

cheerfulcharliecheerfulcharliealmost 15 years ago
Where is this resort?

Very good story, ideal candidate for a follow-up/series

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