Category Three


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David couldn't believe what he was hearing. He started to open his mouth.

"Don't make me repeat myself!" Miss Colchester bellowed.

Reluctantly David crouched down in front of the small, sticky puddle he had made. He slowly extended his tongue but then found Miss Colchester's hand on the back of his head, shoving his face into the salty, slimy mess. Desperate to get it over, David lapped vigorously at the floor, tonguing up the viscous fluid and retching as he did so. Eventually the pressure on his head eased and he sat back on his heels, unable to make eye contact with anyone.

Miss Colchester stood over him. "You missed a bit." She jabbed with her toe to indicate the spot. David had to manoeuvre in order to reach it and, because of his teacher's position, this meant turning his back to the class. So he was now on his hands and knees in front of his classmates giving them an uninterrupted view of his anus.

With one last lick he was done and clambered to his feet. Mindy was looking at him in disgust and, even more painfully, Flo had ceased her labour to watch disdainfully. Luke simply looked put out that his mighty member was no longer being worshipped. It couldn't get any worse...

Miss Colchester started rummaging in her desk drawers. "I know you say you weren't touching yourself but, after that disgraceful display, I'm afraid I can't take any chances," she said. "Now, where is it? I can honestly say that I did not expect to have to use this but, ah, there it is." Her hand emerged triumphantly bearing a small metal device.

"This is a chastity cage. It should not be needed in civilised society but occasionally there are deviants or those lacking self-control who need to be taught a lesson."

"But, Miss..." David began.

"Don't you 'but, Miss' me! You have interrupted this lesson in the most appalling way! I am not going to touch that wet little worm of yours so you will have to apply the cage yourself. Place your penis and testicles inside and then close the gate. There should be plenty of room," she added spitefully.

"But, Miss..." David tried again.

Miss Colchester held up her finger, her lips pinched closed, a look of rage on her face. "I don't want to hear a single word out of you. Confine yourself to the chastity cage right now or I will ask Luke to do it for you."

David took the proffered cage without a word. He sealed the cage with a firm click. The click seemed to reverberate around his skull.

Miss Colchester took a deep breath, puffed out her cheeks and resettled her composure. "Now, class, with that unpleasant interlude behind us, let's get back to the lesson."

Luke's penis had not softened in the slightest during this commotion and the two girls now crawled forward on their knees to resume their duty. But they were stopped by an unexpected interruption from the owner of the mammoth penis.


"Yes, Luke."

"So am I officially category one now?"

"Yes, that's right. As a teacher I am able to make that assessment. I still need to log today's results on the system but you are category one."

"And you are category two?"

"That's right?" said Miss Colchester, a note of puzzlement in her voice.

"So could you please suck my penis?"

You could have heard a pin drop. Thoughts moved slowly through Luke's brain but he had used the interruption to catch up with the implications of his teacher's words.

"Well," said Miss Colchester, clearly flustered, "that is a rather unusual request for a transition lesson. But... that is a valid request from a category one male." She looked down at his powerfully engorged member projecting outwards from his young body and her tongue darted out nervously from between her lips. "And perhaps... perhaps that would be beneficial to Mindy and Florence as your penis could be rather intimidating for a young lady of limited experience. Well, for any lady really," she continued at a bit of a loss. "I think I can safely say it is the largest penis I've ever seen."

Another boy in the class might have been gobsmacked by the idea his teacher for the last 15 years was about to fellate him but Luke simply took it as his due. "So could you strip for me? Like Mindy?"

This time there were gasps from the class, whether at the request itself or the sheer nerve of their classmate. But Miss Colchester had been able to recover some of her composure.

"No. No, I won't be doing that, Luke." She turned to the class. "Luke has made a valid request for oral relief but such a request does not require nudity from the participating female, unless she so wishes. However..."

The whole class waited in anticipation for her to complete this thought.

"However, for purely practical reasons it may make sense for me to remove my stockings and blouse. Simply to avoid any accidents."

Miss Colchester had scarcely finished speaking before she started unbuttoning said blouse. It was soon completely undone and she shucked it off her shoulders and draped it over her chair. She then stood in front of the class in just her white bra, allowing them to drink in her womanly figure. Her brasserie may have been practical and unornamented but it was clearly containing an impressive bosom and was unable to conceal a large amount of milky cleavage.

"That avoids the risk of any... spillages. I'll just take my stocking off as well to avoid any holes. Girls, you will find this is a bit of an occupational hazard so if you suspect you are likely to need to service a category one male, it might make sense to forgo them. I went through so many pairs as a teenager!"

Miss Colchester placed one foot on her chair which aided her operation but also showcased her leg for the whole of the class. Her skirt rose up exposing her smoothie, fleshy thigh as she started to roll the stocking down the not inconsiderable length of her leg. Despite everything, David felt his penis hardening once again.

Or trying to.

Wincing in pain, he realised with sick horror that the cage would not allow him to gain an erection. It was immensely uncomfortable but also completely humiliating. By the time he had collected himself, his teacher had divested herself of her stockings and assumed the same submissive pose as Flo and Mindy, kneeling in front of Luke's monstrous penis.

"I suggest you all watch very closely," said Miss Colchester. Her words were utterly superfluous as everyone was already staring intently at the scene. She took hold of his shaft and the whole class could see that there was easily room for another hand on either side. Then, with no further preamble, she swallowed a third of his length.

There was a collective gasp from the girls and a deep groan from Luke. Their mature teacher was clearly a considerably more experienced fellatrix than their young classmates. Miss Colchester bobbed up and down with gusto, drool dripping down Luke's shaft, before removing it from her mouth and lapping at it like a lewd lollipop.

"Luke, remember that you are a category one male and can assist in the process."

For the first time in a lesson which had seemingly been designed around his sexual gratification, Luke seemed nonplussed. "Er, how?"

"If you push forward with your hips, it will aid me to ingest your member. It is extremely girthy so any action to assist its passage would be appreciated."

She started to slurp on the head of his penis again but this time looked up expectantly at him. He looked down and tentatively thrust his hips forward. An extra inch of shaft pushed inside Miss Colchester's mouth, stretching her lips obscenely wide. Luke groaned; the sensation of the tight seal and the wet mouth was clearly intensely pleasurable. Luke happily seesawed in and out of her contorted face for some time until she finally drew back her head.

"Very good. That is quite a gobstopper you have, young man!" She seemed a little out of breath and more than a little flushed. "Of course, every action has an equal and opposite action."

She stated this maxim with a raised eyebrow, clearly expecting a response. She was to be disappointed, however.

"Miss?" Luke asked vacuously.

Miss Colchester sighed. Luke might be a category one male with an enormous John Thomas but he was rather dense.

"Just as you can push into me, you can pull me onto you," she explained.

"Miss?" repeated Luke.

Miss Colchester gave up. "Place your penis in my mouth. Place your hands on my head. Pull my head onto your penis. Think you can manage that?"

"Yes, Miss."

Luke followed his teacher's simple instructions. His penis penetrated deeper than ever causing Miss Colchester to retch violently. He immediately withdrew, his penis still connected to her lips by a sticky tendril.

"Why have you stopped? You were following my instructions perfectly."

"Well, you was choking, Miss."

"'You were choking', Luke. Goodness me! Anyway, that was very gentlemanly of you but a little choking is par for the course. Some of the noises produced during the physical acts of love can seem rather unladylike - even undignified - but they are natural and, in many cases, arousing. So, back to the lesson, Luke."

Luke didn't need telling twice. With free licence from his teacher, he redoubled his efforts while the class watched hypnotised. Eventually Miss Colchester slapped him on his thigh. Unfortunately for her, Luke had the bit between his teeth; it took a few increasingly firm slaps until he released his hold on her head.

She looked slightly dazed and drew a deep breath before she spoke. "Now, we could clearly continue this lesson for some time; such is the stamina of a category one male, ladies." She massaged her jaw as she said this. "But, in the interests of time, I am going to have to ask you to ejaculate."

"Okay," said Luke looking around, keen to avoid David's fate. "Um, where?"

"Why, down my throat, of course!"

"Oh, right!" Luke's face once again broke into a grin. "Of course, of course."

"So, if you apply the basic techniques we've covered - the push and the pull, as it were - then I am sure you will be able to quickly deposit your seed inside me. In a way, you will be using my mouth as a substitute vagina."

Luke's penis twitched happily. It seemed to like the idea of using Miss Colchester's mouth as a vagina.

"Off you go," she prompted. This time there was no sucking or licking, she simply opened her mouth wide.

Luke knew what to do. He plunged into her without restraint, almost bouncing off the barrier of her throat. Miss Colchester made a duck-like choking sound but otherwise did not demur from her treatment. Embedded in his target, Luke encased her head in his hands and began to thrust. The volume and wetness of the sounds issuing from Miss Colchester increased tenfold. Her face was growing redder and redder. Tears began to flow freely from the corner of her eyes and from her chin a sticky stalactite of saliva dangled and grew.

"I think you are hurting her," said Flo, her voice barely above a whisper, unable to look away.

"Nah, this is what she asked for," said Luke, not even pausing in his domination of her face. He turned his head slightly. "You could swap in though."

Her beautiful eyes shot wide. "Oh! Um, no, that's okay. I'm sure Miss Colchester is fine."

"Sure," said Luke dismissively. "There is plenty of time for us to try this later."

Flo looked sick and David felt the same way. Because of course this wasn't a one-off lesson; Luke had licence to piledrive his prick down the throat of every girl in the class whenever he wanted. Of almost every woman in the world...

The same thought seemed to be percolating through the entire female population of the class. They watched, fixated, as their class mate waged an all-out assault on their teacher's face. Entirely unconsciously, Mindy's hand crept over her sex, gently cupping it as if to provide protection for what it was to face tonight.

Miss Colchester's hands also rose to cup herself, though more wantonly. She fondled her fulsom bosom as Luke maintained his assault, her fingers even going so far as to tweak her nipples through the fabric of her bra.

This was too much for Luke and demonstrated even his stamina was not endless. "Fuuuuuuuuuuck!" he yelled, leaving no doubt that he had finally ejaculated.

Nor was there any doubt that Miss Colchester was trying desperately to swallow a torrent of seed. Her throat worked convulsively as if she was trying to down a pint of milk. Eventually the spasms subside... but she still found herself impaled. Her hand slapped weakly at Luke's thigh and he finally got the hint that he could release his death grip on her head. Miss Colchester reared off his penis and sucked in a great gout of air. Luke's immense penis had started to soften and lost some of its fearsome size but it was still more than enough to block an oesophagus. Head down, hands pressed to her thighs, bra-encased breasts heaving, she took a few more deep breaths to master herself.

Their teacher stood on shaky legs, not bothering with her blouse. Her face and neck were bright red and her hair had escaped from her bun, sticking in wet tails to her face. But otherwise, she seemed completely unfazed. With one hand she wiped her chin, gathering up the saliva and a few stray dollops of sperm before diligently lapping her palm clean.

"Ladies, it is very important you always swallow a male's semen. Even if, as you've just witnessed, that can be rather challenging with a category one male. Equally, gentlemen, you must refrain from masturbation and should only deposit your semen in the vagina, mouth or anus of a female." A ripple erupted at the word 'anus' which Miss Colchester acknowledged with a raised hand. "Yes, we will come on to anal intercourse later in the transition programme. The important point for now is that wasting semen is a social crime." She looked sternly at David as she said this and he looked down to avoid her gaze.

"Now, we will break shortly for lunch and then this afternoon's lesson will be on female grooming. Olivia has already kindly volunteered to assist with the lessons but we will need one more." The seated girls all concertedly avoided eye contact but they needn't have worried. "Florence, you have been an excellent assistant this morning and you are rather a hairy young lady so let's keep you up here for the second half. So no point getting dressed for lunch. You can pop back into your uniform though, Mindy."

Mindy didn't need to be told twice and pulled on her knickers as quickly as she could. Flo, meanwhile, seemed to be sharing some small part of David's trauma. He wished he could comfort her but he didn't want to risk riling his teacher further.

"Any questions before we break?" asked Miss Colchester.

David tentatively put up his hand.

"Yes, David?"

"I'm very sorry about wasting my semen, Miss. I won't let it happen again. Please could you let me out of this cage?"

"Well, I'm very pleased to hear that, David, and that is exactly the sort of subservient attitude that will serve you well as a category three male. I will of course release you from the cage... provided you continue to behave properly over the next 24 hours. After lunch you can return to your room and study up on the duties of a category three male. After all, this afternoon's lesson will hardly be of relevance to you!"

Miss Colchester laughed lightly at the inherent humour of this last remark. It was meant entirely without malice - a mere reflection of the natural order of things - but it drove an icy dagger into David's heart.

"Anyone else?"

Flo seemed in two minds as to whether to say anything but in the end plucked up the courage to raise her hand as well. "Miss, what about me? I mean, if David isn't allowed to, um, procreate, what should I do tonight?"

"Oh yes, silly me! Yes, that does present a problem. I'll tell you what, since you've formed an effective partnership with Mindy this morning, why don't you keep that up? Luke, would you have any objection to taking Florence's virginity as well as Mindy's?"

Luke was still stood in front of the class, hands on hips as if to showcase the immense meat that hung glistening between his legs, drenched in the saliva of his classmates and teacher. He shook his head with a broad grin.

"Excellent, excellent. Why, he might even be able to impregnate you both tonight! Wouldn't that be something!"

Miss Colchester smiled with satisfaction at the class as David closed his eyes and tried not to cry.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love this story please do a follow up

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I do wish u would do a part two so bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very hot, would love to see more. I hope David is made to watch Flo lose her virginity, but maybe he'll only be allowed to hear her moans and screams through the wall instead.

Either way, I hope you really dig the humiliation into David. Every orgasm he has should be impotent, humiliating and submissive >:)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Amazing story I think a similar scenario once but with some diferences

Number's 1 use condoms or another contraceptive methods to keep their numbers low, and keep the society balanced.

Number's 2 are pretty much the same.

Number's 3 on the other way, they may reproduce if they complete several tasks, as much they work they reproduce, if they don't work they are keep in chastity 24/7, essentially breeding only the hardest workers.

fantasticficfantasticficover 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks for all the positive comments! MyBareTorso: I'm a huge fan of your Oz Beach Boy stories. Really looking forward to the next part of The Barbarian!

MyBareTorsoMyBareTorsoover 1 year ago

Well written and very enjoyable...deserves a much higher score. Some people just don't dig SPH, I guess. Great story, thanks for taking the time. I will check out more of your stories.

BenjaminNothinBenjaminNothinover 1 year ago

This was ridiculous. AND I LOVED IT haha. Light, funny, and absurdly kinky.

Steve65999Steve65999over 1 year ago

Fun and imaginative story. Thanks. Will have a look at some of your others

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was really good, I don't understand why it's so low rated

fantasticficfantasticficover 1 year agoAuthor

Glad you enjoyed it! This was always conceived as a one-off and it has been my most unpopular story... so no, no follow ups, I'm afraid. You might like "Giving The Interns A Helping Hand" which inverts this premise (nerd big, jock small). I'm also writing the Sun, Sand & Skin series which explores and subverts the whole SPH thing.

MCMaineNudistMCMaineNudistover 1 year ago

In such a futuristic society, I wouldn't think the so-called teacher would humiliate David. They should have advanced beyond this.

CuckyJimmyCuckyJimmyover 1 year ago

Nice. I love sph personally and well David got the full version. Will his adventures continue?

tonykrane01tonykrane01over 1 year ago

Pretty great story. More interested to hear what David does about his situation.

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