Catherine Ch. 06


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And I will tell you this Catherine, your mother is beautiful! It's no wonder she passed on to you, and your sister such perfection. But now Catherine's stopped what she was doing, an fluffing her hair with her fingers until resignedly dropping her hands to her sides possibly thinking, why bother, it's just going to get messed up again; I hope! But lady, the way you make me feel, I'll be messing up more than the hair on your beautiful head!

Where of course not knowing it now, where it's only hours away from me terribly fucking up with her, where sticking my foot in my mouth by asking her something so personal, she freezes up like the ice hanging on the balcony railing outside those sliding doors.

Oh Yes! I just love watching these feminine things she's been doing. No vanity, just her, being a woman; just being herself. Just like that time I watched Sally doing the same things when she thought I was sleeping after we had a marathon fuck when I got back from a deployment.

Catherine, turning out the light, but instead of coming right back to bed, she wonders out into the living area where I hear a minute later the clinking of glass. Oh shit! I left the open bottle of wine on the counter top. Damn it must be warm and flat; does wine go flat? I'm sorry Catherine, it's not my fault; you distracted me!

Then turning off the rest of the lights before she comes back into the bedroom where she puts the glasses an wine bottle on the night stand before she climbs back on the bed moving to me as I reach out to hold her.

"Hi, I'm sorry, did I wake you?" She ask.

"No. I've been awake since you told me to shut up, and laying here listening to your snoring." Is my telling her.

"What? I didn't tell you to shut up." She smartly says. Then wrinkling her brow, "And I don't snore either!" Indignant that I thought that.

"Well, you do make a little buzzing noise Catherine, or maybe I should call it purring."

"I DON'T BUZZ either!" A little more indignant sounding this time.

"Okay. So you don't buzz and you don't snore" laughing at her. "But lady, you do make some beautiful music when you make love. Catherine, it was a concert. You're a symphony of passion and excitement. And what a turn on it is to listen to you. Oh, by the way, watching you there in the bathroom."

"WHAT..., NO?! Incredulous. "You were awake, and watching me?" Her voice high in surprise..

"Yes, I was! But Catherine, it was one of those unguarded feminine moments men rarely get to witness. And I wanted to jump out of the bed, grab you and just kiss the daylights out of you!"

"OH MY GOD! I'm so embarrassed!" She's saying, "If I had known you were awake I would have closed the door." Where she buries her face against my shoulder, "I was all drippy and sticky. You must have been really saving that up!" Silly sounding as she said it, which has both of us laughing.

"You may be right Catherine! I haven't done what you forced me to admit to your face earlier tonight."

"Oh Bobby I'm sorry. " She says. "But it was so funny watching you twist, and squirm before you finally admitted it."

I think that sounded a bit smug.

"Catherine, I was a bit embarrassed."

"So, now you know how I feel, you shit!" She calls me. But it's a nice sounding shit.

"Why am I that Catherine? Was it because I watched you? Oh hell, I couldn't have been more privileged than to be laying here watching you."

"So, you peeping Tom; again! Do you want me to wash you?" Smugly asking.

"Thank you. But I'll do it later. But right now, I want to savor it for awhile longer; let everything marinate a bit down there first."

"OH MY GOD, you are certifiable!" As she moves over to give me a long, hard kiss.

When breaking the kiss, and looking into her eyes at the same time brushing some strands of hair from her face, "Catherine, you are the most beautiful thing I have ever known. And what I told you on the phone was the truth."

And what I so much want to say now but don't is, I'm more in love with you now than I thought I could ever be.

Now with her laying down, where she settles in next to me, looping her leg over me, "Bobby, I have a confession to make." She says..

"Oh?! And what would that be Catherine?"

"Bob, when you kissed me behind the column..., I was kissing you back."

Ah the admission.

"Catherine, that's no confession, I already knew that!"

Which has her laughing, "Yes you did you sh...! But truthfully, it scared me! Maybe that's why I cursed at you. And the reason it scared me was the way it made me feel."

Another admission?

"Okay Catherine. So, how did it make you feel?" pressing her now!

"Bob... I was confused and..., I was angry, but not so much at you, as at myself. An worst of all you shit, it turned me on. And I cursed myself because of it."

Now that's an admission!

"REALLY Catherine? The kiss was that good, huh?" Teasing her.

"Go to hell!" She curses me with a smile. "Yes. Damn you!" A follow up.

"An STOP laughing you bastard!" As she smacks me on the arm.

"Bob, after I left you, I ran inside where I just made the elevator. An when I got to my floor I ran straight into my office and slammed the door so hard someone opened it asking if I was alright? I told them to get the hell out and don't bother me again until I come out! I was so..., furious at you. But really, it was more at myself, where I had to hold onto the back of my chair until I calmed down. And all the while thinking, how dare you, how dare you make me feel this way; again! I barely knew you! That's when I grabbed my phone, and called you. I needed to vent my anger somewhere so I directed it at you; instead of at myself. And you know the rest. An Bob, I shouldn't tell you this. But after what we just did; I guess it doesn't matter now."

"Oh? So what shouldn't you be telling me Catherine?" my question.

"That I was so wet, and my nipples were so hard they ached!" She's saying this?

"Wow.., REALLY?! Completely surprised by that! "I wish I had known that when I kissed you Catherine! I would have kissed you again for sure!"

"Damn you! Now you Can Really Go To Hell!" her false anger.

"Yeah, sure. I just need to kiss you a whole lot more if it gets me into this kind of hell!"

"Yes Mister Swaggart." She says now. "You do have an affect on me. You definitely do!"

"Thank you Catherine! That's good to know. So, you were upset, even angry, but still turned on at the same time. But Catherine..., I have to ask, what happened here? What I mean is, why were you crying. And what did you mean by, "Nothing and everything?" You're not having any regrets are you?"

"OH MY GOD Bobby no! No regrets at all!" She's saying, looking right back at me.

"But..., how do I say this without... "

"Is it? Interrupting her. "Do you want me to leave Catherine? Is that what you're trying to say?" Hoping it's not.

"OH GOOD GOD NO Bob!" She's saying."Don't even think about leaving! I want you to stay with me, please!" Again looking straight into my eyes.

"Then, what is it Catherine?" Looking more.

"Bob, I'm trying..., Bobby, I'm thirty-two years old, and as I told you, there have been other men in my life I've been; honestly saying, intimate with. Three of them as I said, were definite disappointments! An, as I also said, I don't know about that one where I told you about stopping it. Then it's my involvement with that married couple. And that man is definitely not a disappointment. He's taught me more about what it is to feel like a woman than any man..., until now..., with you! And you Bobby. You, are most definitely, not a disappoint! I think you're a most amazing lover!You've made me laugh, teased me, treated me like a lady. An tonight you drove me out of my mind. I have NEVER felt like you've made me feel. I can't believe what has happened to me. And I don't know how to say what you've done to me. And I'm sorry I broke down."

Damn girl, that was a ego booster if there ever was one!

"Catherine, I was..., well, afraid you were having regrets, gilt, or maybe...?"

"Bobby, it was none of that." she interrupts. "Absolutely none of that at all! So to answer your question about the nothing and everything. The nothing is what you just said. The everything..., maybe the rest of my life."

"Bobby, I'm having a difficult time with what I've been feeling since I first saw you on that train station platform. Bob, when I saw you..., you were screaming at me so loud I couldn't believe no one else could hear it! And, maybe that's why I did what I did with you. But the one thing I'm sure of is..., I couldn't believe how you made me feel that day. But I was..., so damn confused, and that's why I asked you not to follow me. But, I knew I would want to see you again and that's why I put that note with my office number in your jacket pocket."

Her confession to that move.

"An Bobby, the way you pursued me, I knew you felt something too. And our lunch together, laughing, teasing and our phone calls, with you telling me how you felt. Bobby..., what I'm trying to say is..., I have some very, strong feelings for you too. And I don't understand them, and I don't know what to do about it. All I know is, I love what we did tonight. And I'd like to keep this, you and me, very special. You're and incredible lover Bob Swaggart, and I totally love the way you've made me feel tonight. And I want you to make me feel like that a whole lot more. An Bob what you said the other night..., I like knowing that too! But can we take that part slow until I sort all of this out. Would that be okay with you?" her asking.

As Holy Shit screams in my head!

An now, with all this running over and over in my mind with what she just said, "Catherine, what I said the other night was wrong. It definitely wasn't said to get you to where we are right now; here. It's wrong for the way I feel about you." Where I lift her left hand to run my finger over her ring.

"Bobby, don't let that cloud your mind." She tells me. "As I told you the other night, it's more a marriage of convenience for both he, and, I. An it's never stopped me from doing what I do. But, I do care for Jon very much. He's a sweet, generous and very caring man and I don't want for anything except..."

"Except ,Catherine for this. Here, us now, what's happened tonight?"

"Yes Bob that's part, no..., it's a big part of it. Bob there's lots of crazy things I've done with..., that I won't talk about now. Just know I've never wanted for partners to help me with what I need. I told you the truth when I said I'm not promiscuous when it comes to men; for the reason I told you. But with my other desire; women. I'm very free with that. So even though I very much want to continue this with you; that part of me will always be there. And I will act on it when I want too, which it's often. So..., I have a lot of girlfriends, and girlfriends yet to make." She says.

"Yet to make? Good God girl! It's no wonder I want to chase you around the world. Not to mention here. You are an amazing woman Catherine Parker. An yes, what you said about going slow, it's fine with me!" Assuring her.

"Thank you Bobby! So, are you hungry?" Her asking now.

"Good God lady am I ever hungry, and you're so tempting and delicious I could eat you alive right now!"

"I meant, food for the stomach type hungry! She says. "The other, that hunger is always there. And we'll fill up on that again in a little bit. But first, lets have a glass of wine."

"Catherine, I'm sorry about the wine, ah..., things happened; I guess you know that too."

"Bobby, you're a ditz!" She calls me.

Where she kisses me, then rolls away sitting up, and pours the warm wine. Then handing me a glass as we toast each other before taking a sip, both of us making a face at how warm the wine is, but still loving the moment because there's plenty of heat between us too!

"Okay." she says. "Lets see what my sister has in the cabinetry because I want your batteries fully recharged. I haven't begun to show you how impressed I am with you. Remember what I told you the other night Bob, about that energizer bunny thing."

She doesn't need to remind me!

"Yes you did Catherine. And I'm extremely impressed with you too and, your energy too!"

Now her leaning over kisses me, "I'll be in the kitchen. So what ever you're going to do," As she nods towards the bathroom, "Be quick about it."

But as she gets to the the edge of the bed I reach out and smack her smartly on the butt, where she playfully shrieks, turns back around rubbing her ass cheek, "As you saw in that picture I sent you." She says, rubbing her butt. "I like that kind of thing..., it turns me on." Her sounding so smug.

"Plus a little rough play, along with a little kink, turns me on even more."

Her blowing me away with that!

"Wow..., REALLY?! Gets me thinking. "Yeah, I could see that Catherine, you are a hand full, having to wrestle you to where I wanted you."

"If you remember Catherine, I told you, how much I love that picture with those pretty pink butt cheeks. Where your girlfriend Nancy, must have warmed up your ass; I heard that part too. But kink? So lady, what are we talking about there?" My really wanting to know.

"Yes Master Sargent smart ass, she did! And for your information, she's not the only one who has warmed my ass up like that too. I have some other girlfriends who also like a little rough sex, as well as some other people I know very, very well too! And that kinky part; well that too." "But." As she stares back at me. "I'm not sure about that part with you?"

"Holy shit Catherine? So, what are we talking about now?" I REALLY to want to hear that!

"Do you really want to know?" Standing there naked and so smug with her hand on her bare hip.

"Of course I do Catherine!" Hoping she takes it serious.

"We'll..., maybe we'll talk about it; maybe." Then bending down to get her face closer to me, "Don't worry, it's always been very playful."

Staring back at her in astonishment, "That kind of playfulness I know I can handle; especially with you!" Saying that right back to her.

With that, and a kind of dismissive snorting sound, and still naked, walks out of the bedroom on her way to the kitchen. Where I flop back onto the bed wondering, what else has she done with those girlfriends? Or, even more curious, with that married couple? Is that the other, "someone's," who she alluded to? Yeah, I'm damn sure they, or maybe more like, "HIM," its with?!

But Oh My God, what have I lucked into!

An getting up off the bed, and into the bathroom to do the same thing she did. But when looking at myself in the mirror thinking, Swaggart, you are one damn lucky son of a bitch! Just make sure to hold onto your hat, and especially, hold onto your heart! Also, and maybe most of all remember to, Keep Your Head Screwed On Straight!

Back to the bedroom to put on my jeans before walking bare foot, bare chested out to find what she's up to. But on entering the kitchen its with a sudden stop, because there she is, bending over at the waist peering into the refrigerator with that perfect beautiful ass facing me, her butterfly labia peaking out of her slit, trapped in her fat peach. It's absolutely breath taking!

An standing here frozen in place with my thought, I just fucked her, and now the overwhelming urge to walk over and shove my dick into her again is almost irresistible. But that's when she stands up turning around to see me standing there, "It looks like it'll be salad or cereal. That's all she's got here." she's telling me.

"Catherine, the sight of you bending over looking into that fridge; my thoughts are on fruit."

"Fruit, why fruit?" Her sounding confused.

"Catherine, your fat beach is mouth watering."

Has her looking back at me like, what the hell are you talking about? Then it hits her, and the expression on her face that was confusion, now changes to understanding, with her face cheeks turning red from embarrassment, to laughing, "You bastard! Fat peach! I'll give you a fat lip..., standing there looking up my ass like that!" It's her scolding me.

Then as the refrigerator door closes loudly, she comes over to where I'm standing, "You can eat my peach right here and now..., and right on that table top too you bastard!"

"I love the way you think Catherine!" An wrapping my arms around her, my hands gripping her ass, lifting her where she wraps her legs around me, kissing me hard, as I slowly walk towards the table.

"No, Bobby, No, NOT on my sisters table!" She pleads, breaking the kiss

"Why Catherine? Isn't that what you wanted me to do?"

"Yes!: she admits, "But please, not on my sisters table."

Hearing that from Catherin takes me back to the night Sally came home, a bit tipsy from a girls night out where I discovered she didn't have any panties on. It was after putting her purse on the counter, before coming up to put her arms around my neck, where I grabbed her butt, working her short skirt up, squeezing her bare ass is how I discovered she didn't have her panties on. I knew she had them on before she left the house, because I was in the bedroom when she was getting dressed, and my commenting on the dress she was wearing that night, short, and the way the top was cut, she'd have to go bra less. I also commented about the panties she was putting on, asking her, "Why those?"

They were just strings with a sheer bit of material covering her bikini trimmed patch of slightly darker blond pubic hair and camel toe pussy. "Girls like thing like this." she said. "It makes them feel sexy and a bit naughty at the same time" Was Sally's answer. But what she didn't say was, that other girls like seeing, other girls with them on too.

I knew the four women she went out with on these girls night outs could be a wild bunch, I just didn't know how wild they could be. And the club they went to after having dinner, was always on a ladies only night; ladies only, except for the, "HUNKY," male strippers!

But how wild those, " Ladies," could be, that I would learn from one of the wild bunch, Sally's best friend Ryan. Who would tell me some, "wild stories," about those girls night outs. So when Sally took my hand and placed it between her legs to feel her pussy through those sheer panties as she stood on her tip toes to kiss me, I forgot all about what else I wanted to ask.

So when I felt her bare butt was missing the strings, there in the kitchen, when she got home I asked, "What happened to your panties Sally?" Thats when she could have knocked me over with a feather with, "Oh..., I must have lost them in the back seat of that girls car." Slightly slurring her words. Where I looked at her like, what did you just say? Instantly asking, "What girl, What car?"

"The back seat of her car she and I were fucking in; silly!" She said. An just before she crushed her mouth against mine, where she was all over me, grabbing my crotch, rubbing it furiously. An lifting her up and sitting her bare ass on the island top, pushed her legs apart, and licked and sucked her pussy till she screamed out her orgasm, at the same time she was frantically feeling around for something to stuff into her mouth; a tea towel I think it was.

I remember thinking right afterward, damn, what if our daughter Erin had come into the kitchen right then to see her mother on her back, on top of the island top, and practically naked, her breast exposed, with her mother teasing, tugging on her nipples, And of course, her fathers face buried in her mothers pussy. That night was the ultimate admission to what I already knew about her, and her friends, especially Sally with Ryan, who I found out much later, the two of them would take turns acting as the look out.