Cemetery Summons Ch. 15


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And then she spoke.

"What's the matter Anthony? Forget who you're fucking already? Geeze, you're hopeless, aren't you? Well, I guess that's why I love you though. So cute and helpless." The giggled to herself and spread her legs wide for him.

Anthony suddenly found himself believing his eyes.

He stepped into the water, which only came up to the top of his foot. As soon as he did though, the succubi began to move toward him, getting to their feet with lustful gazes and drooling mouths and wet lips ready to nibble all over him. But all he could focus on was Kan, and her beautiful form waiting for him.

But as he reached the midpoint of the shallow pool, the succubi began to cling to him. One extremely pale and busty one grabbed his arm and pulled it between her massive mummeries. She licked his shoulder seductively and breathed hot breath into his ear.

"You make me so hot! I want to suck you off forever," she exclaimed to him.

"No thanks. Been there, done that, and it wasn't pretty," Anthony replied briskly as he tore his arm from her hands. Two more, one tanned and the other remarkably dark-skinned pushed their flat chests to his and started kissing and rubbing him all over.

"Let us please you, or you please us. It matters not," exclaimed one.

"Come with us, tasty human," the other begged, dragging to one knee. This time, more of them began to pull him in different directions, and it was all he could do to keep his eyes on Kan's face. He growled with frustration and kicked one of his captors in the chin, knocking a hole in the swarm growing around him. He stumbled out of the unruly mob and headed for his lover again.

And this time, he managed to avoid getting bogged down by forcefully knocking aside his living restraints with his fists. They broke off as soon as Kan gave them a sideward glance, as if his demoness lover was their master.

He stood there in front of her for a long while, with the sheer weight of the situation being forced onto his shoulders. He had no idea what to say, or even think. He felt like crying, but he felt like pulling his hair out in frustration too. After the silence wore on for what seemed like hours, Kan finally spoke in a soft, loving tone.

"I knew you'd shine bright enough to light the darkness for me."

"Don't I always," he remarked, suddenly feeling the words just fly off his tongue at the sound of his voice. She loved it when he played the cocky know-it-all around her, because even though she was like his dominatrix at times, she loved it when he knew what he was doing.

Kan stood, and her massive, throbbing arousal almost poked him in the rips. But instead of backing away in fear or disgust like anyone else would have, he hugged her tightly to his body and buried his head between her breasts. He couldn't believe it! It really was Kan!

"I missed you so much. I never thought I'd see you again!" he cried, keeping her tightly locked to him. She kissed the top of his head and gently pried him away. He looked up into her loving eyes, and she put her palm over his forehead. Suddenly, the red light faded and died altogether and the room went black. Anthony felt a sudden lack of substance where Kan had just been, and reached in all directions to find her.

"Wake, wake, from silent lake."


Anthony sat straight up and gasped, a cold sweat all over his body. His head spun for a moment and he reached out for where Kan had stood only moments ago. His fingers grasped thin air, and his heart sank as he realized that he wasn't even in the room he'd been in moments ago.

It came to him that he'd been dreaming, and his arms dropped slowly to his sides. A lump formed in Anthony's throat as he realized that his lover had just been a hopeful dream, a wisp of his own imagination meant to lead him on to his desires. Usually when he had these dreams, Kan was right next to him when he woke up, whispering into his ear nasty things she wanted him to do with her.

But now not a single whisper could he hear.

Nothing, save for his own labored breathing. He felt tears building in his eyes, and ground his palms into his face to keep it from showing. He slowly realized that there was someone else her with him, and turned to face them. After thoroughly wiping his eyes of tears, he saw that it was Jack lying next to him in a shallow hole in the floor.

Hole in the floor?

Anthony made a double-take as his eyes scanned Jack again. The guy seemed to have been thrown against the floor so hard, that he was in an impact crater. Where he lay, the floor had been broken into bits of rubble, and a large slab of concrete, or something of the like, jutted up like a headrest behind him.

He stared emptily toward the ceiling, breathing, but lost in thought. Anthony was getting worried. Wherever they were, it was walled in and they were trapped if whatever dwelled her wanted them to be. It looked like they were in some kind of palace, from the looks of the ornate carvings and paintings adorning the walls. Torches burned different colors, or simply fire spitting from demonic faces and leering animal heads.

With a disappointed sigh, he simply resigned himself to wait. He was in no hurry to go off gallivanting off into unknown territory without Jack. That was suicide, because he was only human and Jack was now immortal and infinitely more powerful.

After lying on the floor for quite some time and staring at the most disgusting painted image he could have ever imagined, a door opened somewhere in the distance, and Anthony let his head roll to the side to see who it was entering the gigantic room. He might as well have been looking to the end of the universe, the newcomer was so far away.

But in an instant, the tiny blur was suddenly very near him, and swaying her hips with every step. Anthony looked a woman in the face now, a woman with eyes like black holes and skin like black paint. She smiled at him, revealing teeth like white stars. Fiery red hair fell across her shoulders as she leaned down a bit toward him.

"I take it you had pleasant dreams?" she mocked in a kind voice. Anthony rolled his eyes.

"Jack, someone's here for you," he said.

"Nyx?" the incubus asked.

"Of course it's me," the dark succubus replied coolly as she picked Anthony up with one arm and set him on his feet. "Did you enjoy your nap? Hypnos did, playing with the two of you."

"If you're not going to tell me where Elassa and the others are, then fuck off. I don't want any more of your perverse dreams to run around in like I'm in a rat race." Jack didn't sound happy. Actually, he sounded pretty angry.

"Oh come now, it wasn't that bad. And there was a reason for all this too, not just to have a little fun teasing you two. And I must say, it was interesting." Nyx turned around, and as Jack followed her, Anthony thought it best to stay with them since he had no idea what was going on or even a vague idea of their location.

"Interesting? I doubt your sense of humor is much better than your taste in entertainment," Jack remarked coldly as he balled his fists tightly.

"You flatter me. But we must get on with this; mindless banter is quite fun with you however. We had to see how well you might fare in hell, if we might need to take you away from my home some time."


"Jack, you did splendidly. You exhibited wrath, pride, lust, envy, and greed. Anthony, you did not do so well, with only lust. That, however, can be a good thing in some ways."

"How the hell did I show pride and envy?" Jack growled.

"When you fondled me, you took for granted that I would be impressed with it. Pride. And when Limarei called my name out instead of yours, you grew jealous of me, and very horny. Both lust and envy skyrocketed there." She smiled at Anthony as he stared at Jack, who was turning red with either anger or embarrassment.


"Oh, let's not forget you, Anthony. Anathane told me about you, stupid daring warlock. You'll fit in great here with all that lust and variety in you." She turned away. "Hypnos, dear, come down and say hello to our guests, you too Thanatos, and Limarei as well! Oh, Atheria, he's here now! Come and see him."

"Fine, thank you mother! I'd rather not play with your toys," called a jovial and joking voice.

"Hypnos," the succubus warned.

"Yes mother," replied the voice.

"Here mother," said as man draped in long, black robes that shadowed his face, followed by Atheria and a little redheaded girl on her shoulder. Anthony scowled at Atheria, who flashed him an impish grin and licked two fingers seductively.

"I was not aware that we were having these guests today. I might have come with more to play with had I known," she said. Meanwhile, Nyx tried to spark a conversation with Jack again, jovially laughing at him. Anthony watched Hypnos walk up and put a hand on his brother's shoulder. The response wasn't friendly.

Anthony didn't care at all about any of these people, well, besides Jack. None of these new people mattered at all to him. All he wanted was to see Kan again, and without her, he felt empty inside. As he sighed, Hypnos walked over to him and grinned.

"Like your visions?"

Anthony recognized the voice.

"You made me see her!"

"Of course I did. I hypnotized you," Hypnos replied with a smile.

"Motherfucker!" Anthony exploded with rage and leapt upon the god with all the fury of a hurricane. He tore off the pendant around Hypnos' neck and smashed it against the god's face, drawing a fountain of blood from his brow. Hypnos cried in pain and Nyx turned around, worried.

"Hypnos!" she cried. Anthony felt a pair of hands pick him up and toss him away. He hit the ground and rolled to his feet, steaming with anger. But he saw the damage he had done and that helped the spark inside him die down a little.

Hypnos had a broken nose and three of his teeth were on the floor. His brow bled still, and he had a large black eye. He'd heal fine enough, but the damage was considerable for a four-second attack. The warlock tossed away Hypnos' pendant and made for the door.

Everyone stared at Hypnos as he bawled like a baby.

"Shoulda just shot him," said Jack as he caught up to his friend.

"Let's just go before things get ugly," Anthony replied, bereft of any witty comebacks as he came off his rage high. That empty feeling returned and he shook his head slowly. He really missed his Kan.


Nyx smiled as the two guests in her house left without another word. Well, she thought to herself. That was a nice surprise. Chalk wrath up for the warlock.

"M-My teeth! He knocked my teeth out! Thon of a bith!" Hypnos yelled through the gap in the front of his mouth. Nyx scowled at him.

"Quit whining. I knew it was a bad idea to let you play with his mind. He's a human. Of course he was angry at you. Now go get some rest. Thanatos will be there later to put your teeth back in for you."

"Yeth mother," he replied dejectedly.

"Of course, mother," Thanatos replied.

"We'll just have to wait until Anathane comes back here to get everything in order. For now, they're just guests like everyone else. Which means they're open game for whoever wants them. You can't monopolize time or body parts yet, understand, Limarei?"

"Yes mother."

"Good, now when Helena finally comes out of her room, we'll have Jack get rid of her ithyphallophobia. I can't wait to see my baby start fucking that boy!" she exclaimed. Limarei huffed at that, and folded her arms across her tiny chest.

"If you didn't make me wear this damned choker, I'd be fucking him like there was no tomorrow," she scoffed.

"Be patient, Limarei. You can't go around assaulting every attractive boy that gets thrown in here, not often at least. Let him take Helena first, and then you can have him until he leaves. I doubt he'll come back after that, but who knows? He may be able to play the part of Prince Charming and save his princess."

"Princesses, he's got three, right?" Atheria interjected.

"Princess," Nyx corrected. "He's doing this for Elassa only."


Nyx smirked. "Oral sex."


A/N: I apologize for the late chapters. I hope you enjoyed them. My regards.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Would like to chime in here

Loving it so much, nowhere near enough assholes in stories and you have a gift for writing such satisfactory ones.

Looking forward to reading on and enjoying their further sufferings

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
assholes + drama

i am soon giving up on reading this story if the assholey characters keeps appearing all the time freaking tired of so many assholes and so much uneccesary drama i actually quit reading an webcomic cus it has too much unecceceray drama. if this keeps up i will end up punshing my screen because of the assholes in the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Organize and reduce

Your story is all over the place. It needs more character development, needs to be organized, and needs to cut out a lot of unimportant details. I am done reading at this point. It is just too silly to continue.

drazvichdrazvichover 12 years ago
I Give Up

This story start out very promising, though Jack's character is annoying and whiny. Then it descend to string of inane babbling chapters, starting with the introduction of Kan. I think from that point you just wrote to test how far your reader are going to last before give up reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago


Lo_PanLo_Panover 12 years ago
Inane and rediculous!

I'm sorry, but from one extreme to another...... As much as I WAS enjoying this story, it's become so bad that it's camp. It really is just an exercise in silliness. The plot has become cheesy, and at best the characters are becoming bland. The whole thing makes me want to vomit......I'd consider not writing anymore stories if I were you, 'cause you suck!

VictorDoUrdenVictorDoUrdenabout 14 years ago
So far.

I am fairly new to this site and the is the best story I have read so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

can't wait to see what happens next. hope there is more to come?

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
truly amazing

think is story is a master piece I hope that you let jack kick some ass he seems like a character that doesn't take shit but they have been pushing him around a lot lately ! hope and I'm super happy about the thing with sam I hoped they would have a thing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
i like it!!!

thank you for continuing the series, and please continue

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