Centaur Love Ch. 07


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ReLanna stepped up to the podium, "Sir Fellis, if this council decides to join this alliance, will you be leading it?"

Sir Fellis nodded yes, "Eldar ReLanna, if both sides agree to this and have no objections, then yes. If either side has some objection or concerns. Then a competent leader should be elected. I will do whatever both nations decide on."

"Councilor's People of the elven nation, your thoughts?" ReLanna relinquished the podium as several queued up to speak their peace. As each councilor and citizen spoke many brought up the horror of war and what it would do to the people. As with Sir Fellis's small herd, many believed that they faced the full army already and had fought them off. Other's saw the truth and called to gather the people and with the centaurs defeat this army. Mathew stood next to Felicia holding her arm. He could feel her anger when someone spoke of trying to either negotiate peace or to pull back and fortify Woodsheart. He just patted her arm and smiled at her. For several hours people came and said their peace.

Mathew waited till almost everyone had their say then walked up behind the elf who was speaking. When he was done Mathew stepped up and looked at the podium. In a quiet voice, he said, "Very beautiful," Which all elves could hear from the magic contained in it. "I wonder if it will look just as beautiful with a pair of hobgoblin feet standing on it?" Several people shouted out.

"How dare you!"


Mathew cleared his throat. "Yes, hobgoblin feet standing here, because that is what you're purposing. Do you think you can negotiate peace with hobgoblins? To treat with them as equals, and equal terms? And can you find it in your hearts to forgive them for attacking you as well?

"We will never treat them as equals!"

"I am not sure I can either. You see, a small group of hobgoblins broke off from the army and headed south, towards my farm. They were not looking for loot or food. They were scouting for a way past the mid mounts passes onto the middle plains, unfortunately, my parents ran into them, two against twenty-five. My parents didn't survive. When that group failed to report in they sent a larger group, even while they were attaching Woodsheart. Over sixty-five failed to report back but we know a few made it back. Now they know a way to bypass the mid-mount passes and the centaur defenses.

Four people lost their lives in that second attack. A commander doesn't send troops in force, twice to scout away unless you are planning on taking your army that way. That tells me this wasn't a quick raid, but a full-on assault on the west. If these simple facts didn't convince you, asked yourselves how many Hobgoblins are attacking free town? Over five thousand, their simple raid here had once purpose, that was to pull your troops from the overpass to defend Woodsheart, giving the Goblin army a free pass down to Freetown to drive the humans out of the west.

Now that they nearly succeeded, that means real soon they will turn their army around and will head back, through the overpass, now that they control it, and either attack Woodsheart again with all their troops or head south and attack Midvale. To me it doesn't sound like they want peace, they want war. And for once we have a war, there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For defeat, brings worst things, than any that can ever happen in war."

Mathew once again looked at the podium, and in a quiet voice, "It is a beautiful podium, it would be a shame for it to get all scratched up from hobgoblin feet." He stepped down and walked by Eldar ReLanna who slowly winked at him, as he walked over to Felicia. Felicia put her hand on his arm and patted it twice.

Eldar ReLanna looked over the crowd, no one wanted to follow Mathew's speech. She slowly walked to the podium, would her people survive? Would Woodshome? As she looked at the podium, would the sixteen elven houses survive this coming war? Stepping up on the podium, she looked at one more time, would Woodsheart itself survive?

"People of Woodshome, we have heard from many, I have yet to speak, I once held council, that we do not rush into war, for I feared that we as a nation might not survive this conflict. It has been over two thousand years since we have taken up arms against an enemy. I have seen the brutality of our common enemy, and feared if it came to war, our people might not survive. For the scars of war remain, even long after the battle, and all the wounds are healed. Yet as the last speaker said, 'For defeat, brings worst things, than any that can ever happen in war.' We cannot allow for our defeat, we must fight, as a nation, to survive."

ReLanna nodded at her seneschal, "So I asked all to vote you're conscious." Her seneschal placed two globes within her hands. "In my left is a green globe and in my right is a red one. Green is in favor of war, and the red is for not in favor."

Mathew watched as the globes took light. He was wondering how those not present voted. In the beginning, both started to glow but after a few minutes, the green was glowing much brighter. In the end, the green one was the clear winner.

"People of the Elven Nation, you have made your voices heard. Today we are pledged to war. I ask all to fletch as many of arrows as you can and sharpen your swords. In two days I will speak again about our Nation's needs. In the meantime, we will take counsel with our general's and Sir Fellis and coordinate with the Centaur Nation." ReLanna stepped down from the podium and the globes in her hands went dark. Looking at those gathered, "Go home and hug your loved ones, look into your hearts and strengthen them. For a Nation at war, will have sorrow. Councilors, we gather tomorrow, mid-morning to discuss our needs and to elect someone to be our voice with the Centaurs."

ReLanna handed the globes back to her seneschal, then walked out with her attendants following. Mathew took Felicia's hand and headed to the longhouse. No words needed to be said at this time. He heard Sir Fellis and Tarn following, but he didn't want to interrupt the quiet mood until they stood in front of Mathew's and Felicia's longhouse. Looking up Mathew saw a very somber man in deep thought. He took a deep breath, "One more speech Mathew, then things get real."

Mathew looked Felicia who nodded yes, then up at Sir Fellis again, "Sir, things got real when you joined our two houses. Everything before that was in preparation for that moment. Tomorrow is just planning for Woodsheart defenses and organizing their army. You cannot plan for a war until we have the Centaurs. Go tomorrow and assure our allies that we have their best interest in heart, but we are just wasting time until we have the Centaurs under your banner."

"I take it you are not going to attend?"

"No Sir, I am a mage, I am unfamiliar with the intricacies troop movements or planning. It is better off to have your mages study their spellbooks then plan on were two hundred archers need to stand. Plus I need to go and see about some armor for Felicia and I without Iron, and some ladies promised me some clothing I will need to impress the Midvale council. If you require me, someone will know where I am at."

"Fair enough, I will try and cut this meeting short, we should try and plan on Teleporting home late tomorrow evening or first thing the next day. We need to get to Midvale, as soon as possible."

Mathew nodded yes. Felecia stepped next to Mathew and said goodnight to Sir Fellis and Tarn. They watched them walk over to their longhouse. Mathew opened the door and asked Felicia to throw a light spell so he can light some lamps. Felicia stepped up next to him and canted the spell, her light lit up the longhouse as Mathew went in and was going to light a lamp when Felicia told him not too. Felicia set the ball of light on the table, Mathew laid out his sleeping roll in the same stall Felicia had used.

He stood there just staring thinking, Felicia walked over, seeing he was just staring at the sleeping roll, so she unbuttoned his shirt and told him to undress. She kneeled and pulled him with her, kissing him, as she pushed him to get in bed. She had just enough time to remove her shirt and chest wrap before her light spell went out.

Mathew woke before daybreak curled around Felicia's cannon with his chin on her hoof. He didn't feel that he slept very well, he still was anxious if he did the right thing. ReLanna knew what he came for, but he felt that it was his words that pushed the elven folk into this war. How many were going to die because he goaded them into this action? He dressed once again in his simple clothes and quietly stepped out of the longhouse. There was a hint of sunlight to the east, He licked his finger touching the farm's Clairvoyance spell and renewed it for another day.

He let his feet carry him as he relished in the serene peace of the farm through the spell. He didn't know why but he stood inside the council hall staring at the speaker's podium. With his mind still tangled with the magic of the grove, he merged that magic's feeling with the magic of the podium. The ley line that ran through his farm ran right under this podium. He studied the podium, He was curious last night how people who did not have magic use it to hear the speaker. Then he saw it, each elf of Woodshome had laid a single Clairvoyance spell point on the podium and drew the power from the ley line itself, to allow them to hear whomever spoke from it. With no need to power the spell they were forever tied to this spot with just a thought. The true meaning of Woodsheart.

Canting a clairvoyance spell and tying the power of the spell needed to the ley line, he felt the surrounding forest and the thousands of elven people who lived here. It was a whole new feeling, he could faintly hear some thoughts, he could also feel the people's mood through this link. But what he wasn't ready for was the true amount of people, he always believed there were maybe four of five thousand elf's, he wasn't ready to feel over forty thousand elves tied to this podium. There had to be hundreds of small elven communities spread around the forest. Realizing what he just done he was about to dis-spell the clairvoyance spell when a thought touched his mind, He knew that voice and could feel her smile through the spell.

Mathew sent his senses down into the ground feeling the ley line and though,

Mathew felt the laugh, .

Mathew let his mage sense drift into the ley line, not trying to grasp it, like he did at the farm, but just to mentally feel it. He could faintly hear hundreds of voices saying welcome Mathew LindRosa. With just a thought he could feel the whole..., collective people's feelings, at the moment it was a relaxed peace, but he could feel a slight apprehension about the future. He could feel their concern about this upcoming war. But he could feel their resolve that this is the right path. But he could now hear the hundreds of individual voices welcoming him to his elfin heritage.

He walked out the north door and walked through the rose garden. Overlooking the rose garden a small raised wooden patio was hidden between two massive pine trees. The overhanging branches partially concealed the patio and two large doors into the Eldar's private residence. Mathew stepped up the side steps and bowing in the elfin way, right hand over his heart. Eldar ReLanna was seated beside a small table made from wicker, four matching chairs sat around it, ReLanna gestured to one and poured him a cup of morning tea.

Mathew put a little sweet cream into it, something he could only get in Woodshome. ReLanna smiled at Mathew, "So I feel your apprehension Mathew, are you afraid of the hobgoblins? Or is it you fear for us?"

Mathew looked down, He knew he couldn't hide his emotions or feelings now since he tied himself to Woodsheart. "No ReLanna, I feared that my words last were the ones that persuaded the elfin people to go to war."

"They were Mathew. Your simple logic shocked many into seeing the truth. Those of the copper blood and ours, are lifelong enemies, our peoples will never have peace between us until they change their warlike ways. But our living in peace for so long has diminished our vigilance to this threat. Your words shocked those that tried to hold on to this peace and not see the bigger picture. Was this not your intent?"

Mathew lowered his head, "Yes it was ReLanna, but..., I guess, I was lulled into believing your, or our people didn't want this war. Now I am concerned about how many people are going to die because of my speech."

Eldar ReLanna closed her eyes, "I wondered, and worried, 'frater' if you were truly ready to step into the adult world with these types of decisions. I see now, that you are, with you agonizing over them, that tells me you have and will think about them, before and after. That is good Mathew, it says you are worried over both sides of the issue. I have spent many of nights worrying over the same issues. But you have brought me, and our people hope. And that hope is the possibility of allies. I feared to decide on going it alone and leading our people into a war that we might not survive. With the Centaurs of Midvale's help, I know both our nations can and will survive this war." ReLanna closed her eyes and smiled at something in the distance. Looking at Mathew she smiled, "you need to practice keeping a small part of your mind actively listening to Woodsheart Mathew."

Mathew smiled, "I sort of blocked it didn't I? I didn't want to intrude."

"Yes, you did, and no, you are not intruding. We wouldn't have allowed you to join if we didn't want you. You are family, distantly related, but family. This is how we elves communicate with each other, those that practice, can feel all the people's moods and feelings. Take the time to learn how to skim the spell. Like you do with the one at your farm. You are smart enough now to know how to make a focus stone and tie it to the ley line. Then you will not need to renew the spell every morning.

So now back to the war, please do not fret 'frater', many here knew war was coming, I have held off making this decision for our people long enough. You and Sir Fellis's arrival made that decision for me. But that decision had to be made. Now that our people will not be alone in this endeavor, I have hope, my people feel that hope and know we will survive this war. Now that we made this decision, we must prepare the people here for Woodshome defenses while you and Sir Fellis secure our allies. So take comfort in knowing, you helped those not wanting to see the coming storm, and helped those, who needed help convincing the others that a storm was coming. Now everyone is getting ready for that storm.

ReLanna nodded towards the rose garden, a young elf was leading Felicia along the path, he missed the simple fact he wasn't a palace page but a young mage. "I had breakfast ordered for us and sent someone to wake your mate. Let us talk of pleasant things before I have to sit through a very boring meeting with Sir Fellis and my councilors." Looking down the steps at Felicia, "Oh dear!" ReLanna stood and walked towards the steps, "Felicia, please forgive I forgot about the steps!"

Felicia smiled "Eldar ReLanna, thank you for your concern, but please, no worries." With that said she placed he left hoof on the stairs, and started up, then turning only to place her rear hoof on the first stair and then walked up with no problems. "I am smaller than a full-size Centaurs and have no problems with human-sized stairs. Thank you for your concern though." She leaned in and kissed Mathew good morning, "Good morning my mate, this is another morning that I have awoken without you at my side, then to find out you with the Eldar. One would think you are trying to expand your herd!"

Mathew was about to protest and opened his mouth, but Felicia and ReLanna laughed and she kissed him again, whispering, "Nothing to worry about my stallion, most young stallions have three or four mares in their herd to mate with." This shocked Mathew.

Felicia quickly looked up, "Oh Eldar!" Felicia placed her right hand over her heart and knelt to Eldar ReLanna. "Forgive me for not properly greeting you this morning."

ReLanna laughed, "That is quite all right my dear." ReLanna moved over and hugged Felicia, "Come both of you, I had breakfast served in the intimate dining room." Looping her arm into Felicia's, "Tell me Felicia where did you grow up? Were you born in quercu locis palustribus?"

Felicia looked confused. Mathew said, "Oak meadow, dear. That is what the elves call our little valley."

"Oh! I am sorry Eldar. I don't know elfin yet. But no, I was born in Midvale. My father moved his herd to..., querceris locus. Grr sorry," she said with a smile, "oak meadow when I was still small enough to be carried."

ReLanna led them to a small dining room that could hold two dozen or so people. On one end the table was set for three. They spent several hours over breakfast talking about Felicia's past, growing up in a centaur house, and how different it was to living in Mathew's house. ReLanna sharing small things in elven life that were either different or near the same. Breakfast was broken up when one of ReLanna's attendants stepped in and bowing, "I am sorry MiLady, but you asked for the shortest amount of time needed to get ready for the council meeting. And I am sorry but that time is near."

ReLanna nodded and closed her eyes for a minute talking to someone through the elfin link. "Mathew, Felicia, thank you for a lovely conversation, I am afraid I have to get ready for this boring council meeting, I so wished to join you two today on your shopping trip, but the needs of state call. I have sent for a young page who will take you two to the armor artisans."

Mathew stood and walked next to Felicia, They both bowed in the elfin way, "'sorror' I thank you for breakfast and morning."

Felicia knelt, Eldar ReLanna, "Thank you for making us feel so welcomed in your home."

ReLanna hugged her, "Next time I will give you the grand tour, and know that you are always welcomed in our home Felicia Lindrosa." Just then a young elf stepped into the dining room and bowed. ReLanna nodded, Zachary Ironwood, will you escort my guests here to Master Armorer Goldenbranch's enclave. Then wait for them to finish their purchases, then escort them to Madam Salvia's. Then return here, I will need you to make a special delivery to your uncle Roan Ferrunmonger."

The young elf bowed, "Yes Milady."

Mathew and Felicia followed the young elf out, he led them north of the council hall. He kept looking at Felicia. Mathew smiled at the young man, "Zackary Ironwood, is this the first Centaur you ever met before?"

"Milord, MiLady forgive me for obvious staring, but...,"

Mathew laughed, "I am no lord Zackary, and I am a simple farmer. I am Mathew, and this is my mate Felicia Lindrose."

Zackary looked confused, "But MiLord Lindrose, we were told you are both great mages, not farmers."

Felicia laughed at that, "Great mages?" Then looked at Mathew with a smile. "More like mages who farm magical herb's."

Mathew smiled at Zackary, "Yes, we are mages, great? Well, that is someone else's opinion, but we are farmers. So how many great lords do you know that still dig in the dirt to gather their crops?"