Champion of the Goddess Pt. 02


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She looked at him, "Why would you do that?"

He looked at Mother, "Why did you leave my bed?"

She looked at Raven, "It was for the best."

He looked at her, "You or me?"

Mother looked at him, "Both."

Raven looked back at her, "So why was it good for you?"

She sighed and came over and hugged him, "Because I enjoyed it too much. I have to keep a certain amount of distance."

All the while he rubbed her ass through the thin gown she was wearing. She moaned, "What are you doing?"

He sighed, "If you do not know I must have forgotten how to do it right."

She laughed, "This is not a good idea."

He smiled, "Who said all of my ideas are good."

She smiled and she took her gown away.

He picked her up and impaled into her slowly. She groans out. He kissed her neck and she curled against him, "I am not supposed to love a man as much as I do you."

He kissed her as he slowly lifted her up and down. "Yes, you can, think about it. It took how many generations of mankind to make me and I get here. I screw it all up by being part elven. I am a half-elf with a human soul so you have a loophole if something is written that you cannot love one human so much. Give me a few minutes and I will give you some children that are part elven too."

She laughed. He got down to his knees and laid her on the ground and slowly stroked into her with long strokes.

He sucked in her nipple and tweaked it like she always loves it. He picked up speed and she breathed faster. Then it happened, She locked down on him and he came inside of her and just flooded her.

Life was slowly being sucked away and then quicker. She lifted him away and she checked her stomach. "A set of triplets and a pair of twins. All girls."

She looked over and Myssara was there and she laughed as she helped Mother to the pool. She put the five babies in blankets. He looked over at her, "How are my energy levels. Mother came back over brought him to his feet.

"They are reading normal for a Champion. We will check them again in a few days. You might have gotten the excess energy out of your system but it could be it will slowly build back up again. You running a Gestalt still stands.

He looked at her, "Speaking of which you told me I could enter both at the same time in the next level. One has a prerequisite for all martial weapons that the other fulfills."

She nodded, "We do not split those kinds of hairs with builds we do not let normal players run. You are fine with that."

Myssara walked over nude, "Thank you for the treat you left me. I did not try to get her to a hundred but I did get her to 25. Then 5 more with both fists at the same time. She made it clear you were a one-night-only thing. You scared the shit out of her. For that matter so do I. She got me off orally 10 times, I insisted."

He smiled, "I needed to drive her away. You heard her attitude toward my ladies."

She smiled, "I know! Your solution was creative."

She looked at him, "Spend a few minutes with your daughters. He walked past her and ran a finger across her stomach and she sucked in air. He got 10 feet from the children when she took him to the ground and mounted him.

"You are such a tease. Mother ok'd as she is monitoring."

She went along for a good 15 minutes working her internal muscles up and down his cock and she slammed down on him and came and that set him off for 11 ropes. He felt the draining as she stood up and walked into the pool and gave birth to two boys. He looked over the seven of them.

Mother looked at him, "You went down but not a lot because she got up so quickly. I want you to enter the pool and come out."

He did as she asked and she looked at him, "Back to normal. That is a good sign. The energy you are using for the gestalt build is offsetting the power you picked up. You have channeled it out and drained off the excess into these children."

He looked at her, "Colvin and Conn for the boys. I know mother will come up with names I cannot pronounce so I will leave her to that. They are all beautiful children and we have a set of amber eyes on these twin girls which is new."

Mother nodded, "Yes it is a rare trait in elves. The leader of that world knows of you and your prowess in the bedroom. She was shocked a human would choose to be half-elven. At the same time intrigued by the number of children, you have produced. She asked to be kept informed but told us she was not interested in her people being a part of an experiment.

Before you ask, I spoke with her about you because of the impact of elven magic. Elves used to be more popular coming from Earth but some of the rule changes for humans and half-elf made them less sought after. Then those that did so and found out they were stuck that way for life had a 95% suicide rate in the first 5 years. All of their children were still human. You are something different."

He smiled, "Tell her from me. I am glad she does not wish her people to be a part of the experiment. I have enough trouble keeping up with all of the ones already here who wish to copulate with me. That I was not given a lot of choices in some of the events that have unfolded."

Mother looked at him, "You are producing children at a rate ten times greater than any other champion. Those that are female are coming here and those that are male are going to our daughter's world. From the other champions."

He nodded, "I better get back to talk with Rhonda."

She smiled, "That will be interesting. She watched your midnight rendezvous with Vain as you call her."

Ravanna showed up and she was dressed. She shook her head, "That did not take long for you to get her to change her mind."

He shrugged, "It was not something she wanted. It was something she felt she needed but could not justify why. Not when I could justify why she should."

She nodded, "I know I watched the whole thing. She did not block it out to me as I came for the girls. I have a rate of six to one of the girls to boys your world is running about the same but for boys."

Mother looked at Raven, "Would you remove the restriction on your daughters coming back here?"

He looked at her, "We have already discussed this. You asked I say no. The only reason you want them here is in the hopes I will fuck them. NO. I never reveal myself before having a full party and I have usually already fucked all of the female party members."

The ladies laughed. Ravanna looked at him, "I am barred from coming here to seek sex from you. My sister is impressed to know about some of the things you have done for women. Including that new cantrip which has become quite popular. Not just my world. Several others adopted it as well to see what the clerics would do with it. It became the number one cantrip when a party started and at every inn.

The educational video was also a hit with graduates cutting down on the number of botched first times by over 80%. My sister would like to run with you."

He looked at her, "Mother would never allow it."

Mother finally looked at him, "Deal. Provide If she wants it you cannot deny giving them motherhood."

He looked at her, "I will not fuck my daughters! The issue with their brothers or half brothers, you will allow that to happen in any world."

Mother sighed, "At some point, you may find the attraction to strong."

He looked at her, "That is the day I fall on my sword. Just so you know the risks in what you keep pushing for. I want to see my other daughter now before agreeing to anything related to this."

They looked over and she yells out, "Father!"

He willed his cock down for the moment as he walked toward her. She ran over and hugged him. He held her to him and Myssara came over and hugged her as well.

He looked at her, "Your sister told me you wanted to run with me. I wanted to know your thoughts on the matter."

She looked shocked, "Why the change? I want to run with you but what changed?"

He looked at her, "I made the request when we were dealing with normal human genetics. Before being the champion. The reason was for having issues with genetics and deformities. Mother you are going to have to tell her or I will."

Mother looked at him, "As it is relevant you go ahead. She is the same way, just a generation further removed."

He looked back at his Precious Violet, "My genetics now is twenty times more complex in design than a regular human since becoming champion. Yours are ten times more complex in design compared to a normal human. If you had a child with your Grandmaster, after he becomes champion, the children would be fifteen times more complex. The reason for this goes back to the origins of humans on Earth.

There was one man who modern humans call Adam and his wife Eve. They lived and bred for hundreds of years and their children interbred over that same time. All humanity came from them. Adam died and no record of Eve's death was ever recorded. She did not die. She ascended. The one I call Mother Creator is Eve."

Violet looked at her in shock and Mother just nodded. He continued, "The mother of all humanity. The change to a champion carries the same genetics used by Adam. My concern with my daughters was predicted, based on a modern human's genetics. Not on ancient human genetics. This new genetic structure means I would cause no harm.

In fact, Mother has been trying to convince me I would do more harm by completely blocking it. You are half what your mother gave you and the other half from me. Her half is far more complex. Mother says we should not be in a modern human genetic issue for over twenty generations. As all the champions are essentially eternal, I can never generate a child with those issues."

She sat down for a moment.

Then she looked at him. "So we could have children together and it would not be any real difference than the child that I had with the Grandmaster?"

He nodded, "True. But I will not have sex with you. Part of my modern human hang-ups that Mother is likely to never get past. You could end up mating with a brother. I cannot stop that or you having a relationship with a female half-sister or sister.

It would be like you have a child with a male that is your great-great-great and ten more greats grandchild. On Earth, you would be lucky to live long enough for five generations. Let alone be able to have sex at that age and conceive a child. Mother cannot lie to you or me. You ask her a direct question and she will answer. The reason you are being asked." He paused.

"Mother may allow you to come to your mother's world when you choose too. You would no longer be barred from it. If for no other reason than to get to know me. Again, I will not have sex or children with you. Nothing is set yet. Go talk with her in private."

She hugged him, "Thank you for being concerned about how I would feel about this."

She got up and walked off with Mother. Ravanna grabbed the girls and walked to Raven, "I am sorry about pushing on this."

He looked up at her, "No you are not. You are a lot like your mother but the complete and total honesty is not one of them. You knew what you were doing. Mother might have even suggested that you do it.

She figures if she can get one daughter in the world, I will start having sex with them. I told her what the risks were. I am only considering this so Myssara can have a direct hand in guiding her as well."

Ravanna looked at him, "Mother did not ask me to try. She just kept talking about the damage it would cause. There is an abundance of goddesses but only ten champions. Another 69 have been deemed, Gaming Grandmasters. Most are unwilling to have that eternal commitment.

62 of those 69 were born in this universe. The other 7 are from Earth. I know you spoke with the 7 and 6 of those are considering it. Mother and Myssara walked over. He looked at them, "What did my daughter say?"

Mother looked at Raven, "She asked for details and I gave them to her."

Violet walked up, "Mother Creator gave me the issues. You wanted my thoughts on this. Overall, I can see the larger issue. I would like to run with you for a few lives."

He looked at her, "I have companion slots; however, those are only for those I have and for women who will want to procreate. So that is not you. If you come over expect only one life. Unless your mother decides to allow you more than one."

She looked at Raven, "What level are you now?"

He smiled, "Currently level five. A day out on an eleven-day trip to the next inn."

She looked at him, "Only a day? You get waylaid by bandits?"

He smiled, "No, Your Mother tried to saddle me with riding herd over 2 parties instead of one. The second was full of idiots."

She laughed. She looked at her mother, "How bad were they?"

Myssara sighed, "As bad as he thought. They went ahead and got hit by 4 giants. All but 2 of that second party are dead. Your father killed the 3 wounded giants that remained by himself. The giants got alerted because of an alarm spell cast by the wounded mage he found."

He looked at her, "A paladin tried to lead. He has three rogues, a battle cleric, barbarian, and wizard. He did not assign jobs. Had no ranged weapons. Had one horse and a wagon with 4 more horses when he left. He bought 3 horses that were on the verge of going lame because they needed to rest and heal.

He refused my advice to turn around and go back to get bows and arrows. Cooking supplies, Assign jobs. Get rid of two rogues and balance his party. No hunting skills, nobody wanting to do anything. No forward scouts. I did not even get into wagon horses; I did not figure they would live long enough either way if they went forward."

His daughter laughed, "Mother that is bad. Our second attempt to get to the third inn. Halfway there. Currently, level twelve."

He smiled, "You make your decision when you reach level twenty. I will have your mother bring you here when we get to level fifteen. That way we can see if the timing is right."

She nodded. He laughed, "You should know you have a couple of hundred siblings born or on the way."

Mother interjected, "His estimates are way off he is closing in on 450." Her jaw hit the floor, "My sister has not kept me up to date! You need more children?!"

He smiled, "The world's do."

She laughed, "Trying to populate them yourself?"

He smiled, "Over 140 with your mother alone. I am following her direction."

She looked at her mother in shock, "A 140 children?! Does he fuck you one right after the other?!"

She shook her head, "We have gone days between but he does like giving 3-6 at a time generally. He gave me 10 at once the other day. It is actually at 156. He gave one woman 9 this evening in the dream state."

She looked at Raven, "That happens a lot?"

He shook his head, "10 is extreme. 9 at once was the first time. I have had 8 once. Twins and triplets are most common. A lot of sets of quintuplets for some reason. Single births are rare."

She shook her head and chuckled, "Well that explains the massive number."

He kissed her cheek and she wrapped her arms around him, "You are a charmer and I will think about it."

He looked at Mother, "IF she decides to come over, she can return when Myssara decides it is time for her to move on. Can she return to her sister's world? When she decides to leave this one."

Mother nodded, "Until she needs to move on to another one, yes."

He let her go, "You have options. You have the option to wait a while so there is no pressure but as the eldest and first daughter of Myssara you should be given the first option."

He looked at Mother, "You know I won't and if I do, I will kill myself."

Mother groaned, "Myssara will keep an eye on you if she comes over."

He looked at the ladies, "I talked with 7 of your champion candidates. I advised all of them. I need to find out if we will hit level 13 by the next inn."

Violet looked at her mother, "What did you do?"

Mother looked at her, "Not your concern. Time for all good players to return to the game.

He laughed, "Where do I go then?"

She smirked as they laughed.

He awoke. Mary was talking with Rhonda who looked at him with a smile. She shook her head and smiled. "SCOUTS MOUNT UP!"

He got his horse ready to go. He looked in on Vain and she grimaced and whispered, "That explained a lot!"

Rhonda came over. She hit her with the cantrip, "He is more than any single woman can handle. He will never be exclusive."

She nodded, "Once was enough. Epic...but enough."

Rhonda grabbed her head and kissed her passionately. "The goddess told us you owe Mary, Blossom, and me a passionate kiss." Rhonda squeezed Vain's breast before she let her go from the follow-on kiss. Vain looked at her, "I am still not into women."

He rode over to Mary who was mounted up. Mary sighed, "We better get going. You really gave it to her."

He nodded, "Raven scout road. The other halfling was on the other pony and came riding up, "I am not used to this."

He looked at him, "You will get used to it."

Jewels rode in, "Ready."

They got about an hour ahead of the group without running into anything.

He looked at them, "Dismount, scatter into the woods on either side and see what you can hunt. Get in some practice with your bows. I will watch the horses and keep the raven watching."

40 minutes later he called it, "Return with what you have."

They returned and he looked at the quivers. The one rogue had not fired a single shot. He looked at him "What did you see out there?"

He looked at me, A couple of rabbits."

He looked at him "You missed?"

He nodded and Raven glared at him, "If I dumped your quiver you will have arrows showing signs of stress from hitting the ground or a tree?"

He sighed, "I never took the shot."

He looked at him, "Part of this exercise was to see if you could find small game, could you hit a small moving target.

You do not shoot now how do we know you will when combat comes? Mount up Mary take the rabbit you shot back to our cook. Same for you Jewels. You go back into the woods, return when you have killed some game."

He headed off and Raven pulled his pony off to the side of the road. Raven flushed out and killed two quails and two more rabbits.

He returned to the horse and waited.

The rogue showed up with a fox and a rabbit.

Raven looked at them, "Well it is something. Take those back as well as these."

He gave them the two rabbits and two quails. "Take it all to Bella."

He rode off. 30 minutes later and they return to him. The rogue looked at him "They have the wagons moving. Bella had us clean them."

He nodded, "As she should."

He started riding forward with them slowly. They went forward for another 30 minutes and found the wagon. They got it upright and he looked it over, "Mary thought? Will it work?"

She nodded, "The harnesses are for shit but there is a spare under the seat. We just need horses." Jewels took the hint and went back for the other two horses.

She was back in thirty minutes. They had gained on the scouts. Raven looked at the halfling. "Here is where you get to learn to drive a wagon."

He sighed and got off the pony and Mary took it. He looked at him, "You wait for Blossom and let her know you need to restock your arrows. 20 arrows for 2 small animals. No patrols until your aim improves."

He nodded and seemed relieved. They continued for about another hour and his raven came back, "Dragon on the right side."

He thought, "Great another dragon."

He heard her chuckle, "I was expecting a larger group."

Raven thought, "Your encounters do not scale, do they. For how many are left."

He heard Myssara, "No they do not."

He thought back to Myssara, "Yet something else we will have to work on fixing."

He looked at Mary, "Your turn to ride back. Have them hold."
