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Andy just stares at me for a second, then jumps across the sofa putting me under him. He kisses me with lots of passion I let him finding it rather exciting to be taken like this wrapping my arms around him. Betty comes and taps on his shoulder a few times then with a groan she grabs his ear and pulls him onto the floor. She steps over him and sits next to me holding out my card.

"I have sorta bad news, though I suppose it doesn't matter anymore. We spent a little more than you said for the computer parts, I came across an ad for a really killer program on a seriously major sale, with it we can make games and maybe sell them or something. I was so excited Martin was to we ordered it on your card. After we realized what we did I checked my account, I can pay half, Martin is rather broke now all he's got left is food money. On a good note, your parts are on the way they should be here in a week or less. Some let us pick faster shipping some had a basic or next day we didn't do next day especially on the monitor, fifty to get it the next day was rather dumb. I think you will like the computer though, we got it black and it lights up with all sorts of fans, we moved the desk and my office chair into your bedroom. It might be a little small for Andy and you as a dude, but hell we can order a bigger one tomorrow if you guys want."

"Ah hell I suppose that's fine, I think umm half of your half so you're not broke like Martin. Andy hold that thought I gotta sit at a pool in that tiny bikini that probably should be outlawed remember." I say getting up Martha helps me walk on Andy.

While Martha is helping me get undressed Andy comes in and finds his swim trunks. I giggle when I notice he is totally tenting, Martha looks at him then joins in the giggling, Andy looks over and turns pink. We have to search for the bikini Mike took it off me and dropped it before we slid the beds together. Finally finding both pieces she helps me put it on, tying a knot on your back is hard. Martha hands me my sneakers while she gets dressed in a small bikini, not as small but not leaving much to the imagination.

Betty comes in asking for help with her top, Martin couldn't do it right. Martha giggles then ties it for her. Betty then helps Martha with her top and all three of us march out. Martin is at the bathroom door, he hands over three towels, I get the white one making Martha and Betty jealous it's bigger. Martin stops any arguing over it by propelling us toward the front door. We walk over to the pool to find not very many dudes the few there look at us then get on their phones.

"They are calling friends." Martha tells me as we sit down on two of the lounging chairs.

"I'm rather nervous I mean what if we get some like at Target?"

"Can't happen, the guys here and the rest will defend us from unwanted attention to try and look good enough to take to bed." Betty says with a grin, Martha nods when I look at her.

"Is it always like that when there are a bunch of guys and only a few women?" I ask downright curious this is a new development.

"Generally, depends greatly on where you are bars is a bad idea, bunch of drunk guys and only a few women they may decide you asked for a gang rape. Really anywhere private or semi, parking lots, bars, alleys you don't go in unless you got friends or you can get to where you are going fast. If you drove I would tell you about the key trick but apartment keys aren't bulky enough to work." Martha says to me.

"Clubs are a little safer because women go to those to dance and maybe score, guys are almost always nice to you so they can maybe be taken home with you. I say almost because hell even for us underage's there are alcohol drinks to be bought in them. Maybe we should take you to one tomorrow, it is Friday after all, just not the one I met Andy in, even he recognized it was a bad club, I took him home half out of a desire to be away and protected. Very glad I did he was very good to me in bed, we just are to different to stay with him. Martin is much more my style we can talk game design and well OK now I'm thinking of you and him in bed with me." Betty adds in turning pink at the end.

Martha has me lie back on the lounger I'm perched on Betty gets on the other side of me. Martha lies back on the one she had sat on with Betty to talk to me I realize guys are coming in to the pool area all of them are staring at us. I look around to see Andy, Martin, and Mike are lounging in the pool. I put my head back to look at the roof of the building the pool is next to when Martha hisses and motions me to. Not long after a guy comes over to Betty and asks if she would like to join him in the hot tub. She looks at us then gets up and follows him to the hot tub. Almost immediately I get three guys hovering over me asking if I'd like to go for a swim with them, I decline with a maybe later.

A little while later Martha giggles making me look at her, she points toward the pool. I look to see about fifteen guys sitting around staring at me talking to themselves, even when they turn their heads their eyes stay on me. I put my head back feeling a little excited at them staring at me I am on display, not accidentally, totally on purpose. I sit up when Betty starts yelling at the guy she went to the hot tub with, Martin gets out of the pool followed by about five other guys. The guy she was yelling at is shoved around then out the gate while Martin walks with Betty over to us. Betty sits next to me then shoos Martin back to the pool she's fine.

"So what did he say?" I ask a little worried, she looks haunted.

"God, he asked if I would give him a blowjob, I've never actually done that. Martin said you were giving him one before you got on the sink, so is it nice giving a blowjob?" Betty asks looking up at me.

"Oh my yes, it feels nice to have his dick in your mouth, and then as you go along he puts juices in your mouth that taste good. Once he shoots your mouth is flooded and you know it tastes a lot better than you would think. I think Mike tastes good to, you would have to ask Martha, and I wanted to get Martin off in my mouth but hell I wanted to give him what Andy and Mike have been getting first. Next time I think I'll just get on my knees."

"Mike does taste good, I wish he was thinner, it hurts at the end. Not that I'm complaining I like giving blowjobs." Martha says then looks up at a big guy walking over with a leer on his mouth.

"Hi ladies, blondie would you like to go back with me to my place?" He asks, god he is tall, and tanned, and rather rounded.

"No I would not, I am in a relationship and not looking I'm just sitting out here with my friends."

"Ah but you have never had the chadster, one night with the chadster is better than thirty with anyone else." He continues on moving his hips in and out.

"Well fuck, does that actually work on anyone? I mean hello I said not interested in a relationship and you go on to tell me about something called a chadster. Let me take a wild leap and guess your name is Chad, looking at you I'm going to guess football team. So tell me Chad, do you actually pass your classes or do the professors just give you C's to keep you on the team?" I ask him, Betty and Martha are giggling.

"I pass my classes with B's I'll have you know." Chad says, the other guys are moving closer several with the phones out obviously recording. "I also have my eyes on you, I am on the football team, nose tackle and I always get what I have my eyes on. It would be easier if you simply come with me now."

"Wait stop, did you just tell me that you always get what you have your eyes on and you have your eyes on me? Did you also just say that it would be easier if I go with you now? Am I the only one thinking that Chad here just threatened to rape me?" I ask standing up, most of the guys shake their heads, Chad backs up a step with his hands up he opens his mouth to say something. "Chad I would recommend leaving now, these guys are recording this, they have you threatening to rape me, I am of a good mind to call your coach and tell him exactly what you just did." I say moving closer to him not letting him say anything.

Chad falls in the pool, he blusters something about that wasn't what he meant as he swims to the ladder. He does leave though rather quickly, just about everyone is laughing. A few of the guys are apologizing about him, one says he is sorry about texting him. I turn and look at him then I look around at the guys.

"Guys, I think he should get a spanking, not to hard and one each. It's not his fault he has an asshole on his list, well probably." I say, the guys laugh then grab him.

They spank him, some harder than others of course then bring him over to us. Betty and Martha have been laughing, I've been giggling I'm still a little upset over this Chad guy. Betty taps him on the butt, Martha swats him a little harder then pulls his shorts back, I look his butt is a little red but not to bad. I swat him on the butt and they let him go, he says something about not sitting for a week then goes sit in the hot tub.

"You know you shouldn't have advanced on Chad, dude is huge and you are tiny." Martha says looking at me a little seriously.

"I actually disagree, the guys around were recording and I think would have fallen on him to protect us." Betty says with a hand on my shoulder.

"I advanced because he backed up when I took a step on him he knew he sounded like he was threatening rape. I'm sure he's used to being recorded I think he's going to make it to the NFL. Well maybe not now if anyone posts that to YouTube, though he sorta has two years to live it down if they do." I say looking up at Andy and Martin as they come over.

"Wait you know who he is?" Martha asks standing up and collecting her towel.

"Somewhat I don't follow the college football much, I am an NFL fan but yeah when he said nose tackle I figured it out. He's looking to be a mid round pick third or fourth right now. Unless he fucks up, and I suppose this qualifies or not who knows I mean we are talking NFL, I think half the league is a drug user." I say making Martin and Andy laugh while I get my sneakers on.

"Do you ever go to the games?" Betty asks standing there with her towel.

"Nah, get to see it better from home anyway. I might like going to a sports bar but well hell I got two years before I can do that." I say as I get up, Andy takes my arm to guide me home.

"You know speaking of better from home, could we take a few hundred of your grand coming tomorrow and buy an Xbox? I mean damn I wanna play the football games on it." Andy asks as we reach our door.

"I don't know that sounds good to me, but well Martha are we missing anything? I wouldn't want to spend some cash that we need later." I say looking back at Martha, she shakes her head.

"I can take you to Best Buy tomorrow and pick it up. We can go to Target if you want a bigger bikini instead of course." She says as we go in.

"Honestly, I liked the staring besides Chad it was a very nice time." I say getting a smile from Andy and Martin. "Wait, where's Mike?"

"Mike said he wanted to stay in the pool a while longer, dude is from Idaho originally, he moved over to Colorado for his last year of high school. I met him here and fast friends, lucked into finding Andy and Amanda at the freshman orientation for dorm assignments, none of us wanted to so bam apartment." Mike says smiling.

"I wondered why you guys had a two bedroom with four of you, though I suppose a three bedroom is pricier and you guys seem rather at your limits on funds." Martha says guiding me over to the sofa.

"Not anymore, though you did say you like us in a two bedroom. Course when I change back we are gonna have to get Mike a girlfriend, and Andy I suppose. You know hell, at that point we would be better off getting a house, I don't think there are four bedroom apartments and hell the complex might get peeved at us if we add another woman or two." I say getting into Martha's lap she wraps her arms around me with a smile.

"Not so, remember we are only half a mile from campus, they know college students and grouping together and everything. I took Martha and Betty over to the office when you slept in yesterday, they smiled at me said they don't have to sign the lease they can leave anytime they want then issued two more keys." Martin says sitting next to us Betty getting in his lap. "Hell actually any of us can leave with no problem besides Mike, his name is the primary lessee."

"Hey it's getting toward dinner time, Betty did you want to borrow Amanda before dinner or make us wait after dinner?" Martha asks looking over at Betty.

"Honestly, we rather already did the threesome this morning, she got Martin off and I cleaned her. That was very nice I think in the morning Amanda I'm gonna get you up and we can give Martin that blowjob you wanted to give him. I may as well try it if you will give them out. At the end you can go down on me while I finish him a reverse of this morning." Betty says grinning Martin grins himself.

"Dear god that is one tiny ass chair you gave us Betty." Andy says coming out of the bedroom.

Martha and I trade a look then get up to go look, the chair is indeed small, it raises and lowers a good thing the lowest level is very low. It's odd though, you have to go all the way up to go down. The chair doesn't recline which is a little strange for office chairs I think. We find it is not really that small, either of us has plenty of room, no sharing the chair unless we sit in each others lap. Martha grabs up a pair of my pants from before I got chicked and we check it, I fit but not by all that much. We trade a look, Martha grins.

"OK so we buy a chair and an Xbox at Best Buy, I think we can go as low as eighty for their big ones. I think perhaps limit it to two games with the console. You know I find it odd that you don't have a computer already."

"I'm going with that plan, perhaps three games, depends on what they got and if you find a gotta get. As for the computer, I actually do sorta, I left it with my folks they don't actually have a computer, they were not really interested and I talked them into buying me one. Younger sister and she loves playing on it, I'm here to learn how to make jets and missiles and shit not play on a computer. We are getting one cause well fuck it's easier to check with the bank online and I can check my emails. I use Mike's to order shit because he checks it way more often."

"Well that is sweet of you, leaving your computer for your sister. Now I'm gonna have to break you of swearing so much, I'm happy to see you standing straight a lot more often but the swearing is bad, when we get to kids they pick up language fast. Wives get called in to the school way more often and lord it is embarrassing to be sitting listening to the principal talking about you or your kids swearing. I swore as a kid, blame it on the rape victim counseling my mom did." Martha says giving me a hug.

"Well alright I'll try, your not going to do a swear jar are you? I don't normally have cash on me. Hey wait a second you said kids, does that mean your trying to stay for the long haul?"

"You betcha, and no swear jar, I think instead a swat on the butt." Martha says before swatting me once for every swear.

"Hey guys, time for dinner so your wearing to much." Betty says at the door.

Martha and I giggle then take our bikinis off, when we get to the kitchen we find Betty behind the counter. Andy is standing there along with Martin who is holding Betty up so she can see.

"Martha your on dinner, I'm doing dessert, I had a thought for that big tub of ice cream in there. Not all of it, just some." Betty says with a smile.

I look closer and grin when I realize Martin has his finger in Betty. Martha looks and giggles she turns to look at me then puts her hand down between my legs.

"Hey none of that, we want dinner." Andy yells.

We all look when Mike comes in, he waves then heads for the bathroom. He walks by dripping water drying his hair. Martha and Betty groan then point to the drops of water he left on the floor. Martha heads for the fridge to go through it, she emerges with a single piece of meat.

"Umm isn't that a little spare for all of us?" I ask wondering how we will all get enough out of it.

"Nope, I am going to make a nice little stew." Martha says as she starts cutting it up. "You know, we haven't talked about this yet, are you going to help us cook when you're a guy or just gonna watch?"

"I can help still, I don't think nude then but otherwise same as now. I always helped mom cook and it's fun, she didn't do meals like you two though."

"No not nude, we got no interest in seeing a geeky dude nude." Andy says with a grin.

"You know I don't remember asking, what are you going to be Martha?" I ask ignoring Andy.

"Oh no you never did ask. Well I'm not exactly sure, I'm either going to be a physical therapist or go full bore and be a nurse. Could you find the potatoes? I have no idea where Mike stuck them."

I start looking through the lower drawers and cabinets Andy comes around and looks through the higher ones. Betty yells for Mike who comes back wearing pants and no shirt yet. He pulls the bag of potatoes out from beside the fridge, Martha groans gives him a dirty look then puts them on the counter. I get the task of cutting up the potatoes while Martha starts grilling the cut up meat in the pot. I don't see all of what she does, I kept getting things to do, but at the end she has made a chowder that smells quite good.

Betty says dessert will be fast so we sit down to eat, I relay our plan for tomorrow, getting a smile from Andy and Mike. Martin and Betty look a little disappointed.

"OK, so what is wrong with buying an Xbox and some games?" I ask between bites of the delicious chowder.

"Well nothing we are going to be game designers so we love games obviously. Well the thing is we were hoping you guys would be our testers, I mean new computer and a desk and going to buy a new chair, I admit that one is a little on the uncomfortable side at first, it was really cheap though." Betty says getting a giggle from Martha.

"Ah heck, we won't be on the Xbox twenty fours a day, besides it only comes with two controllers there are six of us now and we're thinking we should add one or two more so well Andy and Mike aren't relying on Martha for their sex." I say getting Mike to look at me curiously.

"Wait, you mean after you're a dude Martha would still be open for the rest of us?" Martin asks eyebrows raised.

"Of course dude, she likes chicks and hell I don't think I could stand being stuck to one dick as a chick. I wouldn't want to limit her to that if I wouldn't want to. I mean when you look at it logically, there isn't a reason to limit sex to just two people. At least not anymore, birth control is good for that condoms being readily available limits STD's. So long as she is careful and tells me about it, or lets me watch I mean damn it's like watching porn while it's being shot. Especially when she is with another woman, I seriously don't think it's like porn where they fake kiss fake lick then bring out the strap on."

"You already know it's not dear, though I should bring out my strap on some night. It's different having a woman on top of you." Martha says then kisses me.

'Hey you know we never asked do you feel different with the nanites dead?" Andy asks looking at me curiously.

"Nope, though to be honest besides turning into a chick I never knew they were there. Shrinking was painless, I'm sure getting taller will hurt, the doctors mentioned that. Perhaps I can get taller while passed out like I did for most of going to chick land."

"You know I've always wondered does it really feel that good to have a cock moving in you?" Mike asks turning pink.
