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"Amanda that is horseshit and you know it your brother as it's labeled is better than Franklin and everyone knows it. Now as for well you and this perfect sheet I'm going to call brother horseshit as well. There's no way anyone no matter how brilliant can come in to a college and do a sheet this perfect without already knowing it, there are only three possibilities. First, you are a professional and well no professional could attend college in the stead of their brother. Second, you are also a college student and simply transferred, except to be at this level there are only four colleges and only two got someone of this level of expertise, I know both are men. Third and I'm backing this one, you are the same kid who has been wowing me all month with a major alteration. I know Andy got a sheet for the military program, he's looking to do the same field as the program, and I know he's roommates with probably you."

"Ah hell you got me, guilty as charged on number three. Since we are being open and honest I have a question that has been bugging me. Well you look more like a jock than a scientist and yet here you are and your good at it, besides the diagram today of course."

"Ah well, when I was growing up we had a small farm I had to help. When I went away to college I worked out in the weight room to keep me strong, since I figured I'd go back home. Didn't work out that way, I got recruited in my second year by the military. Did my conscripted duty, same as I ended up doing after then went to the private side of military for a few years and decided I wouldn't mind teaching. I can tell you the military is looking at you as well, I don't blame them your fucking perfect. I'm going to add hot now to but I figure they will change you back since your only listed as a sit in for two weeks."

"I'm going to go talk to them now I'm shrinking even more than I was before. I was the same height as my girlfriend we sit next to each other in English. Today I'm a little shorter than she is in the same shoes. I'm wearing a dress because hell I'm a scientist in training and damn this is a good opportunity for testing. I've found out what women go through on a first hand basis yesterday that really sucked but I did pop a guy in the nose and did not get in trouble with the cop that watched."

The professor laughs at that then looks at me a little curiously.

"Say, did you happen to be wearing a salmon dress with no bra at the time? My wife told me a story about a blonde gal that popped a guy in the nose in front of Target and the theatre last night."

"Yeah that was me my girlfriend was showing me what it's like to be a gal out and about with no bra and no panties. The no panties part rather sucked, an electronics clerk helped us pick out shoes, and he well stared up my dress while he was putting them on me. The popping the guy part was likely a direct result of that and his comments to me. There was a good side to it, we have two chicks staying with us now both are taking cooking and are well cooking for us I got conscripted into helping since I'm a chick. They asked if we would nude, well Martha, she's my girlfriend had no problem with that and Betty didn't mind when we asked her, she came in later. Last night I helped both of them, Betty made dinner and Martha made dessert, I did it almost nude, she bought the smallest fucking bikini you ever saw for me to wear at the pool today."

"Damn, I know the bikini your speaking of, my wife bought it last month. I wonder if I can get her to make dinner in the nude I'll have to ask. When she does she sometimes is asked to stay a second shift, it's rather annoying. Don't marry a cop unless you like cooking. Anyway yes I can see the experience you can learn like that, though I know totally a private matter but I'm curious, have you tried sex besides with Martha?"

"I well damn yes I have, I have no intention of continuing after but god it feels so incredibly fucking good. I totally know why women like to hold the guy fucking them and cuddle after. During it feels so good and your trying to get more pleasure any way possible, after it's well draining and you feel vulnerable." The prof smiles at that, he glances at the door then waves Martha in.

"I always wondered why my wife cuddled after, she always just said she likes to but doesn't cuddle on the sofa often. I'm hoping this is Martha." Martha had come up and kissed me.

"Yes this is Martha, I had been staring at her all month trying to build up the courage to ask, she beat me to it first day back, showed me where the bathroom is first."

"I'm going to assume Martha is bisexual, so are you both sleeping with your roommates or just Amanda?"

"Both of us, Betty is a little on the one man only side but she's opened up looking at Amanda, her guy we can both have in the shower sometimes and she wants to try threesome with Amanda later today. She's not the most sexual, she's trying once a day, Martin so far seems happy with her, but he isn't refusing Amanda in the morning either. Amanda here is taking being blonde seriously, having sex often, and agreeing to do what I suggest. I admit yesterday I didn't think would get that bad." Martha says looking a little sorry at the end.

"Oh no it's fine there are variables to any test that can never be fully planned for. Besides popping that guy really helped me get over the clerk." I say before giving her a kiss.

"Are you going to let Martha sleep with your roommates after?" The professor asks looking really curious.

"I will yes, I've found giving a blowjob is really tasty and while I won't do it as a guy I can clean her out, which is better tasting. I'll also let her do that because after sampling three different cocks in my cunt, I don't think I could restrict myself to just one, unfair to ask her to do that. Besides she likes women and it's one sided to say I'm the only guy now go find a chick. That doesn't really make logical sense to me, besides I can watch which is fun."

"Oh my yes I would enjoy watching my wife and another woman. My wife would castrate me if I try, she doesn't like women sadly ah well there's porn for me. Anyway go on and speak to the doctors in that program, shrinking is bad, next week if you don't mind I would like to hear a full synopses of your experiences, how it made you feel and all that, my wife would be happy if I understood her better. I know you don't really like him but I think your psych professor should hear about the experience, he has theories that your experiences would validate or debunk. Besides he's actually a nice guy, I play squash with him sometimes." The professor says with a smile.

"It would probably help me understand some of this myself. I wouldn't mind if he sat in, perhaps he can help me understand why exactly I feel violated when a guy stares up my dress and the same with a guy who ogled me but when he apologized and complemented me I was smiling at him."

"I want to be here for that to, I can help explain some of it but your psych prof probably knows it better, I only got therapy as a kid and experience as a woman and well damn I wouldn't mind finding out the explanation of some of this." Martha says then looks over at me. "Come on there were two soldiers here, one is the brother of my friend I know him to he agreed to ride in my car with us to the building. They want to shut off the nanites you got because they don't know when they will stop, you are now shorter than all the woman applicants and your facial change has them worried. The change is still going to be a while they want to get a sample of your nanites and figure out what the fuck they are doing to you before they shut them off."

Now completely scared, the Professor follows us to the door to let us out quicker it's a little hard to move when you're a scrawny chick. Not that it was easy before but easier anyway. There is a soldier leaning against Martha's car, he jumps in the back seat when we get closer opening both doors for us. Both of us tell Martha to slow down when she tears out of the parking lot, she giggles then apologizes. The drive is blessedly short at least, the building I was given the nanites in sits adjacent to the sciences section.

When we get in the same nurse as before is sitting at the desk, she jumps up and leads Martha and I through the corridors. She comments on my new purse then apologizes for the one she gave me, it was sitting around and the doctor had been in a big hurry to be secretive about it. Finally we reach a room she lets us into, inside the same doctor as before is standing there with another doctor and a big burly man in a uniform.

"Ah yes here you are excellent, this other gentleman here will remove some nanites from you before we turn them off. The general there wanted to see what sort of a clusterfuck we handed him." The doctor I recognize says to me, the other walks forward looking at me.

"Your face is different and about an inch taller but the breasts and hips scream Doctor Natolya. She was one of the team designing the nanites she was also one of the original test subjects. I'm sorry to say you may have been given blank program nanites, in short form, good because you should only drop another inch, in longer form bad because you may then change into one of the other original testers and let's just say turning into a tall fat man may require a lot of eating and painful stretching." His voice is nasally and entirely elongated like he practiced speaking to add weight to his words.

"Do stop scaring the poor boy Doc, I've checked the charts this boy is a fucking genius on par with no one. We want to get him designing our missiles and jets if you two make this clusterfuck worse we will be lucky if he stays sane." The big burly man referred to as general barks from the back of the room.

Hurriedly the doctors get me on the bed the new one brings a strange looking device over and puts it against my arm. He says it may hurt about half a second after my arm is being cut. I'm groaning while the thing beeps and whistles, he pulls it away and we all look at my arm, it is sealing up quickly.

"Well at least that is working the way it's supposed to." The general says putting a hand on my shoulder. "Cheer up now we just gotta turn them off, I believe that requires a move correct?"

The doctor nods then helps me stand up, Martha takes my arm and off we go farther into the building. The doctors put me in a room alone, assuring me there is nothing to worry about while they don big leather sheets and face masks, the general and Martha doing the same. Not feeling like there is nothing to worry I watch as they adjust some settings, a big thing extends from the wall behind me looking a lot like the really old X-Ray machines you would see in the older movies. When I lean up to look at them better they motion me to lie down then the thing above starts whining.

It moves around for a little while then retreats back to where it was. The doctor I met before comes in with a scalpel he apologizes saying they need to make sure then puts a small cut in my arm. We both watch as blood comes out, he wipes at it twice then leans closer, he smiles up at me.

"Well there we go, the scan worked, we've found the nanites crash when exposed to a large dose of X-ray, we set this up in here just in case of problems, your case was not planned for mind but well so far so good. Anyway trust me the nanites are dead no more shrinking or expanding if he was correct on that part. We tested this part of it extensively, and don't worry, unless you have to be X-rayed another thousand times using the current equipment you will never get sick from this."

The general and Martha come in, they both look at the cut on my arm, the general is smiling at me.

"Listen I just heard, your sheet you did, we only really needed one as a template, we said two because then we could put a missile together and test it before we mass produce. Anyway, your sheet was utterly perfect, a scan of it was sent over to the big brains in Washington and they are screaming for us to sign you up. They were already chomping but damn they are telling me to offer you anything you want. In their words, whatever we design that boy can make into perfection. I'll put it simply cause it's easier on my old brain, the armed forces want you, no signing up required, you are hereby offered a job with the military, pursuant to graduating of course, not that there is much doubt at this point. You have balls the size of fucking Nebraska son you got turned into a woman and are still doing perfect work. Now they are saying thousand a month so you can work on learning everything and not have to work or none of that shit, I'm adding in six hundred a month because well fuck you got clusterfucked on my watch and I got leeway on my funds. Does that sound like a good deal to you?"

"Excuse my language Martha but fucking yes, I was going to ask if I could keep the six hundred for the rest of my time in college for emotional damage. Since I am offered a job and a lot more money how the hell can I refuse. Besides I was never certain if I wanted to do space shuttles and satellites or go into the military side. I guess I know now, though one question, what kind of missile did I just help make?" I ask grinning while the doctor stitches up my arm and puts a bandage over it.

"No repeating this please, either of you two, it's a new longer range air combat missile designed to correlate with our AWACS. No chance of friendly fire and it can change targets before it gets there. I don't even know how far it goes all they will say is a long way. Probably won't make it into active service for a few years anyway."

The new doctor comes in looking a little worried. He clears his throat making everyone look at him. He stands there for a few seconds looking really nervous.

"I'm sorry to say this but we will need to move changing you back to where you were before the nanites to a little later. They made you female, and a fully functioning female, not to mention lowered your height and if the data I have is correct, you are about forty pounds lighter, much of that was muscle and bone. Now all of this is simply a matter of putting in nanites and eating a lot, not to mention pain medication it's easier to go shorter than taller you understand. The real problem is the facial structure the machine made us an X-ray of you as well so we can make sure there is nothing extra you remember the Outer Limits on this I hope. Well the problem is they are not programmed to alter facial structure. We can do this but it will take a little longer because we need to program them for the way you were entirely. Anyway I need to get some pictures of you as a man if you have any and add two more weeks so we do not have another clusterfuck as the general is fond of saying. The nanites are dead in you, no more changes I've checked the sample I took they are just normal everyday nanites nothing different."

"Well I think I can survive another twenty three days like this. I do hope you have contacted the dean to extend my sit in status."

The first doctor pulls out his cell phone and walks away. The general shakes my hand then asks if there is anything else he can do for me. I sit and ponder for a second, I look at Martha she shakes her head.

"I am sitting very pretty right now I have a girlfriend, she has a car so no need for one. We are good for money I have a roommate ordering us parts to make us a computer, two new roommates so we are very good for money all around. There is one thing, my best friend Andy, he was the one that got me to try out for this testing is in the same field, well going to be and I don't suppose you could offer him a job?"

"Hmm, I can have him looked at favorably, no promises you understand it's just this field is hard to tell how good they will be for a year or two. What do you think doc?" The general says before looking at the other doctor.

"Oh I think we can decide a little sooner than a year or two, I will get his information and go over it myself. You understand even if we decide to offer him a job we will not pay nearly as much, though I suppose being your best friend and a roommate he would not need nearly as much anyway."

"Alright it is all squared with the dean, he was a little perturbed when I said two more weeks. Apparently there is a limit on how long one can have someone else go to their classes. You are officially brushing up at said limit now, no worries the doctor hedges his bets on how long, at least he better. If we take longer than he said you are officially sitting on screwed territory. I think we can extend again if we must but doc if you make us do that you better be done by the time that extension ends or our star is getting expelled." The first doctor says as he comes in.

"Alright all set, you two kids go on and have fun or head to class or well whatever the hell you were gonna do. Oh and the extra thousand will go in your account tomorrow, just in case you decide to experiment more as a woman or get an urge to refurnish the apartment or some such thing. I have a wife and she does that to me every few years, I think so my secretary gets the old furniture, she always collects it." The general says with a smile, the first doctor leads us out.

Back in the car Martha gives me a huge hug then sits back smiling at me.

"My god I can't believe my boyfriend is going to work for the military without having to do the basic training. Wait until everybody else hears about this, and I have a request actually, I rather want a bigger bed for us to sleep on. Not yet mind but when you change back I'm sure you and Andy would not want to sleep on the same bed. Right now it's just lovely the way it is."

"I totally understand the bed I got is not really big enough unless one of us lies on the other every night. Not that I'm saying don't do that I love cuddling after sex, at least now I never had sex before. I can't say what I'll be like after sex as a guy, though if Andy and Mike are any indication I'll want to go to sleep."

"Standard guy thing I think, I'm not complaining mind they do most of the pumping. Anyway let's get back home and get you in a bikini for the pool, oh and I didn't say it before but my god you are totally gorgeous in that dress, the rose hose is adding to it. I am so glad that one is actually my size so you can see me in it and take me out of it." Martha says with a gleam to her eyes as she starts the car and we pull out of the small parking area.

"Say didn't that doctor say he needed pictures of me as a guy?"

"Yes he did but he also got pictures of your school ID, state ID and there was a picture in your wallet. He said it is more than enough, all he needed was an ID picture."

I watch the coeds on campus as we drive past them all are wearing less than I am. Most are in hot pants and a tube top or bikinis, none as small as mine. When we reach our complex I decide to ask Martha since I have two extra weeks with tits and a cunt.

"Martha, can we buy me a larger bikini, I'm not saying today but before we sit at the pool again. I'm not sure I will like wearing that little in front of strangers."

"Oh trust me when you know guys will stare its great fun and you will be offended if they don't." She says as she opens the door.

"So come on out with it how was your geek class?" Andy asks sitting on the sofa, everyone else turns to look at me.

"Ah hell, big news but fuck it I'll go through the day so far." I say plopping onto the sofa. "OK, the entire class was there already, I was only a minute early, geeks are rather sad sometimes. They all sucked in their breath when I walked in, the prof tried to get me to go home again because it is a high science class, I showed him two mistakes he had on his board. He sat me down right in the front like always, Franklin looked at me I smiled at him and he creamed his pants. So while he was changing his shorts and the class was recopying the diagram he asked for blonde jokes, I told three, only one came out of the class. Then we did the diagram onto a sheet, its part of a military program, my sheet and Anthony's are going to the program, mine is the template. So the prof made me stay last and we talked, I told him the truth about me, he rather knew it anyway and I learned a few things about him, he's a big jock because he grew up on a farm and worked out in college then joined the military. Next week I'm going to stay late again and speak to him about all of the experiences I've had so he can understand his wife better who happens to the cop we met yesterday. Our Psych prof will be there along with Martha, she had come in before he said that. She had news for me, the military was looking for me, we went to the building and I met a new doctor and a general, they took samples of the nanites in me then killed them. We found out I have to be a chick for two extra weeks now so they can get the nanites set up with how I used to look facially and otherwise. That is not the big news this is the big news, my sheet was utterly perfect the brains in Washington demanded the general recruits me so I am now officially hired by the military as soon as I graduate. For now I am getting sixteen hundred a month, I get the extra grand tomorrow." Everyone is just staring at me, I look at Andy. "Andy dude, I may have gotten you a job with the military as well, the general asked if there was anything else, I asked if he could look at you. The head doctor of the nanites program, I think he was anyway, swore he would look at you, you may not find out for a while but dude isn't this awesome?"
