Changing Time Pt. 01: Leta's Story


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"All right, Mom."

"Don't worry about looking for him, either. Just keep moving and stay away from people. The running will help keep the edge off. He'll take care of you."

Even in my confused and semi-crazed state, I still felt wrong, somehow. I loved my mother, and the idea of stealing her lover, no matter who it was, sickened me.

"Are you sure that you're all right with this, Mom? I know that you and he, um..."

"I'm sure, Leta. We always knew that thiscould happen. I'd rather you be safe and happy and...well-cared for, by someone who genuinely cares for you. And while this might be weird for both of us, it's something that needs to happen, and something both of you should enjoy. Your Uncle and I live unorthodox lives, Leta, but we try and be honest with each other, and true. This isn't breaking a chain, it's just making it bigger."

"Thank you, Mom," I said, feeling a new surge of rage and desire run through my blood, "but...I have to go..."

"I understand. Be safe. I love you."

"I love you, too."

* * *





The twilight began to pass into full dark as I ran through the woods. At last, my nightmare was coming true. My body was alive in ways that I'd never known before. I could smell the serpent sleeping the winter away and hear the squirrel quivering in fright at my passage. I could smell the death in the air, overcoming life as the seasons turned. And I hurt.

I hurt so badly, all over but especially inside. Where I had previously ached to be filled now, it seemed like I was burning with cold fire. I was being consumed with lust and desire. And while I couldn't put out the fire the way I wanted, not alone, I could alleviate it.

I smelled them long before they knew I was there. They were kids, only a little younger than Chris. They were making out, turned on, afraid of doing it wrong, but too desperate to stop doing it. I could sympathize.

What I needed they had. I could take it from them. Before I knew it, I was slowing to a jog, then a walk. Then I dropped on all fours and crept along the ground. I felt my spine stretch and my face grow tight, my teeth began to sharpen. My claws dug into the soft earth as I silently approached. All I had to do was get a little closer. They couldn't outrun me, and they certainly weren't paying attention.

I was feet away. I could already see myself wolfing down their organs and drinking their hot blood. I knew that would make me feel better, even if only for a short time. And I needed relief so badly. I was close enough to taste their nervous sweat now. I peered from the undergrowth at them, delighting in their unawareness and vulnerability.

She was blonde and taller than he was. She had pressed his back against a tree, but he wasn't complaining. His hands moved on her back, helplessly. She kissed his neck, and he moaned.

They were too young to go farther than kissing, but their affections were real and undeniable. They were in love. I didn't know why they were out here, whether it was just a matter of convenience or if their relationship was somehow forbidden, but it didn't matter. I no longer wanted their blood and life. My conscious mind reasserted itself, and I crossed back over the razor-thin line that separated me from being a true monster. I knew that I couldn't hold out long.

I growled. The kids looked up, and I could finally see their faces. The girl was athletic with firm features, and the boy was smaller and more delicate. The girl was scared but instinctively moved in front of the boy protectively. Neither could be more than fourteen.

"Run," she said, pushing him away, but he refused to go, tugging on her sleeve for her to run with him. I would have found it touching if I wasn't about to kill them. I howled then in frustration and need and good old fashioned anger. I'd never made such a sound. It was forlorn and terrifying, inhuman, but also a sound that no dog or coyote could ever make. The girl's face turned ashen, and she bolted, pulling the boy behind her. I resisted the strong predatory instinct to follow them, closing my eyes and forcing myself to be still.

They were gone, but soon I'd find someone else, and next time, I wouldn't have as much control. I felt great despair and sank to the ground. My teeth grew dull, and my claws faded back into fingernails. My torso compressed, and my skull returned to its normal shape. I sobbed, curled in a ball, wrapping myself around my pain and loneliness. I was sure that I would kill soon, and I couldn't bear the thought of my family finding out. Especially not Chris, who always looked up to me.

Then, the miracle happened. Well, it wasn't a miracle, not really. Mom told me he'd come for me, I just hadn't believed that he'd reach me in time. In the far distance, back towards the lake, I heard a howl answering mine.

It was my uncle. My father. He'd come to save me and claim me. Finally.

* * *

I couldn't just wait. I knew that. It would be wrong. I needed to make myself more desirable to him, I needed him to need me. To hunt me.

I ran towards the lake, but not directly towards the howl. I knew that he would find my scent irresistible now that I had Changed for the first time. I was a beast like him. I needed him to fuck me like one.

I bolted through the brush, feeling it tear at my clothes and flesh. I ran swiftly, less like a hunting predator and more like a deer in flight. It would be better this way. I could be his enticing prey, and he could be the half-beast who hunted me. I would be perfect for my mate.

I had only been running for a few minutes when I heard him behind me. I was upwind from him so he could scent my fear and need and deep arousal. I turned and leaped over a small stream, following it briefly, then turning away.

I heard his confused and frustrated growl maybe a hundred yards behind me, and I smiled. He was getting angry with me. Even as I feared his rage, it sent a thrill through my body. My father loved me and desired me and wanted to punish me, just as I needed.

Then he scented me, and I felt only desperation again. I did not turn to look, but I heard him crashing through the underbrush. He huffed, and it was like furnace bellows. How big was he? Oh god, I had made a mistake. I was just a girl and this...this wasn't my gentle Uncle Edward but a monster. I...

My thoughts ended as I finally felt him crash into me. I plunged to the ground, sliding through the leaves, arms splayed helplessly, head bouncing off the hard earth. I tasted blood and smelled my father's musk. His scent was all around me, over me, in me. I whined, helplessly torn between fear and lust.

He didn't wait for me to recover. Instead, he crouched behind me. I turned to see him and, just for a moment, froze in terror. My prior transition seemed like nothing compared to his. Although he walked upright like a man, in no way could he be described as human. His face had elongated into a canine snarl, and his eyes were vibrant yellow. He was covered in coarse black fur, shot through with strands of gray. Every part of him had elongated. His hands ended in two-inch-long black claws that gleamed in the moonlight. Then there was his cock. Oh god, he was huge, and I swear that I could see him pulse as he leaked thick precum out of the tip. My body responded to the sight of him, and although I was still clothed, I arched my back, presenting to him like a good little bitch.

He did not pause for me to accept him. With one enormous hand, he casually tore my sweatpants off, shredding both them and the panties underneath them. I cried out as I felt his claws gouge into my buttocks, but I did not shy away. If anything, my need grew sharper. I couldn't explain it then or now, but I instinctively knew that every mark he left on me was a sign of his love.

He leaned down and sniffed and lapped at my pussy, I moaned and let my head sink down lower in submission. Why was he torturing me like this? Couldn't he smell my need? Didn't he want to...

Then with no warning, he rose up and loomed over me, his monstrous hands just on the outside of mine. I felt his fur tickle my back, and then he sniffed my neck. For a moment, his jaws opened, and my throat was between them. I felt his hot breath on my neck and knew that this was the way I had to lose my virginity: fiercely and with suffering. I whimpered, and it wasn't out of fear.

"Please," I said, my voice barely a whisper, "please fuck me...please fuck me, Daddy..."

After I said it out loud for the first time, I felt the truth settle on me complete me. This was my father, who could snuff my life out so quickly between his teeth. This was his body, coming ever closer. That was my father's cock, pressing lightly at my entrance.

He rose up again, and he casually tore at my shirt. I cried out in pain again. I was bleeding, I knew, but I had no way to tell how badly I was injured. I didn't care either. I felt his great hands on my flanks then, his claws as sharp as razors. I panted. I was in heat, and he knew it.

With a growl and a precision born of most deep-seated instinct, he forced his cock inside of me. I cried out in pain and pleasure. I stretched to accommodate him, felt full to bursting, and then I realized he hadn't wholly entered me. I sobbed, and he pushed deeper. I wept and went deeper still. I felt my body adapting to accept him in a way that no human ever could. I was built for this, to be taken by a beast. Finally, with a grunt of deep satisfaction, he was entirely inside of me.

He paused only a moment before the storm truly began. Each stroke was full and deep, and each time I felt his body impact mine caused me to shudder. My breathing came quick and shallow. My human side wanted me to beg for mercy, to plead for him to stop. My beastly side wouldn't allow anything to ruin this perfect moment.

He built up speed and force until he was fucking me with bruising intensity, and his huffing breath grew labored quickly. I thought I'd be simply a helpless recipient, but I rolled my hips and met every thrust. I realized that beneath my desire was an urge to prove myself a worthy mate, meeting every move of his and enduring whatever he gave.

I cried out as his clawed hands dug into my waist and dragged down to my flanks, but I still came, shuddering and spasming. I came again as I felt his jaws nipping at my back, tearing at my flesh. I was wounded but strong. I was worthy of his seed. I would prove it.

He had incredible stamina, maintaining the brutal pace for longer than I could have imagined. I dropped onto my elbows, panting hard, barely able to support my head. He fucked me even harder. I felt my pleasure and need rise. I could smell his precious seed again, and I gripped his cock with my pussy. In response he seemed to grow even larger inside me, stretching me out painfully, filling me in places I hadn't known existed.

I was no longer able to meet his thrusts, and had he released my waist, I would have simply collapsed limply onto the earth. Then, as suddenly as he had mounted me, he buried himself deep inside of me, releasing his rich, virile seed. Even as he did, his jaws closed again on my throat and part of my shoulder. I realized that I was sobbing as he emptied himself inside of me. I felt his seed pouring out, and I realized with both horror and lust that he had knotted inside of me, and was unable to pull free. He kept thrusting, and now I was simply a vessel for his seemingly endless supply of cum. My orgasm rose out of nowhere, a tidal wave carrying me and casting me on the rocks. I was powerless before both it and him. It felt like hours passed in this state of being filled, semen pouring down the inside of my thighs.

Then, it was over. The forest was silent, and I was cold. He withdrew himself from me with slight difficulty, and I moaned in loss. Then he lifted me up, cradling me in his arms. I was warm and safe and protected, and my mate's seed flowed from me like a river. I was finally, at last, sated. I passed out.

* * *

I woke briefly, as my body moved side to side. I was in my uncle's car, and I didn't know where he was taking me. I didn't care, so long as he was still with me. To my pleasure, I noted that I was wrapped in a blanket that smelled of him, and a hoodie was on my lap. I moved just enough to put it on, so I was at least wearing something, then I pulled the blanket around myself again and fell asleep.

"Leta, honey, wake up."

I did, smiling. My, my father's face was close to mine, concerned. The door was open, and he was crouched near me.


My mind was foggy with exertion and pleasure. It was like being high.

"Can you walk. We're home."

I looked out the windshield and saw that we were at Edward's brownstone, not my own home. I looked up at him in confusion as I got slowly out of the car, wincing. I could walk, but I was sore...everywhere, outside and in. I followed him as he went to the door

"You're going to be staying with me for a little while," he said by way of explanation as he unlocked the door, "and you're going to be out of school for a bit. Once you've adapted, you can go back to your normal life, and live with your mother if you want."

Despite my fatigue and pain, I reached out then and tugged on his belt. He turned to look at me, and I know that he saw the concern in my face.

"But...but you'll still mate with me, right daddy?"

The words came out so naturally, and I knew that I sounded younger than I was then. I saw his kind eyes and gentle smile, and I knew that I would be all right.

"Yes, honey. As much as you need and want. I...I love you."

As I entered my father's house for the first time as an actual resident, I believed that he did. I believed that my mother did as well, and I was happy to be separated from Chris, at least for the time being. I would miss him, but he would be safe, and that was more important to me than anything else.

I learned for the first time that night what it meant to be cared for by someone who loved you romantically. He cooked for me and made sure that I drank enough water. He made dinner for me (pasta with steak). He stayed with me when I bathed, which should have been strange but felt normal, and then cleaned and dressed my wounds. I was already healing, but they still hurt. I refused to ask any questions about the future. I was finally relaxed, and I didn't want to ruin it with needless worries.

"Do you want to sleep on your own tonight?" He asked at last. I shook my head, and he smiled as if he had expected the answer.

The first night that I shared my father's bed, there was no lovemaking. He enfolded me in his strong arms, and I fell asleep instantly. I was safe and loved and sated, protected by the best and strongest possible mate. That was all I needed to know. Tomorrow could wait.


Author's Note: This will be continued in an irregular schedule. I want to tell the story of Chris' first change, the siblings' future, as well as their parents' past. Lastly, I want to provide some explanation for why things are as they are in this household of wolves that must breed amongst themselves. I hope that you've enjoyed it so far.

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mharrisonmharrisonover 1 year ago

Just re-read this and enjoyed it again - know you commented that this would be an irregular posting but do hope you get to continue this soon.

Many thanks for sharing your work with us all - it's very much appreciated.

nyteramblernyteramblerover 2 years ago

Really liked the story but with how long since it was posted I have a feeling that you will not be writing more. Hope you are well and that life isn't being too hard on you. Good luck and hope to see more in the future.

muskyboymuskyboyalmost 3 years ago

Awesome story, thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Your writing mixes the perfect amounts of plot, emotion and smut. I find your plots believable and well thought out, connecting people with the emotion required for the reasoning on why they would break social norms etc. Always privileged to read your work.

blackknight314blackknight314about 3 years ago

Loved the story and anxiously awaiting the next part of the story.

Thanks for sharing this story.

RamazaRamazaalmost 4 years ago

Hi, like many others, i really like this story, and i'm looking forward to read more of what is to come in the future... please keep writing and keep up the good work

mharrisonmharrisonabout 4 years ago

Great story, Really looking forward to reading more...

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I liked it!

I think that the setup, meaning it’s looking back in time through Leta’s point of view, is well done. It doesn’t have to be unpredictable and in fact works fine just as it is. I think once all the characters backgrounds and backstory are set then you can introduce an unfolding mystery in present tense. That said, when do you think you will return to this storyline? Do you have a schedule for all the stories that you are working on? If so, can you post it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Not up to your standards !!

Predictable from the beginning. Continue on and get it out of your system. Anyway, thank you.

Simon98Simon98over 4 years ago
What happened to the next Resort novel?

I've been wating for the next Resort novel for half an eternity it feels. Is I being made? I and many more really loved it!

ceedeehceedeehover 4 years ago

As soon as I saw who had written this, I knew I had to read it! I've read most or maybe all of yours stories on Literotica, and loved every one of them. Please don't keep me waiting for the next piece of the series. Thanks again!

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