Chapter 01: Cleaning Day


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Sam's First Day with Cheryl

Becky and Cheryl put on their shirts and shorts a few minutes before Sam walked in.

Sam saw Cheryl was here. She liked Cheryl, but she also realized there would be no side-stepping the girl-talk. She so wanted to get off, but the delay was inevitable.

Sam noticed a familiar odor in the air. She looked at her mother and Cheryl. They looked like the married women that they were, and no different from how they normally looked, other than being braless. Nothing odd about that for a casual conversation between women on a nice day. She then saw the cleaning stuff. Maybe the musky odor came from that.

Both mothers were sitting on the sofa, so Sam took the loveseat. They went through the usual pleasantries "good to see you, Sam," "same to you Mrs. Bree," "how was your day" "good, and yours?"

Sam said "I see you have been cleaning." She then noticed that there was a bra and panties on the loveseat. She had done family laundry enough times to know they were not her mother's. "Mrs. Bree was helping you cleaning topless?"

Becky was a little startled and then realized the bra was left on the loveseat, so she said, "Yes, we were topless. No, Cheryl was not cleaning. We just thought the day was too good to wear shirts." After a brief pause, she asked with feigned concern, "Are you shocked?"

Sam answered matter-of-factly "Of course not. You are both adults, you can run around nude if you want." As she said that she held the panties up. "I am a bit warm after walking around campus all morning. Do you mind if I join you?" Both women were speechless. They were outed, but in a very pleasant way.

Sam proceeded to pull her t-shirt over her head and unsnapped and discarded her bra. This is the first time her mom and Cheryl had seen her breasts. Sam thought "This is less awkward than I thought it would be. Mom seems to be puzzled about seeing my tits. Let's leave them on display for her. Cheryl, on the other hand, is kind of mesmerized, almost like boys do when they first see them."

Her mother had so many conflicting thoughts running through her head that she did not move for a good 10 seconds.

Sam said "Mom, you can look at me."

Her mom replied "I am not sure about this."

"Why not? We are all women. None of us are lesbians. I figure you would want to see how your daughter turned out as an adult."

Becky looked at Sam's tits. "Yes, you are all grown up." Becky continued to look and liked what she saw. The medium-sized breasts and small nipples were much how she looked at that age. Firm with little sag. Nipples pointed straight out. Very nice. She gave her daughter a proud smile.

Sam went to her mom to give her a kiss on the cheek, but her mom turned and they kissed on the mouth. Sam smiled at that and said "I really do want you to look at me, mom, it warms me inside. You, too, Cheryl."

Sam knew Cheryl did not need the invitation, much to Sam's pleasure and to her mom's confusion.

Sam sat down and asked "Sorry, mom. It just seemed so nice to get naked with you guys. Did I go overboard?"

Her mom answered "No, you are just fine, I do want you to feel free to be naked when you want in this house and when around understanding people. Cheryl is certainly understanding. It was just so sudden. Please be naked. Yes, I want you to be comfortably naked around the family. And, yes, I do want to see how my daughter looks as an adult."

Sam stood up again and her mom's confused look became a proud smile. She took a silly, kind of giddy, tone and said, "Look at all of me." Sam then pushed her jeans and panties down in one motion and took a comical spin so they could see her back side, also.

After all the emotional confusion, what Becky settled on was relief. Mother-daughter modesty was over. Her own naturist ways could be discussed. She could get naked.

Cheryl was already naked. Becky made it three.

Sam added "If you ladies, do not mind, I am going to look at you both. I have not seen either of you naked that I can remember."

Her mom said "Of course you can look at me."

Cheryl said "Staring is perfectly fine with me. It makes me warm inside, too."

Becky said "This is pleasant, but we will need to dress soon. Your brother will be coming home."

Sam replied "No. He is taking Lisa to the basketball game, then burgers, then he is going over to Joe's house for the night."

Cheryl picked up her cell phone and texted Bill that they decided on a "girls' night out" and to pick up dinner for himself. He replied "enjoy it!" "We are free," she declared.

They finished the second bottle of wine and opened a third. Becky was drinking for the first time with her daughter. There was that other time when Sam was six and asked to taste wine. Becky gave her some knowing that it would taste awful and keep Sam from trying it again for a very long time. This was the first time Sam had tasted wine since then.

They ordered pizza and played backgammon. They gathered in the family room again, with Becky and Cheryl on the sofa and Sam on the loveseat.

Sam thought "Tonight has gone so well, and both of the other women seem so open, I could probably masturbate right now without causing much of a stir. I could blame it on 'youthful indiscretion.' No, I do not want to make them uncomfortable. I do need to get off.

"I could go to my room, but I do not want a forced quickie. They would know what I am doing anyway. It all just seems silly."

Cheryl was still horny from when Becky stopped her from her second round. She could have gone into a bedroom and rubbed one out, but she did not want to stifle the party by being gone long enough to do it justice. Also, she was now spoiled. Having watched Becky exhibit herself, then watch Becky get off, and then diddle herself for Becky, she really wanted a replay. She obviously could not do a replay with Becky until Sam called it a night. That was common sense. However, common sense be damned. The little man in the canoe was winning the debate.

Cheryl did Becky's trick. She tucked her left leg up, right foot on the floor. It was a normal position for a woman in pants, so maybe Sam would not think it unusual. Becky saw it for what it was and was seriously conflicted. Cheryl was either tempting Becky into a replay, which was silly with Sam here, or more likely, was trying to seduce her daughter right in front of her. Well, seduce was not the right term. It was "just" masturbation. But there was that post-orgasmic kiss that seemed to make it more.

Was Cheryl hoping for a replay while her daughter watched, or even participated? Was Becky jealous that her daughter might get off with her bestie? Was she trying to be unnecessarily protective? Was any of this incest? Too many choices.

The wine certainly reduced her ability to reason. She was horny beyond belief after this afternoon, seeing her daughter strip off without hesitation, and now seeing Cheryl's inner labia. Let's let it play out. We have time to stop egregious behavior later, right?

Sam noted Cheryl's movement. It drew her attention to Cheryl's pussy, which was totally exposed. Clearly, Cheryl was not concerned. She saw her mother had also seen it, but no shock registered there. Sam decided not to tell Cheryl she was exposed. Instead, she took a long look. She realized that the horniness was taking possession of her wine-weakened common sense. That knowledge should have made her stop looking, but it did not, Sam kept looking carefully. It kind of looked like her mom was giving downward glances. Her mom seemed to enjoy looking, also. Were the married women actually doing things this afternoon and not just talking? Was her mom bi? Images of Cheryl touching and kissing her mom increased her horniness.

Cheryl saw the look that Sam gave her pussy. Not annoyed, but curious. "This could work," she thought.

Becky saw the look, too. "Oh, no, this could work." She thought. Not really knowing why, and instead of saying anything, Becky also took a look at Cheryl's pussy and adopted the mirror pose of right leg up, left foot on the floor.

Sam thought, "This seemed deliberately exhibitionist on mom's part, so it may have been Cheryl's intent also." Sam's lascivious thoughts started to take over.

Becky was still concerned, so before anyone did anything rash, she suggested a movie. By unanimous declaration, the women turned on "Like Water for Chocolate." All of them had a good buzz from the wine and were enjoying the romantic film. In one scene, the heroine runs topless through the night. Both of the other women agreed when Sam said "we need to do that."

Sam paused the movie and shouted "fire drill," and all three dashed into the backyard.

They all acted like teenagers on their first skinny dip. They slapped each other's asses and playfully grabbed at tits.

Sam snuck into a dark part of the yard amongst some trees and give her clit a quick rub. It felt exceptionally good, but she knew she could not stay hidden long enough for a good rub nor could she explain her recovery, if she completed, so she stopped.

Sam was not as sneaky as she thought. Becky and Cheryl saw her sneak off and peeked to see her getting in a good rub. Both women decided that was a good thing to do.

Becky was next to go in the dark place to get in a little diddle. As much as Cheryl wanted to join her, it did not seem prudent to let Sam know what had gone on that afternoon. She did watch, though.

Cheryl edged herself as the third masturteer.

Cheryl and Becky both acted as if they were being sneaky, but clearly wanted to be seen by Sam. Sam definitely saw them, confirming that they were all horny. Maybe something should be done about that.

Soon after, during a game of grab ass, Cheryl "accidentally" grabbed Sam's pussy. It was seriously wet. Sam acted mildly shocked and Cheryl apologized profusely with "oops, wrong ass." They both chuckled at the mistake, but it was a weak chuckle.

Sam said "Da nada, we are all friends here. It's cool."

Sam thought "That was not a mistake. She was feeling me up. She actually touched my clit! She knows I am just dripping. I really wanted to grab her hand and force her to finish me. But, that just might be my weakened judgment. Play it cool."

The three had tired themselves out and went back to the film. After running around naked, the heroine jumps on the back of the hero's horse. Cheryl commented "Oh boy, riding a horse naked... and bareback." Sam and Cheryl laughed nervously at the obvious implication.

Cheryl thought "That does it. I cannot hold this pretext any longer. I'll bet Sam is going to be okay with this. I just hope Becky is okay with her daughter being involved." Cheryl just casually started stroking her clit. Her hand had already been in her lap, as it would be normally, so she did not overtly draw attention to what she was doing. She just extended a finger.

It did not matter. The other two women were so on edge and looking at each other's bodies, they could not avoid seeing her do it. Neither one said anything, but both watched. They also saw each other watching. Sam decided this was the funky smell. Her mother and Cheryl had gotten off soon before she got home. This took her feeling of sexiness to a new level.

Sam was quite surprised that watching a woman get herself off could turn her on. Typically, masturbation was a perfunctory act to get rid of the hornies. Cheryl was clearly taking her time. She was giving pleasure and getting pleasure. She was clearly making love to herself. This was exactly what Sam wanted to do after class.

Sam wanted to start in, but she did not want to take away from the love act going on in front of her. She also did not feel comfortable doing it with her mother sitting right there. She may just go to her room once Cheryl finished.

Becky was seriously turned on by watching Cheryl, especially remembering this afternoon. Watching Sam watch Cheryl with the same turned on look on her face was priceless. Everyone wants to see their children get pleasure from the same things their parents like.

Was it time to stop this? Once Cheryl is done, the rest seems like incest. No, she was too turned on to take any action except to get herself off. She may feel differently tomorrow, but she really wanted her daughter to watch Cheryl with her. After Cheryl finishes, then what?

Cheryl took her dear, sweet time. She looked at this afternoon with her mind's eye. She loved seeing the first reveal of Sam's young, firm breasts and pussy. Watching Sam touching herself in the backyard was such an unexpected turn on. And then masturbating herself, knowing Becky would also do it and Sam would see both of them. Touching Sam's clit and Sam saying it was okay. She now had both of them watching her make love to herself. All of this fed her feeling of peace, calm, and mounting excitement. Slow circles around the clit. Pressure from her thumb. An occasional shallow dip into her vagina for moisture. Ten minutes, at least, maybe longer. She had been panting and tightening various muscles for several minutes as her orgasm approach. She had a great climax with explosions, fireworks, and toe curls. She made quiet exclamations of pleasure. Her facial muscles contorted. She then took long slow breaths for recovery. A broad smile took up her whole face.

As she looked around, she realized she had a very appreciative audience still paying rapt attention.

Becky decided that, just as she enjoyed seeing her daughter's adult body, she also wanted to see her make love to herself. Along with that, she wanted Sam to see her.

Becky had to go next. She knew Sam might be hesitant to do it in front of her mother, so if she went first, Sam would feel more comfortable doing it with her mother present. Besides, Becky was just too horny; she wanted immediate relief from the intense sexual desire fueled by watching her daughter become excited by Cheryl's self-love. Becky's face was flushed and she was breathing heavily. Just a few rubs of her clit and Becky went over the cliff. Becky then focused on her daughter. It was clear Sam watched her mother until orgasm, but then dove right in.

This was finally Sam's time. Both women were watching with a look of love and anticipation. Gentle, encouraging smiles. This really felt right. This was better than hiding in her room. She now took the time to do it right, just as she planned to do. She did not rush herself but it still came quick. Several gentle cries of pleasure and the waves came over her. She could feel her muscles contract. Her right hand pushed hard against her mound, with her left on top for reinforcement. This very well could be her best self-induced orgasm ever.

They all relaxed in a shared post-orgasmic glow.

Sam asked, "Next time daddy is gone, can I help clean house?"

Becky answered "Right now I would love it. Let's find out if I feel this way in the morning."

After sharing their personal comments on the session, Becky said "After all this, I really do not want to be alone. Can we go to my bed?" Sam headed for her room, but her mom motioned with her head that she meant all of them. Cheryl texted her husband to explain there was too much wine and there was going to be lots more girl talk late into the night. She would just crash here. It was great to have such an understanding husband.

In Becky and Tom's bed, Becky told Cheryl to get in the center. It just did not feel right to have mother and daughter next to each other.

All three were laying on their backs. Once Sam started rubbing her pussy, all were doing it until they all came, pretty much at the same time. Pecks on the lips between all of them and sleep came easily.

In the wee hours, Cheryl was having trouble sleeping, so she started in again. An orgasm usually brought sleep back to her. Sam's right hand came to rest on top of Cheryl's right. Cheryl was a little apprehensive when she asked "Do you want to do me?" Cheryl was not sure what to do if Sam said she did.

The question gave Becky immediate concern.

Sam answered "No, I just want to feel you do it. Feel how your fingers move." So, Cheryl did it with Sam feeling her movements. It was almost better than being watched.

After Cheryl had her fourth orgasm of the day, mother and daughter started on themselves. Cheryl rested one hand on top of each of them. All felt a level of female companionship with the intimacy.

In the morning, Becky jumped out of bed. Jack would be home soon and Tom's flight would come in the early afternoon. They had a quick breakfast and Cheryl was sent to her husband wearing all of her underwear. Becky stripped the bed and washed sheets to eliminate the three wet (more like soaked) spots. Sam opened windows to air out the room.

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BlackPlanetBlackPlanet7 months ago

Good idea, but there was a little too much head hopping.

perejohn41perejohn417 months ago

Great story. Loved the mother-daughter contact, the neighbor made three so hot.

unclebeardyunclebeardy9 months ago

Please don't do that again - now you can't start any more stories with numbers, or they become irretrievably mixed. If you can't change the titles, the best option is to give them a 'book name' at the beginning, e.g. Becky's Family Fun: Ch.01 Cleaning Day. Add a note that these are re-loads of <Old Title>, with a few edits (you do need some), and many will go through the list again.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

It's so hot imagining tham so horny.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great story. Great groundwork to continue.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Very wooden writing style, have you never heard of contractions? e.g. don't, we've etc.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

You know what's worse than not having a chapter number? Putting it at the START of the title. If you write another multi-chapter story, this indicates you will have two stories that start with Chapter 01. Even changing the next one to Ch 01 would be little improvement.

random8random811 months ago

Terrific, tender and sexy story. Love it!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Ok. Needed more interaction.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Oh God that was a great story. I loved every minute of it. You've got to do a follow up with the 3 ladies actually doing each other.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

excellent story. Maybe a part 2?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Part 2 is needed!!

zooliciouszoolicious11 months ago

Another In Vino Veritas story. Pretty tasty.

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