Chaste at Uni


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"Nice to see you like what you see, Ben," she said.

It was awkward to spend time alone with Emma naked. Even though I had seen her hundreds of times, it had always been with Jay and Sophie.

"You're beautiful Emma, of course," I said.

We sat down in the living room and watched some TV. Emma sat opposite from me, still refusing to dress herself. She placed her feet up on the coffee table, showing me her clean, soft looking soles.

I couldn't help but stare at her while she pretended not to notice me. My gaze kept mostly on her feet, fascinated by my own attraction to them.

Driving myself wild with sexual thoughts I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get some relief, but there was no chance of removing the cage. I stood up and went to the bedroom, closing the door behind me.

Removing my nightwear, I lay on the bed and looked down at my locked cock. It didn't take long until I was reaching under the bed for the anal toy.

Lubed up and ready to go, I inserted it into my ass and pushed around, quietly moaning to myself as the massaging leaked an oozing amount of cum out of the hole in the cage.

The relief didn't last long, and my mind was still burned with the picture of Emma's naked body showing me her feet.

Like most days, I spend my time looking for a job, reaching out to recruiters and talking to Emma. Thankfully she put her clothes on for the afternoon. Not that I wanted her to, I loved looking at her body. But it made it easier on my cock, not constantly trying to get hard.

When Sophie came back home, she went straight to the bedroom and lay down, exhausted from a hard day.

"Rub me baby," she said, kicking off her shoes to the floor.

Of course, I got to work, peeling off her socks and rubbing her while she moaned and fell asleep.

The next day was very similar. Emma teased me for the morning, but I resisted playing with my ass. When Sophie and Jay came home, they were more awake than before, and sat down with us for a joint meal.

After eating, we sat in the living area watching some TV.

Kicking off her shoes, Sophie looked at me with her sweet eyes and summoned me to rub her feet.

"Oh, um, okay, in the bedroom?" I asked.

"No, it's okay, I'm watching TV. Here, go on," she said.

It felt strange kneeling down, while Emma and Jay watched me. But they didn't seem to pay any attention to me, so I rubbed my hands over her soft feet, helping her to relax.

When she had had enough, I sat back up on the sofa, to see Emma laying back with her feet out, pointing towards me like the other day. My cock was straining, and I badly wanted to touch them.

I caught her eyes a few times, quickly looking away awkwardly.

"You can rub mine if you want," she said, not looking at me directly, but continuing the watch the TV.

Pretending I didn't hear her, I kept looking forward at the TV.

But I could see in the corner of my eye, she was shaking her feet and smiling, looking at the app, clearly telling her I was aroused.

Without saying a word, I knelt down in front of her and placed my hands on her toes. They were cold, and slightly moist, so I rubbed them, warming her up.

"You're making me look bad," said Jay.

"Oh sorry Jay," I said, stopping and sitting back.

"I'm only joking. Look I don't mind, so long as you keep that cock of your away. Not that you have a choice," he said.

Back to work, I rubbed her feet, enjoying every moment until she pulled away so she could stand up and use the bathroom.

Soon everyone went to bed. Jay and Emma joined us on our room, and everyone, except for me, was soon fast asleep. I looked up at the ceiling, thinking only of rubbing Emma's soft cold feet.

Needing more relief, I searched under the bed for the anal toy. Not wanting to wake anyone up, I moved to the bathroom and played with my prostate, until my cock oozed out some cum onto the tiled floor.

After cleaning up and having a quick wash, I got back into bed, still frustrated but at least able to sleep.

Both me and Emma slept in, until we were woken by the slam of the front door as Sophie and Jay left for work.

Pushing the blanket off her, Emma stood up, naked showing me her plump boobs, before going to the bathroom.

I was left alone for most of the day as Emma had some jobs to run. She had barely arrived back in the afternoon when Sophie and Jay followed not too far behind.

After the group of us had dinner, we moved to the living area but couldn't find anything good to watch on TV.

"So, Emma you love teasing me with your naked body these days," I said, causing Jay and Sophie to laugh.

"I'm just glad you enjoy the show," she said. "Jay, and Sophie, we all have a special relationship, right?"

Everyone nodded.

"Sometimes during work, I get so horny. Since Ben is all secure down there, would either of you mind if he performed oral on me? Only if he wanted, of course,"

My eyes lit up and a smile grinned on my face as I imagined licking her warm pussy, then sticking my unlocked erect cock into her vagina.

"Oh fuck Emma, I thought you were going to ask something serious, like bringing in another person to our thing," said Jay, with a relieved look on his face. "I have no issue, so long as you don't actually have sex."

"No risk there," said Sophie. "Emma, I'd actually be upset if he didn't give you oral when you need it. Whatever we call our relationship, we're all in this together. You guys have fun, but yeah baby, let's keep that cock of yours locked away."

I wasn't surprised at the acceptance of both Sophie and Jay. I had given Emma oral before, and it was no issue. But we had always been together, the four of us.

"Yes, this will be so much fun," said Emma.

No sooner than Sophie and Jay had left for work, Emma had thrown the blanket on the floor and rolled over to placed her hand on my chest.

"Morning Emma," I said, grinning from the excitement and adventure of knowing I would taste Emma today. Even with Sophie and Jay's permission, it still felt naughty. "Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" she said, grinning too as she pretended not to understand.

Moving down to her naked pussy, I placed my hands on her leg, trying to ignore my cock failing to erect in the cage.

"Excuse me," she said. "Earn it first," pulling her feet up towards my face. "I see the way you look at my feet. You loved rubbing them the other day."

"Yeah, okay," I said, blushing.

"It's okay. I liked it too."

"You did?"

"Yeah, I have nice feet. I know. I try to look after them, moisturizing every day,"

"They were really soft," I said.

"Would you like to lick them?" she asked.

Of course, I had thought about licking them before. It's all I thought of when I tried to release my tensions anally in the bathroom the other day.

"Lick them, are you sure?" I said.

Without saying another word, she pushed my head down towards her legs. I rubbed her feet to begin with, then leaned down and started licking them. It felt strange at first but I was so excited I kept going.

"That's enough for now," she said, pushing me away.

Moving up to her pussy, again I tried to lick her. But she turned away, showing me her ass. "Maybe later," she said, standing up and dressing herself, then leaving to the living area.

It had been so long since I had cum, and this teasing didn't make things any easier. Reaching for the anal toy, I played with my prostate, oozing out more cum, and giving myself a small bit of relief.

Laying back for a moment to recover, I opened my eyes to find Emma smiling, standing beside me looking down at the anal toy still inside my ass.

"Looks like you've been having some fun without me," she said.

"It's so hard, having my cock locked away," I explained. "It's all I've got."

Emma took off her pants, but left her top of then knelt of the bed with her ass towards my face. She gently sat down with her ass on my nose. "Would you like to lick my ass?" she asked.

"Yes, yes," I said.

She moved down, placing her asshole over my mouth, then ground her hips. I stuck out my tongue and licked around her ass, finally sticking my tongue in. Her ass was clean, and smooth, but tasted a little of her sweat. It was hot and my cock was soon straining in its cage again.

Soon I felt a feeling in my ass, as Emma had taken the anal toy in her hand and was pushing up and down, rubbing my prostate.

"Looks like you still had some more in there," she said, watching as more semen oozed out of my cock cage.

I couldn't see anything, but I could feel her rubbing her pussy as the bed shook. I kept licking at her ass.

Moaning and screaming, I felt her movements slow down as she brought herself to orgasm, then roll over to lay beside me.

"Fuck I love your tongue," she said.

Sophie and Jay came home later than day, tired but not exhausted. I cooked us a lovely meal and Emma helped serve our partners.

"So today I walked in on our boy here, playing with the anal toy," said Emma.

"Really? I thought you hadn't used that thing in ages," said Sophie.

"It gives me some release. You never let me out of this cage," I said.

Sophie opened the app on her phone and looked up the stats.

"Fuck, it says you're leaking cum nearly every day. Are you using the anal toy every day?" asked Sophie.

"Yes, but I didn't think that was a problem," I said.

"But baby, you know I like to keep on right on the edge, frustrated and constantly horny. If you need some anal, you can ask me and I'll make a choice."

"Man, you should really tell her if you're going to do it. I would never use my toy without Emma knowing," sad Jay.

"You never use that thing anyway," said Emma. "Not since you've had your cage removed."

Jay laughed and agreed.

"Okay, no more, yeah?" asked Sophie.

I agreed, reluctantly.

Nothing more was said about the issue, until that weekend. I was almost unable to think, due to my constant frustration.

Sophie woke me up and we had breakfast then got dressed.

"We're going for a trip to the same health center where we got the device," said Sophie. She didn't explain why, but I followed her and soon found myself back in the room where this had all started.

"Hello again Sophie, and Ben. Good to see you two again. How can I help you?" asked the doctor, as we sat down in front of his desk.

"I booked a checkup, just to make sure everything is good down there, and ask a few questions," said Sophie.

"Isn't that great. You're still wearing the device. You know, not many, but a few clients decide to keep the devices on even after their university time is up," said the doctor. "That's all good. Ben can you take off your clothes for me, and lay back on the table."

Confused, I did as instructed and lay back naked on the doctors table.

"How often do you remove it?" asked the doctor.

"Maybe once or twice a month," said Sophie.

"Can you remove it now, and I'll have a quick inspection."

"Would you mind holding down his hands," said Sophie. "We've been having some trust issues recently."

"Oh of course. Ben, place you hands against the table please," said the doctor, wrapping some cuffs around my wrists, so my hands could not move off the table. The doctor then pulled another couple of straps from under the table and locked my ankles to the table.

Sophie opened the app on her phone and unlocked the device, allowing the doctor to remove the tube, ring and finally the piercings.

"I see the head of your penis has dried up, almost like you are circumcised," commented the doctor, pulling the foreskin over the head of my penis again.

My cock grew, and I pulled my hands desperately trying to touch my exposed cock.

"What trust issues then?" asked the doctor, as he felt my testicles for any growths and inspected my cock for any cuts, tears or bruising.

"He's been using an anal toy to get off, even though his cock has been locked up," said Sophie.

I blushed and turned away, thinking the doctor would judge me.

"This is actually a very common problem," he said, pulling the cuffs around my ankle to above my head, then placing a rubber glove on and applying some lube to his finger.

"I'm just going to do a quick prostate exam, then you can get changed and we can discuss some options." He inserted his lubricated finger into my ass, bringing me a shame as he rubbed against my prostate, causing some cum to leak from my erect cock onto my belly.

Once the doctor had confirmed everything was okay, he removed his gloves but left me laying on the bed while he sat in front of Sophie.

Handing her a leaflet, he explained. "We have some upgrade options, for more serious long term users. The first feature I think you'll appreciate is the anal plug. This is a small but inflatable probe that goes into the anus."

"What, permanently? But what if he needs the bathroom," asked Sophie.

"No, it connects to the device and the user is allowed an allotted time a day with it off. Most people set an hour a day of free time when the device can be removed, but for the rest of the time it must say plugged into the ass. If it gets removed for more than the allotted time, then a shock is delivered to the penis."

"But the issue is I don't want him playing with his ass," said Sophie.

I tried to interrupt, to ask if I could be untied and dressed, but I was ignored.

"Don't worry Sophie. The basic mode doesn't inflate or bring any pleasure to the wearer. It clamps into the ass, avoiding the prostate, and prevents anything from being inserted or leaving the ass until the app allows it."

"Oh, that sounds perfect," said Sophie, reaching over to hold me hand and smiling.

"Great, there's a few more things too. I noticed that the cage you've been using is a little too big, and it actually gives him a few millimeters to grow into. The newer version of the tube can shrink and grow to ensure there is no extra room inside the cage. It can also erect, to allow the tube to grow and point upwards."

"Smaller?" I said from the table. "It's small enough as it is," I said, pulling at my arms.

"If that's what you think's best doctor," said Sophie.

"Then the final upgrade is to the ring that controls everything. The new version has a thermal camera, radio wave and sound wave senors which allows it to understand what's happening around the room of the user. It opens a few options, such as preventing the user from giving anyone oral, in the case of cheating partners."

"Oh I don't think Ben would ever cheat," said Sophie. "We're all very close."

"Well you can set the option anyway. It's smart enough to know who is being given oral, so if you are within a meter of the device it will not shock him. But if the device can not detect you, then he will be shocked. There really will be no room for even the slightest erection anymore, but it can still detect arousal and if you are not detected in the room a shock will be delivered."

"This all sounds perfect doctor," said Sophie.

"Would you like to purchase the upgrade then? It'll be one thousand for the new devices and two hundred for the labor."

"Absolutely, let's do it," said Sophie.

The doctor reached into his drawer and pulled out a box. He walked over to me and seemed happy to see my cock flaccid from the fear of these new options.

Pulling back my foreskin, he put the piercings back through my shaft, then placed the ring around my cock and balls. He then took out a new metal tube, smooth and shiny with a grid pattern all over. It didn't feel much smaller than the last one, and I thought this shouldn't be much different.

"All ready Sophie. You'll need to link your phone with the new cage in your app."

Sophie handed the doctor her unlocked phone as he reprogrammed it to accept the new device.

"I'll let you do the honors," he said, giving the phone to Sophie and letting her click the lock button. I felt the device vibrate as the clasp locked shut.

"Now for the shrinking, you should see a new page called 'tube control'," said the doctor. "If you open that page you will see several options."

Sophie smiled as she saw the new features. She clicked the 'shrink' option, and I looked down as the device snugly reduced in size, pressing gently on all sides of my flaccid cock. It had become almost one third smaller. My cock felt gently squashed by the tube.

"That's really small," said Sophie.

"Yes, the control center in the ring makes sure that it's always a safe size, ensuring no harm is caused but also no erection is possible," said the doctor.

"Finally, we should install the anal probe," said the doctor, taking a small tube and applying some lube. Without warning, he pushed it straight up into my ass, causing me to gasp.

"Sophie, on the phone there should now be an anal lock screen. Can you click the lock button please," said the doctor.

I could feel the tube grow slowly, locking itself inside my asshole.

"Great, now the device is stuck in there until you unlock it. I would recommend setting the hour free time now, so he can use the bathroom."

Sophie clicked around on the screen, but set the allowed free time to fifteen minutes. She knew it always took me at least half an hour to have a prostate orgasm.

The doctor unlocked me wrists and ankles, then let me dress myself. I briefly felt the device with my fingers as I pulled up my pants, only to be met with a small electric sting. "Ouch," I said.

"Yes, be careful. The new tube can detect any touching, so whereas before it could only detect a shake, now it can detect if anyone or anything touches the device."

If you click that inflate button it will push some air into an inflatable rubber balloon, which will press against his prostate. Of course, only if you allow it.

Trying out the device, Sophie causes a relaxing feeling in my anus as the balloon inflated only briefly before the reverted the button, leaving me without relief.

Sophie smiled as she paid for the upgrades, then drove us back to our apartment.

I kept moving my butt, trying to get comfortable, but the feeling of having the plug in my ass was too strange. But I just tried to get used to it, knowing Sophie was determined to make me wear this.


Chapter 14 - Cu ck


Walking from the car to the apartment, my ass felt different from when I used the prostate toy. It was much smaller, and clenching wouldn't move it at all.

In the living area Jay and Emma where playing video games. Emma stopped to ask us how the appointment went.

"Great, we got some fancy upgrades," said Sophie with a large grin.

"Oh let's see," said Emma.

"Fine," I said pulling the cage out of my pants so they could see.

"Come on baby, give us the full view," said Sophie, pulling my pants and underwear down to the ground.

Stepping out of my pants, Emma and Sophie gathered around poking at the device.

As my cock tried for an erection, there was absolutely no room to grow. My cock was gripped completely by tight device, but it was slightly more comfortable. With nowhere for the erection to grow into, my cock didn't pull on the piercings or ball ring, although the mental feeling of being trapped was more intense.

"You are nuts for going through with this," said Jay, standing up and walking towards us.

"Do you both still have the app installed from when Jay had to wear his?"

"Yeah I think so, why?" asked Emma.

"Oh good, go on and accept this invite," said Sophie, tapping on her phone.

Both Jay and Emma opened the app and accepted the invite.

"Why do they need access?" I asked.

"I'm not giving them access to everything," she said, then turned to Emma. "Just in case I'm not around and an emergency happens, I can hand over control to you guys. But I'm not handing over that control until the need arises."

Every one agreed that was a good idea. Even me. We were all close enough that is made sense.
