Cheating Wife, but So Much FIXED!

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My wife is cheating, but what comes next is just insane!
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Author's Note: This is a rewrite and conclusion of "Cheating Wife, But So Much Worse" linked below. Based on the comments from the original version of this story, you either hate my guts or you want a part 2. This is not a sequel, but a rewrite with a proper conclusion. I tightened up the original, pulled out some junk, and added more to the end. The first 70% is mostly the same, so skip to the middle if you read the first one. And in this version, Noah remembers that he owns a spine. You may still hate my guts after this, but you can't say I didn't finish it. And you can't call Noah a cuck.

Here is the original, if you care.

And here is an excellent sequel by Saddletramp1956, which pounds the nails firmly into the coffin lid of my unfinished original.


My marriage is over, destroyed and dismantled in the most outlandish way my by my soon-to-be-ex wife. I am... well, I'm plenty fucked up right now, honestly. Between her betrayal, her absolutely insane vision for the future, my own temporary weakness and confusion, and a pretty violent conclusion to the evening, I think I'm going to keep a therapist in business for a while. And maybe a liquor store. I have no damn clue how I got to this place, but I absolutely know where to go from here. Here's my story.

I'm 27, she's 24 and we got married almost two years ago. We met on the job while she was on a college summer internship. She's incredibly cute and gives off this vibe that really captured me. She's petite but high powered, very sharp, with auburn hair and brown eyes and a gym-hardened athletic body. We flirted a bit, went to lunch a few times, nothing big, but when her internship ended I was kind of devastated. I felt like I had found something worth pursuing and then it disappeared, but at the same time there was this life gap between us because she was still in school. We exchanged contact information but I figured she was long gone back to her life. I guess I made an impression as well because she reached out.

She called me a week after her internship ended and we started chatting and texting occasionally, then almost every day, then sending pics and so on. That spark I felt with her was real and we encouraged it to grow. We started up a long-distance relationship that had me traveling half the state away every weekend to be with her.

We were great, everything was perfect. I felt like the center of her world and I made her the center of mine. She is intense and focused and she's just got this way of making you feel special. Her focus is powerful and it feels so wonderful to be in it. I wasn't completely blind about the situation. She was in college and she was fit and sexy and beautiful and I told her I was concerned that I was just a fling for her. She assured me she had found her one true love and she was good about convincing me. I asked her to marry me and she said yes.

We married the summer after she graduated. We kept it small and intimate, just our closest family and friends. Heather is very practical and logical and not overtly romantic so she didn't want to waste a ton of money on a big wedding. That was fine by me. I was in heaven. Life was wonderful. She moved in with me and her internship turned into a job with my company after she passed the security clearance. We went to HR to make sure that was OK and as long as we weren't in the same report structure, it was fine.

Heather is a social butterfly and quickly made friends at the office and at the gym. She's a fitness enthusiast and a gym rat, so that's a big part of her routine. She had her hours shifted to come in early and leave early so she could spend her afternoons working out. At first, she was very sharing with her friends and activities, very quick to show me the joke Carol told or the funny meme Jenny posted, etc. She liked porn, too. She'd show me raunchy pics and suggest we go do that. We usually went and did that.

A bit over a year into our marriage, things started changing. She started reading about spiritual topics, eastern mysticism, meditation, chakras and chi and God knows what else. I caught her being very invested in her phone many times, and it was always some shaman or guru on YouTube or some book about the spiritual nature of yoga or whatever. I was a little concerned. Heather had always been a straight forward logical creature. Her mind needed hard data to make a decision, and touchy-feely disciplines could catch her disrespect real quick. She was in IT and had a degree in data science, so this weird mysticism was very out of character for her. I tried to ask about it but she was dismissive, saying she was just reading a new book or watching a new channel. When I pressed the issue, she said she was exploring her spirituality. Apparently, there was a yoga group at the gym and they were heavy into the background of it and she was just expanding her mind.

Along with that came the classic changes in phone behavior. We'd be on the couch watching a show with our phones out, or maybe working on our laptops, and she'd chuckle or smirk or something and I'd ask what Gina or Sheryl or whoever had to say today, and she'd brush it off as nothing. If I tried to get a look she'd shy away and playfully tell me to mind my own business. It was 'girl stuff.' No icky boys allowed. In general, it boiled down to a more secretive attitude toward her phone and computer use. Then the time she spent with her friends started to increase. Not a lot, not crazy late or at improper times, just... more.

I did my research, read up on what an affair looks like, and in most cases the cheating wife turns cold or uncaring, the bedroom life drops off, the investment in the relationship wanes. I saw none of that. In fact, she became even more amorous. The thing is, I've got a good mind for patterns, and hers stuck out pretty obviously. Any time I might have caught a whiff of her texting inappropriately, or being too involved on the phone with something she didn't want to share, there was likely to be an X-rated gif and a vigorous 'Netflix and chill' coming up within moments. If I caught her texting late at night while we should be asleep, a quick and vigorous blowjob would change the subject.

I won't lie, that worked well. For a while. But she assumed it was working perfectly and started to get a little brazen about it. She started to think she was hitting the reset button on my suspicion every time she shook her ass at me. I didn't have proof but I had plenty of circumstantial evidence. Her extra-curricular activities were changing, her attitude was changing, her phone behavior was changing, etc. But I could never say she was checked out of our relationship. If anything, we were going at it even more.

Nothing was actively or obviously 'wrong,' but I was still nervous. The other red flags were waving so I started snooping. Her phone didn't hold any big secrets. But she's in IT, a big tech nerd, so she could probably hide whatever she wanted to pretty effectively. There wasn't even a password on her phone and she wasn't possessive of it. I picked it up more than one evening when it was on the charger and snooped. I found no incriminating pics or text threads, but I'm not social media savvy so maybe I just didn't know how to dig for evidence. I was on the fence about really digging into her life or just accepting that I was being a paranoid asshole. Then the hobby started up.

Obstacle courses. She got interested in these mud runs, Spartan and Tough Mudder and shit like that. She'd been into cross fit activities since before I knew her, but this new thing really captured her imagination. She had a team from the gym who wanted to get into it, so they took a weekend trip a couple of states away to compete in a big one. She invited me along and I took her up on it. I was naturally interested to share something new with her and just a little curious about if this was a ruse or not. Things were still good between us, very good in fact, but I just had this growing concern that I was missing something.

It was actually really neat to watch. The course was full of rope climbs and swings, web towers and balance beams, a high wall and 'monkey bar' type setups, all apparently through over or under a lake of mud. I met her team; two men, Steve and Tony, and one other woman, Jada. I took an instant dislike to Tony. He was almost as tall as me, but extremely fit. Hell, all of them were. I'm nice and tall at six-six, but I've got bad ankles and was never athletic. I'm definitely not fat or out of shape, but these guys were very much IN shape.

Jada brought her husband Kevin but the boys didn't bring spectators, so I hung out with him while they were competing. I tried to chat him up a little about the relationships among the group but he was kind of checked out with his nose in his phone, not being very talkative or eager to engage with me.

The event was great, they weren't last, and they were caked and covered in wet nasty mud after about the first two minutes. The six of us went to dinner afterward the team cleaned up and I did my best to not glare at Tony. And honestly, he didn't give me a reason. Everybody was completely reasonable and nice and seemed true to purpose. I detected no funny vibes from anybody, except maybe the husband Kevin due to how absent he seemed to be. But nobody was hanging on my wife and she wasn't showing undue attention to anybody. It appeared to all be above board. After dinner and drinks, I took Heather back to the hotel room for a slow, full body rub down and some slow, gentle lovemaking. She was bruised and tired, but not that tired.

After that, it was every few weekends. Usually the courses were a medium-long drive away (Indiana is nice and centralized - everything is just far enough away that you feel like you should drive and not fly.) I attended the next event, but none of the other team members brought anybody so I was alone in the stands. Again, afterwards everything was fine and I got no funny vibes from any of them. The only oddity was me. I was feeling like a fifth wheel, so after that I left her to her fun. Nothing else had changed, really, and she was still distracting me with fabulous sex, so... I let it slide. I actually felt much better about our relationship after those two trips. Steve was kind of a wet noodle in the personality department and really didn't seem like a threat to anybody on any level, and Tony was... nice, I guess? If anything, he and Jada might have had a little chemistry. All four of them seemed like just good friends.

I didn't follow them to any more events, though they had them almost every other weekend. Heather would come home with stories about who belly flopped into the lake of mud, or who slipped off the rope, who twisted an ankle or got a nasty bruise, etc. She seemed happy as a pig in mud, and of course I was happy for her. Life was good.

She was so good, so careful, that when she screwed up it was kind of glaring. Suddenly a big race they really wanted to go to had an opening, and they got in. It was in Colorado, definitely a plane and a couple of days off for a long weekend. We made decent money so the expense wasn't a big issue, but the thing 'popped up' right after our company scheduled the annual physical inventory. That was an all-hands-on-deck thing for most departments. Definitely mine, so I'd be at the office all weekend, but conveniently not hers, so she had the time. That was just outright obvious to me. Heather is a planner, a list maker, always a few steps ahead and definitely not prone to quick changes of course or capricious action. The situation felt very out of place and my suspicion spiked. I let her go, having no real evidence or even a reasonable concern, but I checked up on her.

She flew out Thursday night, returning super-early on Tuesday on a red-eye. Friday after work I visited her gym. I asked for an application and lingered, slowly filling it out while scanning for her team members. I even scoured the bulletin board, looking for evidence of this sudden new race. Nothing. But eventually I did see Jada.

I waved and got her attention and she came over, smiling nervously. She said 'hi' and stated that she was surprised to see me, that she thought I knew about the big event in Colorado. I asked why she was here and she said she tweaked her ankle and couldn't go so they got a stand-in. She was lying, badly, making it up on the fly and stumbling, trying to cover for her friend. I'm not some talented soothsayer, but Jada was a terrible liar. I dug a bit more, and the more she tried to fill in the gaps, the clearer it became that she was full of shit. I smiled at her without mirth, dialed up my best serious manner, and asked what was going on. She said she had no idea what I was talking about, but her body language told a very different story. She knew, but she had already chosen a side. I thanked her flatly, obviously not buying her story. I saw fear and guilt in her eyes before I turned and left.

I sat in my car and tried not to melt down. So, it was true. She was cheating on me. She was half a country away with another man. They'd have three days and four nights to do... I knew what they'd do. And I couldn't get there and stop it. It had already happened. She'd been there almost a full day already. If there was a line to be crossed, and it hadn't been already, then it just happened within the last 24 hours. And I had helped her get there and told her I loved her before I dropped her off at the airport. She said she loved me more, like she always did.

I went home and just sat in a chair for a couple of hours, until after dinner time. It would be late afternoon there, two hours earlier. I called her.

"Hi Honey! How's Colorado?"

"Hi! It. Is. Amazing! You literally wouldn't believe it."

"Yeah? What wouldn't I believe?"

"Oh, all of it. The vibe out here is just... you wouldn't believe it! I already said that." She giggled and went on.

"The course looks incredible. This is a permanent setup so a lot of the obstacles are really big and involved. I'm going to get a real workout on this one." Yeah, I bet.

"That's great, I wish I was there to see you."

"You'd be bored. Lots of endurance stuff this time, along with the regular stuff you've kind of seen before." Was she being intentionally vague? And what did 'endurance stuff' mean?

"Endurance stuff?"

"Yeah, like a whole marathon session between courses, and we sleep in a tent way out in the boonies, then go at it again in the morning. Which reminds me, I won't have my phone most of Saturday and Sunday. I'll be out of reach." You already are. And don't think I missed the 'go at it again' comment.

"So, you'll be sharing a tent with Jada?" I wanted to make her lie to me, but she kept slipping away from it.

"Not all teams are co-end like ours. Might be some shuffling required." Another vague deflection.

"All four of you on the team OK with the altitude?"

"Oh, the altitude isn't a problem. You adjust pretty quickly. That was one of the reasons I wanted to come out a day early, to get acclimated. Hey, I need to scoot!"

"Dinner time with the team?" I kept mentioning the team to get her to lie to me.

"Dinner is definitely part of the plan. But I gotta go!"

"Ok, go. Nice to hear your voice. I miss you."

"You won't miss me for long. I'm only gone a few days." I think you are far too gone already.

"Still. Good luck, and I hope you have a good time."

"Thanks, Tiger! I will have an amazing time, I know it." Yeah, I bet.

"Love you, Rocket."

"Love you more!"

I didn't sleep that night. I imagined that she didn't either. How? Why? I had no end of questions and no way to get answers. I was a wreck but I tried to reroute my pity party into action.

What do I do next? How do I get proof? She can't be doing anything at the house because I am there more than she is, so I can't just set up cameras. She is the computer girl and I'm logistics so I don't have the technical knowledge or access to her devices to snoop that way. Private eye? Maybe. I decided to try the human angle first.

I called Jada on Saturday and asked if we could meet for lunch or dinner. I started out by telling her I knew Heather was cheating on me, and I didn't blame her for what she told me on Friday but that it was pretty obviously false. And I didn't blame her for anything else she might have done to facilitate Heather's infidelity. I just wanted to hear the truth. I already knew so this shit-show was on, and the only way to make it better was to come clean. She was reluctant, so I suggested she bring along her husband if she was nervous about being alone with me. She told me they were separated and I said I was sorry to hear that, but if she'd like to bring some other friend to feel more at ease with me then that would be fine. I had to work on her a little but she eventually agreed.

She brought Tony with her. He saw my face as they approached the booth in the restaurant.

"You thought it was me," he said gently after he sat down.

"Um... yeah. Yes, I did. Sorry, Tony." They both had sad looks on their faces.

"No worries, brother. You've got a right to be upset right now." That was a hard realization. Steve?! Are you fucking kidding me? But I steeled myself and soldiered on.

"Yeah. So, look, I understand you two are Heather's friends, and you are on her side in all this. I just want you to know that I'm not upset with you. You supported your friend and team-mate and I'm not a part of that, so you guys don't owe me anything, right? And I've got no beef with you. But I know now, I know enough that this is blowing up right now no matter what. I just really want the truth." Tony spoke up for them.

"And we'll give it. Jada called me after she talked to you and we discussed it. We are 100% on board with telling you the truth. We aren't happy about the way those two have been behaving and we are tired of covering for them."

"Thank you, I appreciate that. So... Heather and Steve?" They nodded. Jada reached out her hand and I took it numbly. Steve. Steve! What the hell? He was... short, but everybody is short to me. He was almost too short for Heather. He was plenty fit, sure, but he was... rat-faced and dull-eyed, seemed like the last one to get the joke or even make one. They guy was dull! How the hell did I lose to THAT guy? Jada picked up the story from Tony.

"I'm sorry, Noah, I really am, but she's doing you wrong and I can't stand it anymore. She's been with Steve for months now." We compared dates and sure enough, it started around the time I started to suspect something. It had been almost six months at that point.

"And these obstacle course trips? I assume she stays with him when I don't go?"

"Yeah. Me and Kevin split because he thought I was fooling around with Tony. And, plenty of other shit that was already going on. Between us, I mean. But I wasn't messing with Tony at the time. When Heather and Steve take one room, me and Tony are stuck in the other, so I guess we were 'sleeping' together... when we could. Hard to actually sleep with Steve and Heather in the next room making all that... noise..." She seemed reluctant to go on, having obviously just stabbed me in the guts with her words.

This went on for a while, Jada and Tony obviously getting their guilt off their chests and spilling all the beans. Jada did most of the talking. She liked Heather and thought of them as besties at first. I was an outsider so it was easy to not care about me or how she was treating me, but as I got closer to the group it humanized me and she started to have misgivings. She hated what Heather was doing to me. She said that after she met me, she really had a hard time going along with Heather and Steve's affair and was dreading when I would finally reach out to her. They dropped some other gems, like their pet names for each other. He called her Princess and she called him Ripper. Fucking lovely.