Chinese Takeout Ch. 04


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"Your Baby Blue," I smiled. I kissed him then, kissed him totally possessively, my tongue diving into his mouth, my lips hard on his, my eyes watching him.

"My Baby Blue," he agreed between kisses that went on and on. I couldn't get enough of his kisses, of feeling his wonderful body against mine. I just wanted to savor this, to experience this for as long as possible before I had to go home. I rested my head on his shoulder, burying my face in his neck, inhaling that masculine scent of his, just the smell of him doing things to my insides, secure and happy in his arms.

"I better take you home Jay-Lin."

I stirred in Keith's arms, held him tighter, pressed myself up against him clinging to him. Enjoying the heat of his skin against mine, the solid feel of him against me. "I guess," I said, but I didn't want to go.

He knew. He smiled. His fingers stroked my cheek, his lips touched mine, his hand caressed me, running down my back, stroking and holding my butt. Now I smiled.

"I'll get your clothes from the drier." His hands released me, he slid off the daybed, stood, stretched.

I propped myself up on one elbow as he stood there, deliciously adorably wonderfully naked. God, he was all muscles, hardly an ounce of fat on him, tall and solid looking, his cock looking so soft and cute now. I swung myself upright, slid to my knees on the floor before him, took him in my hand and kissed the tip, looking up at him to see his reaction as I slid my mouth over his cock, my lips pressing down on him, my tongue sliding over him. Swirling on him. Oh yeah!

"Jesus Jay-Lin." His eyes looked down at me, his face had that excited look. I felt his cock twitch in my mouth, beginning to engorge.

I slid my mouth of him slowly, sucking, letting go of his cock with a pop and a last swirl of my tongue. "I don't want you forgetting me before tomorrow morning," I smiled as I regained my feet. Oh god, I was so sore, everywhere.

Keith laughed. "Oh fuck, Jay-Lin, there's no way that's going to happen."

"Good." I smiled happily, letting him lead me towards a corner of the kitchen area. He opened a door, exposing a laundry area, the dryer mounted above the washer, a large tub to one side. Opening it, he found my panties, passed them to me, watched me as I rather stiffly slipped them on. White cotton wasn't anything near as sexy as those little black lace panties that lay on his floor somewhere. "Can I keep those panties you bought for me?" I asked shyly, before I forgot.

"Please," Keith purred, passing me the rest of my clothes from the drier. "I'll go find them for you."

I turned to watch him as he walked back across the apartment, watching his butt as he moved, so tight and sexy. I wanted to sink to my knees on the floor and just kiss his butt, kiss him and bite him while my hands reached around and played with those wonderful dangly bits. He knew I was watching him, he looked over his shoulder, grinned at me, gave his butt an extra wiggle. I just dissolved into helpless giggles that continued even as I slipped my tracksuit pants on. I didn't bother with my sports bra. He might want to play with my boobs on the drive home.

After I'd dived into the bathroom for a quick wipe of my face and hair and everywhere else that needed it, my t-shirt went on, followed by my tracksuit jacket. I was done barring my socks and shoes. Socks I would need to sit down for, there wasn't much flex left in me. I sat, Keith knelt and put them on me, making me feel so loved and cherished as I watched him.

"Come on, the walk down the stairs'll loosen you up." Keith picked up my backpack and gym bag in one hand, took my hand in the other, leading me out through those doors we'd come in by. They closed behind us, a faint click of the lock signaling the end of my little foray into paradise. For tonight. Those first few steps were painful but step by step I loosened up. By the time we reached the courtyard, I was merely aching. Seated in his truck, I reached across to rest one hand on his knee as he drove out of the courtyard, down the alley, pulled into the street. Courtenay Drive was even busier at this time of night, humming with activity. All too soon we were out of downtown, heading towards my parents. I said nothing, exhausted, content to sit beside him, happy with just his presence beside me, happy to rest my hand on his leg.

All too soon we were outside my parents' house.

I slid closer to Keith, rested my head on his shoulder, his arm around me, so secure, so tender and gentle. One of my hands crept up to clasp his. "I wish I could stay all night with you instead of going home."

"Me too Jay-Lin." I could feel his smile without even looking up. "Everything in its own time girl."

Now I looked up, smiling. "I know, I'm so impatient. But Keith..." I slid around to kneel on the seat, looking into his eyes. "...I love you so much."

His eyes smiled into mine. His lips touched mine, a gentle kiss that I returned. A long slow tender kiss that slowly grew less tender, more passionate. Now my mouth was wide open, his tongue deep inside, exploring, teasing, tasting. I slid one hand down, down to where he was already hard again. I widened my eyes, deliberately, my hand stroking him through his jeans.

"I love you Jay-Lin." He breathed the words I wanted to hear from his lips. Wanted to hear them again and again. "I love you babe."

"You're hard again?" My mouth lifted from his, my whisper filled with my own astonished excitement. "Already?"

Keith's chuckle rippled through me. "For you, Jay-Lin."

"Good," I purred, stroking him happily. Excitedly. "Save it for me for tomorrow, don't go wasting it on any of those girls at Kitty Kat's after you leave here, okay?"

He smiled. "It's all yours Jay-Lin. There was Before Jay-Lin. Now..." He kissed me. "Now there's Only Jay-Lin."

I looked at him. I clung to him, burying my face against his neck, his shoulder. He'd just made me so happy that I wanted to cry. I didn't though, I clung to him feeling happier than I'd ever felt in my life. I didn't want to let him go, but I knew that I had to. Until tomorrow morning. His hands held me, stroked me, I felt his lips kissing my ear so that I giggled, little shivers running down my spine. I gave his cock one last squeeze through his jeans. "Tomorrow," I whispered.

"Tomorrow morning, I'll pick you up around nine sweetheart." His hand slipped between us, cupped one of my breasts, very gently.

"I love you," I breathed one last time, lifting my t-shirt up to my armpits, exposing my breasts for his hand. A hand that promptly cupped one breast. That felt so good. I knew I could have stayed there with his hand on me for hours.

"Love you Jay-Lin." Neither of us wanted to release the other. We both knew that. Knowing that, we were both smiling. He patted my butt. I wiggled.

He laughed. "On your way honey."

"On my way," I agreed, not moving at all. I saw the look on his face, heard his breathing, knew he wanted he kiss me again. Knew he wanted to do other things to me again.

"Tomorrow Keith," I breathed, slipping away from him, pulling my t-shirt back down, opening my door. One last look passed between us before I slid out, onto the street. "Drive off before I go inside, okay?"

He nodded. A last smile before I shut the door. He waited while I walked up to the front door, only then putting the truck in gear, pulling away slowly, leaving me feeling just a little bereft for a moment. But I'd see him again tomorrow, I knew. Tomorrow morning.

Only a few hours to wait.

* * * * * * * *

I waited until Keith had pulled away before I opened the front door, lugging my backpack and gym bag inside, dropping them on the foyer floor. God, I was so tired. Tired but happy. Really really happy.

"Hi Jay-Lin, did you have a nice evening? How was your martial arts training?" Mom's voice came from the kitchen. I found her perched at the kitchen counter, her coffee balanced precariously next to her laptop.

"Yeah, the class was great," I told her, still glowing. Basking in the memories. Not even thinking about it, I added, "And then he took me to dinner at this really nice restaurant. The food was just amazing."

"I hope you weren't drinking." Mom looked up sharply.

"Mom! I'm eighteen. But no, I only had a couple of glasses of wine, okay. And Keith had one too." Okay, one bottle. One of champagne. One of red. But he could handle it. He wasn't a boy.

"Keith? That's a nice name. When do we get to meet this boy? It's so nice that you're getting out a bit more Jay-Lin, your Dad and I, we were worrying about you. Is he going to go to the Prom with you? What's his family like? Did he give you a ride home? You could have brought him in to meet us you know. We don't bite." Mom sounded so hopeful. Again.

"Ahhhh..." How in the heck should I answer that one? No way in hell was I bringing Keith in to meet my parents. Not yet. God no. I had no idea about Keith's actual family. There was no way Keith would be going to the Prom with me. Not that I wanted to go to the Prom at all anyhow, but I knew Mom really wanted me to. She wanted me to do those things she'd missed out on. That Prom was something she had her heart set on. I really didn't want to disappoint her, I loved my Mom. A lot. "Maybe not," I said, a little subdued. "I mean, the Prom's six weeks away and we just went out to dinner."

"Oh, never mind." Mom's face fell a little but she tried to hide it.

"Did you have dinner yet?" I really wanted to change the subject. "Where's Dad?"

"Taking a sauna, he was totally exhausted when we got home. We'll eat later."

"Mom! You have to look after yourself." Mom was so bad. As bad as Dad. Totally dedicated to their work, that was my parents. They'd live on Chinese takeout if I didn't take care of them. "You relax, I'll get something for you both."

I thought I did the Mom thing really well. Twenty minutes later the rice was cooking away in the rice steamer, the wok was sizzling, the chicken pieces from the fridge were sliced, diced and cooking in spicy black bean and garlic sauce along with some onions and red pepper and I was working on the bok choy, snow peas and garlic hearts, with the Oyster Sauce bottle on the counter ready to go.

"Here Mom." I took her coffee away and gave her a glass of white wine. Gewürztraminer from the wine fridge under the counter. I poured half a glass for myself and sipped it, delicately. Nice! Especially with that faint after-taste of Keith's cum in my mouth. I was beginning to develop a taste for wine. Or was it Keith's cum? Or both? Probably both.

"Thanks Jay-Lin." Mom drank without looking, pounding away on her case notes. God, who'd be a doctor these days? Let alone a specialist. She was like this almost every night.

When Dad came upstairs and walked into the kitchen, dinner was ready, a glass of wine was poured and waiting for him while Mom was already on her second, sounding chirpier by the minute.

"John, guess what, Jay-Lin was out on a date with a boy tonight."


"Cat." My Dad gave my Mom a look that was supposed to quell her. No chance, I knew. But they were both eating, that was good.

"Any plans for tomorrow Jay-Lin?" Dad didn't speak until he was half way through dinner. Must have been a really tough day for him. "Your Mom and I are scheduled on for the weekend, won't be back until late Sunday. Maybe you could stay the night at Sally's tomorrow?"

"Oh, okay, yeah, I can ask Sally." I glanced at the clock. It was a bit late with the baby and all. "I'll call her in the morning and text you to let you know, okay?"

"Sounds fine," Dad said, helping himself to more food. That was good, he didn't eat enough. "What's the story with this boy your Mom says you were out with tonight? Do we get to meet him?"

"His name's Keith," Mom said helpfully, smiling at me.

I blushed. I really blushed. My Mom was doing her best to tease me about boys and it was just embarrassing. Well, that and I still had no idea how I was going to actually introduce Keith to my parents. I mean, I already knew that short of a super-volcano erupting and destroying all life in North America as we know it, Keith and I were together and nothing was going to pry us apart. Nothing. Not even my parents. But actually introducing Keith to my parents, that was a different story. Maybe Sally could help.

"Jay-Lin? World to Jay-Lin?" My Dad was clicking his fingers in front of my face. Now I was bright red and my Mom was laughing at me, laughing and shaking her head.

"He must be pretty special to send you off like that," she smiled.

"Uhhh ... yeah, he's really nice," I managed to say, still pink. Now there was an understatement. He was just deliciously hunky. In a very male way. "But I only met him last weekend, it's a bit early..." My voice trailed away. I really needed Sally's advice. I wasn't getting any from my friends; the ones that were still speaking to me that is. This wasn't something Keith could help me with.

"You stay with Sally tomorrow night," my Dad said, firmly, his cell already pressed against his ear. "Ohh, hi Brody, John here, sorry to call so late ... yeah, I know what it's like ... uh, got a favor to ask you and Sally ... thanks Brody ... no, just want to ask if Jay-Lin can stay over with you and Sally tomorrow night ... Cat and I are both scheduled on for Saturday ... the weekend coverage one, yeah, that's right ... I know, it sucks, we won't get home till late Sunday and I don't like Jay-Lin being home alone all night ... that's okay then? ... Wonderful ... Thanks Brody ... Yeah, I'll ask Jay-Lin to call Sally in the morning and let you know when she's coming over... Yeah, thanks Brody, you too."

Before he could say anything else, I jumped in. "What time are you leaving for work in the morning Dad? I'll get you and Mom breakfast ready." No, it wasn't altruism and I didn't like getting up early.

I wanted to make sure the coast was clear before Keith arrived. I didn't want anything to screw up my Saturday with Keith. I had no idea what we were going to be doing but I didn't care. Well, okay, being totally honest, there were some things I hoped we'd be doing but I'd just leave that to Keith. I was sure he'd organize our time together the way he wanted. Whatever Keith wanted was good enough for me. For myself, all I wanted was to be with Keith. And I was going to be.

"So are you seeing this Keith boy again tomorrow?" Mom was smiling at me.

"Ahhhh..." I blushed bright red. I couldn't help it, as soon as she asked me that question about seeing Keith, I just had this vision of him on that big leather couch, naked, his cock so erect and hard as I knelt in front of him and kissed the tip. Jesus, I was actually shivering with anticipation and excitement at the thought. That, and my mouth was flooded with saliva and I was blushing bright red.

My Mom laughed. She laughed at me, delighted laughter, like she was so happy for me.

"Jay-Lin!" My Mom actually squealed. She squealed like a fangirl. God, this was just sooooo embarrassing. "You are! You DO like this boy!"

"Cat, Cat, Cat..." my Dad put his hand on Mom's arm, "don't tease Jay-Lin, you know how sensitive you were when you were eighteen." They looked at each other, smiling. My parents had met in High School when they were both sixteen. High School sweethearts. They'd been together ever since. They were such romantics.


My Mom was giggling. "Well, I'm just so happy Jay-Lin's finally found a boy she likes."

I didn't think Mom would be quite so happy if she met Keith in person. Shit oh shit oh shit! What on earth was I going to do? I had no idea, but I did know that giving up Keith wasn't an option. And now my parents knew his name, I knew they'd keep asking.

"Ignore your Mom, Jay-Lin." My Dad gave me that smile of his that was meant to be reassuring but always terrified me. "But if you're going to date this boy, we should meet him."

That was what worried me. That my Dad would meet Keith before I'd suitably prepared the ground. Really, what was I going to do? Apart from panic of course. I could always panic.

I took a deep breath. I smiled. Bravely. Very bravely. "I just met him, if things work out, of course you'll meet him."

Of course, I might not survive. But hey, I just needed to position it right. Sally would help me. She'd been through this herself with Brody. It'd taken a while but now my Dad and Brody even went golfing together. I'd talk to Sally tomorrow night. In fact, maybe I'd talk to her tomorrow morning and ask her if Keith could come round for dinner and meet her and Brody. After I'd asked Keith if he'd like to of course. Okay, I had step one of a plan.

Just, I still had no idea what step two was.

"Well, just bring him in for a few minutes next time you go out on a date with him and we're home," my Dad said. "We don't bite."

* * * * * * * *

Coming up next - Chinese Takeout - Chapter 05 -- Listening for the Weather

...and thank you all once again for reading this (and for your commenting -- I love the comments after you've read thru -- not that I'm hinting or anything, I'd NEVER do that LOL). Chapter 5 ("Listening for the Weather") is coming along ...and for those asking, the next installment of Isabelle and Happy Birthday to Me is also in the works ... Chloe

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lookbob66lookbob66over 2 years ago

I know what Literotica is for and your sex scenes are … nice. But as a father of an 18 yo woman, I worry for your main character. She gets in a fight, lies about it, dumps her friends, all for a man twice her age whom she doesn’t know.

I know the power of love and lust. I’ve never had my parent come to the fore like this over a story. In part, it’s a tribute to your skill as a writer that I have feelings for her and her parents.

PhilDub2PhilDub2over 2 years ago

Really enjoying this series. I can’t read it fast enough. Just glad I don’t have to wait for the next chapter! You have a great gift for description and detail that brings the story to life. I will be following your work.

steverob1054steverob1054about 3 years ago

As ever Chloe, you write brilliantly. I love Chinese Takeout, probably my favourite stories on Literotica

I hope you and your family are well

Very best regards,

Steve xx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

plurals, NO apostrophes: there were two susans at the party.

possessives, always: susan´s lips were made for cock.

fix that, it's elementary (the apostrophe in ´it's´ is in the contraction for it is).

this is the gist of it (but not all).

that said, you write very well. you make me waste a lot of time!


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Wonderful Story!

Thank you, Chloe, for this story. Please, do not delete a word. I love your writing.

I cannot imagine the research you put into this story, the strip club, stocking the condom machines, the bikers, the handle (Baby Blue) etc. Actually I do imagine, but only late at night in the darkness of my room. Thank you.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
New Word for You

Ofloff -- just us it instead of of/off because I'm not sure you're not randomly guessing anyway.

I apologize, I couldn't resist. I have the same problem with its and it's, but I'm working on mine. A couple of times you meant to say 'off of' and wrote 'of off.' It would be funny if it weren't so jarring. Serious suggestion: When you're done writing, use search and look at every single occurrence and make sure you're getting it right. It will be a tedious and annoying hour, but well worth it.

So beyond the F fetish, I really like this story. As with most of your stories, I think you could pare it down a ways without losing anything. You have a lot of repetition. The he knew, she knew he knew, etc thing is cute once in a while, but you use it too much. The same thing with her becoming mindless a half dozen times in every orgasm. I get it, it was great, but consider dropping a lot of that repetition for "she came back to herself and smiled at him" or something.

virtual_lovervirtual_loveralmost 7 years ago

Different folks different strokes. Unlike rutger5, I really enjoy the more extensive descriptions.

I'm enjoying the wry humour and irony you use. Reading in the voice of a female Asian teenager is somewhat of a stretch for me - but I'm in there!

ChloeTzangChloeTzangabout 7 years agoAuthor
this story may rival some novels like War and Peace in length

Hi rutger and thx for that feedback. Wordiness is something I'm debating. On the one hand it's a weakness and on the other hand that's how I like to write and there's pros and cons either way. I'm kind of inclining towards the wordiness (try reading Laurel K Hamilton's Mereditg Gentry series, where one book covers 24 hours ....) but with a lot of editing and tightening up when I rewrite this. I read back and there's a lot of improvements to be made to pick up the pace and accelerate the plot and cut down on the repetition and boredom quotient. Really, I kind of treat this as a good first draft so those comments are really appreciated.

rutger5rutger5about 7 years ago

The sex scene was definitely hot but my favorite part was when Olaf took JayLin on his delivery run. Very funny.

It's plain this series and you have many fans and I like your writing. This is probably a minority view among your fans but I think your stories would be better if you were able to edit them down in size. I'm not talking about giving no or little descriptions like some advocate or not developing your characters and getting into their head and letting the reader know their motivations and such. But to give every detail about training session, every course of dinner, etc can be a bit much.

I'm not sure how many words are in each chapter but it's been a week in story time and at this rate this story may rival some novels like War and Peace in length if we follow the characters for a few months. Again I like your writing and that's just my two cents so take it for what it's worth.


SmutolSmutolabout 7 years ago

Longer chapters = better chapters. The training scene is mindblowingly good. Pro tip, plz dont describe the contents at the start of EACH chapter. If the sex scenes are in the long haul rather than sooner then one tip about that before 1st chapter would be enough. Spoilers at the start of each chapter are not always good since they .. spoil the plot. Surprises are better, even more since each chapter gets erotic scenes anyway.

PS Dont laugh but me beying from Poland EU made me think that all asian teens have more or less martial art basics in schools :)


RhodneyRhodneyover 7 years ago
Just noticing

I've been reading the comments at the end here. Everyone is noticing your character development, on all fronts. You have a lot of talent.

ChloeTzangChloeTzangalmost 8 years agoAuthor
Thankyou everyone...

Thankyou everyone for reading this and for commenting. I'm so appreciative that you've all enjoyed it so much. When you're writing to entertain and for others to enjoy, it means so much when that comes to fruition and you write a story that everyone likes so much. So thanks again for reading, for commenting on this series and for rating it so highly. There's a lot more of "Chinese Takeout" to come and hopefully it'll just get better (and hotter) as I go ..... Chloe

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago


Great job, I'm loving the series you got a 5 from me for each section. The work you put into the characters and the detailed descriptions of their lives is awesome and please don't change that. The pace is perfect, I don't think it's too slow or too fast. I'm enjoying the training detail as well reminds me of a few instructors I know. I have experience in that field, as I am lucky enough to have multiple family members that are instructors for military and private sector.

I am glad that each chapter is of nice length, it gives the reader the time to slip into your world and really picture what's going on. Many writers on here write many one page chapters instead of fewer longer chapters or posting two chapters at a time. The readers just barely get to the point that they can envision what is going on and the writer ends the chapter. I am also working on a story myself and it will be posted on here at some point,it is becoming a huge story. I like to write the whole thing and then when done post it in chapters every day or two. I do it this way because as a reader I hate having to wait till the next installment. Reminds me of the old radio or television programs they used to have years ago. They let you hanging even more so then the current series on tv do each week.

I love the fact that you put Gewürztraminer in as one of the wines, I love it myself as well as a good Riesling. If you like fruity wines try Carlo Rossi's Muscato Sangria. As a chef I love when people put food into their stories and let us relive the moment they enjoyed the dishes prepared for them.

I'm also enjoying the detail of the MC life and I thank you and Round Out for writing this story and I'm also glad it's not a 1%er story. Lets just say I have tons and tons of experience at 1% and I'm glad your not glorifying it. Being in an MC is one thing but the other leads to no where.

I found your story yesterday and read all of it thus far between yesterday and today. Thanks again for writing this story and I do hope we don't have to wait long to get more.


Twist3dtinkerTwist3dtinkerabout 8 years ago

Loving the intercultural dynamics you capture in your writing. Brings back many fond memories of the early days of mine and my wife's relationship. ;-)

Enjoying your attention to detail in the fight-training too.

Keep em coming!


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