Christie's Homeless Partner Pt. 05


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Unlike their time in the bathroom, Brian is able to keep himself erect for her longer. The view of Christie's feet returning to their spots on Cindy's face helps him stay that way, and enduring the feeling of her pillowy soles themselves helps enhance Cindy's enjoyment as well.

Over the next ten or so minutes, Cindy manages to have three orgasms because her partners will not let her go; she also doesn't want to stop either because everything feels so perfect.

Both Christie and Brian can tell she's happy and satisfied when they feel her go limp. She releases her hold on her wrists, and he guides her down to his side on the floor.

Leaning over to see his face, "We do still make a great team, don't we, love," Christie says, laughing adorably over the ability to use Cindy's words against her from this morning.

"Mmmm, we do indeed," he moans, caressing her legs while her toes rest against his shoulders. "Are you satisfied too, or is there more you want to do?"

"Oh I can definitely do more! My legs are still totally fine," she beams, rapidly patting her own thighs.

Cindy smiles to herself with her eyes still closed from exhaustion.

"There are two sexy bodies on the floor that I definitely want to walk all over, but first," sliding off the couch and onto all fours over Brian, "I want to have some fun with this," circling his member with her finger, "before I wear you out for the evening."

They share a smile with each other between her legs until his view is covered by her lovely bottom.

Seconds later, he feels the heat of her mouth slip over his shaft, causing an involuntary, yet welcomed reaction of his mouth pressing back against her privates. With a slight adjustment of her panties, he returns the pleasurable treatment she's giving him and keeps her secured there with a firm hold on her hips.

Cindy peaks over at them, their entangled position recharging her arousal, but her drained state only allows for a fleeting whimper at the sight.

Christie consoles her by reaching over and massaging the inside of her thigh at first, then moves her fingers under her thong and flutters them about over her super sensitive tip.

Brian hears her winded expletives of approval along with the thud of her flopping back against the floor and gets a solid idea of what Christie is doing to her being that he can only feel one of her hands on him currently. He decides to do the same to Christie with his tongue, and it only encourages more intense sucking and squeezing from her.

Unsure of whether or not he had another orgasm in him for the day, he is not surprised that she is able to get another one out of him. His convulsions test her gag reflex that has vaguely returned over the past couple years, and in the heat of the moment, she braces his hips with both hands and forces her lips down to the base of his manhood, letting him throb in her throat for a few seconds before pulling back for air. Giving the head of his organ a sweet kiss, she strokes it lightly up the underside with her fingers as she leans back against the couch, continuing to use his face as her seat.

The angle at which she comes to rest allows him to catch his breath through his mouth. Grunts and moans of satisfaction fade after a few minutes, coincidentally about the same amount of time for his legs to lie back flat.

His arm relaxes and gently bumps against Cindy. She looks over at him, and because a thigh blocks her perspective, asks Christie, "Can he breathe ok?"

"His mouth is open, sweetie, he's fine. Just falling asleep," she replies, clearing Cindy's face of a few stray hairs.

Cindy sits up to see for herself, then rests again and takes Brian's hand in hers. "Too much of a great thing for him I guess," she moans, smiling.

Christie giggles seductively along, "Yeah, and I'm not even finished having my fun yet."

Cindy sucks in her lip, knowing full-well what she means.

Christie senses her mentally bracing for it, and also detects that Brian seems to be going radio-silent again in his slumber as she described before. To be sure of it, she checks him by leaning forward and applying abrupt pressure to his stomach with her hands.

Aside from his breath being forced against her legs, he doesn't flinch.

"Oh my gosh," she says with mounting excitement, "he's doing it again," getting back to her feet and standing on his chest.

"Hmm?" Cindy moans, coming out of her daze that her thoughts got her into, "doing what?"

"That thing! That numbed-sensory thing I shared with you yesterday, I think he's doing that again," Christie says, starting to bounce lightly and walk in place rapidly to test him.

Puzzled, Cindy replies, "On purpose?"

"Nooo, of course not. He doesn't know he's doing it," Christie explains, stepping onto his stomach, "you know, like how no one can hear themselves snore?"

"Right, but they can startle themselves awake from it too," Cindy replies, watching Brian remain immobile as his abs get flattened by his enthusiastic lady, "and the way you described it, it doesn't sound like that can happen here."

"Well," Christie says with a thought-provoked smile, "I suppose there's only one way to find out, yes?" stepping onto Cindy's stomach and getting a soft grunt out of her. The noise makes her stay on longer. "You didn't think I was about to leave you out of this, did you?" she asks with a gentle bounce.

"Notice I wasn't in any hurry to get up," Cindy huffs.

Stepping onto the middle of her chest, Christie giggles, "I don't really think that was by choice, darling," tapping her on the cheek with her toes, then stepping back on her stomach, "unlike your workout you got with him."

"Can't help it if I love what feels good," she says, having a harder time than usual keeping her breath because of it.

"Mmm, indeed," Christie moans, running the side of her foot down between Cindy's legs just to tease her for now. It's enough to make her abs collapse under her weight even though she's never considered her particularly heavy. "Let's see if this jars him back to life," she adds before bouncing a couple times for momentum and then jumps onto his stomach.

Cindy grunts from the force of the take off and her legs bend up slightly, but Brian still doesn't flinch a muscle when Christie lands on him, not even her follow-up stomps trigger anything.

"This is incredible, I can't feel any feedback from him," she says while stomping a few more times and bouncing on her tip-toes.

"You sure it's not your gift fading in and out?"

"Yeah, I'm sure," Christie giggles, "I still felt plenty from you. But this," moving onto his chest with rapid steps, "this just feels like he's not registering my weight. I may as well be Kacie trampling him right now."

"You think he'll feel anything with both of us on him?"

"I don't know. Get on up here and let's see." As Cindy slowly gets to her feet, she adds, "We know what he does when he's awake, so we have something to compare to."

Cindy quietly steps onto his stomach facing the wall and immediately feels what Christie is talking about by the way his abs fail to adjust to her feet. It spooks her at first.

"Oh my God, that's crazy!" she yelps, skittering off of him for a second, but poking her toes back into him just as quick. "Are you sure he's ok?! That feels so weird!"

Christie laughs, "I promise, he's fine."

"Even when he's relaxed, he doesn't feel like this," Cindy says, stepping back up and starts walking in place. "Wow."


The girls mirror each other with the direction towards the wall and the pacing of their feet. They both stare down at him to see if he reacts in any way, and several minutes fly by before he so much as twitches his face.

They jump down simultaneously, but Brian continues to lie peacefully in his spot as if nothing had happened.

"Sweetie?" Christie calls to him.

Nothing. He's in yet another deep snooze, same as this morning and yesterday.

The girls are stunned as they look to each other, this time with impressed smiles.

"Oh my G-, we need to record this for him!" Christie beams. "He'll never believe us otherwise," she says, running to the bedroom for their trusted camera and returning moments later.

She sets it up on the counter and hits record.

"Hey sweetheart, I wanted you to see for yourself what I was trying to describe about you being radio-silent," Christie says to the camera, tapping her head as she did earlier. "We've already tested you a little up to this point, but I still think we can do more, so yeah, this is for you to enjoy. Love you!"

She blows a kiss with a wave, then hops back over to him in person where Cindy is waiting for her with her foot propped on his stomach.

Together, they step onto him and continue their walk-in-place exercise on his torso.

Christie looks back at the camera while pointing to Cindy's feet, "See how much she's squishing you? You usually flex by now, your legs move a little, or something, and I can tell you're not feeling any of this. Not even your breathing pattern changes!"

She hops off with another camera angle in mind -- moving it closer to him so that later he can see his face being void of any reactions.

Cindy is already getting some jumps in on him that should wake him up, or get him to tense up if he were awake, but his stomach simply caves and molds to her feet. Christie steps back onto his chest, and after a few paces, she starts hopping on him as well.

In the timespan of five minutes, the girls have worked up a light sweat from jumping on him. His skin is a nice shade of red from the friction, but it hasn't caused him to stir.

Christie steps off again to change the camera angle. Winded and happy, she speaks for the video, "That was so hot. Did it look hot? It felt hot," she laughs to herself. "I don't know if you'll feel any of that later, but now you have your proof to extinguish any doubts."

As she returns the camera to its first recording spot, Cindy adjusts her footing to face Brian with his dwindled member squished flat against his lower abs. Under normal circumstances, it would be enough to stiffen him up again, but it remains flaccid no matter what she does now, including twisting her weight on him as she waits for her lady to get back.

"Just one more thing," Christie tells the camera as she returns to Brian's chest with a spring in her step, getting on with a playful hop that he still fails to respond to.

Inching forward so their body's mash, she takes Cindy by the head and smothers her with a kiss, running her fingers up into her hair to scramble her mind as she nibbles, sucks and massages her lips; relentlessly taking her breath away.

Cindy whimpers sensually, trying to catch her footing as her legs start to give out, but her efforts are futile once Christie pops up on her toes to truly lock in her hold. After a few minutes, she can no longer hold herself up and collapses back to the floor.

It's a thud that Christie can feel from the vibrations through Brian's body, and she turns to check and see if an uncommon source of movement would cause him to stir. Still nothing.

She nonchalantly steps down from him, takes a step and pushes Cindy onto her back before stepping onto her stomach and wiggling her hips to work her feet into her further. With an amused giggle, she steps off the other side, walks to the camera, blows another kiss to it with a wink and wave, and stops the recording.

"He's going to love that one," Christie proudly tells Cindy, turning to face her again with the camera in hand and checking that the video plays back flawlessly.

"I don't think there's a video we've done that he hasn't liked," Cindy replies while catching her breath once again.

Christie keeps her smile going and doesn't say anything as she watches the video and slowly approaches Cindy, stepping back onto her with one foot on her stomach and the other over her boobs, remaining stationary this time but gently and firmly gripping her nipple at a slow pace until the clip ends.

"Well done, baby," she says, turning and walking onto her privates, then off between her legs. "I'm going to go change and clean up, and then we can have some jacuzzi time."

"Wha...," again, winded from the prolonged stance she endured, "what about him? Are we just going to leave him a mess like that?"

"Well, other than a little clean up, I don't see the harm in leaving him down there. It's a nice little reminder that we're all home and together again."

Shrugging her shoulder in a care-free manner, Christie heads off with a sweet smile, leaving Cindy alone with Brian to concoct her own plan of action.

She collects herself again for a minute before sitting up and scooting over to him. Sitting at his side, she leans her shoulder against the couch and lightly runs her fingers through his hair as she watches him sleep.

To her surprise, he opens his eyes and surveys his surroundings, landing his sights on her a few seconds later. He simply smiles up to her.

She smiles back, relieved that he indeed appears to be unaware and unaffected by the aggressive treatment he was subjected to, and leans over for a kiss, getting a soft, loving moan out of him. Her relaxing touch quickly pacifies him though, and he falls asleep again before she pulls away.

Smirking over his brief state of consciousness, she glances over his thinned out torso, wondering if maybe trampling him did drain his remaining energy. The thought of Christie confirming his well-being spares her from thinking any worse.

"Deep down, I'm sure you'll hear me say that you're a lot of fun when you're the enigma," she whispers to him while caressing his chest, watching the white lines from her fingers fade into his red skin. "In time, you'll see what we did, and we'll find out what the side effects are, but just know that at least for me, being able to jump on you again helped a lot with dealing with the anxiety of leaving you behind." She kisses his forehead, "I love you so much," then his lips, "thank you for being the way you are. Sweet dreams," following up her praise with one more to the lips before getting back to her feet.

She grabs a towel and a couple wash cloths from the hallway cabinet to clean him with in the same manner as when he was on the couch. As there is less to clean up this time, she spends about the same amount of time on him as Christie does in the shower.

In all, about twenty minutes flies by before the girls regroup at the counter.

"Did you feel him wake up?" Cindy asks.

"Barely, but I know he has returned to a peaceful state after seeing your pretty face," Christie replies with a kiss.

Cindy smiles and kisses her back.

Grabbing the scarf off her hip, Christie brings it up and around behind her neck, and says "Interesting choice to leave him exposed like that. A surprise for Kacie I assume?"

"Umm, no, more just for us, unless you feel that he's going to be asleep that long," Cindy says, looking down at him, then back at Christie.

"Hmm," being unsure also, she walks over to him, tugging Cindy behind her. Rubbing her sole around on his face, she checks for any feedback, but still doesn't get any. "Hard to say. He's earned a rest for now though, so I'll just check on him throughout the day." She turns back to head outside and smiles, "In the meantime, come along."

They quietly make their way out to the jacuzzi that has already been set to a very low heat from earlier in the day to keep the chill out of the water. It allows them to maintain their slow and comfortable pace as they step into it.

Cindy takes a seat as soon as her feet hit the bottom, while Christie makes her way across the tub to the built-in wine cooler and pulls up a bottle of Vouvray Tuffo 2015 along with two short glasses from a separate pop-out compartment.

"I must say, this is the quietest your mind has been in the last couple years," Christie says with her back to her lady as she patiently pours their drinks.

"Yeah, well, getting laid by my two favorite people may have something to do with that," Cindy purrs, sinking into the water as her head rests back against the tub's angled side.

Christie giggles softly, "It may, yes," turning around with the glasses in hand, "but I'm referring to everything that has been stressing you out," floating down onto Cindy's lap, "most of it is gone now. Only the concern of how he'll feel when he wakes up remains," holding her glass up.

"And even that is mild because of you," Cindy says, taking her drink. "I know I say it a lot, but I can't begin to imagine what I'd be like without you two."

"Yeah, I wouldn't put too much effort into that because you're kinda stuck with us," Christie replies, wiggling into her with a kiss on the lips.

Cindy holds their heads together and keeps the kiss going longer. After the possibility of losing her companions passes, she lets go. "Good," she whispers. Glancing at the drink in her hand, she then asks, "So what's the occasion for this?"

"Consider it a part of our celebration."


"Yeah. No reason why it can't be an ongoing thing rather than just a single event."

"Hm, fair enough," Cindy says, smiling. "So should we make a toast now, or wait for our prince to wake up?"

"This can simply be one of many," Christie replies, holding her drink up, "so go ahead."

Cindy pauses for thought, and after a few seconds she raises hers too. "Here's to Brian's speedy recovery, to the safe construction of our new home, and...," cuddling her lady tight, " the next five years. May their amazement continue to blossom beyond our wildest dreams."

"Oh my gosh, sweetie," Christie smiles, clinking their glasses, "cheers!"

~The End~

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