Christmas Cracker


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"Uh..." Wendall blushed furiously at being caught in a clearly compromising situation with his currently pants-deprived friend. "Good! That's good. Thank you, Elina. I'll be right out."

The blonde elf paused only a few moments to stare icy daggers at Callie, who stuck her tongue out in Elina's general direction. With a strangled noise in her throat, the latter departed to leave them alone together.

"You were saying?" Callie encouraged.

"I was about to say that we should go to bed, but I'm afraid I'd forgotten about prior appointments."

"You are the boss, you know." She fluttered her eyelashes innocently. "You could take those meetings whilst pumping my pussy full of that big cock. It's clearly trying to make a break for it."

She fondly stroked the sizable lump in his pants, but he stepped away and straightened his tie before she could get her mitts in him.

"I think that would probably be a mite too distracting, and when that happens I'd rather have you all to myself."

"When that happens? So it's definitely going to happen then?" She swished her feet over the side of his desk with giddy anticipation.

"Unless one of us moves to the South Pole immediately I think it's a foregone conclusion at this point. I find myself rather at your mercy."

"You really feel that way?"

"I'm afraid so. Now please put your tights back on. We don't have the time to indulge ourselves properly right now, and I'm afraid seeing you like that is making me rather uncomfortable." He offered a slight laugh at that, and glanced down to where he was evidently straining against the crotch of his trousers.

"Gotcha!" She nodded before hopping off the desk and moving to get dressed back in her uniform. As she slipped one leg into the stripy tights, she looked back over her shoulder at him with a truly wicked little smile. "But don't think this is over. We aren't nearly finished balancing the books. I figure I owe you about forty blowjobs after that. I'll make sure to fit the time in your schedule."

* * * * *

They emerged from the office and walked back into the lounge/strip club to see 6 new elven faces turned towards them. Four looked distinctly nervous and had apparently never seen the inside of the grotto before. Wendall guessed that the poor workers weren't entirely sure what they were about to be asked to do.

"It's alright, folks. All this is left over from the last administration and most certainly wasn't my idea!" He absently kicked a festive coloured dildo out of his way as he approached the elves, who had now been joined by Elina. "It's these six?"

"Seven, including me, if that's agreeable," she nodded.

"Of course it is! Good for you, Elina," he gave her a cheerful and distinctly Santa-ish smile.

The blonde elf felt her annoyance with him dissipate suddenly, and eventually returned the smile with a slight blush.

"Now then, let's form a circle here. That's the ticket. Good! So then, seven captains going at the numbers I asked you to even up means there are between 1,700 to 1,800 elves at the workshop?"

"Yes, sir." Elina nodded. "I had to round up a little bit here and there, but we're roughly distributed along the lines you asked for."

"Wonderful!" Wendall clapped his hands. "Round of applause for Elina, everyone. That was well organized and much faster than I expected."

All the elves in attendance applauded with enthusiasm, including Callie. It seemed that elves didn't need to be told to be cheerful. It came naturally.

"Now then," Wendall continued. "My first order of business is to immediately sever any ties we have with the outside world for the time being. I don't want us supplying any corporate interests, no matter how much money they're making us. This is Santa's workshop for crying out loud! What the heck do we need money for when we've got magic. Right?"

After a brief pause it seemed to become clear that he was actually asking rather than being rhetorical.

"Um," one of the nervous elves spoke up, raising his hand. "We actually thought that too, but the last Santa told us that money makes the world go around."

"Ok, well it's probably best to try and ignore a lot of what the last Santa told you. From what I've heard he was Santa Claus and didn't approve of magic. That's kind of dumb. So let's get back to basics."

"Yes, sir!"

"Great. Right then guys, I don't really know what I'm capable of yet, but it seems like it's up to us to give the world a much-needed infusion of Christmas cheer. Maybe bring about a little peace on Earth and good will towards all men whilst we're at it."

"Ahem!" Elina gave one of her pointed coughs.

"Sorry, good will towards all men and women."

She nodded with approval.

"As far as I can tell we've got about 17 days to pull this off. Santa Claus can ride around the entire planet in one night delivering presents, right? The only way I can think he does that is by somehow slowing down time for himself. So, is there any way I can do that now so we've got more time to catch up on production? I'm talking about making toys for all the good girls and boys here."

The elves looked between each other with worried expressions before Callie finally chimed up.

"I don't think it works that way, sir," she said. "All the other Santa's could only do the deliveries on Christmas Eve, at the height of their power. The deliveries were always the biggest trick we'd ever seen Santa pull off, and we don't know how he did it. It always came naturally to the ones who came before you."

"Damn. Well nothing like that is coming naturally to me just at the moment, so it looks like we'll have to improvise."

"What do you propose, sir?" Elina asked.

"If we don't have time to do what we're supposed to, then let's at least do what we need to. Focus on the poor, and those who've been good all year long and can't afford to give anything. You there." Wendall lifted his arm to point at the first elf in line who visibly gulped at being on the receiving end of his attention. "I want you to take the elves under your command and focus on that goal. I'm sorry we can't do more, but I'd at least like to ensure that we can do that on Christmas day. You," he pointed to the next one in line, "are going to take your team and make sure that we feed as many hungry mouths across the globe as possible. Don't limit it to just the ones that celebrate Christmas either, though I suppose they should get the priority. Especially if we're here in part because of their belief."

Both the elves nodded vigorously at the orders whilst mutually chiming up. "Yes, sir!"

"Get to it then. Organise those under you and let's get to work. There's not a moment to lose." Wendall nodded them on with their task and the two elves quickly disappeared out the door with such gusto that they got momentarily stuck together in the doorway before squeezing out of the grotto.

"What's next?" Callie asked.

"I don't know, I'm rather making this up as I go along," Wendall admitted. "Any suggestions?"

"Sir," one of the more relaxed looking elves raised her hand. "I think we're going to need some of us looking into the list if you want us to find out who needs the most help. You should also know that we're equipped to receive millions of letters telling us what each person wants for Christmas across the world. We were incinerating them on the orders of the old Santa. Someone should probably be going through those and coordinating with manufacturing if we're going to manage all this."

"Good stuff! Off you go then."

The elf nodded and departed with the same eagerness as the other two had.

"Um, I think I might have an idea." Another of the remaining elves chimed up. "I think that maybe there should be one of these teams looking after all the others? I worked in the stables, but I saw what it was like for the factory workers. We all work very, very hard and it might make us work better if there was a team dedicated to making sure everyone was fed and looked after, and their equipment maintained properly."

"That's a great idea!" Wendall clapped his hands with enthusiasm. "I'd rather not start remodelling until next year. So it will be nice to know that there's someone looking out for the workers."

"There's also a lot of stock in the warehouses already." The elf sitting next to the new chief of Elven resources suggested. "I think we should at least go through it all and see what can be used. I think there'll be a lot of things we've made that could already be on the wanted lists."

"Supply and inventory. I'd like to go over all that and see what sort of things we have." Wendall rubbed his chin and then nodded to the two elves who had just decided their jobs. "Off you go then."

They hopped on the spot and bolted for the door together, disappearing one after the other. Wendall could already hear the factory lines starting up again, and marvelled at the speed the elves were capable of moving at.

The last of the elves that Elina had assembled was pondering with his eyes settled on the bells of his shoes. After a short while, he looked up and took a deep breath.

"Sir, I know that you want to focus on helping the poor and the hungry and I am all for that. I just don't think we should forget about the people who've been very good this year. I think everyone struggles all year long. There are lots of people out there who've been very charitable, kind and worked hard to help others. We shouldn't forget about them."

"No, you're right." Wendall nodded in agreement. "Take care of it then. Go find the people who haven't just not been bad all year. Find those who have really made other people's lives better and make sure they get a visit on Christmas Eve."

"Very good, sir!" The last unfamiliar elf nodded vigorously in the same way as the others before darting out to the door.

"Elina," Wendall turned to the fair, golden haired elf beside him. "I think I've thought of something for you to do."

"Oh?" she raised a brow and looked down at his crotch.

"Not that! Crikey, you've got a one-track mind."

Elina blinked and shook her head. "I'm very sorry sir, I think it's become something of a habit."

"That's alright. I want you to take your team and go out into the world. Don't be photographed or recorded, but do whatever you can to get people feeling the Christmas spirit. I want everyone feeling the magic in the air again. Help people out where you can, encourage them to be charitable. Hell, you can full on Scrooge someone if you think it will help."

"I see, sir. So..." she hesitated. "So I won't be here for the holidays then?"

"Nope. Like I said, I want you out there in the world. Make people feel the Christmas spirit. You and your team are welcome to come back to rest if they need to, but I'd like you out in the world until Christmas day. By then I hope we'll all have done enough. Is that alright?"

She was quiet again for a moment, and her eyes grew slightly distant. She seemed saddened for a moment, before smiling to herself at the thought of what he'd asked her to do.

"I've always wanted to visit Paris." She nodded.

"Well on you go then."

Elina stood and walked to the door before vanishing like the rest to leave him alone again with Callie. Callie watched Elina take her leave and then walked over to take a seat again in Wendall's lap.

"What do I do?" she asked, lifting her arms to wrap them around his shoulders.

"Your job is to take care of Santa and point out when he's being a doofus." He settled his arms around her trim waist and planted a little kiss on the tip of her pointed nose.

"Phew, saving the biggest job for last, huh?" She giggled.

"Too right."

"I'll be happy to inform Santa whenever his doofusness is showing." She nodded solemnly. "Thankfully, what he just did was very un-doofus-like. In fact, I think I fell in love with him just a little bit."

Wendall felt his throat tighten when he heard that coming from her, then he simply smiled and kissed her since there wasn't much else to be said.

* * * * *

Unfortunately for Wendall and Callie's mutual libidos, there might not have been much more to say but there was certainly plenty more to do. It started when their smooching session was interrupted a mere five minutes later by a panicked elf who declared that an Abrams Tank had been produced in factory 4. If that wasn't alarming enough, it seemed that a very tired elf had accidentally cued it for production on a belt far too high up that had been designed for making small arms. As a result, the great, hulking machine had snapped through the conveyor belt and had gone smashing down through the entire factory. Thanks to Wendall's instructions for everyone to get some rest no one had been injured. Unfortunately, it did leave factory 4 out of commission for the time being.

Wendall and Callie jumped to work and started helping the recovery team clean the place up. It turned out that factory 4 was used solely for weapons production, and everyone had to be very careful in sifting through the rubble for fear of accidentally detonating something detonatable. Wendall helped as much as he could, but he felt rather slow compared to the elves who were turning a job that should have taken months to finish into a few days' work.

That night, he went to bed so exhausted that he utterly forgot about almost everything his past life had to trouble him with. After taking one look at Santa's room in the grotto, he'd decided to take Callie up on her offer of sleeping in her room. It was a much more comfortable looking place, with a little iron fireplace and a large comfy chair settled beside a book case. He eased out of his clothes down to his vest and shorts before slipping into bed next to her and fell asleep before his head hit the pillow.

When he awoke the next morning, he felt astonishingly good. That actually worried him at first. In 41 years he'd never felt good when he woke up. He needed a shower and at least one pot of coffee before feeling remotely human. With a curious grunt, he sat up and scratched his head without opening his eyes. When he felt the light wisps of silky hair atop his previously bald scalp he jumped and his eyes popped open.

"Mornin', Santa. Looking more the part today!" Callie cheerfully said as she walked into the room carrying two large mugs of fresh coffee.

She was already up and dressed in the same outfit that had adorned her slender feminine figure the day before. Wendall spent a few minutes eyeing her in surprise before his mind finally accepted the whole thing hadn't been a dream. Taking the offered mug, he sipped the coffee and found it had just the right amount of milk with a shot of rich chocolate to add a sweet note to the enlivening liquid.

"Mmm," he licked his lips after that first sip. "Thank you. I'm feeling oddly chipper this morning."

"That'll be the magic!" Callie nodded and took a swig from her own mug leaving a coffee-chocolate moustache on her upper lip. "It'll find you wherever you go now, but up here you'll be getting a mega-dose of it every day. Come on, I'll show you the bathroom and you can check yourself out in the mirror."

She waved him on after her and he obediently followed along. Upon standing up to his full height he quickly realised he was a few inches taller, and he felt a good deal stronger with it. Following Callie, he soon found himself walking into a large classical roman themed bathroom decked with marble across the floors and walls. Four marble pillars emerged from floor to ceiling to surround an enormous circular bathtub with visible water jets set in the centre of the room. It seemed big enough to fit at least twenty people. A large set of glass panels blocked off the showers.

"Is there anything in this place besides your room and the office that isn't garishly over the top?" Wendall asked.

"There's a utility closet downstairs that's pretty mild. It only has the one marble pillar." She looked over her shoulder at him and smirked.

"I hope I get to redecorate soon or I'm just going to have the guys make me a tent and pitch it up outside. I can't- Ho, ho, ho-ly shit!" Wendall jumped back as he caught sight of himself in the full-length mirror that covered a good portion of the side wall.

He'd certainly grown a lot overnight. In fact, he looked like he might have been able to bench press a double-decker bus. Not only had he put on a few inches in height, but it seemed like his shoulders had expanded a more or less equal amount. The vest he'd worn over a flabby tummy the night before now stretched against his hard pectoral muscles which were clearly defined beneath the material. His bare arms were large enough to haul tree-trunks out of the ground, and lined with plenty of newly-formed muscle. His belly hadn't shrunk during the night and still matched the impressive girth of his new chest, but it seemed to have hardened considerably. His hands clapped his gut and felt no give, only thickly-layered muscle.

It was a shame he hadn't been in factory 4 yesterday with his current figure. He might have been able to just catch that damn tank mid-fall.

Along with the new mountainous physique came some other changes to his features. A thick white beard had already grown at least an inch along his jaw-line to meet with his newly whitened moustache. The snowy strands lifted up to his head, and had started to grow around the previously bald peak. His blue eyes, which had always been rather striking, were now practically glowing with a bright cheery light.

For a brief moment he thought there was some sort of magic in the mirror that cast its user in a ridiculously flattering manner. Then he looked down more closely over himself and saw the truth of the reflection. His hands came up to run through the hair and across his beard.

"Come on, Santa. We've got a lot of work to do today!" Callie's voice called from close beside him.

The pleasant shocks came thick and fast as he turned to look across the floor at several discarded elven garments. A hat, two shoes, a belt, a green smock with golden buttons, and finally some stripy white and red tights.

Then he saw Callie standing in front of one of the large glass panels of the showers, completely naked from her wild red hair all the way down to where she was gracefully standing on her tiptoes as she leaned in to turn the showers on. When she looked back at him over her shoulder, her eyes glittered with pleasure at the way he was looking at her.

"Santa? I think you've saved my buddies at the workshop a job. You're already pitching a pretty huge tent right here without their help." Her eyes lowered to fix on the tent in question, the central pole of which seemed to be in danger of tearing through the canopy of his shorts.

Less than ten seconds later, a pair of men's boxer shorts and a white vest were still sailing through the air whilst Wendall made a beeline toward the naked elf in the shower. With his height increase, she was now a full 12 inches shorter than him and she licked her lips in anticipation of what would happen when the hulking male reached her.

Each saw the other fully nude for the first time, and fully appreciated what they saw. She was small and slim, with perky breasts capped with light pink nipples already hardened in the cool air of the large room. Her body was beautifully toned with a dancer's physique, both strong and graceful with long, shapely legs. Just as he approached, she turned away to bend forward and wiggle her bare ass in his direction. The gorgeously firm, and perfectly rounded globes of her backside were just as delightful as he'd guessed they would be.

She was practically transfixed with the newly formed pillar in the bathroom that seemed to have emerged since he'd clapped eyes on her. The fleshy pole stood ram-rod straight and swayed with his approaching strides. A jolly crimson crown gleamed with a hint of his excitement, and she immediately found herself longing for its touch, taste, and of how it would feel deep inside her.
