Chronicle - Mel and Chris Ch. 05


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"We're getting together with Maria end of the week. AND, that's when it's supposed to snow so being inside will be the best idea. Heat wave today and tomorrow then winter's back. And meeting Veronica again tomorrow. They'll have to do. Wonder how she's going with the babysitting?"

"My otter emailed Sandy," Mel's voice went deep, "invited her to visit. Told her since we hadn't invited her to have sex with us when we were at Mallomar she could now. She didn't respond."

Chris laughed lightly. "We could've gone to Vegas with Teresa and Sam and Terry and Joyce. Especially since our friendly alien spy was paying."

"What's her connection with that Arista place down there? She always seems able to get deals... and she and Bobby went to Europe!"

"Anna's implied they've released a few technical 'hints' to some companies. They seem to have access to cash. They might own it, secret investments. Makes sense, casinos are black holes when it comes to money. Good place to hide cash flow."

Mel shifted her hand to use her fingertips to work the head of Chris's stiff cock out of his jock and pushed his running shorts up so she could caress the head. Chris nudged her and she exhaled hard as his left arm reached down and quickly pushed the low and tight spandex of her running bra aside to expose her left nipple as his fingers worked to draw it further erect.

"You guys can all have fun in Vegas," Mel said as her left hand coaxed her boyfriend's free right hand to her other breast, he quickly exposed it as well and pinched the growing red nipples, "but what do us children get to do in Vegas?"

"Fun? Vegas? Not my idea of fun either, I'd rather be at Tracy's T-Rex dig, even if it's South Dakota," Chris said as they played with each other, "but this is fun."

"South Dakota," Mel huffed, "the lame-ass Dakota!"

Mel snorted before she slid along the ledge to move slightly away from Chris. Then she bent at the waist and worked a bit more of his cock free and wrapped the head with her lips and swirled her tongue around the swollen flesh. Chris inhaled sharply and held it for a moment then let it out as a moan. Mel freed more flesh and pushed her head down and sucked hard before she pumped very slowly up and down on the cock. She'd undone her running ponytail when they'd arrived on the ledge and the fall of that unruly black mop made it unlikely anyone could see his cock on their perch but there was little doubt anyone would be confused what the horned head was doing. Chris massaged the firm muscles in Mel's mostly bare back, access to the rest of her body blocked by her position.

His gaze wandered over the rolling triangular grassy expanse crossed by concrete paths as he wondered how far Mel's enhanced sucking sounds would carry in the clear borderline-hot air. He had the feeling at least one of the faces from the Library fountain looked directly at them. If they had sharp enough vision they'd likely detect... something. The face's head didn't turn away and Chris could tell it was a woman with blonde hair but she also didn't rise to move closer or seem to signal the people near her.

His gaze left the distant blonde and continued to massage his lover's back as her head moved up and down very slowly. She'd been good at this but had become... beyond. She could keep him at peak excitement for essentially as long as she wanted, to the point most would beg to finally cum. But Chris smiled, both knew he'd return the torture when he had the chance.

His gaze tracked to the Student Union building, if the Student Services building was the base of the triangle the library with its fountain and the Union building met at the apex. He smiled at one of the fourth-floor Union balconies where he'd photographed Mel topless and backed by a view of the grassy triangle and the distant Valley floor beyond on one of the first few days after she'd arrived. Chris had seen that picture framed and on Mel's mom's wall when they'd visited over Christmas. It was in a triangle along with the quickly posed one of the two of them in front of the red 'U' inside the Union building, Mel braless in her transparent red shirt and her squatted pose in an open blouse and tiny miniskirt on that rusted mining truck in the mountains, a picture that unlike the other two only hinted at exposure. Helen had... odd taste in family pictures.

Then his gaze froze.

Two campus policemen had just emerged from the Union building through the entrance at the end of the wing that ended nearest to their raised perch. They wore darker blue uniforms than Joyce Shaw's city police force uniform from the party but despite the campus newspaper's repeated cartoons about their trigger happiness they were generally unarmed.

But the two men in dark suits and white shirts with the campus cops were unusual. Their severe hair cuts and stern expressions and the submissive postures of the two in those dark uniforms implied a status beyond the local constables. Neither had the stereotypical dark glasses although one had regular glasses in what seemed to be thick black frames. The quartet stopped on the semi-circular entrance that descended to the walkways via concrete steps. One of the campus cops held his walkie-talkie and apparently had a conversation while the two suits traded glances at him before they looked at a paper one held and turned and scanned the rolling lawns.

"Mel," Chris nudged her shoulders and jumped slightly as she squeezed his cock and sucked hard on his prick before his pressure on her shoulders caused her to release it and rise, "there's a spyball angled off to our right by those trees."

"Who do you think the show's for?" Mel's voice was deep and slow. Chris laughed as her fingers stroked his still exposed cock.

"All our watchers outta the woodwork today then," Chris's hand directed Mel's head toward the quartet near the Union building, "they're on the radio so I'd guess they have a few teams looking for us. And I'm guessing that's an 8x10 glossy."

Mel laughed and adjusted her position so her right hand remained around his cock as she rose and she squared her shoulders so her exposed breasts were visible to the spyball. And anyone within sight of their perch. They avoided looking directly at the stealthed ball as that caused them to fly away and swiveled to watch their human searchers.

"With the slope here to up there," Chris said with a chuckle, "if they looked straight they'd look right at us."

"Instead of scanning the ground," Mel's lilting response as her fingers twined around the head of his cock, "you'd think they'd know we're not normal."

The cop with the walkie-talkie seemed to freeze. He stood still for a moment then tapped his partner on the left shoulder and then apparently spoke to the two dark-suited men and pointed once he had everyone's attention.

Chris and Mel waved.

There was an obvious conversation amongst the official foursome and they hit the steps with an obvious goal of the Student Services building. As the officials neared the two 'agents' had definite smiles while the campus cop with the walkie-talkie engaged in an animated conversation.

"Put this nasty thing away, not allowed in polite society," Mel's voice was raspy but low as she quickly worked his cock back into its prison, then she sat back with her running bra still scrunched below her breasts, "but may as well leave these out."

"More than acceptable," Chris said.

"Hey, you two," the campus cop without the radio yelled when they were twenty yards away, "how did you get up there? You're not supposed to do that!"

"And you," the other one pointed his radio at Mel's chest and she pointed at it herself and mouthed 'moi,' "what are you do—-"

"Officers," the suited man with dark blond hair said in a firm voice, "we'd like to thank you for your invaluable assistance."

All four stopped on the path just below and twenty feet to Mel's left and the two cops stared at their antagonist for a moment.

"But, Agent Reilly...," the walkie-talkie wielder started.

"But as we told you," the agent said in a firmer but not louder voice, the certainty in his voice a tone that assumed obedience, "this is a federal issue. We'll deal with them. Like we told your Chief, top secret."

Two pairs of third-story eyes glittered with amusement at each other before Mel leaned her head on Chris's shoulder and they looked at the four men in heated discussion. Well, the two campus cops seemed heated. The, "Agents," just seemed impatient to get rid of them. The couple on the ledge smiled and Mel's left hand rose to clasp Chris's as it draped over her shoulder and the combined arms simply framed her round breast.

Everyone's attention was drawn to Chris's right as two more agents in dark suits approached with their own pair of campus cops, one of whom had his own walkie-talkie. Only the black skin of the male agent differentiated him from the other pair. His partner was the only woman in the group; her dark suit matched color but it had a more complimentary fit that tried to obscure an impressive figure, a face that seemingly promised muscles as firm as her male colleagues.

"We're going to the chief," the first officer with the radio said and the other pair joined them and they all strode briskly toward the parking lot behind the Union building.

"Who knew the campus cops have a chief," Mel said, "didn't cover that at orientation."

"My fourth year and never heard," Chris said, "but if his name's Lou Dripkin then it all makes sense."

"Hey," the original agent with the dark blond hair stood at the apex of a human vee, four stern faces looked up, "I'm Agent Reilly, FBI. You're Christopher Bajevic and Melanie Caldicott, correct?"

He flashed the large photo, it looked like one of the 'publicity' stills from the Mallomar press conference. Then he pulled a case out of an inner pocket and showed a badge and ID card as he held it open for a few seconds.

"Looks like a match," the female agent at Reilly's left shoulder held up another photo, it was a still with them and Sam from the Halloween video.

"I'm not Christopher," Chris said, "and she's not Melanie. Not unless you want your asses kicked."

Mel grinned and nodded.

Reilly smiled and nodded and put his ID back into its pocket, turned to his right and his darker-haired partner handed him a few pages of printed text. He scanned the sheets for a moment then held it loosely in front of his chest.

"Can you please come down from there?"

"This is one of our happy places," Chris said.

"We like it up here," Mel added.

"Well Mister... Chris. And. Ms... no, Mel. I think—-"

"You did watch our tape," Mel said.

Reilly's open mouth smiled and he nodded, seemingly more amused than annoyed.

"You were right, Upshaw," he said to the female agent whose expression shared his amusement, "this will be an entertaining assignment."

He looked up at Mel and Chris.

"Look, WE don't care if you climb all over the buildings, sit wherever you want. But I don't think our erstwhile allies share that opinion. I'm also guessing they'll be back with reinforcements."

"You mean Chief Dripkin?" Chris asked.

Reilly's confusion was ended by Upshaw's laughter.

"And," she said and she looked at Chris, "he'll blow a hole in you the size of an institutional ashtray. Not as nice a blow as you were just getting."

"No one's as good as me," Mel's raspy voice was a challenge, Upshaw grinned.

"Big talk for a little girl," she said and pointed at the papers in Reilly's hand, "come on down and let's talk. Shouldn't take long."

Mel and Chris looked at each other and shrugged. Mel pushed herself up, she had just enough room to stand up straight. Two steps and she swivelled onto an angled concrete column and stutter-stepped downward before she did a half-twist and used her arms to hold and push her body as she did quick angled leaps, losing altitude with each one. She reversed her direction at the junction of the second and third floors and zig-zagged to the ground where she leapt the last six feet to land in front of the gathered agents as her loose black hair swirled and bounced before it settled to frame her face and sprawl across her shoulders and back. She faced them with both breasts bared with the running bra bunched under them before she spun and caught the soft backpack that Chris had tossed down. She spun again and stood straight with the pack in front of her and the agents started slightly as Chris suddenly landed just behind her. She tossed the pack in the air and over her head and he caught it with one hand and spun it and slipped his other arm through the second strap.

"Ok, Upshaw," Mel said, "what's so important that you didn't leave us up there for the campus cops to get us down with a hailstorm of high-caliber lead?"

"Think you could put those away, Mel? Like this promised," Upshaw said and held up the picture from the Halloween video, "they're amazing. But these guys don't care."

Three chuckles. "And if you're gonna make me get mine out to show you up, I just might convince your boy older is better."

Mel grinned.

"He's very dangerous to older women," Mel purred, "very, very dangerous. You wanna pat us down first? Check for weapons?"

Chris snorted as Mel held her arms out. Mel and Agent Upshaw locked eyes and the agent shook her head after a moment.

"In those 'shorts' I can count how many pubic hairs you have girl. Unless you have something shoved up your ass I know exactly what you have. And your boy? I saw veins," the agent said softly but she smiled and their eyes stayed locked as Mel shifted her running bra back into place. Chris stepped alongside her.

"Okay, Agent Reilly," Chris said, "what are these papers you have?"

Everyone shifted so Reilly faced the pair and was backed by the other three agents. He separated the papers into two sets, one in each hand.

"I have here search warrants for your dorm, Mel, and your house Chris."

"Shit," Chris said, "Mel, do you have all that cocaine? Or did we leave it at the house?"

Reilly's slight head shake indicated some level of continued amusement.

"Actually, Chris, we don't care about cocaine," he glanced at the sheet, "we have, ah, other items of interest."

Chris smiled softly as Reilly and Upshaw traded a quick glance but the confused expressions on the other two agents' faces confirmed what they were looking for. And that target also wasn't common knowledge.

"We allowed to actually see these warrants. Agent Reilly?" Chris asked. The agent, who seemed around forty and maybe a decade or so older than the others, seemed no less solidly built than his younger companions. He handed Mel a pair of papers and then Chris. They quickly scanned the sheets.

"You're looking for...," Chris said slowly, "non-standard computing devices?"

"Chris had phone sex with my mom for weeks because I wouldn't let him fuck her like she wanted and they bought me a RedFruit computer," Mel said, to surprise even Reilly but Upshaw's eyes sparkled and she won, if not by much, the battle to not laugh out loud, "you'd better not take that! I need it."

"An issue, Agent Reilly," Chris said, "my housemates are out of town. Hmm. But. This is for the property."

"If we've got a warrant, guess we're gonna come in," Reilly said, "finding you two was a courtesy. Save us the hassle of breaking the door down. So messy. But, we're serious."

"Mel, if you'll come with me and Agent Harris," Upshaw said, "Reilly and Jones will go with Chris. After that you two have a meeting. It'll behoove both of you to attend."

"Are we under arrest?" Chris said and Mel nodded.

"Of course not," Reilly said, "and Upshaw will bring Mel to the house after they ransack her dorm. How much cocaine can she have hidden there?"

"Nah," Mel said, "just piles of porn."

"Hope it's good stuff," Upshaw said, "I need some new materials."

"The best," Mel said and she quickly grabbed Chris's crotch, "I'll show you why this is so dangerous to old women like you."

Chris grinned and enjoyed the glum expressions on Agents Harris and Jones compared to Reilly's slight head shake and Upshaw's again just successful battle to not laugh. Mel turned and Chris quickly slipped his arm around her back and they shared a fast and open-mouthed kiss with exaggerated sounds while Chris slid his hand down Mel's ass and pressed between her legs. Annoyed sniffs fought amused chuckles from the spectators. They broke the kiss and Mel spun free. Chris turned and Mel quickly unzipped a small pocket on the back of the pack and pulled out her key then redid that zipper before she opened the main pouch and pulled out rolled up blue and white clothes and ankle socks then zipped it closed She slid her right arm around Upshaw's left.

"Fortunately I brought my key," she said, "so you don't have to smash in. But all my good clothes are at the house, it's spring break! Okay, Agent Upshaw, let's go check out my porn collection."

Mel gave a theatrical wave as she followed Agents Upshaw and Jones south, apparently toward the Library parking lot. Chris waved back and followed the pair in the opposite direction toward the Union parking lot. Maybe they'd see each again.

"Hey, Agent Upshaw," Mel said and the woman looked at her, "are we going to swap partners once we get to where we're going? I see you and Agent Reilly are getting rid of everyone else and you seized most of the photos I had. And Reilly's a decent hunk."

The three of them stood next to one of three stereotypical black Lincolns, this one backed into the driveway at Chris's house behind his car which was pulled up to the garage. Two more Lincolns were parked at the curb and Reilly spoke to the knot of six agents which included Harris and Jones who'd assisted him and Upshaw in the searches.

Mel put her left arm out and leaned against the Lincoln and pushed out her tits, covered but not hidden by the tight white short sleeve tee of material that was thin enough to be almost transparent and moulded to her nipples and exposed most of her abs. She tilted her hips and her extra short blue skirt bounced quickly and her tail did a wide swing. Reilly turned quickly and glared when he understood why one of his agents had diverted attention. Her hair had dried from a quick shower and shook around her horns.

Chris looked at Reilly then at Upshaw and smiled broadly. He'd showered once they'd finished searching the upstairs bathroom and had put on fresh jean shorts and a snug tee and his hair was still wet.

"Seized? Girl, you stuffed it all in for me. Your boy has quite... the load," she said slowly. The light brown bun her hair had been pulled into didn't shake but her head did as she again stifled a laugh.

The agents hadn't found any 'non-standard computing devices,' not at the house nor at Mel's dorm. Reilly himself had focused on Chris's bedroom and Chris had teased him about the RedFruit next to his VT220 but Reilly had obviously known neither was what they wanted. The agent had smirked and shaken his head when he'd found the collection of lubes, vibrators and contraceptives in his bed's bookcase headboard. All of the agents had carefully pored over the walls and contents of the storeroom, but light bulbs popped over heads to Chris's question 'what, you've never seen a bomb shelter before?'

All in all, they'd not left the place in shambles. His housemates would notice but he figured he'd call Terry and Joyce later. He was curious if the detective had heard any scuttlebutt from her side about this 'raid' before they'd all left on Sunday. He doubted it but, well. The FBI had clearly enlisted the campus constabulary but had just as clearly given them as little information as possible, had they done the same or even less with the 'real' police?

"Chris can print more for me, but best to experience him live," Mel's raspy purr caused Upshaw's mouth to open and she shook her head, not for the first time, "and he's dangerous for old women like you but if Maria can handle it you should be ok. Not like poor Kelly."
