Coerced (The Pledge)

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Latisha tricks Matt into sucking cock to prove a point.
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Coerced (The Pledge)

Hello all. My name is Matthew and this story is about me and my best friend Latisha. I never expected to write such a story and when the events of this story happened (several months ago), I was so angry that I never expected to write about them but my anger at my best friend has mellowed somewhat as time went on so I decided (again with come coercion) to write about events that I never expected to happen to me to show others that such things DO happen without any real warning on occasion.

First a little about me and Latisha. Although I am a man and she is a woman we ARE best friends. We are very different in a lot of ways though. I am a normal American guy. I am bigger than some (I am well over 6 foot and weigh well over 210). I am fairly handsome and although I am not a 'lady killer' I get 'my fair share'. Latisha is younger than I, crazier than I (almost 'nuts' crazy), smaller than I (in both stature and weight), in incredibly good shape (for a woman who has never worked out for a day in her life), very sexy, and a bi-sexual black woman. I only mention all of this to show what unlikely best friends we make.

The only real commonality we have is that we both have an incredibly high sexual libido and are highly sexually charged. I am picky though and selective (which results in my being sexually frustrated occasionally). But Latisha is not so selective and will have sex anytime she can get it and when she cannot find a man she will find a girl and sex her up instead. Some might classify Latisha as a slut but I think she is more of a high class nymphomaniac. So, as you can imagine, Latisha has had a LOT more sexual experience than I have despite my being a man and being older than she by several years (she is in her late twenties and I am in my late thirties).

That is the one saving grace in our relationship. I am handsome and Latisha is so very cute it is really not fair but for whatever reason we never went out with one another. Soon, our friendship became so significant to one another that it became a given that 'it' would never happen for us. So, we were just satisfied with the benefits of friendship. But, as anyone who has a best friend of the opposite sex for long enough, eventually there will come a day when the two of you are bored enough, lazy enough, horny enough, or drunk enough, that you both say, "screw it," and have sex with one another. And from the very first time Latisha and I had sex it was thrilling!! We! So, whenever it happens for us we just run with it!

Sex with Latisha was so good that I cannot count the times after we had sex that I thought, "Why am I not dating this girl?" She would scream so loud during her orgasms, I thought I was going to have to gag her. We once broke a bed down and one other time, I was fucking her doggie style and she knocked a kitchen table over. So that explains that we get wild when we fuck so why aren't we a couple? Well, there are two reasons.

Like I told you Latisha is kind of crazy. At times she can be vicious and vindictive. She loves to play practical jokes at the victims' expense. If wronged, she will remember how she was wronged and carry a vendetta against that person for ages until she gets back at them. She hates to be proven wrong, ever and will go to great lengths to ensure that this never happens. And occasionally she delights in others' discomfort.

That is all bad enough, but the other thing is that Latisha is a sexual dominant. Not just a little dominant but aggressively dominant! When it comes to sex, she has absolutely no desire to ever assume a submissive role. Worse still, not only must she always be sexually dominant but very, very, very, aggressively dominant. Now as I told you, sex with her is incredible so I put up with this. No one can suck my cock as good as she can so I will let her blow me in any public place she wants. And she is such a good fuck, I will deal with having my ass smacked and beg to be fucked too. But there is one thing I have always had trouble with.

Latisha lets me fuck her in the ass almost whenever I want (which I love doing she is so tight there). But she feels it is a fair trade-off for me to let her fuck me in my ass with her strap-on harness and dildo. This I have always refused which has always angered her. In the end we made a compromise. She gave me an ultimatum wherein, if I ever wanted to have sex with her again, I had to suck her strap-on dildo like I were giving her a blowjob. At first I refused but as time without sex with Latisha went on, I missed it so much I eventually very reluctantly agreed. So one night, she put her harness on and her strap-on dildo, had me kneel in front of her, and instructed me to suck on the end of the dildo. It was one of the weirdest things I had ever done but Latisha began to get off on it wildly and ended up having an orgasm just watching me kissing the end of her dildo! She said that the vibration of me sucking caused the base of the harness to rub her clit which helped out. As you can imagine, from then on, this was something I always did for her when she wanted me to, despite my discomfort.

Now, after many months, I had 'sucked' Latisha's dildo many times and NEVER got used to doing it. First her dildo was made of this substance named PVC which was quite hard and tasted weird. Also, kneeling before her with her fake cock in my mouth always made me feel effeminate as if I was compromising my masculinity somehow. Especially since Latisha had 'trained me' to take a good portion of it into my mouth like I was really sucking a dick. It was crazy though how incredibly hot she would get when I did this for her! She would orgasm so hard just watching me that she would moan, "Suck it Baby! Oh yeah...there you go...deeper baby. I'm gonna need you to suck the cum out. Be a good cocksucker."

One day, after watching Latisha orgasm mightily from watching me suck her strap-on dildo for her, when she finished cumming, I asked her, "Latisha, why does having me suck your strap-on dildo turn you on so much?"

She responded, "Matthew, you get me so hot because you are such a good cocksucker. When I see a pair of lips around my dick, I can't help myself. You have very good lips...a natural dick sucker so when I see you sucking, it gets me off."

I was shocked and told her, "Latisha!! I am not a cocksucker! This is just your dumb-ass dildo and I don't even like doing it! I am basically doing it to please you. What enjoyment do I get out of it?"

Latisha calmly responded, "Oh Matthew, you are such a cocksucker! I can tell! You are way too naturally good at it! You would see if you sucked a real cock. I bet you could make a real one cum so quickly."

I told her, "Latisha, I'm never going to suck a real cock... even for you! This is as far as I go for you and I do not even like that very much. I'm straight and that is that."

She calmly informed me, "Oh relax Matthew. It is okay for a man to suck a real cock. It won't make you gay or anything. It is simply another sex act. You might even like it. And Matthew... if I really wanted to I could so coerce you to suck a real man's cock!"

I glossed over everything else she said and jumped on her right away and promised her, "Latisha, I don't care what you think. Sucking your dildo for you is as far as I go! I will NEVER, EVER suck a real cock...EVER!"

Latisha just stared at me plainly and said, "Is that what you really think Matthew? Really? You know who you are talking to right? I have ways of making people do as I say. Why would you be an exception? Oh don't will be blowing dick before you know it."

I was getting slightly angry by then and told her firmly, "Latisha, you will NEVER get me to suck a real cock, EVER! You said I have great lips so you need to read them now, you will have to find someone else as your pet cocksucker because that isn't for me! "

Latisha just paused and with a devilish grin, I could tell she was thinking she had won. I felt really odd... like something significant was about to happen because I was still on my knees staring up at her and her fake cock that was dangling in front of my face.

Silent seconds passed in the dark room. Finally Latisha said in a dangerously, slow, soft voice, "Matthew... you know what? Not only am I going to successfully coerce you into sucking a real man's cock but I am going to coerce you to suck his cock so well that you will make him cum. That is a promise!"

I just flatly told her, "You're fucking crazy! You always have been!"

"Remember what I say Matthew," Latisha said, "That is my Pledge to you! I WILL make you become a real cocksucker one day, soon!"

"Fuck you," I told her as I got up and walked out of the room still naked but now pissed.

"She is one crazy bitch," I thought to myself as I heard her say from way down the hallway, "Remember what I pledged Matthew!! Don't you forget! You WILL suck cock for me Matthew!!"

That was in late summer of last year. Months went by. It was a new year and summer was here again. Latisha and I had been getting along just fine and had been still banging each other. She had not brought up her promise to me since so I had completely forgotten all about 'The Pledge.'

It had been a very nice summer so far so one day Latisha and I decided to throw a pool party at her house. What a party it turned out to be! The weather was nice and everyone attended. We were having a great time. Latisha had concocted a whole bunch of custom 'special' drinks for all of us to try. I had several drinks then smoked a joint with one of Latisha's coworkers. I had spent hours in the pool and had quite a bit to drink so between the sunburn, the drinks, the lack of food (Latisha swore she would get me something to eat later on), and the weed, I was feeling way too wasted. I found Latisha and told her I was too drunk and needed to lay down. She led me to one of the back rooms and had me lay down on the big couch there. She locked the door, told me I was all red from sunburn, had me strip naked and rubbed some lotion on me which felt fantastic. What I liked most is when she got up on top of me and I could feel her wet pussy slowly grinding on my ass as she massaged.

I had a slight headache and was beginning to feel dreamy when Latisha kissed me and whispered, "Relax Matty (she always called me Matty when she wanted to express affection)... I will lock the door so you can be alone. I will check in on you in a while." Then she locked the door and left.

The couch was a big couch with soft cushions and the armrests at the ends were soft and served as cushions for my head. I had slept on this couch many times before so I was comfortable and began to feel better and closed my eyes.


The room was much darker now. It was Latisha. I asked her what time it was. She told me it was almost 8 (which explained the darkness). Latisha asked me if I felt better (which I did).

"Yes, Latisha... thanks for taking care of me," I told her.

Then, in the increasing darkness I felt her hand on my cock! At first, she just rubbed through my pants getting it stirred up into a large bulge. From there, she would rub quicker up and down like she was trying to jerk it against my pelvis. Soon, my pants were pulled down and Latisha was stroking my hard erection like she was softly grinding pepper from a shaker.

"Matty, I am horny..." I heard her mumble seductively.

She got up and I heard the sound of the door being locked. Then I heard a door creak and a little light flooded into the dark room. I did not look as I knew what was happening. I could tell that Latisha was in her 'sex closet'. I didn't look to see what she was up to but only moments later she was standing above me as I continued to lie on my back on the couch, her strap-on dildo hanging over my head. She said, "C'mon Matty...suck for me, please."

"Oh brother," I thought. "Does she ever get enough of that?"

"Please Latisha, not now, I still don't feel that well," I lied, "Come back in an hour and we'll see, okay?"

She paused then said, "Okay Matt (her calling me Matt was a serious thing!!). I will be back in an hour. Oh, here is a bottle of water for you."

She took her strap-on dildo off, laid it right next to the couch on the table (as if a forewarning of what was forthcoming). Then she gave me the bottled water, pre-locked the door and said, "I'll be back in an hour," and left.

I closed my eyes and relaxed and that was it for a while.


The room was completely dark now. Completely.

I woke up.


"Latisha?" I said.

"It is me Matty... I am horny Baby...," whispered Latisha.

Then I felt it and knew EXACTLY what it was. I had felt it so many times before. Kind of hard and brushing against my lips.

"Suck it Matty...," I heard Latisha say softly.

It was Latisha and her strap-on dildo once again. I could not see her in the complete darkness. I had not touched her but I knew it was her standing over me running her strap-on dildo against my lips.

Then I felt her strap-on dildo being removed from my lips so I took the opportunity and said, "Latisha, I..."

I was interrupted by the feeling of Latisha kissing my lips. Her kiss was very wet and I realized she had water in her mouth and squirted some of it into my mouth as she kissed me. This was nice as I was actually thirsty!

I felt her lips being removed then heard the word, "Suck!"

I felt her dildo rubbing against my lips against and thought to myself,

"Oh all right..."

I opened my mouth and felt that familiar, hard, yucky plastic feeling pass within my lips. I felt it move in and out a small amount a few times then it removed from my mouth completely."

Then I heard Latisha say from above me, "Matty, slide your head further back on the arm rest so I can do this easier."

I was already lying lengthwise on the couch with my head near the one armrest, my feet near the other armrest, the back of the couch on my left side and the front of the couch on my right side. I was very comfortable and still a little sleepy so I shifted my whole body backwards until my head was fully over the armrest. My neck now rested on the armrest and my head hung somewhat over the armrest so it was now tilted downwards somewhat. I realized that my head hanging over the armrest now put me in a position where my mouth was perfectly aligned for Latisha to slip her dildo between my lips.

She was very pleased when she felt my head in the darkness and said, "That is perfect Matty!"

Then she slowly parted my lips with her dildo again. She went very slowly, in and out only maybe an inch or an inch and a half. She would say, 'Oh yes,' now and then but it was doing nothing for me (although I was not hating it either other than the taste).

Suddenly she pulled the dildo out and said to me, "Matty, let's get a little kinky tonight. Did I tell you I have a new dildo I would like to try tonight?"

At the moment I did not think much of anything she had said as I was still a little dreamy and that Latisha was not getting too aggressive with me so I just said, "Sure, whatever."

I heard Latisha messing around in the dark then she said, "Matty, move back a little more so you can hold your arms over the armrest toward the floor. I have some silk ties and I am going to tie your hands against the legs of the couch."

I held both arms over the armrests, got comfortable, then I waited as I felt Latisha bind my wrists against the legs of the right side of the couch surprisingly firmly.

Then I heard Latisha say, "Matty put your right leg on the floor."

This I did and felt her binding my right ankle tightly to the far front leg of the couch.

"Hold Still Matty," I heard Latisha say. I could not see her but I felt her tying another tie around my left ankle. Then she said, "Hold still... don't move,"

And she straightened my left leg out fully flat against the back of the couch. For a second there was nothing then a firm tug against my left leg as the tie tightened and forced my leg to stay that way.

Latisha asked "Are you pretty tightly bound, Matty?"

I tested my bindings and realized I was actually very tightly bound. My arms and my right legs had almost no movement allowed in them. My left leg had some movement but not much. The only thing I could freely move was my head.

"Yes Latisha! I am tied down pretty good!" I said.

Being so tightly bound I suddenly found strangely erotic!

I heard Latisha say, "Great Matty! I have a new dildo I want to try with you. It is longer and a little thicker but it is made of a material called ULTRASKYN. It is firm but much softer than the PVS dildo you don't like. It does not have any taste and it is so realistic that it is supposed to feel like real skin! Here... feel it Matty..."

There was a second or two of nothing then I felt something pressing against my lips. When I realized that this was the new dildo pressing against my lips I became aware that Latisha was right! It felt completely different than her other dildo. It was much softer as it rubbed around my lips.

"Does that feel better than the old dildo, Matty?" said Latisha?

"Wow! Yes it does! I am surprised! It is much better than the old one," I exclaimed.

"Let's try more," Latisha said.

I felt the dildo circle my lips once then twice then one more time then push against my lips gently until my lips opened wide into an almost perfect 'O' allowing the dildo to enter into my mouth very slowly about two inches. It did not move for a moment then slowly slid out leaving the tip against my lips for a few seconds. This repeated about five times then stopped when I heard Latisha say, "There, how does that feel?"

I surprised myself when I truthfully answered, "Wow Latisha... that is much better than the other one! So firm but so spongy!"

"Let's try a little more Matty," I heard Latisha say.

Then I felt the dildo against my lips again, then that familiar push that parted my lips quite wide then the dildo slid into my mouth slowly. It kept sliding into my mouth until I felt it against the opening of my throat. Then the dildo rested against the opening of my throat with slight pressure. The dildo WAS thicker (like Latisha had said). I could feel this as it stretched my lips open into what was a perfect 'O' shape to allow the whole width to enter past my stretched out lips. And I was fairly certain that Latisha was holding the pressure against my throat because this new dildo was longer and she wanted to slide that big dildo into my throat! Latisha pulled out of my mouth fully and let me breathe for a while before she did this again. She repeated the procedure five times and I could actually feel the opening of my throat slowly expanding a little each time. This awareness and feeling was surprisingly thrilling to me!! The fifth time I could almost feel the dildo passing into my throat before Latisha pulled it out once again. The dildo felt so much more natural than Latisha's hard PVC dildo that I was actually intrigued (which had never happened before when I did this) because it really DID feel like real human skin! Nothing about this dildo was uncomfortable to me and the thought of her 'preparing' my throat to slide her dildo into it (which she had never done before) was oddly thrilling!

When she pulled it out the last time I heard Latisha say, "Do you like sucking my new cock Matty?"

I responded, "Yes, I kind of do like this new dildo! It feels so real!"

"Do you want me to go deeper, Matty?" asked Latisha?

"Yes, I will try!" I responded. This was the very first time that I could remember that I was actually enthusiastic about taking one of her dildos deeper!

There was nothing, then the feeling of my lips slowly parting around her dildo. Then the feeling of the dildo against the opening of my throat. Then there was a moment of pressure. Then all of a sudden I felt the cock slide into my throat then right back out. This was the first time I had ever felt a dildo in my throat and it was thrilling!