College Girls Ch. 01


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And then something was different.

For a moment Susan didn't react; she couldn't quite make sense out of what was happening to her, couldn't drag her attention away from the primal scene in front of her. There was a pressure on her back, she realized, and on her shoulder. There was a tickling against her neck and a low voice whispering.

"Shhh. Don't speak. It's Ken."

She started to pull away, to scream, but Ken's voice calmed her.

"It's just me. I didn't mean to frighten you."

Susan began to shake, but she didn't answer. She was afraid of making any noise. She didn't know what to do. Ken was standing directly behind her on the landing, kissing her neck and stroking her arm softly. She'd been so wrapped up looking at Kate and Peter that she hadn't heard him.

"I've been watching too. They're pretty amazing." Ken's voice was a low, seductive murmur. His hand kept stroking her arm while his other hand moved along her hip. His animal warmth flowed through the thin fabric to her skin.

"I was just ... I got kind of lost," Susan breathed.

"That's all right," Ken said.

The pressure from behind increased. She felt a hard protrusion pushing her skirt between her buttocks. She tried to twist away, but his arms held her on both sides. Well, they were just stroking her, really. But, somehow, the contact, the rhythmic touch kept her where she was. Susan's shuddered, her heart beating so hard now she couldn't think. What should she do?

"Look at that," Ken whispered.

Peter had pushed Kate's dress up over her back so that almost all of her body was exposed. Kate was screaming now with each of his thrusts. Ken's hands stroked Susan's arm and hip in synchrony with the couple's motions, as if he were an extension of Peter's body.

"Your skin is so smooth," Ken said.

His hand moved from her arm and began to wrap around her. One fingertip brushed the bare skin above the top of her dress, where her breasts began to swell out from her chest. Her nipples were already as hard as pebbles. When he dragged his thumb across the fabric covering one of them, Susan jumped and had to bite her lip to keep from screaming.

Ken kissed her neck again and nuzzled his lips along her ear. "You really are very beautiful," he said.

The hand on her hip inched downward until it found the hem of her skirt. She should have worn something longer, she realized, fighting off panic. She should have worn a bra. She shouldn't have come to the party at all ...

His hand moved under the hem and touched her leg, burning hot on her bare skin. It slid upward along her outer thigh until it came to rest on her hip. Susan was breathing so hard it hurt her throat.

"Look at them," Ken was saying.

Peter had finally pulled his shirt off, and Susan could see the muscles working in his back as he pumped into Kate. Their bodies were moving together smoothly now, their rhythm steady, sweat trickling along Peter's shoulder blades and shining on Kate's butt.

Maybe they could just stay like this, she and Ken, watching together, his hands holding her ... almost gently. Susan started to relax a little. She felt ... she wasn't sure how she felt. It was okay somehow to watch if there were two of you. It seemed more like an intimate act, less of a violation.

But Ken's hands didn't stay still. The one roaming across her chest pulled one strap of her top down off her shoulder. He pulled it lower still until her right breast came free. Susan's body turned rigid. Anyone walking by could see her! The smelly guy she'd squeezed in next to on the ride over, or Peter's stupid friend. Or Peter himself – all he had to do was to turn towards the stairs ...

"Lovely," Ken said. "You're even more beautiful naked."

He put his hand over her breast and stroked her lightly. The nipple was so sensitive – every brush of his fingers sent a jolt through her that made her back arch. She whimpered and her legs began to wobble. She had to lean further back against him just to stay upright, driving the bulge in his pants deeper into the crevice between her cheeks. His lips kept kissing her neck and her ear. His other hand began to play with the waistband of her panties.

It all seemed so unreal – Peter and Kate in their endless liquid rhythm, the big dark house, Ken whispering in her ear, the rigid cock jammed against her bottom. Was any of it really happening? She noted absently that Peter had pulled out of Kate and had sat back on the couch. His eyes were closed and he was trying to catch his breath. His cock stood up from his lap, wet and shiny and quivering slightly. God, he looked hot, Susan thought.

Kate must have thought so too. She stood up, shook back her hair and straddled him. Peter groaned, and Susan wondered if he was really ready for the next act of their performance. But Kate was insatiable. She lowered herself a bit and tilted her hips until they were lined up properly, then settled down onto his lap with a soft cry. She put her hands on Peter's shoulders and began to slide her hips up and down. Susan could see the thick shaft of Peter's cock as Kate rose up and his balls at its base, stretched tight.

God, Susan thought, I can't watch any more of this. Just then Ken's fingers slipped under the waistband of her panties and began ruffling the soft patch of hair above her pussy. His hand paused, waiting to see if she would resist. But Susan couldn't move, couldn't speak. Too many sensations were flooding into her head. She kept trying to sort them out as Ken's fingers went lower, until his palm covered her pussy and his index finger began stroking her swollen outer lips.

Now, Susan thought, I have to do something. I have to ...

But she couldn't stop staring at Peter's thick hard cock and the flesh of Kate's butt as it jiggled with each wet impact. And all she could think about was where she wanted to be touched next, where she was the most sensitive ...

He was playing with her pussy lips now, pushing them apart, smearing them with her own moisture. He was teasing her, toying with her, and she just couldn't wait any longer. She rotated her hips reflexively ... and suddenly his index finger slipped inside her, brushing against her clit as it sank deep into her most private place. Streaks of light arced in front of her eyes. Her legs trembled and then gave way. Ken's arm steadied her, but she couldn't remain upright. She was down awkwardly on one knee, breathing in gasps; then she was lying sprawled on her back on the carpet of the landing, her legs spread, her skirt bunched up at her hips.

The feeling of blurry unreality returned. Maybe it had something to do with her breathing so hard. She thought about her panties. She knew Ken could see them, the way she was lying with her legs so far apart. They were soaked; they must be nearly transparent. But that didn't really matter, because a moment later he was kneeling over her, pulling them down her legs as Susan lifted her hips to help him. She was happy to be rid of them. She liked the feeling – the cool night air against her bare pussy.

She raised her head a little. Ken had positioned himself over her, his weight on his elbows. Mostly what she could see of him was the top of his head and lots of well-groomed brown hair. His head dipped down and she could feel his tongue tickling her exposed breast, licking little circles around the nipple. Then he sucked the whole breast into his mouth. Susan choked back a cry. No one had ever done that to her before, and it put her senses into overload. She couldn't keep anything in focus. Now he had the nipple between his lips and was flicking it with his tongue. She reached down, wanting to run her fingers through his hair, to pull him closer, but suddenly he wasn't there.

The sensations ebbed, and Susan tried to collect her thoughts. She raised her head again and found that Ken had moved down between her legs. He breathed in deeply, inhaling her scent. His tongue nuzzled her inner thigh and lapped at her pussy lips, licking up her moisture. He made a deep growl as he tasted her. Peter had tried to do the same thing just a few days earlier, and she'd stopped him. But she couldn't stop Ken, she couldn't stop herself. Not tonight. She loved the way his lips felt on her skin, caressing her, exploring her, drinking her ... Her hips bucked up; and then his mouth was everywhere, probing inside her, nibbling on her inner lips, searching for her clit. Susan tried to stay quiet, but she couldn't. She began to moan as he swirled his tongue around inside her; she could feel her clit swelling, the tip of his tongue moving against it ...

And then, suddenly, nothing else mattered. There wasn't a psychology paper due on Monday, or a boyfriend she wanted but couldn't have, or a roommate who drove her crazy. There were only Ken's lips and her breath coming fast and hard and a rising orgasm she couldn't control. Her hips thrashed, jamming into Ken's face.

"I want ... please, I want you to ..." She couldn't catch her breath long enough to finish. But Ken already seemed to know what she wanted. His tongue began to churn around her clit, licking over the top of it, pushing it back and forth. His hands slipped under her bottom, gripping her buttocks. The molten pressure in her loins built unbearably ...

Then Ken let go of her. Susan groaned in frustration. She wanted his fingers there, squeezing her flesh, digging into her. But then his hands were back on her thighs, forcing her legs farther apart. She was completely open, completely exposed. His thumbs worked her pussy lips farther apart, allowing his tongue to reach even deeper. Susan whimpered and her hips bucked uncontrollably against his face. Her hands grabbed at the carpet. Then Ken's lips surrounded her swollen clit and sucked it hard into his mouth.

Susan screamed as her orgasm ripped through her. Her body spasmed and her legs pulled up against her chest as she twisted to one side. Ken's head was trapped between her thighs, his face still buried in her crotch. His lips kept lathing her clit and lapping up the moisture that flooded out of her.

"Stop," she managed to gasp. "I can't stand any more." She was almost crying. "Ken,please ..."

But his tongue kept moving against her, his lips nibbling, caressing. Another orgasm hit her. The wine, the two women on the bed, Peter and Kate, Ken's voice and his hands and his lips. She just couldn't help herself. She let out a long wail as her body shook and tried to turn inside out.

* * *

Susan blinked. There was a face above her, looking concerned.

"Susan, are you okay? You just sort of went limp."

She took a deep breath. The face was Ken's. She liked the way his voice sounded. More like a real person; less like a talking doll.

"I guess I passed out for a second. Wow. That's never happened before."

Ken grinned. "I'm flattered."

Susan blushed. "Yeah."

She reached up and put a hand on his cheek. It felt nice. Warm and freshly shaven. She leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Can you give me a ride home?"

"Of course."

Susan's head was clearing. She sat up and looked around. They were alone.

"What happened to Kate and Peter?"

Ken looked confused for a moment. "Who? The couple on the couch? They scooped up their clothes and left – pretty quickly. I think they got a little spooked. We were sort of ... noisy."

"You meanI was noisy."

Ken looked a little embarrassed. That's sweet, Susan thought. She leaned over and kissed him again. The kissed started off as playful and friendly, but then Ken's arms came around her shoulders and her lips parted and their tongues found each other.

After a minute, Susan pulled back, breathing hard. "Lie down," she said. "On your back."

Ken looked uncertain, but followed orders. Susan got up onto her knees and began to unbuckle his pants.

"Hey," he said. "You don't have to ..."

"I want to," she whispered, her voice suddenly low and urgent.

She noticed for the first time how excited he was. His loose linen trousers bulged impressively. Her fingers felt clumsy. She couldn't get the belt undone at first, and then she struggled with the button at the top of his fly. She took a breath to steady herself and finally managed to work the button loose. The zipper was easy, and Ken lifted his hips so that he could pull his pants down. He was wearing blue-and-white striped boxers, the fabric pulled taut by his engorged cock. She just stared at his crotch for a moment, wondering if she had the nerve to go on. She could see the tip of his cock outlined beneath the thin material, straining to get out. A fat dome with a slight cleft on the inner side and a prominent ridge where the head met the shaft. As she watched, his cock twitched a little and a small wet spot began to form above the tip.

Susan ran her tongue across her lips. Her hands were still shaking, but she reached down and stroked the head of his cock through his shorts. Ken inhaled sharply. Susan liked the feeling of his warm, firm skin beneath the sheer fabric. She stroked him again, this time trailing her fingers down further so that they outlined his balls. Ken twitched again, and the wet patch on his shorts spread. She took a deep breath. Now or never.

She grabbed the waistband of his shorts and lifted it gingerly. Again, Ken raised his hips. Susan maneuvered the boxers over the end of his cock and tugged them down to his knees. She giggled to herself. He sure doesn't look much like a Ken doll now. His cock stood straight up from a nest of brown curly hair. It was thick and sturdy with a dark, pulsating vein running up its length from his balls. The circumcised head was flushed a dark red. She just gaped for a moment, feeling a little faint.

She steadied herself and put her hands on his thighs, moving them upwards towards his balls and touching him so lightly that she could feel the rustle of his fine brown hair against her palms.

Ken sighed. "That's really nice."

She stroked his thighs again, letting her fingers linger for a moment at the bottom of his scrotum. His cock twitched hard. Was she tickling him, she wondered? No, that was something else, something more powerful. The skin around his balls was meltingly smooth and almost hot to the touch. She traced the shape of one testicle, then the other before drawing her finger up the shaft along the vein. She could feel the blood thudding inside it. Why did that excite her so much? And the feel of the skin along the ridge that separated the shaft from the head – it was like velvet.

Susan couldn't wait any longer. She leaned closer, near enough to smell the need that steamed from his groin. His musk filled her head. She was fascinated by how alive his cock was, blood-filled, straining up towards her. There was a bead of clear liquid oozing from the very tip. As she watched, the tiny slit pulsed and more liquid dripped down into the cleft in the head.

She couldn't help herself. She swirled her tongue over the tip and licked up the pre-cum. It tasted like ... she wasn't sure what it tasted like. Like nothing. Like sex. The little taste wasn't enough. She leaned down further and covered the entire tip with her mouth, pushing the little slip open with her tongue. Ken groaned, and his body jerked upwards, shoving more of his cock into her mouth. Susan gagged and pulled back, struggling to catch her breath.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It's just that ... the thing you did with your tongue ... it just ... wow."

Susan smiled. So she could surprise even this sophisticated preppie.

"Could you ... you know, do it some more?"

Yes, she thought, I definitely can. Susan had always been intimidated by blowjobs. There was such a mystique surrounding them. And her high school boyfriend hadn't been very complimentary about her efforts. But she really wanted to do it now. His cock, slick with her saliva, exerted an almost magnetic attraction. She moved around so that she could get a better angle and leaned over again to surround the head with her lips. She could feel his heartbeat below its smooth surface. She ran her tongue along the big vein. The skin felt a little different there, it gave more when she pressed the tip of her tongue against it. The rest of the shaft was so firm by comparison. Her lips just molded around it, sliding down so smoothly that the tip hit the back of her throat before she was ready for it. She loved that feeling, his cock touching her everywhere, his musk filling her nostrils, her nose nuzzling his pubic hair.

She felt Ken twitching and, a very long way away, heard his groans. She reached down to hold his balls. Semen was building inside; the sac stretched tight.

"Oh, God," Ken groaned, and a shudder ran through his body. His cock seemed to grow bigger in her throat, pushing deeper. He held him there, sucking air through her nose. She felt the first blast, white-hot and slippery. She swallowed hard, trying to stay with him, but she couldn't. There was just too much of it. She sat up, releasing his cock from her mouth wetly. Ken groaned again and his body twisted as another spurt flew towards her. Susan watched in fascination as he emptied himself, his hips bucking, grunts escaping from him with each burst.

Gradually, his orgasm subsided and his labored breathing eased. Globs of cum coated his stomach and his partly unbuttoned shirt, and some of it had even ended up on his pants and shoes. His cock had jumped around like a fire hose after she'd let go of it. What a mess.

Ken looked a little sheepish. "I should ... probably change before I drive you back. Is that all right?"

Susan leaned over and kissed him lightly. "Of course. I'll wait."

"Are you sure you don't want to stay over tonight? I whip up some mean blueberry pancakes ..."

Susan frowned. Mr. Smooth was threatening to return. "Maybe next time." She kissed him again and stood up. "I'll be downstairs."

Ken struggled to his feet, holding his pants up with one hand. "Right," he said, hobbling off. "I'll be down in a minute."

Susan tried to return to reality as she straightened out her clothes. She had no idea where her panties had ended up. Well, never mind. They were a hopeless mess anyway. More consequential was the thought that she'd have to face Kate and Peter at some point. What had they seen? Did they realize that it was her on the landing? Or had they just seen a pair of bare legs wrapped around Ken's head? And even if they had recognized her, what difference did it really make? What had happened was her own affair. She didn't belong to anyone.

But it did bother her. She couldn't help it. She wanted Peter to think well of her. She didn't want him to think that she'd spread her legs for any smooth operator who handed her a nice glass of wine. And that wasn't really what had happened. There was more to Ken. She was sure about that. Pretty sure, anyway. Not that it mattered – she was under no illusions that she'd ever see him again. But watching Peter and Kate go at it – that would blow away anyone's inhibitions. Even after cumming harder than she could ever remember doing in her life, she could feel a pressure building again in her loins just thinking about Peter's butt tightening as he plunged into Kate from behind, his skin shining with sweat.Stop it, she said to herself. It's time to go home. Long past time.

But she knew it wasn't over. Things couldn't just stay the way they were.

Susan took a deep breath, composed herself, and walked downstairs.

End of part 1.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

HOTDamn! Excellent writing. Graphic in a good way. Looking forward to chapter 2.

midtwnnycmidtwnnycover 3 years ago
Remembering College reading this

well written chp1.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

...Or, it's equally possible that they copied it from here, I suppose.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

A lot of this story appears to have been copied from "I could not control!", by Sandhya. See

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsabout 8 years ago
Great story

I hope there is a sequel coming. Susan is a great character, and you write well. Thank you for the story.

Good start

Keep it up

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
i like it

very well writen with humor , intimacy with sex that is actually very sexy when read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
That is some good stuff

Really love your writing. You are one talented individual and really portrayed the feeling and emotion well. Bravo.

parker3522parker3522over 10 years ago
Erotically descriptive

Well done! Your words allow us to share a young college girls sexual awakening as she discovers all of the possibilities around her. Innocence blossoming into awarness and arousal.She explores her own desires as they become apparent to her. I'll follow your College Girls chapters. Thank you.

LeanneSinclairLeanneSinclairabout 11 years ago

Pitch-perfect: erotic, believable, humane, moving. The day I can write like that I will be very pleased with myself. Congratulations, and thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Excellent read

Wonderfully descriptive, excellent tempo, and Susan has the beginnings of a great character. Please continue.

mm175dmm175dover 11 years ago

Well written and very hot!

shiannshiannabout 12 years ago

great story loved it makes me wish i went to college

turquoisegirlturquoisegirlabout 12 years ago

I agree with lust, not the every run of the mill college girl story. It definitely has some substance. Very good job, keep it up fin!

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