College Love


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"A little?" she asked as she walked towards me. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the sexiest image I'd ever seen. "What kind of girl wears these shoes," she said as she put them up on the chair. The shorts were so short that I could see her pussy lips. "With this... outfit?" she asked and came forward. My mouth was dry. "What. Kind. Of. Girl. Nick?" she said emphasizing each word.

"A slut," I said. Instinctively knowing the answer she wanted to hear.

"And this is what you want me to wear?" I nodded. "Really?" I nodded again, spellbound. "You like me dressing in these cheap, slutty clothes?" she said as she knelt in front of me and fished out my cock. My mind was still in a haze as I watched her begin to work on my cock. "Tell me Nick," lick, "Do you like," kiss, "what you see?" She finished as she took the entire length of my cock down her throat. She held it there for a moment before coming back off with a gasp of air. "I can't tell," suck, suck, "whether you like me like this." She said as she came off my cock and stared at me.

"You are the hottest thing I've ever seen," I told her as I put my hand on the back of her head and nudged her back down. She smiled as she focused in and sucked my cock into the back of her throat. She'd learned exactly what I liked and was moaning onto my cock and taking long deep strokes into her mouth. She reached up with her hands and pulled her breasts out of her shirt. The neck was loose and low cut so they came freely out and she started squeezing and pinching them. Her blowjobs had gotten better and better and it wasn't long before she had me on the edge. Ashley was moaning lustily and seemed almost as turned on as I was. I was so close to coming that I reflexively reached out and grabbed her head and thrust into her gaping mouth. After just four or five thrusts I let out a combination moan and yell and came down her throat. A little bit escaped her lips and she wiped it with a finger and licked it up. Watching her do that made my cock twitch even as it deflated.

We snuggled up in her bed and caught our breath. "So you liked that, huh? You don't normally cum that way. I must have gotten you pretty hot and bothered."

I hugged her, "You have no idea. That basically pushed all my buttons. You didn't mind when I grabbed your head. I couldn't really help myself. Sorry," I said somewhat sheepishly.

"Oh no. I liked it. When I felt you take control I knew you were super turned on and going to cum quick. It was good," she said as she kissed me. She was amazing. "I guess I better change."

"You sure? You look pretty good the way you are," I told her half joking.

"Seriously? This? You wouldn't mind me walking around in public this way?"

"Mind?" I said genuinely confused.

"Okay, stud. I'll call your bluff. Let's go," she said and hopped up. Ashley looked in the mirror and fixed up her lipstick and straightened her hair while I slipped my pants back on. She walked to the door and turned back towards me, still half expecting me to chicken out. I just smiled at her, walked up and gave her a quick peck, then opened the door and gestured with my arm chivalrously. She gave her shorts a little downward tug and sauntered out the door. The heels made her hips sway back and forth and her already difficult-to-avoid-staring-at-ass went up a few notches to being truly spectacular. She got about ten feet down the hall before I realized I was standing there, mouth agape. I jogged a couple steps to check up, placing my hand on the small of her back as we walked. She glanced over her shoulder and smirked at me. "Enjoy the view did you?"

"Hell yeah," I said and grinned back. "Let's go to Wendy's," I said as we got downstairs.

"That's all the way across campus," she said.

"Yeah. More time to show you off!" I told her excitedly. A couple of girls overheard that comment and giggled. Ashley blushed but gamely grabbed my hand and drug me out the front door. I enjoyed the walk to the quad. We got a lot of looks. I imagine that the stark mismatch between this gorgeous woman and myself struck a lot of people as amusing. More than one guy got caught looking by their girlfriend.

Once we'd ordered at Wendy's and grabbed our seats, we dug into the greasy, horrible goodness that was campus food. Ashley's face showed a mix of emotions that I wasn't quite able to pin down. "You're not enjoying this as much as I am are you?"

She looked at me like I had grown a second head before responding, "And why do you think that is?"

"I don't know," I said.

"Didn't you notice all those people staring at me? Still staring at me," she whispered.

"Well sure... so?"

"So? They're all thinking the same thing, 'What's that whore doing with a nice guy like that?' " she said as she took a sip of her milkshake.

My response was to nearly choke on my food. After I coughed a little I said, "No they're not. They're all thinking, 'How the hell did a guy that looks like that get a girl who looks like THAT?' "

Now it was her turn to laugh. "That thought never once occurred to me. You're too good looking for anyone to think that, Nick."

"And you're way too pretty and put together for anyone to think you're a whore. Worst case scenario they just assume you're a party girl," I said teasingly. She stuck her tongue out at me and then grinned.

"Don't get used to this... But I suppose I could dress a little sexier for you. If you really don't mind all these guys staring at me."

I laughed and grinned back, "Nope. They can stare all they want. I know you're going back to the dorm room with me. Right?"

"Oh yeah," she said as she dove into her meal. "Besides," she continued, "no matter how I dress, we both know that you haven't fucked me yet. So I can't be a slut, right?"

"Yet?" I asked, eyebrows raised and a little excited.

"Don't get your hopes up YET, dear," she said coyly. She leaned forward and my eyes could see straight down her shirt. She looked up at me with a grin, knowing exactly what I was staring at. She ran a finger seductively down her neck and cleavage, pulling the already low cut shirt just a little bit lower. I was mesmerized. Then she smiled and dug into her food again.

I watched her tear into her lunch, she grinned and said, "What? I assume I'm going to need my energy tonight, right?"

I could only smile back.


True to her word, Ashley started wearing sexier clothes. Nothing nearly as outrageous as that first night, but her skirts and shorts definitely got a little shorter. She even bought a couple of chokers to wear when the mood struck her. She thought they looked silly but she said that the response that they elicited from me made it worth it. We'd been dating nearly 3 months at this point and it was absolute bliss as far as I was concerned. Ashley was great for my ego ("This hot girl thinks I'm the attractive one???") and we were having tons of fun learning everything about each other's bodies that we could. There wasn't much that she was unwilling to try at least once. She'd figured out how to turn me on at the drop of a hat and she seemed to revel in her ability to get me hot and bothered.

Mid November in Florida starts to get cold. Not really cold, I guess. But cool. It's a sad time because all of the skimpy clothing on campus just disappears. Unfortunately, my girlfriend was no different. Coming from Virginia she lasted a little longer than most but eventually the booty shorts and jean skirts she'd been teasing me with had to go away, "At least for outdoor wear," she said with a smile when I asked. We had a few more date nights, they typically followed a familiar pattern that left both of us very satisfied.

All that's to say, I was obviously looking forward to this Tuesday date night. We were going to celebrate before Thanksgiving break since we'd be apart for nearly a week. I'd spent so much time with her that the thought of being separated from her was already making me pretty melancholy. There was also a very small part of me that wondered if all those locker room urban myths about "blue balls" had any truth to them. Maybe I'd go swimming in the cold pool at my parents' house just to take the edge off.

I knocked on Ashley's door. "Come on in, Nick," she called. I opened the door and took a step in and stopped cold. Ashley was leaning forward over her dresser putting on her makeup. Her dress was amazing. She was wearing a dark green, knee length dress with a slit up the side. The top was a very sexy halter top that showed off her strong shoulders that I found so sexy and her legs looked great with sheer black hose and 4 inch strappy stiletto heels that must have been new. The hose had a seam that went up the back that made it somehow even sexier.

I heard the door shut behind me and realized I was still standing there slack jawed. Ashley turned to face me and I noticed that she'd really gone all out with the makeup. She'd worked some of her girl magic on her eyes and they looked super sexy. The dark red lipstick made her lips look shiny and wet and my mind imagined all the things that those lips could be doing at that moment.

"I love you," I said. Honestly, I'd meant to say, "You look amazing" but it really didn't capture the moment well and instead I gave her the most heartfelt expression of my love I'd yet given her. It wasn't perfunctory or a thing I was saying. I knew, right then, that I loved her. Her return smile lit my whole world and told me she heard the different inflection.

"I know," she said. I closed the distance to her and grabbed her desperately to give her the kiss that I needed. Our lips slid together and our tongues danced against each other as she moaned into my mouth. It was a little bit odd to be angled up to kiss her but that logical part of my mind that noticed it soon didn't care. After a minute, she playfully pushed me away, "Too early to mess up my lipstick. That part comes later, Lover."

I grinned back and sat down to watch as she reapplied her lipstick. She'd straightened her hair just the way I liked it. In fact, I realized pretty much everything she'd done was tailored to present the perfect package for me. "Is this all for me?" I asked as the realization dawned on me.

Finishing her lipstick, she turned back to me and sat down next to me. "Nick, it's all for you. I want to be everything for you. You've been amazing. You ARE amazing. And this isn't me saying this in the, 'Oooh... I found a good one I better keep him happy' kind of way," she said as she tucked her hair behind her ear. "Don't get me wrong. There's some of that happening here too," she smiled, "but I realized we were truly falling in love. Part of that is pushing myself to being the best version of me that I can be for you. There's some things I haven't given you yet," we both smiled knowing exactly what she was talking about, "and there may be some things that I NEVER give you... But I want to give you everything I can while still being me. Does that make sense?"

"Hardly any of it," I said and she merrily punched me, "but I understood the important bits." I ran my fingers up her dress and noticed she wasn't wearing a bra. Her nipples were already poking against the relatively thin fabric of the top of the dress. "You sure you don't want to stay in tonight?"

She hopped up and grabbed her purse, "Are you kidding me? I get to show off MY boyfriend tonight. I'm not going to miss that chance. Besides, if you're good tonight, I have a special surprise for you."

"Oh yeah," I leered. "Gimme a hint."

"Well it might involve you doing me a favor."

I looked at her questioningly, "That's not much of a hint."

"Well it involves this," she said as she turned her back to me and slowly pulled her dress up to her waist. Only then did I realize that she wasn't wearing pantyhose. She'd bought a garter belt and thigh high stockings and was wearing them. She looked amazing in them and I let out a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding.

"Let's get going," I said as I strode to the door, "The sooner we leave the sooner we can get back and I can help you with that favor." I practically drug her to the door as she laughed.

I was taking her to dinner at Outback. It was her favorite place although I didn't take her all that often because the rare prime rib that she ate was a disgusting hunk of bloody meat as far as I was concerned. Nevertheless, she always enjoyed it and I was happy to spend a little bit of cash for a special evening. The wait was a little long so we just sat in the car and made out while we waited for our seats. The buzzing of the device came at a good time as I was heading towards a very frustrating situation.

We got out of the car and walked into the restaurant. The table they'd put us in was a nice secluded one in the back corner. It was perfectly positioned such that the noise level allowed for conversation without eavesdropping. As usual, Ashley flirted with me throughout dinner. She crossed and uncrossed her legs, traced a line with her finger between her breasts and bit her lip every time she said something even vaguely seductive. As usual, I enjoyed it.

"So what's this favor?"

"I'm not going to tell you," she said coyly.

"Can I at least get a hint?"

"You're terrible. I already gave you one hint. Are you this bad at Christmas?"

"Nope. Besides, you're the one who's already pestering me about what I'm getting you for Christmas," I snapped back with a smile.

"Hey! That's just reconnaissance. I don't want us to spend vastly different sums of money is all."

"Uh huh. So about that hint... "

"Just let your mind wander. You're not going to guess it but I hope you enjoy it. I know I will."

"Fine. I suppose if you're going to enjoy it than I will as well."

We chatted as we ate our meal, it was only going to be five days apart but I think we both were a little bummed. It was surprising how quickly we'd fallen for each other.

"I love you," I told her.

"I love you, too," she told me. "I'm going to miss you. That's one of the reasons for your surprise tonight. I want to have something to remind me of you. I tend to forget things quickly."

"I've noticed. They should do a study on your long term memory formation. Surely there's something someone could learn."

"Well, you better make sure I don't forget you. Five days apart with all those cute country boys from home... " she teased.

"Okay... that brings up a good question. I've never had a 'real' girlfriend before. Are we like... exclusive? Are we going steady?... Uhmm... I don't even know the terms. I just know what my Mom and Dad called it when they were kids."

Ashley swallowed her mouthful, a bit of a challenge considering how much she was trying to laugh.

"Do you want to be, 'going steady'?" she asked with modestly mocking air quotes.

"Well, yeah! But that's self serving of me. I have approximately zero chance of hooking up with a girl. Let alone one as terrific and hot as you. You probably have guys that are actually looking forward to seeing you over the break and planning their vacations around trying to hook up with you."

"Hardly," she said.

"Well even if there aren't, you'd have no trouble hooking up with someone if you wanted to."

"Nick, I don't want to hook up with anyone else. Do you?"

I thought about it. Probably a longer pause than was advisable but it was such a weird question because, truthfully, I had given it no thought. Did I want to hook up with someone else? I was being honest when I told her she was my first real girlfriend. I'd only really dated one other girl and that was a non-exclusive pseudo dating my senior year where I was competing with a junior over a college freshman who probably wasn't really serious about either of us. Needless to say, dating Ashley had approximately nothing in common with dating her.

I looked at Ashley and told her as honestly and earnestly as I could, "Definitely not. And if you're giving me any say in it than I don't want you dating anyone else either."

"So it's settled, we're... how do you kids say it, 'Exclusive'?" she said, now blatantly mocking me with the air quotes.

"Fuck you," I told her playfully.

"Not yet you haven't," she said with a smirk.


Thank you so much for reading. I love doing this and kind words & constructive criticism help keep my creative lights on. Check out my profile if you want to know more.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very lovely want to see more chapters of this story please

ork13ork13over 4 years ago
double post

You posted your story twice in this edition. Might want to look in on that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Misisng content

It seems pages 1-5 repeat again at the end.

Love the story want more!!!

StillstiffStillstiffover 4 years ago
What happened

In the middle of page 5 the story started at the beginning again. I thought it was a good story up until that blemish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Very good story...

...wasn't even too hard to read it twice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Fix needed

I enjoyed the story but the last 5 pages duplicated the first 5. Please check and correct this.

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