Colton Stories - Gus and Adi Ch. 02


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Gus smiled, and as he went to remove his hands, Adi kissed them before lewdly sucking on his middle finger. Gus moaned, and Adi smiled as his dick went hard as a rock.

Adriana Glass had never given a blowjob before she met Gus. What she lacked in experience, she made up for in loving enthusiasm. Sooner than he would have liked, Gus grunted his warning. Adi smiled on his manhood, and increased her pleasuring of him. As Gus fired round after round of his seed into her willing mouth, he felt his entire body shudder in bliss, and then the red light behind his eyes overwhelmed him. When Gus could see straight, he looked at the smiling, topless beauty still kneeling in front of him. She opened her mouth, and then made a sultry spectacle of swallowing the mouthful of his spunk. Gus pulled her up to him, and kissed her passionately. She settled on his lap, and the two lovers continued to kiss one another.

"Give me another 5 minutes, and we can do whatever you want to do next," Gus said softly.

Adi giggled, and shook her head. "Nope. I'm going to get my stuff and we're going to your room. You'll make love to me in our bed - and it is our bed. Got me?"

Gus laughed. "When the hell did you get so bossy?"

She giggled. "Well, that's another thing your fan club told me about. A well-loved, strong woman knows her mind, and she's not afraid to speak it," she beamed.

"Well then, I'm the luckiest guy on this whole campus."

"Damn straight you are. I will not let you forget that, either," she smiled and paused. "And you will tell me all about how in the hell you weren't tapping Camesha last year, and all the other bitches who threw themselves at you. That bullshit stops now."

The look on her face that Gus could not place was back. He wisely nodded - but said nothing.

As Adi gathered her things, Gus boldly broached the topic. "So, you got a look on your face in the hallway after Camesha left, and then again when you were lovingly reading me the riot act. I can't quite place it. You're not mad - but it's not the contented, pleasant look you usually have," he paused. "What's going on here, Miss Prince?"

Adi had her back turned to him as he spoke, and he saw her shoulders heave and heard her exhale loudly. She turned to him with an apprehensive look on her face.

"Adi, whatever this is - we can talk about it. I love you and am going to marry you. Nothing you're going to tell me will change that. I'm all in," said Gus softly.

Tears filled Adi's eyes as she nodded lovingly to her man.

"My family is stupidly competitive," she began. "I hate losing. In fact, I probably hate losing more than I want to win - does that even make sense? I get this look on my face when I go into my competitive mode. I'm sorry."

Gus smiled and nodded. "You have no idea how much you just said makes perfect sense to me. And please remember that moving forward. When we start working out together, I am going to pound your lovely ass into the ground."

She smiled and plopped down in his lap. He gently kissed her nose.

"So, what does this have to do with what happened just now?"

"Like I said, her comment felt like a challenge - a personal challenge. Gus, you're amazing, and I'm so lucky to have you. I don't want to be a silly girlfriend, or get all possessive," she paused, "I'm just really new at this."

"You have no challengers," he said firmly. "I need you to know that. I also need you to listen better when I tell you stuff," he grinned.

She raised an eyebrow at him, and gave him a look that let him know she was daring him to continue.

"I told you our making love was not about sex. Screwing Camesha, or some skanky Tri Delts in the library would only be about sex. I want this," he pointed to her head, "and this," he pointed to her heart. "That's how we roll. Adi, there's no one else for me. If we could get married tomorrow, I'd be all in. I'm not trying to freak you out - I just want you to know that I am yours - and you are mine. We belong to one another. All the Camesha's and Tri Delts in the world cannot change that. I love you, Adriana Esmerelda Glass; and no one else. Got it? I want you to know that, because I also want our three lovely daughters to know that their daddy only has eyes for their beautiful mother."

Adi kissed him passionately, and Gus moaned when she began sucking on his lower lip.

"So, are you dodging my question, Miss Prince? Or, is this your way of saying 'yes?' Because you need to know that if Angelica, Eliza or Peggy tried this, I'd be busting their beautiful little rear ends," he grinned at her.

The pair burst into laughter. When she'd recovered, Adi asked with a cocked eyebrow, "So we're naming our daughters after the Schuyler sisters?"

"Three of them," Gus grinned. "The first one is going to be named after her beautiful mother. I think Esmerelda is a freaking awesome name."

She looked at him with a look that communicated both her admiration, and the abject horror she felt at bequeathing a child such a unique and antiquarian name. "Well, she would be the only Esmerelda in her class," Adi mused. "Does this mean the first boy will be named Hamish?"

"By my count we're now at five kids. Selfishly, I want to make sure my lovely wife does OK with each pregnancy before we throw a number out there," Gus replied softly. "If I lost her, I don't know what I'd do."

Before Adi could respond, both their phones began vibrating. It was Eowyn, letting them know that she was in route with both sets of parents. ETA was 5 minutes.

"Give me your dress and overnight bag," said Gus quickly. "When the coast is clear, text me and I'll come get you."

Adi kissed him on the nose. "I love you. Please don't forget that in the next half hour - or however long our time with the parental units is going to take."

"Lady, all I think about is you. Even when I was freezing my ass off in the Atlantic Ocean, I kept thinking, 'Damn that girl is fine,'" he grinned.

Adi hopped up, and Gus gathered up the necessary gear and headed to his SUV. No more had he started the car up for the short ride, then his phone went off again. He looked down and frowned at the number. After a brief, but intense internal debate, he answered his phone.

"Hello Bianca. How are you?" he said with as much civility as he could muster. Bianca Esposito was Gianna's older sister. She was older than Gus by roughly 14 months, and they'd known one another since they matriculated elementary school.

"Gus, thanks for taking my call. Gianna has been trying to call you, and it finally dawned on her that you blocked her number," she said kindly.

"I did. There's nothing more for your sister and I to say to one another. She made her plans and feelings pretty clear," he said with a cold edge to his voice. "The fact that she lied to my face may have something to do with that, as well."

"I don't blame you. I'd be pissed too."

"I'm not mad. I just can't handle the woman I thought I loved lying to my face again. Once is enough for several lifetimes," Gus explained.

"Well, if you have a minute, I'd like to talk to you about that," she said cautiously.

"Sure, just give me a minute to get into my dorm room." Gus parked, grabbed Adi's bags and walked quickly to his room. He scanned his fab to get into the building, and used his keycard to get into his room. "Alright, Bianca; let's hear it."

"Gus, there's some new things you need to know. First, your talk with her the other night really shook Gianna."

"I didn't say much," admitted Gus. "I told her that I knew she was lying to me, and I thought we had more respect for one another than that."

"Well, that statement and your cool demeanor rocked her world. That was not how she imagined it playing out."

"Nothing about the last 10 months is how I imagined my life playing out as it relates to your sister," interjected Gus. Stunned silence met his words. Finally, Gus spoke again. "Listen Bianca, if she hadn't ghosted me over Christmas break when I found out from Lucy Holt, she would have gotten a very different experience. I was pissed then. I've had 6 months to process the fact that my entire relationship with your sister meant shit to her. Not too damn much I can do about that now, and there's no use crying over spilled milk."

"Gus, he broke up with her," Bianca blurted out. "Turns out he's engaged to some girl back in Argentina. Gianna was his last fling before his family made him marry this other woman."

Gus said nothing.

"But that's not all. He took several videos of them having sex and uploaded it to a porn site. He blurred his face out, but he didn't do that for her. It's pretty clear that it's Gianna, and it's very graphic. My folks are besides themselves, and have already lawyered up - hard."

"I'm sorry to hear that," said Gus, who was indeed, genuinely sorry.

"Gus, she and my mom would like to come out and talk with you. Is that even a possibility?"

"No," Gus said calmly and flatly. "I've moved on. In fact, I've met someone new. She's amazing, and there's nothing more I have to say to your sister."

"Gus, it would mean a lot to my folks if you talked to her," said Bianca changing tack.

"Well, your dad should have thought of that as he lied to my face when I stopped by your house over Christmas to see your sister," replied Gus with rising emotion in his voice. "I know what she did, Bianca. The charade is over. Your sister had nine freaking months to reach out to me. She ghosted me; so please know I'm immune to whatever kind of Italian guilt you're trying to bestow here."

"I understand," she said softly. "Gus, for what it's worth - I'm really sorry. You deserve better than how she treated you. I think she knows that now, too."

"Thank you. But you need to know I don't give a damn what your sister knows, thinks, or feels anymore. That ship sailed six months ago," Gus said coldly. "But I appreciate you reaching out to me. You and I have been friends for a long time, B. I will miss not seeing you anymore."

"Gus, my mom can't let this go," Bianca admitted. "She loves you to death, and she thinks she can fix this. You know how she is - so if she just shows up, please know it's because she really did think you were the one. Actually, we all did."

"Bianca, if your sister had not sat on my porch two days ago and lied to my face, this could have a different ending. She ghosted me for nine months, and then when she finally bothered to show up - lied to me. There's no way to walk that back," he said sadly. Gus found himself stunned at the depth of sadness he felt.

"Please try to make your mom understand that," he said with a ragged voice. "I love your family, B. I hate the way this ended, but there's not a damn thing I can do about that."

"I understand, Gus," Bianca said tearfully. "Thank you for talking to me."

"Always B. If you call, I'll pick up."

"Good bye, Gustav McLeod."

"Good bye, Bianca Esposito."

Gus sat on his couch, utterly numb and dumbfounded. Out of habit and desperation, he called his father.

"Hello lad!" his dad answered him cheerfully. "We're just seeing the lassies room, and your mum and I would love to come see you next if you're up for it."

"Actually, I'm on my way over. I need to talk to you - to all of you - including Adriana," he said stoically. "I just got off the phone with Bianca Esposito."

"Bloody hell," said his father knowingly. "Whatever this is, we'll figure it out."

"Thanks dad," said Gus with a tired voice. "I'm leaving now."


Five minutes later, Gus was standing in the doorway of his sister and Adriana's dorm room.

"Gustavo!" Julianna Glass answered the door and hugged him warmly. "I thought you'd be fast asleep by now."

"So did I," he said flatly. "But something has come up."

Jack Glass looked at his wife knowingly. "Well come on, Glass ladies. Let's leave Gus and his family to talk a bit."

Gus looked him in the eye, "Actually Jack, I'm hoping the three of you would consider staying. This is my mess, but it does affect you and your family," he paused. "I think you have a pretty good idea how Adi and I feel about one another, and John Moses speaks highly of you and your wisdom. I need all of that I can get. Plus, I'm afraid our family is pretty biased on this subject. Some objectivity would probably be a good thing."

Gus saw his father nod approvingly.

"If you would have a seat, I need one second with Adi before I start shoveling through all this," he smiled weakly.

Adi walked to him, and they stepped into the hall.

"Gus, what's wrong?" she asked passionately.

"Maybe nothing," he smiled. "But I need you to know that I love you. I love you so much it hurts me. Please don't doubt that."

"Never," she smiled as she hugged him and kissed his nose. "Now, let's go back in. My parents freaking love you - maybe as much as I do. You're exhausted, and I need to snuggle with my man in our bed so he can get some sleep. Come on, Odin-son. Whatever this is, we face it together."

When they went back inside, Gus saw that his mom, Eowyn and Julianna were sitting on the couch. Jack and his dad were standing, and the two desk chairs were sitting side by side for Gus and Adriana to sit in.

"Gus," preempted Jack Glass. "Please know how much we respect you, and how highly we think of you. You've shown us nothing but respect, and we appreciate the way you've been up front in your pursuit of Adriana."

"Thank you," nodded Gus. "I want you to know that I told Adi all of this last night, but there's a part of this that's beyond my control. I also want you to know that if you want me to stop seeing your daughter," he paused and felt the catch in his throat. "I'll respect your wishes."

Gus took a deep breath and launched into the ballad of Gus and Gianna. 5 minutes later he felt the relief of having unburdened himself to a room full of people who loved and cared for him and Adriana. When he was done, his mom let out a torrent of Norwegian that turned the air blue.

"I don't speak Norwegian, but I think I caught the gist of what you said," said a chuckling Jack Glass.

Alistair let out a stream of Glaswegian that caused the room to chuckle.

"I caught that as well. And for the record I'm pretty sure I concur," added Jack.

"All this changes nothing for me," announced Adriana. "I love Gus. He may respect your wishes, whatever they are, but I won't. Gus is my man. Period. End of story." Adi held his hand through the entire story, and Gus was awed at the love in her eyes and in her voice.

"OK, so we've settled that we're all on the Gustav and Adriana bus," said Jack. "And for the record, I'm damn proud of both of you."

He looked at his wife, and she got up and went and hugged Gus, giving him a kiss on both cheeks.

"Gustavo - I'm so sorry for you, and for this young woman - whose name I will not say," she said with a combination of warmth and iciness Adi had never witnessed from her mother.

"Gus, if I may ask, what makes you think any of this would make us want you to stop seeing Adi?" queried Jack Glass.

"Jacob has filled me in about your family and your local," he paused, "celebrity. I know your family doesn't do drama. This feels like drama. So, I understand telling the new boyfriend to take a hike when he shows up toting a suit case full of drama to your front door."

"We appreciate that, but that's not really a factor here," said Julianna lovingly.

"Your father and I will handle the Esposito's," said Annika McLeod. "All you and Adi need to worry about is school, your respective sports, and your relationship with one another. Do I make myself clear? This nonsense is ending tonight."

"That's good for us," said Jack. He smiled when Julianna made a sweeping motion with her arm, and nodded vigorously in agreement. "Gus, Jacob filled us in on your year. He was in awe of how well you handled the entire situation. From where I sit, you're to be commended. You've conducted yourself honorably. I'm not a fortune teller, but if your relationship with Adi goes the way I think it will, our family has benefitted from this young lady's unfortunate lack of character."

Gus saw nodding heads around the room.

"E, what are you thinking here?" asked Gus to his younger sibling.

"Nothing has changed for me. She's a stupid, conniving, lying bitch who got what was coming to her. It sucks that he'd do that to her - so I am sad about that. But it makes me furious that they would try to guilt you into something with Gianna after all that she's done to you - that they've done to you. I'm with Julianna. Her name will never be spoken by me again," she said with a note of cold finality.

The room was silent for a few minutes.

"OK, so Gus here's the deal: whatever conversations you may or may not want to have with me in the future will be warmly welcomed by Julianna and I. We keep thinking we could not be more impressed with the young man that our daughter loves, and we keep being wrong," announced Jack Glass.

Adi hopped out of her chair and went and embraced her dad.

"Don't mess this up, young lady," her father whispered to her.

Julianna addressed her daughter in Portuguese, and Annika did the same for her son in Norwegian. The young couple nodded, received hugs, handshakes and kisses, and left the room.


15 minutes later, Gus had showered, and joined Adi in their bed. She was wearing his Twins t-shirt, and he smiled as she laid her head on his chest.

"I love you," he said softly.

"Odin-son, I love you too," she replied.

He kissed her head, and the two settled into the white noise of the sound machine, and the divine feeling of lying together. The words of the song Andy sang to Sara the night before echoed in his head, And when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms, you know you really love a woman.

Maybe he wasn't totally helpless, but relaxed, at ease, contented? Certainly.

"Can I ask you something?" said Adriana tentatively.

Gus chuckled. "Lady, I think we proved tonight that you can ask me anything. I have no secrets from you."

She squeezed him tightly. "I know this may sound really insecure - but - why me? I mean, what do you find attractive about me? I've always thought I was too tall, my butt was too big, and my chest was too small. On top of that, I kind of look Brazilian, and then I kind of look like I'm Boston Irish. And here is this handsome, amazing man who loves me. I mean, it's just kind of blowing me away, I guess."

"Well, let's start at the top," he said softly. "You are tall; like really tall. I love that. I too was tired of having to stoop to kiss my significant other. Then there's your hair. It's long, but not too long, and full and thick and jet black and beautiful. Your eyes are the loveliest pools of brown I've ever seen, and I love the green that comes out when you're mad or orgasming," he paused. "Would you like me to continue, or do you get the picture?"

She giggled, "I get the picture, but please continue."

"Your nose is adorable. The freckles on the bridge of your nose are the best. Your lips are full, but not fake. Kissing you is like my favorite thing ever. I won't tell you what I think about your lips when you're doing - well, you know," he trailed off and she giggled again.

"Your neck is exquisite, and I love how turned on you get when I kiss you on your neck. Your breasts are the stuff my dreams are made of. I had no idea dark nipples were such a turn on for me, but lady, I'm getting worked up just talking about them. Then, you have abs. You're not skinny - but muscular in this really amazing and feminine way. I could write a book about your ass. I mean, seriously. I both love and hate it when you wear yoga pants. I want to talk to you and really get to know the woman I love, but then your ass taunts me in those yoga pants and I'm having these really delicious thoughts about all the naughty things I want to do to you. I won't comment on the front of your body in that 'vector,'" he used air quotes and Adi laughed. "I'm not sure what you want me to call that part of you?"
