Combat Healer Ch. 02


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I was a prime specimen by human standards, dammit!

"I don't let anyone play with them anymore," she added evenly.

I looked up at her in surprise, seeing that her expression was neutral, even if her comment itself was almost compassionate in the sense that it told me that I wasn't specifically the problem.

Given that we were speaking pretty freely at this point, I decided to inquire more.

"Can I ask why?" I wondered.

Her response was firm. "No."

I sighed.

She sighed as well, her tone a little more gentle. "I like being around you, though," she admitted. "It's really comforting talking with you. You're the first person in forever that's made me feel like I'm home again. Just in the time we were speaking downstairs, I found myself wishing that we could keep talking forever. And I really love your smile."

I sighed again, realizing that was exactly what this was. She just wanted to keep socializing because it reminded her of home. She was homesick and I was a way to ease the discomfort. And she was probably only being more open because of the ale.


"That's good," I said with no enthusiasm, feeling dejected.

We were both silent for a long few minutes. I wasn't even sure what we were doing now. Like, the more detailed evaluation, of seeing her weapon and such, was barely even on my mind at this point. We were just sitting quietly in my room, with her rejection lingering in the air like it had a physical presence.

I didn't fully realize I was staring at her hot muscular stomach, framed on the top and bottom by black glossy leather, until her muscles tightened slightly, prompting me to avert my gaze and look at the wall.

"Hey look," she unexpectedly said, leaning forward slightly. "If I was..." She paused, taking a deep breath. "If I was, like, still into fooling around, then I probably would with you."

I looked at her in disbelief. "Wait, really? It truly doesn't bother you that I'm human? Or small compared to Oni men?"

Damn, I wasn't helping my case by pointing out all my undesirable traits.

She smirked slightly, though she almost seemed somber. "Yeah, I actually prefer humans. And I prefer that the men I'm with are the same size as me, or smaller. You barely cut it, since we're about the same size in most ways." She paused, seeming to reconsider. "Well, you might be a bit larger, but you're also a healer, so there's that."

Not going to lie. That made me feel a lot better.

I mean, she could be lying through her perfectly white teeth, but I was willing to believe that lie right now, especially with how sincere she seemed.

But dammit, I finally might have met a hot Oni woman who would actually fuck me, and she had some mysterious reason for not fooling around anymore. But if she was telling me the truth, then I supposed that meant she wouldn't go fucking all the other guys either...

I sighed heavily, trying to sound playful. "Well, damn. Now I really kind of want to know why you've changed your ways."

She was tentative. "Umm, I've sort of decided to look for a long-term relationship."

I gawked at her.

Hearing an Oni say that was just plain shocking, especially the idea that she wanted to stick her toe in the water first, instead of just jumping straight in like how most Oni did. But why? What changed? Because it sounded like that was how she used to be, ready to fuck any hot guy who wanted to fuck, or at least being a bit more willing to let them play around with her a little.

I cleared my throat, hoping I didn't sound too desperate. Because I kind of was. Living away from humans for so long had made me desperate.

"Umm, I'm not sure if you're looking for a certain type of guy or something, but I'd be totally into having a long-term relationship with you."

Now she gawked, looking alarmed. "Oh, b-but, umm, what I mean is..." Her voice trailed off. "I w-want a guy who will only fuck with me."

That comment wasn't too surprising. For Oni and Minotaur both, it wasn't uncommon for the men to have multiple wives, nor was it too uncommon for the opposite to happen and a single woman to have a few husbands, but the vast majority still paired up as a couple, even if casual fucking with others still happened on the side.

Which I supposed meant that the 'no casual fucks' should be a bit shocking, to an Oni at least, but I wasn't an Oni.

I simply shrugged. "Yeah, that's how normal human relationships usually are. And, in case you didn't realize, I already don't have a sex life being surrounded by mostly Oni and Elves, so it's not like I'd be missing out on something if I committed to one woman."

She looked like she was going to pass out now, seeming even more uncomfortable.

When she didn't continue, I sighed. "But you're still not interested?" I assumed. Why else would she tell me that she liked being around me, say she was interested in a long-term relationship, but then still be against the idea of being with me, specifically?

I continued, wondering if her being raised around humans had an influence on her behavior.

"Look, I appreciate you trying to avoid hurting my feelings. Which I assume might be a trait you picked up from humans. But don't. I'd rather you just be honest, instead of acting like you would date me under different circumstances."

She still seemed really uncomfortable. "Umm, well, it's not's just..." Her voice trailed off for a few seconds. "I just...want the next time I be with someone I'll be with for the rest of my life. Like, even if he is with someone else, I want my next time to be with him. There's a sort to it, in my opinion."

"Oh," I said in surprise, feeling a bit confused that she was backtracking on the part about having a guy who would 'only fuck her,' but then I realized she was probably just struggling to fully explain what she was looking for.

After all, I sort of already had a general grasp about how Oni mating worked, knowing full well that Shel would stop fucking both Turg and Dagru, as well as everyone else, if she ever decided to start looking for a mate. And because the purpose of finding a partner was a bit more serious, the hot Blue Oni would be a bit more choosy in that pursuit.

Of course, there was no set age when an Oni might begin looking for a partner, with some wanting to find a mate right away, while others like Shel planned on waiting until they were much older.

Similarly, it sounded like Mel had suddenly gained the desire for a lifelong partner, and was practicing abstinence until meeting that perfect guy for her. And once she'd decided on a guy, I wouldn't be surprised if she'd resume her sex-crazed lifestyle, though I was sure that the kind of relationship she and her partner would practice would be mutually decided on.

Basically like her parents, who had humans they fucked on the side.

Of course, if Mel became my woman, then I was never going to be okay with her fucking another guy, but I was more than willing to try to get to the point where we were at least discussing the subject.

Because, with how hot she was, and knowing she could go with me wherever I went, even a Dungeon due to her strength, I was definitely willing to try taking that chance.

I cleared my throat. "So then, does that mean you'd be open to dating? Like, dating with no sex," I clarified, knowing that the concept was different for an Oni. "I'd be fine with that," I continued, knowing I sounded desperate now. "As I said, I'm not getting laid as it is, so if you need time to get to know me, that's fine..." My voice trailed off, mentally preparing myself for rejection again. "Worst case and you just decide that I'm not who you're looking for in a mate." I cleared my throat. "And then, you could move on, I guess..."

Her gold eyes were as wide as saucers, her white eyebrows high, her expression one of pure disbelief. "You'd date me, even without sex?" she said in shock.

I nodded, feeling a little more confident by her reaction. "Yeah. I know Oni do it differently, but it's not entirely uncommon for humans to just be boyfriend and girlfriend, maybe kiss and such, but wait on the sex part." I then recalled what she said about letting the guys play with her tits. "Although, sounds like your experience was a little different," I commented.

She cleared her throat, looking down. "Umm, yeah. It was a little different," she agreed with a frown. "Never had a boyfriend when I was younger, but definitely fooled around a lot."

We were both silent for a solid minute. My heart was pounding now, wondering if she was seriously considering dating me, or if she was thinking of some way to avoid hurting my feelings.

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, wanting to break the silence. "So, umm, are you open to being my girlfriend? Because I'm honestly really interested in you, and would like to get to know you better." I grimaced. "I mean, if you think I'm hideous or something, then seriously, don't bother. But if you actually think I'm attractive, and think I might be someone who you could see yourself with long-term, then I'd be happy to give honorable human-style dating a shot with you."

She was silent.

I was about to give up, when she responded.

"S-Sure," she said hesitantly, making my heart flutter. "We can try that...I'll let you be my boyfriend."

I grinned like an idiot at the way she phrased it. 'Let you be my boyfriend.' Damn, that was hot. And damn, she was hot and clearly knew it. The only problem was, she didn't seem very confident. I decided to point it out.

"You still seem hesitant," I said bluntly. "Is it because I'm human? Like, are you going to want this to be a secret? Or can I tell the others?"

She didn't respond for a few seconds. "Y-You can tell them," she replied, just as tentative as before. She then sat up a little straighter. "Actually, it might help me avoid other Oni trying to bed me if I have that as an excuse."

I grimaced, hoping that wasn't the main reason why she'd agreed to it.

"N-Not that I need a boyfriend as an excuse," she quickly added when she saw my reaction. She then sighed heavily, letting go of her staff, which was perfectly balanced on her leather-clad thighs, and then reached up to massage her temples. "We're really going to date?" she repeated in disbelief. "Like humans."

Shit, I was desperate.

"I thought we already were dating," I commented, trying to sound playful. "I mean, you just agreed to it, so unless you're breaking up with me, then we're already boyfriend and girlfriend."

She looked up at me in disbelief, before a small smile just barely touched her full pale lavender lips. She then immediately frowned. "We need rules, if you're going to be my boyfriend."

"Sure," I agreed, assuming as much. "What are they?"

She gawked at me again, before becoming pensive. "You can't touch my tits," she said firmly.

I nodded, a little disappointed, but kind of assuming as much. "Okay, so does that mean all physical stuff is off limits? Or can we do stuff like kissing?" I asked seriously.

She frowned as she thought about it. "We might be able to kiss. But if I say stop, then you have to stop."

Hell yes! Score!

"Sounds good," I said evenly, trying not to seem too excited. "Is that it?"

"I can probably suck on your cock if you want," she added with a straight face.


What the actual fuck?

Was she serious?!

"'ll suck on my cock," I repeated slowly.

She nodded once, sharply.

"Can...can I touch your ass?" I wondered, finding myself completely confused now.

Her brow furrowed again. "We can try it, but if I say stop, then I need you to stop. If you can't handle that, then we can't date."

I nodded slowly, confused as hell as I tried to understand what was going on. Had I completely misinterpreted the situation? Clearly, I was missing something, but was uncertain if I should ask directly.

I cleared my throat. "Obviously, you're the one who has certain boundaries you don't want to cross, so I'll do whatever you say."

Of course, I really wanted to ask why in the hell I could touch her ass, but not her tits, or why she would suck my cock, but wouldn't fuck.

But I wasn't an idiot. No way in hell was I about to question these inconsistencies, and fuck up this opportunity by pushing her away. Because this was my chance, finally, to get laid by a fucking hot Oni!

Sure, maybe it wouldn't be regular sex, but I'd take the mouth!

Hell yes, I'd take the mouth!

And if she'd let me touch that firm juicy ass?! Yes!

Hell yes!

That was when I had another idea.

"What about jerking me off?" I wondered.

She looked at me in surprise. "I mean, yeah, that's fine. I can jerk you off."

Fuck yes!

Maybe I was a little inebriated from the ale too. Of course, I could just fix that problem with a little spell, but I liked how warm I was feeling at the moment.

"Can we do that now?" I asked seriously.

She hesitated, before smiling slightly, grabbing her staff and lowering it to the floor, showing off her huge red cleavage as she did so.

"Sure. Take off your pants, and come sit on my lap."

Fuck, the hell, yes!

I knew something felt a little off about this whole situation, but I wasn't about to question it at this point, no matter how confused I was. If she was willing to fool around with me a little, and at least get me off, then I was more than happy to accept the offer. Still, it was obvious she was hiding something.

Something she didn't feel comfortable with sharing.

Did it have anything to do with why she was seeking out a particular healer?

Or was that unrelated to her reservations to fuck? After all, she didn't have any major indications that she would even need a healer for herself. Certainly no ailments or curses that I'd divined with my Eye of the Goddess skill.

So I honestly didn't know, but I wasn't about to care in this moment.

Because I was about to sit my naked ass down on her leather-clad lap and let her jerk me off, to experience all the wonderful bliss that was having her warm rosy body wrapped around mine.

Fuck yes!


I update my Bio on Literotica frequently to reflect my Release Schedule and what chapters are pending review.

Submitted: September 22, 2022 to Literotica (Copyright 2021 Kaizer Wolf)

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I am still awaiting her battlemage power evaluation. The awkward seduction pages kind of bored me. I hope the story is going somewhere?

TomdullyTomdully10 months ago

Dam is sex all the supposedly hero thinks of'to bad there's no adventure so far but it is good story

my_third_accountmy_third_accountabout 1 year ago

Holy shit this place sounds like a hell hole! How is there a society left to protect in this world? All the rampant sex-mongering should have corroded the foundations of society at a meteoric rate similar to real life. The hypergamous state of this worlds culture sounds like a degenerate nightmare. Like holy shit. I wouldn't want to marry much less date any of these women who slept around with countless random guys much less the ones who been with Demihumans. What a shit hole. Honestly considering there's an apocalyptic event on the horizon and a similar event happened in the past it's kind of weird that this type of culture is predominant.

TomdullyTomdullyabout 1 year ago

To much sex takes away from the story"Dam ain't I a prud"love it so far'keep it coming.

Southpaw1430Southpaw1430over 1 year ago

I like this story. Thanks.

skippersdadskippersdadover 1 year ago

First time reading one of your stories, I like it will go read some more of your tales.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

For a character that's supposedly shy and recalcitrant towards the norms of sex in thia society, the pacing of this feels way, way off.

It would have made a sweeter, more engaging story to see the relationship develop as they're working together, with awkward flirting and all the rest.

KaizerWolfKaizerWolfover 1 year agoAuthor

This story is up to Ch. 20 on my Patreon (it's a monthly support system, not 'per chapter,' so the lowest tier has access to most of the chapters).


Chapter 3:


Otherwise, I'll be posting the next chapter before long.

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