Coming Home Pt. 01


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My mother nodded to that, as she kept her head down. Trying her best to cover her tears, a sign that I struck something to the heart.

"Is there..." she sniffled a bit, "is there a way we could go back to the way things were."

"If there was, I doubt it. There is nothing as a mother that you could give me," I was about to say more, but another chime came from my phone, and a message appeared. It was a close profile pic of Aliyah wearing a strap-on. I smirked at it, as I felt my cock stiffen once again. Aliyah did know how to make me hard, even when I was far away.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some pressing matters to attend to," I said, while not so subtly adjusting my dick right in front of her. She had already seen me cum, so there was no point in hiding the fact that I was going to masturbate while I was down in my room.

She took the hint, and with red checks, stepped to the side and let me walk right past her. I could have sworn I saw her catching a glance at my dick, but I didn't stop to confirm. After masturbating once again, while it gave relief, it wasn't quite as fulfilling as being with another woman. With a long-winded sigh, I pulled the covers over me and tried to catch some zzzs.

The next couple of weeks were difficult for me, in more ways than one.

Chapter 4

For the last few days, I've been pouring myself into making the necessary renovations to up the market value of the house. While most of the stuff were minor fixes, the big ticket items were the appliances. It was a tough pill to swallow, knowing once I spent that money, that I would not get any money back. Luckily, it was nearly the holidays, and that meant one thing—sales. Holiday sales were a great thing for a homeowner wanting to update their home, the only problem was that everyone else had the same idea. This is why customer service recommended that I go into Home Depot and make all the arrangements with their in-house customer service, and that was just one of the headaches that I had to deal with.

Another was that nobody at Everett Community Bank, where the mortgage on the house was being handled, would give me a straight answer as to why the mortgage interest rate had gone up, why they were that high, or why there wasn't any amicable warning to the owner of that mortgage. It took a while, but as it turned out, Everett Community Bank had been bought out and was now run by a much larger bank that operated in the city that was thirty minutes away—and they would only see me in person, to talk about anything dealing with the mortgage. That is, it would become a major headache for me as I was sure that they were going to string me along.

That wasn't the only problem I was dealing with. Since I was now living in a place predominantly run by women, and a small girl; there was no place for privacy. It was easy for one of them to run into me while in some state of undress, working on something that needed my entire concentration, and when I needed time to relieve myself. While Rebecca was young and had that child innocence, I really couldn't get mad at her. Kim was fine, as I found out that she works online as a help desk provider to some company. She spent most of her time in her room behind her workstation, and when she was not, she was out to night class.

The true problem was my mother. She would try to do things to persuade me to forgive her, but all it did was annoy me. She tried folding my clothes, cooking my meals, and offering help when she could, but all she was doing was getting in my way, or making things worse. The more she tried, the more she failed at accomplishing her goal, and she knew it, but she still tried. Tried to find any way, to see even if it was possible to get through my stony exterior.

That was one issue I was dealing with, the other was the lack of privacy.

I had to be aware that anyone could walk in on me, like my mother did, that first night there. It left me incredibly frustrated at times, and the lewd texts Aliyah had been sending me, had made it even more difficult. I found myself most mornings, waking up with a beast of a boner. Try as I might, my hands weren't cutting it, and with no locks anywhere around the house, I was in a constant state of paranoid awkwardness. Waiting to see if anyone would pop up and catch me in the act; quickly killed the mood for me. I took that as a sign of punishment for breaking my promise and returning to my hometown, and to the house I grew up in. I thought it was something I had to suffer through, but then something completely shocking happened in the morning.

The night before, I received a last-minute message telling me one of Cyberdyne's clients experienced a data breach. They gave me remote access and allowed me to find the root cause of the attack. I started at eight at night and didn't stop until I found out that it wasn't a data breach, but that someone forgot to update the firmware on their servers. That caused an unexpected bug to pop up, and give out a false warning. By the time I wrote everything out and sent in my report, it was well past four in the morning. I slept like a log when my head hit the pillow, and I had one of those dreamless sleeps. At least it was, until I started to feel a warm and wet sensation coming over me. At first, I thought I accidentally wet the bed, an act that I hadn't done since I was ten. Instead, it had a much more pleasurable aspect to it, as it was centered around my cock.

At first, in my befuddled mind, I thought I was having a vivid, very realistic dream, but the problem was, it felt too real to be a dream, like someone was actually sucking my cock.

"What the fuck," I said, in a gargled whisper, as I came up from my sleep and felt my stiff prick being wrapped in the softest pair of lips I had ever felt. I leaned my head forward and saw somebody's head bobbing up and down on my crotch in a very sensual manner.

At first, I thought it was Kim who was doing it. While we hadn't been extremely flirty, we did share some small moments. No kissing, or any indications of going out, but more along the line of a friendship. Still, that didn't mean that I didn't find her incredibly attractive, and the prospect of fucking the prom queen was very appealing, if the opportunity arose, then I would gladly have her in my bed. That's what I thought when I saw that someone had decided to wake me up with a good morning blowjob, but instead of Kim's dirty blonde hair, all I saw was auburn. I racked my brain to who I knew that had auburn hair, and only one person came to mind—my mother. That suspicion was only confirmed when I saw her with those soft green eyes, the very same eyes I have.

"What the fuck! What are you doing?" I asked, while trying my best to stifle a moan. With a soft pop, she softly spoke to me while slowly stroking my cock.

"You've been quite frustrated as of late, sweetie," she said, while looking at my cock. "So, I thought that maybe I could help alleviate some of your pain, and frustrations." Then without another word, she went back and expertly sucked the soul out of my penis.

As much as my mind wanted me to scream for her to stop, my body, for the first time in my life, disobeyed me. After a week of zero sexual relief, like a junkie looking for its next fix, my body wanted its sexual fix. My mind screamed at my body, to shove her out of the way; that she was my mother, and mothers should not be doing that to their sons. But mostly, I didn't want my mother to make me feel... so good.

I had had a steady stream of lovers over the years, and I had received plenty of blowjobs from them. There was something about having a BFC (Big Fucking Cock), makes certain women want to suck it like a lollipop; some were good, some were so-so, and a few were exceptional. But for some reason, my mother was an order of magnitude far superior to anyone else before her. I didn't know if it was skill, experience, or the taboo nature of it, but my body didn't want it to stop. I didn't want to be separated from her soft, pouty lips, her warm wet tongue, or that soft, humming she did that sent chills down my spine. I just would not allow myself to push her away and run away; so with nothing else to do, I just tried my best to not make it feel good. Tried and failed, I might add, as somehow that made it feel all the better. By the time I reached my end, my knuckles had turned white, as I braced myself for my impending climax. I jerked my body upwards and absolutely flooded her mouth with what felt like a gallon of cum.

I thought with the sheer volume, or the fact that her son was coming inside her mouth, that she would pull back and be repulsed by it. Instead, I felt her hum in self-satisfaction and effortlessly guzzled down my spunk, but she wasn't done there. She'd gently nursed my cock, in the gentlest way possible, as if she knew that guys' penises became extra sensitive after ejaculation. She slowly bobbed and nursed, until not one micro-ounce of cum was left un-injected.

"There, hopefully, that should alleviate some of your pain," she said softly, as she gently put my cock down.

"Wh-why did you do that?"

"You were in pain, and I... I figured that if I could alleviate it, then maybe you could come back to me."

"By sucking on my cock," I said, building up some steam.

"Y-yes," she stammered, as if she was ashamed of herself, "You said that I have nothing to offer that you don't already have. That I have nothing of value to you. But that's not true. I do have something to give—my body. My body is what led me into this unfortunate mess that I caused. Maybe it is the very thing that could lead us back together," she said, as she slowly stroked my cock. "I'm not blind to the way men look at me, at how their eyes linger as I walk by. I know it's why Mar... that man came after me."

The mere mention of that made my blood start to boil.

"And I know you used to look at me like that," my mother said, cutting through my anger and garnering my attention.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean that I know about the missing bra, and panties, you would steal back then. How some of them would reappear with a few sticky stains. I know what you did with them, but I never brought it up. You were a growing boy, and what you did was natural. Also, it made mommy kinda happy that her son found her attractive, but then... Then on that night, the way you looked at me. I was ashamed of myself. I was ashamed because that light in your eye, when you looked at me, was replaced by pure darkness. That very same darkness that you are looking at me right now," her eyes teared, as she looked right at me, her hand still grasping my cock which was starting to grow.

"I would give anything to see that light again, to see the way you used to look at me. So if giving you my body is the way to do it, then I would give it a thousand times over. You can use me to your heart's content. Fuck my mouth, fuck my pussy... you could even fuck my ass, but please be gentle, I've never had anyone back there before," she blushed, but never once lost eye contact with me.

That made my eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets. I didn't know what shocked me more—the fact that my mother just told me that she never had a man take her ass before, or the fact that she said that I could have it whenever I wanted. I'd never had anal sex before, and it was not for a lack of trying. It was just that not many women were willing to take a cock that big up their rear ends. Most of the girls flat out refused every time I brought it up, so hearing that I had a willing participant, made my cock twitch in anticipation.

"I'll be available to you, wherever and whenever you want, just please make sure the others aren't around, especially Rebecca. She wouldn't understand if she caught us in the act," she pleaded, but for some reason, that only made me angrier. So angry, in fact, that I grabbed her and flipped her until she was on her back and I was on top.

"What! What the fuck are you doing!" My anger was evident in my words. "Offering your own son your own body. What kind of slut are you?"

"A dirty, filthy slut who would do anything to get her son back," she said, as she seemed to spread her legs even further, causing her sundress to rise up and reveal her panty-covered pussy. That seemed to have done it for me because what I did next could not be logically explained.

I reached down, ripped her panties right off her crotch, and snaked my cock, hilt deep inside her. I didn't know what was worse, the fact that I just snaked my entire cock into my mother's pussy, or the fact that her pussy was dripping wet. So much so, that I felt little to no resistance, when I sank all my cock inside her. Don't get me wrong, she was tight, at least as tight as a woman who had had children, but also tight enough to tell that she hadn't fuck in a while, at least, until I started to move my hips.

"Ah, that's it, baby, use mommy," she groaned, as she got used to my cock. "Ah, so big, so big."

"Shut up, you are not supposed to like this," I growled in anger, as hearing my mother acting like a slut, only infuriated me even further.

"Sorry, baby, it's just, hmmm, you're stretching me out so, so, so... goo—OOD!" she screamed, as I grabbed onto her hips, and fucked her on turbo speed.

My anger fuelled my thrusting, as I fucked her harder, faster, and more intensely than any other woman I had ever been with. For some reason, I was literally fucking my frustrations out and into her. All the years of anger, rage, heartache, everything that I felt on that day, was thrust forward and into my savage assault on my mother, and she seemed to take it in stride.

"That's it, baby, let it out, let it... all out," she gasped, as I seemed to hit a sensitive spot; causing her to clamp down on my shaft. I groaned at the sudden pressure, but I bit my tongue to make sure she didn't know that I was enjoying it, too. Then her whole body seemed to flinch and constrict together, and for the first time in my life, I heard my mother curse.

"Oh, sh-shiiit. I'm, I'm cumming. Oh fu-fuuuck, mmmm," she moaned, trying to keep quiet, by burying her face in the pillow—but she was not quiet enough.

"Did you just cum, while you let your son fuck you?" I asked, in a heated tone.

"Y-yes, sorry, baby. But you're making mommy feel so good. Hmmm, so big," she repeated the last part, over and over and over again, as small ripples ran through her body.

"You are a fucking slut, a whore who would get off at any cock that was inside them."

"Yes, baby, I'm a whore. I am a big fat whore, so please punish me. Punish me for all the pain I caused for my whorish ways," she begged, as she once again was on the cusp of another climax. When she came, something inside me snapped. I threw all thought and reason to the wind, and just defaulted to my most basic of instincts. To me, she was not my mother, or a woman for that matter. To me she was just a hole that I needed to fuck my frustrations out of. So I did. And for the next forty minutes, I used her body like my own personal theme park.

I rode her hard, until I was about to burst. From there, just before I was about to burst, I pulled myself out of her gripping pussy, scooted up, and freed her massive breasts. I remembered that she used to be in the double-D range when it came to cup sizes, but when I hefted her massive mammaries, I knew that she definitely had gone up a cup size or two. They felt unbelievably soft, as I gave each of them a nice squeeze, which caused my mother to moan in contempt, but still, she did not resist. Keeping to her word, I could use her body how I saw fit. So with her tits laid bare to the world, I sandwiched my cock right between their massive flesh. I didn't last long when it came time to give myself a tittyfuck, and with how wet my dick was from all of my mother's juices, it made for a very pleasurable experience.

"Baby!" my mother squealed, as I unleashed another impressive load all over her face and her tits, but I didn't stop there.

Either by anger, rage, or lust, my cock seemed to not diminish an inch of hardness, and when I ripped my cock free from her breasts, I proceeded to use her mouth like it was my own Fleshlight, and like always, she did not put up a fight of any kind. By the time I unloaded another load into her mouth, her entire lower half was covered in both cum and saliva, but I was not done, yet. Miraculously, my cock was still hard after my third load, so I decided to degrade her even further, by taking her like a common dog. Now on all fours, her sundress ripped away and laid on the bedroom floor. I lined up my cock and sank all eight inches of it inside her drenched pussy. Her ass rippled with each and every hard thrust. The sounds of loud slapping sounds filled the basement apartment, followed by the moaning of a bitch in heat. Then, finally, when it came to my finish, I debated whether or not I should fill her pussy, just like how Marcus did all those years ago. It was a sinful and taboo act, but my body wanted to commit that ultimate sin, and it would seem my mother also wanted me to commit it, too.

"It's... It's okay, sweetie; mommy is protected. Let it all out, hmmm... inside me," she panted, as it was starting to be too much for her. Well hearing that, put me and her over the edge, because I was now a runaway freight train, and there was nothing in this world that could stop me from flooding her womb.

I bellowed out a large scream, as I dug myself deep inside her; digging myself until I was at the absolute deepest while inside her. Then, when I couldn't go any further, I released what was left inside my nutsack and dumped it straight into her. Then when my scalding-hot cum branded her warm, soft, and wet insides. My mother had an orgasm that topped any orgasm that I had seen before. Her whole body shook in my grasp, and by the time she was done, the whole upper half of her body gave way and she landed face first onto my bed sheets. Eventually, I, too, lost all strength in myself, as all that hate, anger, lust, and frustration began to be released and then faded away from my body. Now tired, sweaty, and deprived of all my bodily fluids, my vision started to blur as I was about to drift right back into sleep. But before I did, I felt the weight of the bed shift. I looked over to the side and saw my mother getting up and standing over the bed.

"I hope that this in some part alleviates some of the stress you have for me, my sweet boy. But if it didn't, then please call out to me, and I'll be there to serve at your pleasure. Day or night, my body is yours to do as you wish." Then, before she left, she leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my forehead; an act she hadn't done since I was sixteen. She did it because I told her Marcus decided to throw me in the trash can because I just so happened to walk right in front of him. He was a real ass back then, but my mind was more focused on my mother as the sound of her sandals, the only item of clothing she had on, slapped away on the concrete floor. I managed to see her large, shapely ass when she stopped and bent down to pick up her dress. As she did, her cheeks parted just a little, and thanks to the aid of the morning light, I saw the glistening of pearly white cum leaking out of her snatch. That was the last thing I saw before I drifted right back into a dreamless sleep.

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PhoenixLordPhoenixLord3 days ago

Excellent read, but since there isn't a part 2 (yet), I'm rating it 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

Why did Sam need to travel to Everett to meet Aunt Judy? Don't they have phones, e-mail, or texting? How did Aunt Judy contact Sam? When she did, why didn't Sam tell her he wasn't interested in travelling to Everett so she would need to tell him the issue over the phone? Does it make any sense for Sam to travel to Everett? If something horrifically traumatic happened to you, would you return to that place because your aunt told you she had something to tell you, but she refused to tell you what it was unless you returned to the place of you horrific trauma? Wouldn't you hang up the phone and get along with your day?


"My hometown. A place I swore I would never step foot in." And yet, here he is. Sam comes across as weak and lacking personal strength.


Once Aunt Judy finally tells Sam she made him travel back to his hated hometown to help his hated mother, Sam replies, "I don't have a mother." Certain phrases signal a person's character, maturity, personal strength, and emotional maturity. An emotionally mature Sam would have looked at his Aunt Judy, got an irritated look, and asked "That's why you made me come to this shit hole town?" Then he'd stand up, walk out, and head back home. Saying "I don't have a mother," makes Sam sound like a pouting twelve year old. Not a good look for a grown man.


In the end, this unfinished story joins the ranks of yet another tale of a weak, pathetic man who pontificates about his will and strength, but who lacks the strength to actually do something as simple as hanging up on his aunt when she tells him he needs to return to his hated hometown. The very fact Sam is in the diner on page one tells you everything you need to know about how pathetic this character is.

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

MC returned to support the bastard Marcus. How can you be so pathetic?

MC constantly insists that his mother is a stranger to him. Someone else's woman gave birth to a child, why is this his problem? Other people's women constantly give birth to children, why doesn't MS help them all?) He's a kind guy hehe.

When his whore mother didn’t have an abortion, she finally betrayed her son and showed that she doesn’t care about her son.

A very childish and pathetic fantasy. As stupid and banal as the classic stories about a hooligan.

ToughSailorToughSailor5 months ago

Really pissed that Sam seemed to cave and not amplify his vengeance towards his mom. She, after all, (and M&M) was the reason for his well deserved animus. At best he could have given her a brutal grudge fuck before moving on . . . .

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Part 2 please.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Judging from the writing I believe your a fun of Soul, I’ll give this a high rating cause it’s well written but I’m not gonna read any other chapters as it’s quite predictable as was going to happen, he’s gonna forgive his mother slightly and treat her like a slut but will slowly forgive her, he’ll fuck his cousin and eventually after years when his sister grows up he’ll fuck her too cause she loves him so much

And possibly Marcus or a family member might make a resurgence for added drama, correct me if I’m wrong.I’d like to see if he stays true to his guns and doesn’t forgive them and continues to shun them and leaves after he completes the house emotionally breaking the mother, but down the track his sister(yes I forgot her name) finds him and they reconnect and become a strong couple and then after decades he finally forgives his mother…. I may have ranted :)

Covert43Covert436 months ago

I’m reading the comments and while some are quite amusing, a few of them mention him raping his mother, I can’t see any wording or anything about the situation that makes it rape, rough sex or hate fucking, yes, but no rape

HelgamiteHelgamite9 months ago

Any ideas when this story will get an update? Would love a part 2!!

Bizi800Bizi80011 months ago

Hope you gonna do a part 2 !

Shane279Shane27911 months ago

Why no follow up? It was really turning into a great story. I hope it continues.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Liked the story but it was not incest when he had sex with his mother more like he forced himself on her?? You should have wrote more and see how this turns out gave it a 4

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Awesome on this chapter did not like the first of this story, but the last part was better although it was more like rape then incest?? You need to finish and see how it ends?? 5stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Bloody fantastic!

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