Conflicted Ch. 09


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This time Leslie was on the other side of the shopping mall, holding hands with Stuart, dressed in a short skirt and a cropped shirt that showed off her a big 'Stuart' lower back tattoo. In her imagination, she looked over at Lewis, he didn't notice her, but Stuart sees him and calls him a dickhead to Leslie. Leslie kissed the imaginary Stuart and he wrapped his arm round her as they walked away.

She didn't feel pain like she did in the daydream where Stuart was with another woman, but she did feel bad. She knew it would be wrong to abandon her family. She knew she shouldn't. She gave the real Stuart a kiss bye, this time on the cheek and they both got out the car; Stuart left the car park but Leslie returned to driver's seat of her car.

Leslie's drive home took barely 15, which was good because it meant she had been out the house for barely over an hour; not long enough to to raise suspicions she thought. Still tingling a little from the orgasm Stuart had given her, she kicked off her shoes under the coat hooks and headed to the kitchen intending to grab a glass of wine before joining her family in the living room.

"Hey Mum! You're back," greeted Lewis enthusiastically, as he finished putting some dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

"Hi Sweetie, thanks for clearing up," replied Leslie.

'Sex with Stuart and my kids are cleaning up without me having to nag them, my lucky day!' she thought to herself.

"Well, it's Christmas and you always cook a great dinner and I just thought..." said Lewis as he walked over to his mum and embraced her tightly, "I'd say thanks."

It was funny, she thought, that she would normally kill for a spontaneous hug from her kids, even if it was because Lewis was a bit drunk. However, this time, his thoughtful gesture was smushing his bully's semen around under her dress and it made her horny to feel the evidence of their tryst. She hugged her son back, but couldn't help but wish that she was back with Stuart right now.

Leslie and her son went through to the living room and Leslie perched herself on the arm chair in the corner of the room, feet up under her bum, and pulled out her phone. She looked round the room to make sure no one was paying too much attention to her; the boys were playing a board game, Tony and Malcolm were watching a Christmas movie and Katie was discussing her new shoes with Steph. Satisfied, Leslie went to the conversation with Stuart.

'Hi baby, thanks for the best Christmas gift ever. I can still feel you cum on me xxx'

'White Christmas innit x'

Leslie snorted with laughter and Malcolm looked round, "What so funny?"

"Oh... um..." she mumbled nervously to her husband, "Sorry that was a cough, I wasn't laughing."

"Glass of wine to clear your throat?" he offered, showing his glass and patting the seat between him and Tony.

Leslie hopped of her chair and went over to snuggle up to her husband. As she lay her head on his shoulder she smelt the cologne she had bought him for Christmas and she couldn't help but think she preferred the deep musk she smelt every time she was nuzzled up to Stuart.


It was Monday, a few days after Christmas. Steph and her family had left yesterday evening, Malcolm was back at work, Katie was at the shops and Lewis was at his friend's house; Leslie was alone for the first time since she snuck off to see Stuart on Christmas Day.

Naturally, she had quickly taken advantage of the situation. She was completely naked, legs spread, feet straddling her laptop as she sat with her back against the headboard of her bed. On the screen was a webcam stream of Stuart stroking his erection, whilst the picture-in-picture display showed her playing with her own sex; her right hand furiously rubbing her clit, whilst her left index and middle fingers were deep inside her tunnel, massaging her g-spot.

The microphone on her laptop wasn't working properly, so she had to wear headphones, when she wanted to speak, "Baby, this wire is so annoying, I wish you were just here fucking me."

"I know Babe, but I said I'd spend some time with the grandparents today. They still think I'm getting dressed after my shower."

"Say something really dirty, Bully Boy, I'm so close to cumming," she begged to her teenage boyfriend.

"Oh yeah?" asked Stuart, "Well... I fucking love seeing your belly piercing bouncing around when you rub yourself. Oh and I wanked over the photo you sent me of the tattoo."

"Baby," she groaned, "You can do so much better than that."

"OK Slut! Um...promise you won't wear any underwear for the next week."

"I promise... uhn," she moaned, "Yeah... tell your slutty sex toy what to do."

"OK, you know our date at the French restaurant?"

"Yeah," she gasped.

"I want you to dress sluttier than you ever have before, like proper hooker type stuff."

"Yes, oh god yes," she yelped, thinking about herself, a middle-aged mother, half-naked on a date with a boy younger than her son and she felt herself about to cum.

She started to breathe a little heavier as she came close to orgasm, her toes twitching and her muscles tightening in anticipation of her self-induced pleasure. Seconds away she saw her bedroom door swing open and Lewis standing there looking shocked.

"Fuck!" she shouted loudly as her left hand flew from inside her pussy to covering her breasts and her right hand slammed down the lid of the laptop.

She rolled her body to obscure her sex but by the time she had fully reacted to the situation, Lewis had shouted 'sorry' and shut the door quickly. Leslie pulled one corner of the quilt over her naked body and lay there for a few seconds until she was calm enough to grab her silk robe. Now a little more decent, she opened the bedroom door and slowly stepped out, ready to make excuses for what she was doing. Lewis was standing halfway between her bedroom and his, acting very sheepish and looking at the floor.

He saw her and blurted out his words, "I'm sorry Mum. The car wasn't there so thought you were out and I didn't know you'd be here. I'm sorry."

Leslie had assumed Lewis would know exactly what she was doing, but then it occurred to her that he'd have had no reason to assume she was on webcam with Stuart, it probably just looked like she was watching porn. Her anxiousness over being caught had gone, but she was still angry at Lewis for walking in on her.

"The car is round the corner, I had to move it so Tony could get their car out last night and I haven't moved it back yet," she replied with annoyance in her voice.

She could feel her cheeks still red with embarrassment, but she could also see her son was mortified too. She knew they both would have preferred it never happened, so she just needed to play the situation better, not talk about it more. In her previous state of shock, embarrassment and annoyance, she hadn't actually noticed her son was dripping wet.

"Why are you so wet?"

"It was pretty much raining the whole walk from the bus stop almost until I got to the front door. That's why I was coming to your room, to use the hair drier."

"Just use Katie's," instructed Leslie and her son shuffled off awkwardly.

Leslie went back into her room and took a deep breath as she sat down on the bed. She fetched her work phone from her bag and wasn't surprised to see missed calls from Stuart. Whatsapp had a few messages too, which were also from Stuart, asking what had happened. She heard the distant sound of a hair drier as she returned Stuart's call.

"One second," came Stuart's voice after barely two rings, then she heard his voice quieten, "Gran, Grandad, I'll be back in 5 minutes."

She heard the thumps that she assumed was Stuart running up the stairs and a few seconds later, she heard him speak again, "What happened Babe? Gotta go in like 5 minutes, by the way."

"Lewis walked in," mumbled Leslie.

"The dickhead?!" exclaimed Stuart, "Fucking brilliant, so he saw you frigging yourself over me?"


"Fuck me, that's awesome."

"Stop enjoying this so much, it was mortifying for me," she scolded him, but deep down knew she expected this reaction.

"Yeah, but this is like one of the best things since Lewis saw me fingering you in Bullock's office."

"So the only good things are when," she started, then turned to a hushed voice, "Lewis sees something?"

"Nah, I mean in the sense of getting to humiliate the twat, obviously shagging you is the best bit. Imagine if he saw that... fuck that'd be great."

"Not a chance," insisted Leslie, "Anyway, I called to make sure I can still see you tomorrow."

"For sex in the car? Yeah, I wish we didn't have to sneak around all the time though."

"I know, Baby," she said, thinking exactly the same thing, "Maybe I can get us a hotel room again sometime soon, definitely after our date."

"Yeah, are we still doing the 22nd of Jan?"

"I'll let you know as soon as Malcolm has booked his flights and then I know he'll be away for that evening. Can't wait to dress up all slutty for you, like I promised."

"Yeah, that'll be hot. I actually thought about that idea a few days ago. I'll send you links for some dresses I found online."

"Exciting," she said, but, knowing what Stuart was like, she was also a little nervous at what he may have come up with.

"I need to go Babe, but one last thing, I was thinking, could we meet up on New Year's Eve?"

She laughed, "Stuart, you're crazy, Christmas was hard enough!"

"Well a few of my friends were talking about going to the fireworks on the Commons and I thought maybe you were doing that too. We could like meet up for a bit."

"Actually, we've been there a few times. That's not a bad idea..." she said, then 'hmmm-ed' to herself.

"Cool, let me know, Babe."

"See you tomorrow!"

Leslie thought she should get dressed and speak to her son about something normal, just to alleviate any awkwardness that might arise thanks to the earlier incident. She went to her underwear drawer then remembered her promise to Stuart. She thought having subjected her son to seeing her almost naked the other day and then to, well, what he just saw, that she should perhaps exercise modesty.

However, she thought, what was the point in asking Stuart to make her promise to do dirty things if she didn't follow through. Without underwear, she pulled on just a pair of leggings and a loose crop top that she'd normally wear with a high-waisted skirt, leaving her belly piercing on show. She headed downstairs and saw her son taking a packet of crisps out of one of the kitchen cupboards.

"Hey Lewis," said Leslie, trying not to sound awkward.

"Hi Mum," he replied, still sounding a bit sheepish.

Lewis faced her and rested on the cupboards behind him. Leslie, on the opposite end of the kitchen island from him, leant her forearms atop the countertop. She realised that coincidentally she had pretty much taken the exact position she had been in when Stuart had taken her from behind in the kitchen. She allowed herself only a couple of seconds of reminiscing before she turned her focus back to her son.

"So, did you have fun at Will's? It was a group of you guys right?"

"Yeah... it was ok..." he said, sounding a little upset.

"What's wrong?"

"Um... you know Charlotte?"

"Yes, what about her," she said; of course she knew Charlotte, this was the girl that Leslie figured out that he had fancied for at least a year now, based on how much he spoke about her.

"Well, one of her friends texted to say that she knows that I kinda like her," he said, hesitantly, "And the only people I've told at school were Vikram, Will and Aaron."

"So one of them told her?"

"Yeah but none of them will admit it, so one of them is lying."

"Maybe she guessed, honey. I mean, you talk about her a lot," she replied, feeling bad for her son, but relieved that this seemed to have distracted him from catching his mum masturbating.

"No Mum," he whined, "It's stuff that I said in our Facebook chat group. Charlotte's friends told me she's not interested and thinks it's weird I speak about her."

Facebook. Leslie knew straight away what had happened. Stuart had used the passwords she had given him. She felt a pang of guilt for her son, but she knew something like this would happen. She only hoped that bullying Lewis this way would keep Stuart happy enough that he wouldn't resort to insulting him at school or using violence.

"It's ok, sweetie," she soothed him, walking over to give him a hug.

She embraced her son, hoping that a hug would make it feel better, whilst fully aware this scenario wouldn't have happened if she wasn't sleeping with Stuart. However, she didn't feel regret; she did what she did because she wanted to please Stuart and she knew that this wasn't a simple situation.

"How will it be ok, Mum?"

"You'll find someone else," she replied, hugging her son tighter, "I fancied boys at school, but, of course, I ended up with your Dad instead."

'Except that now I'm sleeping with your bully because he reminded me of the guy I fancied at school,' she thought.

"Maybe," moped Lewis, "I'm just gonna watch some TV."

She stroked Lewis's back as he walked past her into the living room. Leslie went up to her bedroom, intending to ask Stuart if it was indeed him who spread things Lewis told his friends in confidence, wondering if there was a way to reverse the situation. She picked up her work phone and saw a missed call from her boss. Worried about why she was being called on her holiday, she immediately returned the call.

"Hey Leslie," came the slightly accented voice of her boss, Alessandro, "Sorry to bother you on your holiday, but I just thought I'd give you some good news."

"Good news? OK, I was worried for a second," replied Leslie.

"Well, we've finished the contract submission and I've been discussing with the team, and Arnold," he continued, referencing his own boss, "and your name kept coming up as one of the reasons we got everything done in time."

"Oh wow, that is good news, but I really didn't..."

"Leslie, you're too modest. Agreeing to go longer hours and the weekend hours you clocked up have been invaluable."

Leslie felt her cheeks redden a little as her boss mentioned her 'weekend hours'. She had done some work on the weekend as a cover for bringing Stuart in for tutoring, but she really hadn't expected it to make a difference like Alessandro was suggesting it had.

"Well, Alessandro, thanks again, I was just helping. I mean it's not a big deal," she said, starting to waffle.

"Leslie, so that's the not the only reason I was calling," he interrupted her, "Well with Kartika going on maternity leave, were wondering if you're happy to continue with your longer hours but we'd also give you to a more senior grade and give you Kartika's reports..."

"Alessandro, are you calling me to promote me!?" she asked excitedly.

"Yes, Leslie, congratulations. I was going to wait until you were back from holiday, but I thought you might enjoy the news now."

"Alessandro! Thanks!" yelped Leslie.

"Oh and one final thing, because of all your extra hours, I've arranged a day-in-lieu holiday for you if you want it."


"Yeah, you can come back next Tuesday rather than Monday, or take it later if you have something else you want to use it for, but Kartika won't be in on Monday for you to start your handover."

"Wow, Alessandro you've made my day! Monday off would be great! Thanks so much!"

The conversation ended with Leslie grinning ear to ear. She couldn't believe her illicit tutoring sessions would end with her getting promotion. She sent a message to Stuart straight away, asking him if he could speak. He replied saying he could get away for a few minutes.

"Baby, I've been promoted!"

"What? Like at work? That's cool."

"Yeah my boss just called."

"I'm still don't think I know exactly what you do, but I'm glad for you," he said, laughing a little.

"Oh and because of all those extra... weekends... I did, they gave me an extra day of holiday."

"Oh that's cool, you mean 'cause of the days you were tutoring me?"


"Imagine if they knew what you were doing," he chuckled to himself.

"Hey, apparently I did some really good work too," she giggled back, "Anyway, I was hoping I could use my holiday to spend the day with you, because I think your mum will be back at work."

By the time Stuart and Leslie had said bye to each other, Leslie had already forgotten the rift between Lewis and his friends that her relationship had caused. She simply messaged her boyfriend with three kisses and smiled to herself.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

New comment after 7 years

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

The fact this piece of garbage is rated so highly just shows how many sissy boy cucks pussies are on this site....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

How's the next chapter coming along? You've kept us at the edge our seats for months and months!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

best of best in cuckold bully genre what porn star refer to Leslie ,she is symbol of cock craving slutty milf

tutor part convinces me with that

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

best of best ,wish to see the milf more slutty than ever and leave her family for stuart

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Please address update soon! :)

This story is incredible and one of the best on the entire site, keep going in the vein you're going and please update soon! I can't wait to see where Leslie and Stuart's relationship goes! Big fan here waiting for the next chapter! :D 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Probably the best story

of this genre I've seen yet. It's hard to make this theme seem "realistic" because of how innately sadistic it is, but so far I think you've straddled that line as well as it can be done. I'd like to see this story continue. To my knowledge I don't think I've ever read one of these that goes for long enough for the son/family to find out. That would be interesting to see since this mom does have some remorse for what she's doing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story

One of the best stories I've read hopefully it gets continued

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

When will this story be updated and how more chapters do u have planned?

delon64delon64over 7 years ago
great read

this is a good fun and well written series...really improved since the opening chapters...has to be a new years eve story next/bringing it in with a bang behind the husbands back

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Cuckoldson, a lot of Drivel and no substance

You made the mother unidimensional and the son is a loser.Do you care to hear about a true story?

When I was twenty, I had an affair with the mother of my best friend.We got caught, we had some harsh words with my friend and we decided to go on with our affair(she was a widow, by the way).

It was like a drug fucking her and knowing my friend was five meters away.She got pretty high on the sex exhibit thing. He got mad one day and tried to strike me.I cuffed him in his mother oak bed and fucked his mother in front of him.She got off with such intensity...Oh, before you question, she only allowed myself to fuck her in front of him because he called her SLUT.She is a Spanish woman with a temper of an Irish Redhead.I remember her words(in English ):"Never call someone a thing it is not true.If you tell I am a slut,I will be a slut!"

After the deed she got a huge guilty and our relationship went down when her son told he wasn't going to talk with her any more till the day she dies.That was too much for her and I was dismissed like a rock falling from a hill(Ok, I told some harsh words to her saying her son was jealous and wanted to fuck her-note:Probably a true thing, but with her beauty,I would have problems if she was my mother too...). Five years later, I still miss her big jugs and ass.For a friend we have in common,I know last Christmas was the first one since our rift the son talked with her.

former (ex)bully from Spain(sorry for my bad English).

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