Corporate Bodies Pt. 02: Discovery


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Andy eased her gently backwards until she was leaning with her buttocks perched on the desk's edge. As he manoeuvred her into position, Amanda's deep blue eyes reached out for mine as if screaming for me to stop this from happening.

But I could do nothing. Frozen to the spot, all I could do was watch as my wife was lifted onto the desk's large, varnished top. Seeing my helplessness, something within her seemed to snap and with a hard, determined expression on her face, she leaned back on her elbows.

As her deep blue eyes burned into mine, her unspoken words filled my head:

'This is all your fault. Your weakness and dishonesty put me here; don't you dare look away now. I hope this humiliates you every bit as much as it does me!'

My mouth opened and closed but no sound would emerge. I cowered beneath her relentless, accusing stare as she slowly opened her long, slender legs...

Chapter Nine

With a completely compliant woman before him, a look of triumph and determination spread across Andy's cruel but handsome face. Moving between my wife's open thighs, he prepared to mount her, raising and parting her stockinged legs even wider, giving him full, unimpeded access to her vulva and providing me with a clear view of her waiting, glistening sex.

It was already swollen and dripping with moisture, its well-fingered lips pink and parted.

I watched helplessly as Andy took his monster cock in his right hand and began to slide it up and down her slit until her had located the entrance to my wife's vagina. A moment later he had positioned its tip firmly between her inner lips.

He paused, his erect cock poised and ready to take my wife's fidelity. She gasped again and I felt my chest tighten frighteningly, my heart thumping until I thought I would faint.

An unbearable agony of anticipation flowed over me. I could feel Amanda's piercing blue eyes boring into me. If I looked into her face, I knew I would see the terrible mixture of pleading, fear, accusation, disgust and contempt that I, having put her in this position, fully deserved.

In all her life she had slept with only one man. She had been faithful; she had kept herself pure.

Now, thirty short minutes after learning how false and fragile our lifestyle had been, and how weak and dishonest the man she had married really was, she was about to pay the price of that dishonesty with her body.

In a few seconds time, she would know how it felt to have a bigger, more powerful man with a bigger, more powerful erection thrust inside her body. Andy would know what up till now, only I had known; how my wife's smooth, deep, tight, vagina felt wrapped around his shaft.

My sweet wife's precious fidelity and purity would be gone forever, she would become a different, disillusioned, despoiled woman, and all because of my greed and dishonesty.

Amanda called my name; despite my fear I looked up. Her deep blue eyes caught mine full-on and she fixed me with her penetrating gaze. However much I wanted, I couldn't tear my eyes away as between her spread thighs, Andy's body tensed and, slowly but firmly, he began to force his cock into my wife's wet, open vagina.

"Oh my Goddd!"

Amanda gasped in astonishment as Andy's thick, smooth head was thrust past her inner lips and plunged a short way into her deep, dark passage.


She moaned, part in pain, part in pleasure as her body tried to adjust to his unfamiliar size. I gulped, my eyes fixed on the mating couple, my chest so tight I could hardly breathe.

It had actually happened. Right there, right then, another man's erect cock was actually inside my beautiful, sexy wife's vagina.

And it was all my fault!

"Oh God! Oh Jesus!"

Andy had pulled himself back until just his smooth head was still between her lips, then thrust himself forwards again, this time plunging deeper until two thirds of his substantial length was buried inside her.

"Oh my sweet God!"

Amanda cried aloud as a wave of overwhelming and completely unexpected pleasure surged through her newly penetrated body. Her deep blue eyes short from mine to fix on Andy's, her body rigid, her hands reaching out towards his waist, as if trying to push him away, but not quite being able or willing to do so.

"Please! It's too big!" she begged, her raised legs trembling.

Whether her plea was to me or to Andy I will never know, but there was to be no rescue. I stood, frozen to the spot, watching my lovely, innocent wife's face contorted in a new mixture of pain, pleasure and surprise. Andy drew back his shaft for a third time, then thrust himself slowly but inexorably into her defenceless vagina once again, this time pausing with only an inch of his extraordinary length still outside.

"Please," she begged again. "It hurts! It hurts!"

"Shhhh!" he whispered. "You'll be fine. Trust me, you can take it all."


"Relax, you'll enjoy it, I promise."

I could see a momentary look of relief on Amanda's face as he pulled back one final time, before driving himself powerfully forward again. The force of his thrusting hips lifted her legs even higher and wider apart until his coarse pubic hair ground roughly against her downy triangle and he was finally there, his huge cock fully embedded in my wife's vagina.

"Christ! Oh Jesus Christ!"

Amanda wailed as Andy's hips smacked hard against the underside of her buttocks, driving her bodily up the desk, sending a pile of papers onto the floor above her head.

For a moment, the whole room froze. I stared helplessly at the couple on the desk; the most beautiful woman in the world lying there, her newly violated body impaled on this man's thick, dark shaft. She was panting as her body tried to adjust to the huge, unfamiliar invading phallus, her eyes open wide in fear and anticipation.

And then he began to fuck her!

Slowly at first, so slowly I could see her lips stretched tightly around his wet, shiny shaft, Andy began to move in and out of my wife's vagina. Beginning with short strokes, his speed and power built slowly but inexorably, his cock growing wetter; glistening with her juices as his thrusts grew longer and deeper.

Helpless beneath him, Amanda began moaning in time with his strokes, her stockinged legs flailing wide, then curling around Andy's back as if to hold him closer to her as his speed and power increased.


Her hands, which had at first appeared to be pushing him away, now grabbed at his upper arms, her fingernails dug into his biceps as he fucked her harder and faster. As his speed increased, her moans grew louder too until, to my amazement, her head was thrown violently forwards, her back arched, her hips tiled sharply downwards and her whole body erupted in an orgasm so powerful and so completely unexpected that it seemed to frighten all three of us.


I couldn't believe my eyes or ears! In all our years of adventurous lovemaking, Amanda had never responded this quickly or strongly before. This was an orgasm as intense as any I had seen.

And he had barely started fucking her!

"Good girl!" Andy whispered, as she spasmed beneath him.

"Please..." she wailed.

Ignoring her feeble protests, his powerful thrusts continued relentlessly and a dozen strokes later, another wave of orgasm rippled visibly through her body. Amanda called out my name as she came, but in her ecstasy, I couldn't tell whether she needed my help or wanted to torment me with her pleasure.

In either case, intervention was impossible. I was incapable of doing anything other than watch spellbound as my lovely wife was fucked hard and expertly before my helpless eyes.

As soon as the second wave of her orgasmic trembling began to fade, Andy resumed his slow deep thrusting. His cock glistened with the juices that now flowed freely and messily from wife's body, pulling back until just the head of his cock was at her entrance before plunging forcefully into her again.

The response was immediate. New, deeper moaning sounds filled the room in time with each thrust as Amanda's arousal began to soar. The speed of his thrusts increased; her moaning increased in rhythm and a new sound began to make itself heard; that of two highly lubricated bodies colliding every time Andy's erect cock bottomed out inside my wife's vagina.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!


Climaxing freely and helplessly, Amanda's legs wrapped themselves around his waist, then rose high up his back before falling helplessly and grotesquely apart as the force of his thrusts drove her bodily along the desk's slippery surface.

She grabbed wildly at his arms, then at his shoulders, then his face, her deep blue eyes locked fully on her lover's as she came closer and closer to a third and much more intense climax.

I moved slowly towards them as if in a dream. My sweet, faithful wife was being fucked across my Boss' desk like I had never seen anyone fucked before. As I drew closer to their mating, the deep, pungent smell of a woman in full heat grew stronger and stronger until it was overwhelming, filling my nostrils and fuddling my brain.

I stared at my wife's violated groin and the thick shaft that was plunging into it again and again. A rim of white foam had formed around its base as her flowing juices were churned into a thick, strong smelling cream.

Small, high-pitched yelps of pleasure escaped her lips each time his cock bottomed out within her body, plumbing her deepest recesses and battering her cervix mercilessly until finally, she reached the massive, mind-numbing, all-consuming climax that had been building within her.


"Cum for me, Mandy! Cum for me!"

Andy's voice was low and harsh, his thrusts brutal and completely merciless.


The sound that broke from my wife's mouth as the first wave of her most powerful orgasm broke over her, was unintelligible and incoherent but sent a message loud and clear even to my dazed brain. And when the next, even greater wave struck, depriving her of the power of speech entirely, there was no doubt in my mind that my sweet wife was having the orgasm of her life.

On her back, on my Boss' desk, dressed only in hold-ups and heels and with me, her husband watching every thrust, she was being fucked to within an inch of consciousness.

Her hands flew to her breasts as she came, then to Andy's hips, then to his face, then back to his shoulders as wave after wave rolled over her, sending violent tremors throughout her sweet body.

His thrusts were growing wilder too, shorter, faster and uncontrolled, his rhythm broken as his climax approached. Even in my dazed stupor, I recognised what was about to happen but still my mind and body would not react.


Andy's hips were almost a blur as he slammed into Amanda's vagina with his final short, sharp thrusts and his own climax descended upon him. Any resistance that remained, evaporated in an instant as the final, overwhelming tsunami of orgasm wracked her body.

My mind screamed at me that another man was about to cum in my wife. That in a few seconds, the body that had only known my semen would be awash with Andy's. That the womb that in which our two wonderful children had grown, would soon be flooded by a stranger's sperm.

Something deep within me cried out that there was still time; that if I acted quickly and decisively, I could still save her. But something deeper and stronger drowned out that plaintive voice, leaving me frozen, completely incapable of action even at this late stage.

Then suddenly it was all too late. The decision was taken out of my hands as Andy's climax began in earnest. His back tensed, his buttocks clenched, and his body went into spasm as he slammed himself violently into the red, raw, meat that was my wife's vagina.

Amanda's long, slender legs were gripped tightly in his arms, pulling her bodily onto his thrusting cock, forced every last millimetre of its length as deep into her as it could possibly go, grinding his pubic hair hard against hers, grunting hoarsely with every thrust before, with a loud triumphant moan, he finally began to cum.

I held my breath, still incapable of movement as Andy began to ejaculate inside my wife's exhausted body. Completely unprotected, his semen flowed freely within her open body, cascading against her battered cervix as his cock and balls discharged their sticky cargo.

"Oh fucking YYYEEESSSSSS!"

Andy's ejaculation seemed endless. Unable to tear my eyes away, all I could do was watch as his throbbing cock pumped rope after rope of semen into my still-climaxing wife. Amanda's hands were on his arms, on his shoulders, on his hips, pulling him deeper into her body with every stroke as if desperate not to miss a single drop of his precious fluid...

Then finally and mercifully, his thrusting slowed to a halt. For what seemed an age they remained motionless, Amanda on her back, legs spread grotesquely wide, her lover's cock buried deep in her body, his buttocks twitching slightly as the final spasms of ejaculation faded.

Then it was over.

The room fell silent as Andy slowly withdrew his softening cock from my wife's gaping vagina, both gasping for breath. As his body left hers, I heard my wife sigh in instinctive disappointment before her body went limp and she fell back onto the desk.

Andy stood above her panting, gazing down on his most recent conquest. On his face was an expression of admiration and respect on his face.

"That's quite a wife you've got there," he smiled at me as he pulled his shorts and trousers back over his red, flaccid cock. "I can see this is going to be a great deal for at least two of us."

Stunned, I took a step forward to look down at the inert body of my conquered wife as she lay limp and exhausted on the desktop, her legs spread wide, her sweet face flushed pink from her many orgasms.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my voice trembling.

Amanda opened those deep blue eyes to look into mine and nodded slowly. There were tears in them now as she lay spread-eagled, her sticky red vulva grotesquely displayed, a trickle of juices pooling on the desk beneath her bottom.

She whispered my name, and I raised my eyes from her puffy, sore vulva to her face. Her deep blue eyes were still dreamy, but she offered me her hand. I took it, helping her to her feet where she tottered unsteadily on her heels, leaning on my arm for support.

I scooped up her bra and she slipped it back on, her hands shaking so badly I had to fasten the clasp for her. I gathered up her designer dress then helped her into it, drawing it slowly and carefully up over her still-trembling hips then smoothing it down as best I could.

Her make-up was smudged, and her hair tousled. The pink flush in her face and chest and the powerful aroma of recent sex that emanated from her body, screamed out her recent penetration and multiple orgasms.

"Well, how was your first instalment?" Andy asked, straightening his shirt and pulling on his jacket, "Not as bad as you'd feared, I would guess."

Neither Amanda nor I could respond or even look at each other. Andy saw our discomfort and chuckled, then stooped to pick up something from the floor. He turned and pressed it into my hand.

I looked down to see it was Amanda's tiny thong, scrunched up and very damp.

"Keep this as a souvenir," he said, looking me straight in the eye. "You're going to have quite a collection by the time all that debt is paid off."

I slipped the panties into my trouser pocket.

"Every Wednesday, four pm, Mandy," he said to my wife then turned to me. "This is the address."

He reached into his jacket and produced a small card with a hand-written address on it.

"She doesn't work Wednesday afternoons, does she? It will give her plenty of time to look her best - and we know how good her best can be! Perhaps she can wear some of those expensive dresses that I appear to have bought her!"

Amanda shook her head, trying to look him in the eye but failing. There were tears running down her cheeks.

"There's a sink and a mirror in the closet there," he said softly, nodding towards a compartment half concealed by the bookcases. "Take your time and straighten yourself up. We don't want everyone to know about our little arrangement."

Amanda nodded, then tottered unsteadily towards the closet, her eyes lowered. I watched her stiff, unfamiliar gait and my stomach churned.

My head was spinning as Andy turned to me cheerfully and took me by the arm.

"Come on then. Cheer up! I think I have an announcement to make now, don't you, Mister Junior Partner?"

He led me towards the study's main door leaving my dazed, freshly fucked wife alone in the room.

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EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundown9 months ago

We can all hope JennyGently died from injuries after participating in a twenty man gang bang.....

HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

This well-written erotica is killing me. He doesn’t deserve her, but he does love her, and I don’t want him to lose her. I don’t want her to change, for both their sakes…. fuck!

Seeker744Seeker744over 1 year ago

Enjoyable IMO however the part 1 installment at the beginning does not match the ending. Ie-fat man with abig cock, whereas his boss is handsome and slim with big cock? In reality though he would have had a small cock and been a two pump chump, haha

tennesseeredtennesseeredover 1 year ago

Still one of the best pieces of writing in this genre. We can only hope that Jenny will write more.

SamuelDexterSamuelDexterover 2 years ago

This is so disturbing but masterfully written.

You are one evil bitch JennyGently

cibixcibixover 2 years ago

wonderful first two chapters to another exciting story. very well written and exciting to me!

OnethirdOnethirdalmost 3 years ago

This is one of the best tellings of this scenario that I have seen. Truly a classic.

GreywolfTXGreywolfTXabout 3 years ago

That was the most erotic thing I have ever experience. I was hard as I was reading it but when he put her on the desk I came without touching myself. You are Incredible

BeauReadyBeauReadyabout 3 years ago

Hubby should have refused the deal. No way would he be turned over to the cops for prosecution. The company could not afford the ensuing bad publicity. How would it look that a financial & accounting firm can't even prevent fraud by it's own employees?!?! The firm would never get ANY government contracts anywhere in the world ever again! And they would certainly also lose all contracts with publicly traded companies who cannot afford to be seen as hiring crooked accountants to cook the books and defraud shareholders. Sanderson would be bankrupt and out of business in 6 months.

Nope! This is not how the game gets played!

Finally, for fucks sake - the deal is not blackmail, it's extortion. Please learn and use the correct concept! Huge difference between blackmail and extortion.

BeauReadyBeauReadyabout 3 years ago


Lazy writing! Relying on that oldest of cliches, hubby with a small cock while lover/boss endowed and "hung like a horse".

It therefore necessarily follows that wifey will never be satisfied with hubby again, and will additionally to the boss be fucking other well-endowed men. In other words, she will have become a size queen whore while hubby gets nothing but voyeurism and self-abuse.

TediumsShadowTediumsShadowover 3 years ago
hottest sex scene ......ever

thanks for writing and posting

hmmm, what if that level of physical gratification......

would force its way into emotional gratification?

what a tangle it would be if an addiction developed


ChuckEPooChuckEPooover 3 years ago
Creative story

One of the most creative original stories I’ve ever read in this category. You developed it so well it was totally believable. I just adore your writing. Are you continuing it?

Hiker66BikerHiker66Bikerover 3 years ago
JG’s stories just keep getting better.

This is JG’s best work yet, and one of the most creative stories in the ‘cuckold’ genre to be found on Literotica.

Our greedy ‘hero’ has set himself up to be blackmailed, cuckolded and mentally tortured by his boss, Andy, and probably also by his trophy wife ‘Mandy’. Nor is Amanda ‘off the hook’. Does Andy plan to be her lover, or her pimp? She was happy to accept the avalanche of material wealth provided by her husband whilst asking few questions, so she must now accept her share of Andy’s ‘punishment’ to maintain her lifestyle.

In Part 1, JG provides a masterclass in scenario and character building setting the scene for the blackmail and debauchery of our alpha couple. In Part 2, the contempt that Amanda displays towards her husband (‘spineless bastard!’) guarantees that she will enthusiastically cuckold him and rub his face in it. I especially liked that she demanded Andy force her husband to stay and watch their copulation.

We know that this story is not going to end well for the couple, but that is not the point. It is about their journey into cuckoldry and debauchery, combined with the resulting angst and mental torture experienced by our flawed ‘hero’. Through the writing I want to feel the gut wrenching angst, humiliation, lies and loss of control experienced when our hero is cuckolded. Very few Literotica writers can achieve this, but JG has done it in this story. She has set a very high bar for future episodes. Well done!

Kicker73Kicker73over 3 years ago

So much better then the Penny series. The key was making the characters likable. Here we feel bad for the husband, but he *did* steal. The wife was hesitant, but must sleep with the boss to pay his debt. Truly creative.

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