Coven's Toy Pt. 08


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Tammy thought for a moment, then chuckled, "you mean as something other than a sex object. A slut?"

"Well to put it bluntly, yes," Beth replied, and then hugged her ex-toy.

After breakfast, Tammy waited anxiously for Farah to show up.

Finally, around 10:30 the body-jeweler rang the doorbell, and Beth ushered her in. After their initial greetings, they all moved into the guest bedroom, where Farah prepared her tools.

"Before I begin, are there any piercings you want to keep? I have a selection of rings and things, that you can wear in your piercings, and remove or swap out as you wish. It would be best to put something into your holes, as I remove your current things. To keep them from closing up on you."

Her question caught Tammy off guard. She had only been thinking about ridding herself of the permanent jewelry. Not which piercings she liked, or wanted to keep.

When she didn't have an answer. Beth stepped in. "Farah, I think Tammy needs a few minutes to think. Why don't we go get something to drink? Give her a little time."

Farah nodded her understanding, and the two of them walked out and to the kitchen.

They returned a full ten minutes later.

"Thank you," Tammy said, appreciating the time they had given her.

As she described what she wanted to keep. Beth was surprised but not disappointed, and she didn't say anything. It wasn't her decision to make. Tammy had apparently decided that she liked being sexy and even a bit slutty.

Farah, nodded her understanding and worked with Tammy to select the jewelry she would use to replace her current pieces.

"I'm afraid, I won't be able to remove the grommets, in your ear lobes or in your septum. No one can see the one in your septum, and someday you may want to use it again. And the ones in your ears are not so very unusual. They should be fine with the right jewelry. I hope you're okay with that?"

"Yes, I suppose," Tammy replied.

Farah nodded and with everything ready, she slowly and carefully, cut the various rings and assorted other jewelry from Tammy's piercings, replacing several of them with the smaller, captive bead rings, her subject had selected.

It took quite a while, but she finally, finished with all of the piercings, and then began work on the collar. The thing had actually been designed to never be removed. So, it took her quite a while, but eventually she succeeded, and Tammy breathed a huge sigh of relief as the thing was put aside.

Beth was ready and immediately began rubbing skin cream into Tammy's neck and throat. The skin beneath, after all, hadn't seen the light of day in something like 20 months. And it looked it.

Farah meanwhile packed up her things and left her bill on the dresser, showing herself out, with a hug and a kiss from her grateful subject.

Before long Tammy was dressed once again and the two of them picked up glasses of wine on their way to the living room.

There, Tammy turned to Beth. "I suppose you were surprised."

"By what you kept? Yes."

"Well, it was really Tom."

"Tom? He's long gone. You're Tammy now, and forevermore."

"Yes, and his mind is still my mind."

"Yes, I know. that's the way the Coven's spells, recreated you."

"Well, I've found that Tom's fantasies, are still my fantasies. As funny as that sounds."

Beth thought for a few seconds. "Actually, it makes perfect sense."

"Yes, well that's why I kept the rings in my nipples, and my clit, and my pussy lips. That's what Tom dreamed of in a woman. So that's what I dream of."

"Wow, interesting. I never thought of it that way." Beth said in wonder.

"So, you're going to let your tongue, your ears and the other piercings on your breasts heal over?"

"Yes. By tomorrow they should be gone, and I'll be one step closer to being the woman, I want to be."

"That sounds good." Beth said as she crawled over and into Tammy's lap, where they kissed and hugged.

They spent the rest of the day and evening relaxing and talking. Beth, made curious by Tammy's admission to being driven, at least to some extent by Top's fantasies, questioned her at length about how Tom influenced her life as Tammy. She'd never before broached that topic with previous toys, and she now saw it as an important consideration for inclusion in her mentoring efforts in the future.

That night, though they crawled into bed and enjoyed each other. Beth, though, admitted to herself that she missed Tammy's clit bell. It made her feel a little guilty as she knew how much Tammy had hated the thing. Still, it had been fun...

After breakfast, Beth declared that they would spend the day, and as many days, thereafter, shopping, to expand and improve on Tammy's wardrobe.

"You need to buy yourself clothes that you like, and will feel comfortable wearing from now on."

"I like that idea! I'm now my own toy." Tammy exclaimed, happily.

"Well, if you're okay with that description, it works for me."

An hour later they headed out. Both of them were excited and happy to be going out like a couple of friends on an expedition to spend money.

Beth followed Tammy around as she visited an endless series of women's clothing stores and department stores, buying her new wardrobe. She focused on more casual, comfortable clothes, and shoes with lower heels, no more than three-inches. She tried on and purchased pants, jeans and shorts, and bras and lingerie sets, too.

Although Tammy still had bras and the matching panties and garter belts that were part of the matching sets, that they had purchased during her first weeks of womanhood, they no longer fit her. Her breasts were now much larger and her waist much smaller. So, she bought almost a dozen new underwear. Very nice, elegant and expensive, things. But, what the hell, she could afford it!

Tammy refused to buy pantyhose. She considered herself too sexy for them, and Tom wound never have approved.

She also bought a selection of skirts and dresses that weren't so scandalously short that she flashed her audience whenever she bent or sat.

"The world will be disappointed." Bethe commented, giggling.

By the end of the day, they were both tired, but looking forward to more of the same, tomorrow.

The next morning, Tammy dressed in a pair of jeans and tennis shoes.

"This feels really odd." She mumbled to Beth.

"Well, I don't think you've ever worn clothes like that. Have you? From your first day as a woman, we've had you in dresses and heels. Right?"

"Wow, you're right. No wonder it feels so weird." Tammy said, smiling.

As they were shopping that day, Tammy came to the conclusion that she actually preferred her dresses and even her heels. She missed the freedom of her dresses and skirts. And the sexy feeling of wearing nylon stockings, too.

And her feet hurt, specifically her ankles. The tennis shoes she had purchased, were fine, but after only a few minutes walking around in them she was in pain. Her tendons just weren't used to being stretched to allow her feet to flatten out.

She mentioned it all to Beth.

"Well, you can wear anything you want. If you prefer dresses, then stick with them. If you prefer high heels, wear them." Elizabeth told her.

From that day on, that's what Tammy did. And She enjoyed it.

She did tone-down her wardrobe a bit. No longer interested in looking slutty, or even particularly sexy, but she did really start enjoying her looks, her outfits, and her life.

On the second day, they swung by the fetish shoe store, but found that Carrie no longer worked there.

The saleswoman they spoke with didn't seem to know where she had gone. But as they were walking out another, younger staffer stopped them.

"I heard you asking about Carrie. She took off with her boyfriend, and I haven't seen her since. She was supposed to call, but hasn't."


"Yes, that's the guy. He seemed kind of creepy to me. And before they left, he gave Carrie a choker necklace that looked more like a slave collar." She shook her head, sadly, "Carrie was always a bit of a submissive, if you know what I mean, and I think Eric was defiantly a domineering kind of guy. I think they had that whole BDSM thing going. I worry about her."

"Oh, I'm sure she's all right," Tammy said, consolingly, as she and Beth walked out, after thanking her.

But as they walked away, Tammy took Beth's hand, "you agree, don't you? She's okay?"

Elizabeth sighed, "I hope so. Eric, is most defiantly a dominant. But I've never heard of him being callous about it."

It was a while before Tammy concluded that there was no sense worrying.

As their third day of constant shopping came to an end, the two worn-out women wandered into a noisy sports bar for an easy, comfort-food dinner.

While sitting amongst the crowd, Tammy realized that everything was different. She wasn't being stared at, and whispered about, by the folks around her.

Oh, she got her fair share of admiring and lascivious looks. Her beauty and her big breasts justified that. But without the nose ring, the slave collar and the outlines of her nipple jewelry she was no longer the absolute center of the raunchy attention that she had been throughout the last two years. And she loved it!

She now understood that everyone saw her as a 'fox', not a 'fetish slut'. And that's what Tom always dreamed of. What she wanted to be.

And it was wonderful.

Beth, noticing her friend smiling, as happy as could be, asked, "okay, what's got you feeling so pleased?"

Grinning, like a happy child, Tammy explained, as best she could, how nice it felt to be living her old dreams.

"So, I guess your deal with the Coven was worth it?"

"Yes, now it is. But there were times, during the past couple of years when I wondered."

"I can imagine. Some of my sisters can be kind of bitchy, and self-centered."

"You're right about that."

"But now you're free."

"Yes I am."

After dinner, Beth took the new Tammy to a nice club where they drank and danced, and socialized with several friendly women, and even the occasional guy. Beth wasn't really interested in men, but she did occasionally find them to be acceptable companions.

Tammy, though was still having trouble dealing with guys. The ghost of Tom, and his heterosexual love of females weighed on her. And she knew from first-hand experience that every guy who talked to her, was dreaming of fucking her. It all just made her uncomfortable, if not a little frightened.

Regardless, they both had a great time, and Tammy enjoyed being out as a free and pretty woman.

That night they just crashed. No sex for a change. And Tammy was even okay with that. Her always demanding libido seemed to be just a little more controllable. She thought that boded well for her future. She fell asleep feeling better than ever.

When Tammy woke up, the next morning, she found Beth propped up, next to her, staring at her.

"Good morning lover, what are you thinking?" Tammy asked, as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

Beth sighed. "Okay, this has been a fun, few days, but it's time for you to get on with it and make some important decisions. What are your plans, short-term and long-term?" she asked. And it was clear that she expected an answer.

The question hit Tammy hard. She'd been thinking about that topic for quite a while, and still hadn't come to a decision. And for the last few days it had been easy to simply enjoy her existence and not worry about it. She sat up in the bed, cross-legged, facing her mentor, and lover.

Hesitantly, she answered, "I don't know. I haven't decided."

"Tammy, you have to have some plan. I'm sure you've been thinking about it, ever since Tom met the sisters in that diner."

"I have. But now that it's time for a decision. I can't seem to make up my mind." And she started to cry.

Beth sighed, exasperated. "This has been great fun, but we can't continue like this. Your wardrobe is full and I have to get back to the selection of the Coven's next toy."

She leaned over and brushed her hand over Tammy's cheek. "Well, let's get going, and we can talk about it over breakfast. I'm hungry."

"Me too," Tammy answered, sniffling. Relieved to be able to put off the decision even for a few more minutes.

While they were preparing their meal, standing side-by-side, Tammy hinted that she might be persuaded to stay right there. But Elizabeth pushed that idea aside, explaining that a lot of the past toys had felt that way. Mainly because they saw her as a loving, sisterly lover.

As she thought about it, though, Elizabeth had to admit to herself that she was tempted. She found that she liked Tammy better than any of her past students.

While they ate, they discussed options and steps Tammy could take as a free and rich woman.

There were, after all, a lot of available options. So, Beth had gotten things rolling with some suggestions.

Tammy could take steps to reduce her sexuality. Have breast reduction surgery, remove her body jewelry and allow the rest of her piercings to heal over. Wean herself out of the corsets. Relax and dress casually. Wear jeans and tennis shoes. Travel and pick some quiet location to live. She had the money to do it. She could then find some lover and settle down.

"But I'll always be a horny sex addict."

"So, find a woman who will be happy with that." Beth replied pleasantly. "I don't think it will be difficult."

And they both giggled at the thought.

"You could also find a job, you know, to keep yourself busy. Remember, Tom's skill sets are still rattling around in your head."

"Nah, I admit, that could be mentally stimulating, but why? I don't need the money, or an employer's healthcare package. And I can't picture myself sitting in an office like Tom did. Can you imagine me having to deal with all of the guys, and my colleagues would be mostly guys, drooling and hitting on me all of the time? Not going to happen."

Elizabeth shook her head, frustrated. Tammy didn't seem to want to make a move.

"Well then, stay the way you are. Beautiful and erotic, with a great body and sexy clothes, and just party and screw with whatever women you meet."

"Just a hot slut, party girl? I don't think so."

Finally, Elizabeth took a deep breath, and looking into her eyes, said. "Well, take a week off. Go to Hawaii, and check into some beautiful resort and when you're ready, make your decision." And she reached over and kissed her. Pulling back, she added, "and call me when you've made it."

"I like that idea!" Tammy replied, enthusiastically. And after thinking quietly for a few minutes, she smiled. "I'm going to do just that."

And when Elizabeth smiled and nodded. Tammy asked, "Can I leave my stuff here? With you? I can't haul everything with me to Maui."

"Yes. Of course. I have plenty of room."

"Oh, and my car too?"

"Yes." Sighing and smiling.

"Great! And if I'm going to Hawaii, I need to buy some beach-wear, and several teeny-weeny bikinis. So, let's go shopping."

Elizabeth laughed. "Of course."

They had a lot of fun picking out scandalous swim suits that Beth was sure would cause riots on the beaches of Hawaii. Tammy, though was enjoying herself, and relieved that she had found a way to again delay planning her future.

They spent the afternoon making travel arrangements. It cost Tammy a fortune, to book flights and a resort hotel room on such short notice, but it didn't bother her. This was her version of Spring-fling, and she had the money to go first class.

As a final celebration they went out to dinner, that night, at a very expensive restaurant, and they both dressed to kill.

The two beauties caused quite a stir, and even though they were constantly bothered by men and women trying to pick them up, they enjoyed themselves immensely.

They staggered home late, and crawled off to bed, making love like two beautiful women do. Especially when they're both happy and free.

The next morning Tammy packed for her trip and stored the rest of her belongings away in a guestroom.

Elizabeth sat quietly, drinking her morning coffee and watching. She hadn't slept well. She had spent a good part of the night debating with herself. Going back and forth, over and over again, in her mind, ask, or let go.

Eventually, though it was time. Tammy's Uber ride was at the door.

They held each other and kissed, repeatedly, in the doorway. Neither of them wanted to be the one to break it up. It was so very hard to say goodbye.

The end.

I have no plans for a follow-up to this story.

I think it would be best if you dream up your own version of the next phase for Tammy.

From the Author: Please comment on my stories. All thoughts, positive or negative are welcome. If negative, please extend the courtesy of providing constructive criticism. Thanks.

If you do comment, check back in a few days, as I do try and post replies.

Each has a nice house -- some variety here. A couple of beach houses. A house in the woods. A penthouse downtown. San Diego? La Jolla, Laguna Beach, Downtown (Gasslamp), Dana Point, Torrey Pines, Rancho Santa Fe, Coronado, Scripps Ranch

One lives in Torrey Pines, loves Golf and Tammy caddies for her.


Donna -- "your breasts are far too small", surgery to take them from 34C to 48E, then pierced and ringed nipples. & corsets.

Tina Latex

Abby Body mods -- piercings and tattoos

Rebecca Dominant, B&D, tortures...

Roxanne Remote control, humiliation, public bondage

Jennifer Anal, plugs & stretching Leader

Sally Dominant, humiliated and embarrassed in public (LGBTQ parade in Cologne) in a pony costume.

Joanne Group sex -- orgies -- all women Brigit & Suzie (Suzie is an X-Toy who decided to stay with Brigit when she'd completed her two years. She looked like Katherine Ross. Tammy asked if her looks caused her any trouble. Did people recognize her and ask if she was related? Younger ones didn't, and the few old ones accepted that she just looked like her.

Katherine Cblt, Turning her rapist into a sissy. Forcing Tammy to suck and take cock.

Barbra Bi-sexual -- men! Naked all of the time.

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ChangeYourPasswordChangeYourPassword5 months agoAuthor
Thanks for the comments

It’s great to see readers really get involved in my stories. This is an older one, and I had to go back and refresh my memory.

I did leave out any further reference to Cassie (Carrie). I remember contemplating a follow-up, but alas, I decided not to extend this story beyond the tale of Tammy.

I suggest you go with your own active imagination. Build your own fantasy of what happened to her. You could even write it down and publish it.

It is a habit of mine to challenge my readers to ‘fil in the blanks’. I try to tickle imaginations by providing a peek into an open door, but not moving in that direction. I hope it’s fun…

Perhaps, someday, I’ll get energized to follow through into that other plot line.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Comment 1) I found the story interesting. I have to admit that I'm jealous that she was given what is very nearly Wolverine's regenerative capabilities, her inability to get fat, and the fact that she would retain her youthful appearance even when she's possibly ninety.

Comment 2) I am worried about Carrie, considering she never called her coworker as she promised. Based on how Beth(I think the only reason she dismissed the possibility of Carrie being in danger was cause she didn't like Carrie's interest in her and especially the interest in Tammy) described Eric, the fact she seemed hateful and maybe a little fearful of Eric, and the fact he was described by Carrie's former coworker as creepy. I can't help but think that she's worse off than even the abusive sissy. Well, maybe not to that extent but still pretty dang bad.

I wish you had put an epilogue where she stumbles into Tammy and reveals that she realized that Eric was the wrong person for her, or where her body was found murdered and the killer was revealed to be Eric. This not knowing is really horrible, because she was such a nice lady and I really don't want anything bad to happen to her.

Unfortunately, due to her essentially going missing, my imagination immediately comes up with the worst. Such as her being killed caused by years of BDSM that undoubtedly focused on Eric's pleasure alone(as mentioned earlier), being sold to human traffickers, being turned into a human sex toy(meaning no limbs if any kind except for her neck), her losing her sense of self and becoming nothing more than a slave slut in mind that craves serving her owners without consideration of her welfare or anything else, etc.

Comment 3) Man, it's times like this that make me hate having an active imagination. I do apologize for the rambling, but I had to get it out of my mind. In any case, I did enjoy the story quite a bit despite the whole Carrie thing.

SwordWielderSwordWielderabout 2 years ago

A few comments - 1 or 2 million dollars isn't that much. If they want her to be able to live a life without worry, it should be considerable more - 5 -6 million if not 10 million. Considering that she had permanent modifications done to her, they should pay up! Could a surgeon remove the piercings? What about the 2 ribs that were removed? What about the tattoos? Breast reduction? To fix these modifications will take time, money, and will be painful! Also, it will take her a long time to straighten her core so she doesn't need a corset. I have to wonder with this white witches coven how close some of them come to actually doing evil to someone else. Maybe they aren't using their magic for evil, but they are torturing someone else for their own pleasure. I wonder what would happen if someone of higher authority decided to investigate them and audit their practices. Several of the members could be in for very serious consequences.

ChangeYourPasswordChangeYourPasswordover 3 years agoAuthor
Thank You

Thanks for that Martin quote. Agreed, I am a gardener. Usually, one particular scene comes to mind and I build an entire story around it. That scene may be early or later within the finished product, but it is always central to the plot. I'm not sure if that's the norm. I am NOT a professional writer.

And, it seems that in each case, at some point I run dry. It's not the first time that the comments include 'rushed ending'. Alas, I'd rather hear that, than 'your story became boring.'

Although I do appreciate every comment, I match them against the story's rating (the average number of stars awarded by the readers.) As long as they stay in the mid to high 4's, I feel like I succeeded in telling an enjoyable tale.

I'm already half way into my next tale. Check back in a few weeks for it...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good story and thanks for your work

I liked your story very much. Your writing had a good story, characters, and world-building. I was counting on continuation but got a bit rushed ending.

I have read your comments that you want to move on, and you decided to go open ending style. You abandoned Eric's route and didn't want to go with all witches again. George R.R. Martin "I think there are two types of writers, the architects and the gardeners. The architects plan everything ahead of time, like an architect building a house. [...] The gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed and water it. They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don't know how many branches it's going to have, they find out as it grows. And I'm much more a gardener than an architect."

Well, you sure are a gardener :D and the ending is still better than GOT 8 season :P

Don't make any comments to heart. It is scientifically proven that people leave comments when they dislike something but omit them when they liked it. I'm guilty of that too;/

Thank you for your hard work.

ChangeYourPasswordChangeYourPasswordover 3 years agoAuthor

I just noticed that, at the very end, I failed to clean out some of my notes - stuff about the Coven's members. Please ignore...

I have to do a better job on my final edits.

I'm not going to bother the Literotica staff by submitting a revised version, though.

ChangeYourPasswordChangeYourPasswordover 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks, sincerely, for your kind comments. I'm happy that you enjoyed this tale. I'm afraid that, as with many of my stories, I came to feel that this one had run its course. That I couldn't take it any further without getting boring or repetitive.(In particular, I didn't want to revisit the next round of visits.) And, my mind began to wander onto my next effort.

And everyone, please know that all comments are welcome and helpful - even the negative ones...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Sorry to see it end

I have loved this story from the start. You managed to convey such emotion covering a myriad of sexual kinks and fetish’s while allowing the reader to get amazing insight into someone’s life. I got the feeling at the end that you had some really good possible directions for the story or ideas but something seemed to change your mind and you just kind of shut it all down. I hope you weren’t bothered by any of the comments that you might have read. I seriously hope that everything is ok with you. I do want to once again thank you for this wonderful tale. You spent a huge amount of time and put quite a bit of thought and creativity into writing these chapters and I know that I greatly appreciate all you have done. Stay safe, be well and enjoy life.


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