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Things get cooking when selling a grill to a sexy young lady.
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(this is a spin-off from "My Daughter's Beautiful Friend")

A year passed since my brief affair with my daughter's friend Kelli, a gorgeous college freshman. That summer, she asked me to take her virginity, as she wanted to have experience before school started. I was reluctant at first, knowing that would jeopardize the relationship with my daughter if she ever found out. Eventually I gave in, and Kelli and I hooked up a couple times.

After our second tryst, Kelli told me I need to find a lady in my own generation. It wasn't an admonishment, rather a very polite recommendation. Over the past year, I made such an effort, dating five women, all of whom in their forties. Unfortunately, my first date with each lady also was the last date. It was either me not wanting to continue or vice-versa. The common character trait in all of them is they were kind of boring. Sure, when you're in your forties, you typically aren't as fun-loving as someone two decades younger--myself included. Still, there was just no spark at all.

After the last date, I began to wonder if maybe they are too old for me. When Kelli and I were together, I felt a surge of confidence and vigor that was missing since my wife died ten years earlier. I felt like a college kid again. So maybe I do need to find a younger woman, but who?

I immediately ruled out pursuing Kelli. We swore nothing else would ever happen, and in fact, she just got engaged to one of the men's basketball team members at her school. Those two are going to some very tall children.

Next I thought of this hot bartender at a pub where I occasionally stop by. Very friendly, but she isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, so she's out. I once went out with a ditzy gal before meeting my wife and don't want to do that again.

I was mulling over other ladies I knew when one of my female customers walked into the hardware store I own. Her name is Pam and is 25. Friendly and smart? Yes. Long dirty-blonde hair, about 5' 7", and lovely toned legs. Okay, I thought, let's go for it.

I strolled up to her in the grill and grilling accessories aisle. "Hi Pam, what are you looking for today?"

"Hi Matt! I'm getting a grill for my dad for his birthday. Any suggestions?"

"Certainly; gas-fired or charcoal?"

"Gas for sure. He's always had propane grills."

I started talking about a mid-priced unit. With other customers, I would typically point out the higher end models, but I knew Pam wasn't earning that much as a manager trainee only a couple years out of college.

"That looks pretty good," she said. "How about this one?" She motioned to a grill that I actually own.

"Well, as luck would have it, I have one of these in my backyard, so I know quite a bit about it." I advised her of the features, and then took a figurative shot across the bow. "Hey if you'd like to try it out, why don't you come over and we'll grill a couple steaks?"

I didn't think she'd really go for it; that was just a signal that I liked her. Then to my surprise, she agreed. "Sure, that sounds fun!"

I was caught a little off guard, not expecting that answer. Trying to hide my astonishment, I asked her if she was free that Saturday after 6 PM when we closed the store. "Sounds great," she said. "It's a date!" I think Pam was pleased at my proposal because she clearly was not planning to impress any guys that day; she was dressed very plainly in an old t-shirt and jeans, hair pulled back with a ponytail sticking through a baseball hat.

She said she'll make a decision on the grill after trying out mine. Seriously, I think she was ready to make the purchase that day, but was playing along with my dinner offer. I gave Pam my cell phone number in case she needed to cancel.

The rest of the week, I had a nagging feeling my phone would buzz with a message from her saying she needed to cancel. I mean, how many times has she dated a man twice her age? I'm guessing it's a very small number. Saturday arrived and I indeed got a text from her. I saw her caller i.d. and thought: Shoot, she's going to call it off. I tapped the screen and she was asking if she should bring anything in particular.

Okay, good; she's still coming over. I advised her that I had beer, so if she wanted something else, then bring that.

"See you at 6:30!" she replied.

I was getting excited as dinnertime approached. Although I dated other women after Kelli, Pam has this mischievous quality that is very appealing. As said about those other women, they were pretty boring, and Pam has a personality that I really like--in fact Kelli was the only lady I've been with (not even my wife when she was in her 20s) who has a similar persona.

At 6:30 on the dot, Pam rang the doorbell, holding a bottle of red wine. "Hi Matt! Let's get cooking!"

Pam was looking quite attractive, hair loose, wearing a short sundress with sandals under her bare legs. We went in the kitchen, depositing the wine in the refrigerator, then to the backyard. I ignited the grill and put the steaks on. Pam and I chatted while I was watching the steaks.

"So how is work going? Is your training going well?" I asked.

Pam rolled her eyes a bit and sighed. "It's harder than I thought. I know I can do the job but sometimes I want to tell a complaining customer to just shut the hell up. The customer is NOT always right, you know?"

"Oh yeah, I've had that conversation more than I care to. Last week, someone brought in a 19-year-old lawnmower that broke down. They pushed it into the store, demanding a full refund. I had to remind them that the warranty expired eighteen years earlier, so sorry, you're out of luck. And they would NOT take 'no' for answer, so finally I just laughed in their faces and told them to sell crazy somewhere else."

Pam laughed. "I'm sorry to say this--some people are just idiots. I should be a nicer person, but good grief there are stupid people in this world. The worst ones are people who insist they're right, and in reality they're dead wrong." Pam then looked perturbed. "Honestly I don't know if I can do this job. I can manage my employees, but taking idiotic complaints? That's been hard."

"Don't worry" I told her. "Once you stop worrying about people caring about you, life gets a hell of a lot easier."

Pam laughed again. "I never thought about that before. Thanks for the advice, Matt." She put her hand on my knee.

Things are going good, I thought, as I went to the grill to turn over the steaks. "So Pam, do you want to give this a try? You said you wanted to test out the grill before buying it."

Pam got up. "Sure Matt. But to be honest, I already decided to buy it before you invited me over. I've had a thing for you for a long time and when you asked me, I couldn't believe my luck."

Are you freaking kidding me? I thought. She's attracted to me, yet I never caught on to it? Then again, how would Morgan (my daughter) have thought about me dating a lady only a few years older than her? I played it light: "So you're telling me I bought two fairly expensive steaks for nothing?" I joked.

Pam put her hands on my waist. "Hey Matt, play your cards right and this dinner will definitely not be for nothing." She gave me a very sexy look.

I looked into her hazel eyes. "I'm attracted to you too, Pam. I just didn't want to pursue anyone until after Morgan left for college. So I've dated several women my age in the last year, and none of them worked out. Even though you're 25, I should just go after what the heart desires. Does that sound bad?"

Pam chuckled and gave me a big kiss. "Not from where I'm standing. Um, how are the steaks going? Don't want to burn them!"

I flipped them over and turned down the gas; they were about ready. "Hey, why don't you go grab a glass of wine? Would you get me a fresh beer too?"

"Sure thing!" Pam skipped (SKIPPED!) into the house. I watched her with mouth wide open, and was getting the same feelings that I had during my time with Kelli. I love my late wife, but these two young ladies fueled emotions I never felt before.

Pam reappeared with a glass of wine for her and a bottle of Guinness for me. I turned off the grill and we sat across from each other at the outdoor table to eat. "Cheers" she said as we clinked the wine glass and beer bottle.

We made the usual small talk while eating, and at one point she slipped off a sandal and rubbed her bare foot on my shin. Startled, I dropped my utensils with a loud clutter. "You feeling all right Matt?" she said, looking at me again with that oh-so-sexy stare.

"Oh I'm doing fine. You sure you want to do that, though?" I grabbed her foot and started tickling the sole. She started laughing very loudly. "STOP Matt! Please stop! I'm so ticklish!"

I kept going. "Hey you started it!" I said. Pam kept laughing. "Please stop! I'm going to pee myself.....oh shit!" She recoiled suddenly, looking very uncomfortable.

"What's up?" I asked.

Pam's face turned a very deep shade of red. "I told you I was going to pee myself," she said, looking down.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, I was just playing around." CRUD, this romantic moment just got killed, I thought.

"No, it's all right; I started it." Pam looked very embarrassed.

"Come on," I said, taking her hand. "I'll give you a clean set of boxer shorts. They're small on me but should fit you reasonably well."

Pam nodded and followed me into the house. I got the boxers and a clean washcloth, giving them to her as she went into the bathroom, emerging a few minutes later. "Sorry about that, are you all right?" Again, I'm thinking this date was over and she might not go for a second one.

Pam sat next to me. "It's okay Matt, I don't blame you." She patted my arm. Whew, I thought, maybe you can pull this out. "What say we finish dinner, Pam?"

"Yeah, I'd like that," she said, relaxing. I gently caressed her shoulder and we finished eating. At one point, she started rubbing my back and I decided to return the favor on her left leg. It was very soft and smooth, clearly having been shaved and moisturized just a couple hours earlier. Pam cooed. "That feels nice" she said.

"You're telling me; it DOES feel nice". I winked at her. Pam looked in my eyes and gave me a deep French kiss. After a few seconds she pulled back. "So are we going to have dessert?"

"Sure," I said. "What do you have in mind? I have ice cream, cookies, and some chocolate pie."

Pam gave me another smoldering look. "Matt," she whispered. "First, let's get these dishes into the dishwasher and then we'll go to the bedroom for dessert."

"Now you're talking," I said. We walked in the kitchen and I practically threw the dinnerware into the washer. "Wow, someone's excited!" giggled Pam.

"Yeah can you tell? Honestly, I wasn't expecting anything more than dinner for our first date."

"Well, it's not exactly a first date; we've known each other since I walked into your store three years ago."

I followed Pam into the bedroom, admiring her firm ass. We plopped onto the bed and Pam turned to me. "Will you please go slow? It's been a while since I've had sex."

"Really? A beautiful lady like you?"

Pam sighed. "The thing is, I've been so focused on my job, I haven't dated anyone for almost two years. And even then, my last boyfriend was just a friend--we never did it. So actually, I haven't had sex for more than two years."

"That's very surprising," I said as I gently caressed her thigh. "You're pretty ambitious to focus on work and not your love life."

"I know, and now I think it was a big mistake. It's been kind of miserable, being this lonely." Pam looked sad.

I embraced her. "The good news is you still have many many years ahead of you to make up for that."

Pam smiled. "Starting right now, correct?" She laid back on the bed. "Come here, you."

We laid next to each other and started making out. Pam slid her hand into my shorts. "Well, hello there!" she said as her hand rubbed my already-hard cock. "I haven't seen one of these in a while," she chuckled. Pam pulled down my shorts and briefs and said "may I have dessert first?"

"Go for it; have as much as you want!"

Pam started licking my balls, then shaft, before putting all of my cock in her mouth. She was quite good at giving head, so good that I damn near came early. Pam sensed that I was ready to pop, and pulled off me. "Don't even THINK about coming yet!" she said.

"Point taken. You better let me take a turn now." I slid off her dress to reveal a completely naked body. "So you opted not to wear my boxers?" I asked.

"No way! I knew we were going to do it, so why bother?"

"That's my girl." I started kissing her neck, then moved down to her two beautiful breasts and sucked on her very hard nipples. Pam moaned softly. She smelled so good, apparently wearing lavender body spray. I licked her belly button, then positioned my face at her feet. I'm a leg man, and those gorgeous freshly-shaved gams were going to be the last thing I worked on before ending at her snatch. I slowly moved my mouth over her calves and shins, then her knees. Pam moaned a little louder and she started rubbing her clit. "Hey don't you make yourself cum yet!" I told her. Pam giggled.

I continued up Pam's silky thighs as she opened her legs wide open. My tongue finally made its way to her pussy, and I gave her lips a licking. Pam shuddered as I found her clit. Now she was expressing quite loudly as I made oral love down there, inserting my tongue into her as deeply as I could.

"Oh Matt! Please make me cum!"

I obliged (like I was going to say "no" to that request?), darting my tongue in and out of her pussy while massaging her clit with my upper lip. Pam clenched my head between her thighs. "I'm coming! I'M COMING!" as she reached orgasm.

I rolled off her and we kissed. "You have a condom, right?" she asked.

"Yeah I do." We continued kissing. After about thirty seconds, I feigned surprise: "Oh, did you want me to get the condom out?"

Pam looked at me. "You damn well better." She winked.

I reached into the nightstand drawer and retrieved a condom--still had a few in there since my affair with Kelli. Presumably they were still effective, at least I hope they were. Getting back in bed, Pam went down on me and got me nice and stiff as I ripped the wrapper open. She got off my cock and I put the condom on; I still hate those things.

Pam put a couple pillows under her head as she opened her legs. I positioned myself on top of her. "Please go slow," she reminded me. "My pussy is going to be pretty tight."

"Of course I will," as Pam closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Make love to me," she whispered.

I gently inserted the tip into her pussy and Pam gasped. Holy shit, she wasn't joking about being tight; almost as tight as Kelli when I took her virginity. I gradually went deeper, an inch at a time, until finally pushing my entire length into her.

Pam's body clenched up. "OH! she yelled as she put her arms around my back, her fingernails scratching my back. This kitten's got claws, I thought. We continued in missionary for a bit, then Pam said "let me get on top."

We switched positions and she started riding me like a racehorse. Soon, I ejaculated and Pam came again shortly thereafter, screaming my name in ecstasy. I pulled out and checked to make sure the condom was still intact (it was--whew). She dropped her sweaty naked body on the mattress.

"I've wanted a man for so long". Pam rubbed my ass and smiled at me.

"Well hopefully you've found one now," as I put my arms around her.

"I think I have," she said. "I think I have."

We embraced for several minutes and her hand found its way to my cock again. It started to stiffen and Pam looked at me, smiling. "So....ready for Round 2?" she asked.

Without saying a word, I kissed her and as she re-positioned to start sucking me, I grabbed her legs to put her pussy over my mouth. "Ooh Matt, I like where this is going!" she squealed. We ate each other out for a few minutes and Pam reached orgasm first, her body convulsing with an intensity even stronger than earlier. I pushed her off me. "Get on all fours", I told her, "so I can fuck you doggystyle."

Pam eagerly grabbed a condom out of the nightstand before I even made a move toward it. "Wow, someone's excited!" I said, mimicking what Pam said to me earlier.

She tore the wrapper open and put the condom on my dick. "Matt, don't go slow this time. Fuck the SHIT out of my pussy."

Pam got on her hands and knees and I entered her as hard as I could. She exclaimed with each thrust, louder and louder, until finally screaming "OMG, I'm going to cum again! Don't let up!" Pam came and I still kept pounding her.

"Wait!" she shouted. "Please cum in my mouth!" I quickly pulled out and Pam ripped the condom off, sticking my throbbing cock into her mouth. It took all of three seconds to blow an enormous load.

I collapsed on the bed as Pam lay beside me. "You okay?" she asked. I could barely respond, as my heart was beating like I just sprinted 100 yards. "Yeah, I think I'll live," I panted.

"Well you better! I'm not ready to be rid of you just yet."

Pam and I got out of bed, putting our clothes back on. We walked toward the door and she stopped to give me a hug.

"Thanks babe," she whispered in my ear. "I'm glad we finally got to do this."

"Makes two of us," I replied. "Oh hey, you forgot your panties. Let me go get them."

Pam held my arm to stop me. "Don't bother," she said. "Keep them as a souvenir." She then looked at me, her expression less playful and more serious. "Well...sir...thank you for demonstrating the grill. I think I'll buy it." Pam giggled.

That's ONE way to sell a grill.

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