D-Cup Blues


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"I insist!" Dave said. "Meet by the main entrance?"

Caryn was there with bells on when the last class got out, having already collected her books on the prior break. She had her history book out to make a show of studying if she'd had to wait too long, but for now she was clutching it to her chest, a welcome way to hide what was no longer a shameful secret but still was a secret. The neon, she realized to her pleasure, was nearly extinguished. Not quite, but getting there.

But any concerns about her bra size took a backseat when Rick emerged out of the exodus of students. "Hey beautiful," he said, helping himself to a pat on her shoulder before she shirked away. "You dumped that little wimp yet?"

"I haven't got a wimp to dump, Rick," she said. "And I told you I'm going to the dance with Dave."

"No you ain't," he said. "You just don't know it yet."

Caryn swallowed hard and did her best to ignore him. She looked down the hallway but there was no sign of Dave yet. Maybe that was just as well.

"What you got behind that book, anyway?" Rick asked, making a grab at her history book. Caryn couldn't shirk out of his reach fast enough this time, and all at once she felt the neon coming back in full force as he gazed at her breasts. "Wow, those still growing or what? I don't remember that."

"Doesn't surprise me," Caryn said with a defiant grin, staring straight ahead past Rick and willing the neon to extinguish -- with no luck.

Rick looked around for teachers and saw none. "One feel for old time's sake, yeah?"

"You'll lose your right hand if you do, Rick, and I'd hate to deprive you of your sex life."

"What the fuck did you say?!" Rick grabbed Caryn's arm and shoved her up against the wall.

Caryn glared back at him but said nothing. After a few panicked seconds, she saw there was no need to say anything, for Dave appeared at her side with Mrs. Hutchinson, the chemistry teacher, at his side. "Richard!" she snapped at him. "You get your hands off her!" She pulled Rick back, and he turned to see Dave smiling triumphantly as he put his arm around Caryn. "Thank you, David, for alerting me. Richard, you get to detention right this minute. And I'm going to talk to Principal Kendall about banning you from the student council election!"

"You're dead, you wimp!" Rick growled at Dave, but he did follow Mrs. Hutchinson's order.

"I'm sure glad she was around," Dave said.

"Me too," Caryn said.

"Why? You could've taken him!"

"Come on, Dave, you don't really believe all guys never hit girls, do you?"

"Good point."

Dave's father and his girlfriend, Francine, welcomed Caryn's surprise appearance warmly when they arrived home some time later. But Dave himself got a stern look from his father. "Don't you tell me you're still not wearing them to school, David," he said.

"I wore them at school," Dave said, looking for all the world like the awkward nerd Caryn remembered from long ago. "They're in my backpack. No need to wear them on the way home."

"But why wouldn't you?" Dad said.

"You wouldn't understand, Dad," Dave said. Without another look at him or Francine, he retreated to his room. Caryn gave them both a sympathetic look and followed him.

"What is it you wore at school but not to school?" she asked as soon as they were in his room, where Dave took the leap of faith of closing the door. Caryn sat on his bed and looked up at him in curiosity.

"Nothing," Dave said. "Truth is, I didn't wear them at school either. But he doesn't need to know that."

Caryn couldn't help laughing. "You didn't wear nothing at school? Okay, I'd sure remember if you did!"

Dave laughed. "Exactly." He flipped on the radio. "Want to do some homework, or what?"

"Homework?" Caryn smirked. It was Friday. "No, Dave, I want to talk. What was your dad talking about? Come on, we can talk about anything, can't we?" But even as she said it, Caryn remembered how she'd been trying to hide her big secret from everyone including Dave.

"All right, all right," Dave said. "You're right." He set his backpack on his desk chair and unzipped it, and pulled out a little black case. "Glasses," he said. "Doctor said I needed them at my last checkup, but I can get by fine without them." He took out a pair of stylish wire-rimmed glasses, and reluctantly put them on.

Caryn struggled not to laugh, and didn't quite succeed. "Oh, Dave, you look adorable with those! And no offense, but I think you do need them."

"I can see just fine."

"Dave, you couldn't even see Tom's poster at the assembly today! And no offense, but we've all noticed you've been squinting a lot and struggling to see anything that isn't right in front of you." When Dave reached up to take the glasses off, she took his hand in hers to stop him. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, you know, and you do look great with them. Leave them on for me, please?"

Dave looked equal parts defeated and pleased. "Yeah, okay," he said. "Only for you."

"What's the big deal, anyway?" Caryn asked. "Don't most people need glasses sooner or later?"

"I guess," Dave said. "It's just..." he let out a deep sigh and "I don't know, you're right, it's nothing to be ashamed of. It's just that -- I try so hard to act all confident at school nowadays and so much of it is an act, and I guess these are a reminder that underneath it all, I'm a nerd."

"You're not a..." Caryn paused to reconsider that, as a realization of her own came roaring through her mind. "Just how do you define 'nerd' anyway, Dave? Anyone who's smart is a nerd? I don't see why that's a bad thing!"

"No!" Dave said. "Socially awkward, doesn't know how to talk to anyone, doesn't have any friends..."

"Since when is that you?!" Caryn demanded. "Not since seventh grade!"

Dave smiled at her. "Thanks. You're right. I guess it's just that I try so hard to keep up appearances, and glasses weren't part of the appearance I wanted."

"I can identify," Caryn said. Feeling equal parts flush with mild embarrassment and anticipation of all she hoped to share with Dave soon, she stood up.

"You don't wear glasses, do you?" Dave asked.

Caryn shook her head, but she also pulled her sweater tightly around herself to betray her secret in no uncertain terms. "I don't wear glasses," she admitted, and the neon light vanished as she at last said it out loud: "I wear a 38-D."

Dave grinned and gazed openly at Caryn's curves, his own angst evidently forgotten. "They're beautiful, Caryn. What's to be ashamed of?"

"Nothing!" She said. "Just like your glasses! That's the point! But I was."


"What is it you always say about before we were friends, Dave? You were afraid I might beat you up? How's a girl supposed to keep a reputation like that with these to carry around? Besides, I just liked not being too big, you know?"

"You've had those as long as I've known you," Dave said.

"But you never knew they were that big, did you?"

"You did do a good job of hiding them," he admitted.

"Even from myself, until my mom took me bra-shopping on my birthday," Caryn said. "I've been going through the same thing you have with your glasses ever since."

"I don't understand," Dave said. On that note he forced himself to look back up at her face. "Sorry!"

"Don't be," she said, stepping up close to him. "Here..." After a quick look to make sure the door was still closed, she took both his hands and placed them on her breasts. "If I'm stuck with them, might as well enjoy them, and you too!" To her delight, his touch was perfect -- not too firm, not too light. That bitch Michelle must have trained him well, at least. "What I meant was, I'd been wearing the wrong size bra -- too small -- for years. Fooling everyone including me, and I guess including you."

"That must've been awfully uncomfortable," Dave said, now unabashedly looking at them as he played. "Some things just weren't meant to look small."

"It was uncomfortable, but I was used to it," Caryn said. "Now I've got to get used to being who I really am. But if I can do it, you can do it, right?"

Dave nodded, and at last he took his hands away and hugged her. "So let's do it!" he said. They both burst into peals of laughter at the double entendre. "Sorry!" he said.

"Don't be," Caryn whispered. "I do want to, don't you?"

"More than you can imagine," Dave said. "But I don't think --"

Even as he spoke, a knock came at the door. "David?" His father opened the door before they could answer, though they did have just enough time to pull apart. "You know the rules, son, the door stays open."

"Sure, Dad. Sorry."

"Oh, you did find your glasses," Dad said. "Doesn't he look great with them, Caryn?"

"I was just telling him that," Caryn said.

"Please keep it up, I don't think he believes it. Listen, Francine and I are going to Romano's for dinner. You guys want to come?"

A quick phone call to her mother later, Caryn was free to join them. She felt absolutely giddy at her secret being out and the newfound bond with Dave, who showed no sign of embarrassment over his glasses for the rest of the evening. Caryn was quite sure he also shared the delicious frustration of knowing they were going to make love one of these days but they couldn't yet tell when. Though it was almost embarrassing in the company they were in, she relished the intense arousal that prevailed between them. It almost felt palpable, right up to the moment they dropped her off at home just past nine o'clock.

"Everything okay, honey?" Mom asked from the couch, where she was watching television.

"Wonderful!" Caryn said. "You were right about Dave. I don't know why I didn't see it sooner."

"Better late than never," Mom said. "Speaking of which, I got you an appointment with Dr. Kreidler tomorrow morning."

"Oh, I invited Dave over to study together," Caryn said.

"Just tell him to come over for lunch. We'll be back by then."

"Sounds great," Caryn said. Since she was dying to play with herself, she said, "I'll text him now, then I should study."

Mom looked impressed as Caryn turned to go down the hall. "Wow, he has been a good influence!"

Caryn laughed and retreated to her room.

She had her coat and jeans off and her vibrator out before it occurred to her that Gordon didn't seem to be around. But she opted not to go out and ask Mom about that. In case it was too good to be true, she was more than happy to just believe it for the moment.

The visit with Dr. Kreidler wasn't as awkward as she'd feared, and Dave looked as cute as ever with his glasses that afternoon, and there was still no sign of Gordon through the weekend. Two hopes were burning in Caryn's heart when she got out of bed on Monday. One, Dave would wear his glasses to school -- and in solidarity, she wore a tight sweater that left no mystery about her breasts -- and two, Gordon still wouldn't be around.

She was disappointed in the latter, for there he was sitting at the breakfast table leering at her when she walked in. "Hello, Caryn. You're looking nice this morning," he said.

Caryn ignored him as she got her cereal out of the cupboard.

"Caryn," Mom admonished. "Gordon said something polite to you, didn't he?"

"Thank you, Gordon," Caryn managed to say through clenched teeth, without turning around as she poured her cereal.

"He's trying, dear," Mom said. "We had a long talk and he's had a few days away to think things through. He's going to try to be more respectful of you, and I expect the same from you."

"Of course, Mom." But she still didn't return his unmistakably too-friendly gaze as she said it.

She had much better luck with her first wish, as Dave showed up at lunch wearing his glasses and looking as confident as ever. To her relief, Audrey and Valerie were just as impressed with his new look as she had been. "Dave!" Audrey said. "You look great with those! And isn't it nice to be able to see again?"

"You noticed too, huh?" Dave chuckled as he took his seat beside Caryn.

"We all did," Valerie said. "None of our business, but we were wondering why you didn't have glasses."

"I did," Dave said. "For about a month now. I was just too embarrassed to wear them."

"Why?!" Audrey said. "What's to be embarrassed about with us?"

"Excellent question!" Dave said with that grin that let the girls know exactly what was coming. "Especially with you three. After all..."

"Must be you that builds me confidently!" they all sang in ragged harmony.

"But seriously, what changed?" Valerie asked.

"A much wiser person than I taught me there was no reason to be embarrassed at something so perfectly normal," Dave said.

"Your dad?" Audrey guessed.

"Nope," Dave said. Maybe not that wise, but close." Changing the subject, he looked over at the corner table where the geeks ate. "Has Maureen defected to Scott's table?"

"Probably only until Friday," Valerie said. "I wonder if she'll bother with him after the dance?"

"He'll probably kick her to the curb like he did with me," Dave said.

No one said anything in response to that, so Tom arrived at a silent table a moment later. "Why so quiet?" he asked. "Thinking about how you can't wait to vote for me tomorrow?"

"Thinking about how we can stuff the ballot box for you," Dave joked, and they all laughed.

"Seriously, though, good speech the other day," Audrey said. "What are people saying about it?"

"That they hope I enjoy getting my ass kicked, mostly," Tom said. "But hey, at least I tried to make a difference."

"Any positive feedback?" Dave asked hopefully.

"Yeah, the freshmen love the library policy," Tom said. "And no one's actually said they didn't like the anti-bullying stuff. So who knows?" Then he looked surprised at Dave. "When'd you get glasses?"

Dave looked at Caryn and chuckled. But before he could answer Tom, Rick appeared at their table. "Hope you ladies all remember to vote tomorrow," he said.

"We will, Rick," Valerie said. "But surely you know who we're voting for!" She pointed at Tom.

"Not if you know what's good for you!" Rick snapped. "Caryn, you come to your senses yet about Saturday?"

"The answer is no, Rick," Caryn said, taking Dave's hand. Following her lead, Dave looked triumphantly at Rick and nodded.

"Can't dance if you're in a body cast, Dave, remember that!" With that, Rick took his leave and proceeded to the next table.

"The nerve of that man!" Audrey said. "Coming to another candidate's own table?!"

"Actually," Dave said. "I think we ought to do the same. Tom, have you made the rounds at the jocks' tables?"

"Why would I?" Tom asked. "Against Rick and Doug?"

"Just to show you're not giving up on anybody's vote!" Dave said. "The cheerleaders too, who says they have to vote for Kelly?"

"Not bad," Tom said. "You all want to help out?" He drew a stack of colored papers out of his backpack. "Pass out my platform here to everyone?"

"Let's do it, as soon as we're done eating," Caryn said. "I'm in."

Even before they'd finished off their sandwiches, a freshman in a cheerleader uniform swung by their table, declaring, "What the hell, vote for Kel!" and tossed a few colored pencils with that slogan emblazoned on them in the middle of the table.

"I guess everyone's thinking like us," Dave said, taking a handful of Tom's flyers and standing up. "Let's get to work!"

Luckily for Caryn, all were agreed Tom ought to handle the jocks' tables himself, just to show them he wasn't afraid. Though she was no longer ashamed of her breasts, she was in no mood to give Rick and Doug's buddies a close-up look at them. Instead she opted for the freshmen guys' tables, and almost welcomed their gawking as she handed out the flyers and encouraged them to vote for Tom and get their library privileges back.

They all met back at their own table just before the bell, and there was just enough time to exchange stories on how it had gone. "Not great," Tom admitted about his reception with the jocks, "but at least they can't say I didn't give them a chance."

"The freshmen boys liked you," Caryn offered.

"I think they liked you, Caryn," Valerie quipped, and everyone except Caryn and Dave laughed.

"Maybe so, but if it gets votes for Tom, so what?" Caryn declared, reminding herself that she was no longer ashamed of anything.

"Good point," Valerie admitted.

The bell rang, and they all picked up their backpacks to go. Caryn darted a look over at the jocks' corner, and was delighted to see Rick glaring at her. As if on cue, she hugged Dave and kissed him goodbye on the lips.

"Awwwww," Valerie and Audrey teased. Dave smiled at them but said nothing as he headed off to class.

Maureen and Dave made it through newspaper class without much awkwardness that afternoon, but they also didn't say much to one another. When bell rang, Dave decided to take the bull by the horns. "How's Scott?" he asked her as they gathered up their books to go home.

Maureen was pleasantly surprised. "Thanks for asking!" she said. "He misses you, Dave."

"I miss him, too," Dave said. "But if you knew some of what that Brad kid pulled..."

"I do know some of it," Maureen said. "And you know, he tried to introduce Brad to me last week? I wanted nothing to do with him, though!"

"Good for you," Dave said. "I take it Brad refused to come out anyway?"

"Caryn told you?" Maureen asked.

"No," Dave said. "I didn't even know she knew. But I know Brad. All he ever does is sit around at home making prank phone calls and looking at porn on his mom's computer. That's why Scott could always invite both of us out at the same time, he knew Brad would always say no."

"Well, he hasn't changed," Maureen said. They were out in the hall and she lingered by the girls' room door. "Listen, thanks for asking about him, okay? I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Sure." Dave turned to go, then it occurred to him that he could use a bathroom stop himself. He stepped into the boys' room, where for once the row of urinals was free. He stepped up to the furthest one and unzipped.

He was well practiced in the art of tuning out the surroundings while peeing, so he took no notice of the sound of someone banging on the toilet stall doors behind him or of both doors swinging open in response. Which made it all the more of a shock when he heard Rick's voice just behind him. "I warned you!" it growled.

Dave had just enough time to remember his last run in with Rick in a bathroom, back in seventh grade, before history repeated itself with a boot to his kidneys. "Ungh!" Dave grunted as his ribs bounced hard off the porcelain. He swallowed hard, reminding himself not to cry, and stared straight ahead as he felt the pain wash over his body.

"You want another, you little faggot?"

Dave didn't answer.

"Told you to ditch Caryn for the dance, didn't I? She's my girl."

"I haven't seen anyone's name on her," Dave said defiantly, zipping up and doing his best to pretend nothing else had happened. He turned to go to the sink and wash his hands, but both of Rick's buddies -- whom Dave didn't know -- stepped into his way.

"Smart ass, eh?" Rick said, and he grabbed Dave by the collar with both hands and threw him up against the wall. Dave turned his head away to avoid damaging his glasses, and the back of his head hit the wall with an awful smack. Before he even had a chance to think about that blow, Rick socked him in the stomach and Dave sank to the bathroom floor. He curled up in a fetal position, bracing for the next blow.

It never came. Instead, the next sound he heard was Principal Kendall. "Richard and David!" she hollered. "This is a bathroom, not a boxing ring!" Rick's two friends scampered off, and Dave got painfully to his feet, relieved to note that his glasses were unharmed. "Richard, this is your second warning!" she said. "One more time and you're suspended."
