Daddy's New Girlfriend


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Tanya was excited to see her friends again after the vacation, eager to share her experiences with them. She drove to Sylvia's house first to pick her up, and they talked constantly while picking up Petra and Dianne. The four of them quickly changed into their swimsuits in the apartment and headed down to the pool. They froze and stared through their sunglasses when they saw a gorgeous, muscular guy waving at them.

"Hey, Sweetheart!" he called out.

"Papa?" Tanya tentatively replied.

She had not seen him without a shirt in...she couldn't even recall the last time when she thought about it. As ridiculous as it seemed, she could not recall even seeing him step out of the bathroom without one of his bathrobes wrapped around his body. On those rare occasions when she had slept in the bed with him, he had always worn an undershirt. She knew he was in "good shape," but had no idea her father was sporting such an amazing body!

Before she had a chance to get embarrassed by her reaction, though, her friends all turned to her.

"That's your dad?!?" Sylvia was the first to exclaim.

Mark heard her—as did everyone else at the pool—and he hid his amusement by rolling away from them on his lounge chair to get some sun on his back. All four girls sucked in a breath at the same time. His swim trunks were still damp and did nothing to hide his tight, muscular butt.

"Oh my God, your dad is hot!" Petra gasped. Then she blushed. She realized that she wasn't the only one. Sylvia and Tanya were both clearly flustered, and Dianne was staring with her mouth hanging open.

Tanya shook her head and blew out a breath. "Come on, guys. Stop checking out my dad and let's go swimming."

They tried to act cool, but each of the girls found their gaze drawn back to Mark for the half hour they spent swimming. When he got up and joined them in the pool, their eyes were all over him. Mark gave them a benign smile and acted as though he didn't notice those stares. They didn't have their sunglasses to hide behind while they were in the water.

After a quick handful of laps, he got out and dried off. "I'm going back inside," he said. "Would you like me to fix you some lunch? We could order pizza if you'd like."

"That sounds great," Tanya replied.

They agreed on pizza, and Mark asked the other girls what toppings they would like before he sauntered back to the apartment. The girls could not stop staring at his muscular backside until the door closed behind him. He placed the order as soon as he was inside. When the girls saw the pizza delivery guy pull up, they dried off and followed him to the front door. Mark had showered and changed into cargo shorts and a loose shirt, so the girls were able to enjoy the pizza and not stare at him.

Tanya finally introduced her friends to her dad. He shook each of their hands as they were introduced, and he made mental notes so he would remember their names and keep them straight in his mind. Sylvia was the busty blonde and Tanya's closest friend. Tanya had mentioned her often enough that he felt like he knew her already. Petra was also blonde, but her hair was darker than Sylvia's. She was the tallest of the four girls with a slender, willowy build. She had a slight overbite that she was clearly self-conscious about. Dianne had light brown hair with a streak of blue dye on her right side. She was the shortest of the four, but was an amazing athlete. She was a starter on the school's basketball, volleyball and softball teams.

Dianne found Tanya's dad mesmerizing. Even in his loose clothes, she could not take her eyes off of the man. She laughed a little too hard whenever he said something funny, and blushed often as she was caught staring at him. Occasionally, Tanya or Petra would give her a little nudge to snap her out of it, but they were too busy trying to act casual to give her a hard time. Mark acted like he didn't notice.

Mark enjoyed talking with the young women while they shared pizza. They seemed nervous and self-conscious despite his best efforts, but he didn't push too hard. After all, he didn't want to be one of those parents who inserted himself into his daughter's life when he wasn't invited.

He was also aware that Petra was the only one who was eighteen. The other girls were seventeen. He didn't want to come across as some kind of creepy old pervert, nor did he want to risk getting into legal trouble. They were very attractive young women, and he was worried he might get caught staring at their bikini-clad bodies the way they had been so blatantly checking him out earlier—and the way Dianne still was.

He ate four slices of pizza and then excused himself.

"Well, it was a pleasure to finally meet all of you," he said with that dazzling smile on his lips. "I'll leave you ladies to enjoy the rest of your lunch. You're welcome to stay as long as you like."

"Thanks, Papa," Tanya said with a smile. The other girls murmured their thanks as well, and then he was out of sight, retreating to his bedroom to relax and finish the book he had been reading poolside.

As much as they wanted to talk about him, Tanya's friends were aware he would probably hear them in the small apartment. They waited until they were in the jeep on the way to Sylvia's house before they burst out with their comments—all at once.

"I swear, I didn't know!" Tanya replied. "Seriously, that's the first time I've seen my dad without a shirt on in years. I had no idea he was so ripped." She bit her lip as soon as she said it. That seemed a little inappropriate, considering she was talking about her own father. It went unnoticed by her friends.

"I thought your dad was older than that," Sylvia commented.

"He's thirty-eight," Tanya said.

"Really? That's how old my mom is. My dad, too. But your dad looks a lot younger than mine." Sylvia stopped talking abruptly and looked thoughtful. She had been on the verge of suggesting their parents should date, but she really didn't know Tanya's dad that well. She didn't know him at all, really. All she knew was that he was really hot, and then she was picturing him in that swim suit, dripping water...

"He makes my dad look like a fat slob," Dianne muttered. All three of her friends burst out laughing at that.

Then they were at Sylvia's house. They kept talking as they walked inside. Debra looked up and smiled when she heard them coming in.

"How was the pool?" she asked from the kitchen.

"It was amazing," Petra gushed. That earned more giggles.

"Would you like some lunch?" Debra asked her daughter. "I was just about to feed your brothers."

"Tanya's dad bought us pizza," Sylvia replied. "But thanks, Mom."

"Oh, that's nice," she replied.

After that, though, she couldn't help but eavesdrop as the girls went on and on about Tanya's dad. Her curiosity was piqued. She had never met the man, but you would think these girls were talking about some sexy movie star or rock musician. Even Tanya seemed to be both surprised and impressed as they talked about her father. Debra was a little suspicious at first—maybe they were trying to set her up with this guy. It wouldn't be the first time her daughter had talked up a guy she "should date."

However, as they went on, they weren't paying any attention to her, and the conversation continued after they had retreated to her daughter's room. Their discussion turned a little crude, and Debra understood then that these girls weren't trying to set her up with this guy—they were lusting after him! She stopped in the hallway outside her daughter's bedroom and listened to Tanya's weak protest as Dianne described Mark's ripped torso and muscular shoulders.

"I swear, the first thing I thought was how much I wanted to lick his tight abs!" she finished. Her voice was almost a groan, not concealing her lust one bit.

"Dianne! That's my dad you're talking about!"

Debra peered in the doorway and got a glimpse of Tanya's flushed face. It was clear that she was thinking about those same abs, and maybe even thinking about giving them a lick herself. That sent a surprising little shot of arousal through Debra. There was something kinky about the thought that appealed to her dirty side.

I have got to meet this guy, she thought.

* * *

For five more days, Mark was at the pool when Tanya and her friends came over to swim. It was all they could do to contain themselves. Mark had a lot of fun with the girls, subtly flexing his muscles and stretching when he knew they were looking at him. It was incredibly flattering to him, giving his ego a nice boost. Now that his divorce was final, it was reassuring to know that women still found him attractive. He had not dated anyone since he and his ex-wife became serious twenty years earlier, and he had been hesitant to start again.

After that he had to go back to work and the girls didn't see him shirtless for the rest of the summer. Then, right after the school year started, he managed to arrange his schedule so that he had Sundays off. He joined the girls at the pool for a couple of hours each weekend, and that got them talking about him again.

If anything, he had gotten even more muscular since they had seen him weeks earlier. Once again, Debra listened to her daughter and her friends talking about this guy. She was as shocked as they were when she heard Dianne say, "I am so wet just thinking about him right now! I don't know how you do it, Tanya. If he was my dad, I would be all over him every night."

"Dianne!" all three girls gasped.

"Sorry," Dianne grumbled, but clearly she wasn't taking it back. All four girls were blushing when Debra peeked in her daughter's bedroom.

Debra was shocked when she saw the aroused looks on those teenage faces. It was too much for her to take. Her imagination was running wild as she tried to picture this guy her age who had her daughter and all her friends raving about him. She decided it was time for her to satisfy her curiosity, and she began formulating a plan to meet him.

* * *

Two days later, she paid a visit to the gym where Mark worked out after she got off work. She had overheard Tanya mention that this was where he went, and she knew what his car looked like. Debra felt a bit like a stalker when she made her way inside and presented her résumé to the gym's manager. Debra had researched the place and knew they were unlikely to hire her. They probably couldn't match her salary from the yoga center. However, she did get the tour of the place and then she finally saw Mark in the middle of one of his workouts.

He was wearing a tank top and loose shorts as he worked the butterfly machine. His legs were slightly spread and Debra's eyes bulged out when she got her first glimpse of what he was packing down there. She quickly got her expression back under control and kept her eyes on Mark's face. He was a handsome man, and he obviously had an amazing body. Now it was time for her to put on her act.

"You seem awfully familiar," she said to Mark. "Have we met before?"

Mark regarded the busty blonde in front of him. She was still dressed in her leotard—or were those yoga pants?—from the yoga studio with a loose t-shirt over it. His face lit up as he took in her familiar face.

"You must be Sylvia's mom," he said, surprising her. He released his arms from the machine and held out his hand. "I'm Tanya's dad, Mark. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Oh!" she said, leaning forward to shake his hand. She turned back to the gym manager. "Our daughters are best friends. It's odd that we haven't met before today, don't you think?" Inside, though, she was shaken. Wow! He's good-looking and sharp. I wonder if he knows I came here just to see him?

At that moment, the gym's manager—a guy named Theo—looked apologetic. His phone was ringing and after glancing at it he said, "I have to take this. I'll be back in a minute."

As soon as his back was turned, Debra's eyes were drawn down between Mark's thighs. He was looking right at her and didn't miss the way she stared and licked her lips nervously. He spread his legs a little further, giving her a good look at the thick shaft pressed against the thin gray material. When their eyes met again, the corners of her mouth turned up in a rueful smile. Busted! she thought.

Before she could apologize, Mark spoke up.

"So, 'Sylvia's Mom,' what should I call you?" His eyes sparkled merrily and his grin let her know that he had noticed her stare and he didn't mind.

"Sorry; it's Debra," she replied. Then she looked back down at his swelling cock and growled, "But you can call me whatever you want."

Theo was surprised that they were gone when he returned a few minutes later. He filed her résumé away in case they had an opening, but didn't think much else about it.

* * *

A quick phone call had let Mark know that Tanya was over at Debra's house. Ten minutes after that call, Debra and Mark were in his bed and her pussy was being stretched by the biggest cock she had ever enjoyed. She wrapped her muscular legs around him and urged him to fill her with his massive tool.

"Oh my God, where have you been all my life?" she groaned.

Mark moaned "Mmm" in response, unwilling to stop sucking on her hard nipple. It had been her impressive rack as much as her pale blonde hair and familiar face that had let him know she was Sylvia's mother. He had really struggled not to stare at Sylvia's big tits when she had been around wearing that skimpy bikini. Now he was enjoying unfettered access to Debra's equally amazing breasts and it was like a masturbatory fantasy come true.

The wet folds of her tight pussy felt absolutely fantastic around his hard dick. He hadn't been laid in nearly two years, and he had almost forgotten how good it felt. He rolled his hips from side to side as he worked his thick shaft inside her, savoring the way her body responded.

"Oh, fuck! I'm coming already!" Debra gasped. Her eyes took in Mark's face as he looked up at her and she shuddered through an intense orgasm. Then she felt him push even more cock up into her, and her eyes were wide in disbelief.

She had three kids for crying out loud! How could he make her feel like some tight virgin? Debra felt the swollen mushroom head press against her cervix and it drove the breath right out of her body. She reflexively released him and spread her legs wide. Then he actually started to fuck her.

* * *

Debra was glad she only lived three miles away. Her pussy was extremely tender after that amazing half hour and she could feel Mark's semen leaking out of her before she got home. Sex with her ex-husband had never been anything like that amazing experience had been—and Mark had apologized for having to rush it! Debra hurried inside and directly into the bathroom, spreading her legs as she sat on the toilet and watched that still-hot cum drooling out of her.

The lips of her sex were swollen and red in stark contrast to the white fluid seeping from deep inside her. She reached down to lightly touch those sensitive folds, shivering as she did. Then she ran two fingers through the furrow between her pussy lips and felt the hot spunk dripping out. She groaned softly when she put those fingers in her mouth and tasted Mark's cum for the first time.

Debra realized that her sphincter was throbbing in response to spreading her cheeks on the toilet seat, and she groaned again around her fingers. Anal sex had always been her favorite, but she couldn't imagine that massive cock in her tiny asshole. She knew it was a lie as soon as she thought it—she was already imagining it. She plunged her fingers into her leaking pussy twice more and slurped the tasty jism from them, shivering through another delicious climax as she pictured him taking her ass.

After she washed her hands and face, Debra emerged to check on her kids. She gave Tanya a warm smile and a hug before she left.

* * *

Over the next two months, Debra and Mark managed to see each other once or twice a week. They were careful not to let on to the kids that they were "dating." They used the term euphemistically—when they had time to meet, they were fucking like a couple of animals in heat. It was almost always at Mark's apartment, but once they had sex in the bathroom at the yoga studio and another time she sucked him off in his car.

The fifth time they were together, Debra finally got up the nerve to offer him her asshole. Mark was careful and used plenty of lube. Because of his size, he had only enjoyed this treat four times in his life before Debra's sphincter spread around his bloated cock head. She came explosively several times and urged him to fill her tight ass with his semen. He could not recall ever coming as hard as he did with his cock buried in her gorgeous, horny butt.

From then on, anal sex was their absolute favorite. Because they so often had little time, it was usually all they did. Debra would hurry over to the apartment after work, peeling down her yoga pants to offer him her ass. They would kiss afterward, and she would hurry home with a fresh batch of his cum deep in her thoroughly fucked rectum. When they had time to talk, they agreed it was the best sex either of them had ever experienced and they just wished they could do it more often.

It wasn't until mid-October, at Sylvia's eighteenth birthday party, that they finally acted like they had just met. It was clear to their daughters that they were attracted to each other.

"You two should date," Sylvia suggested. She looked at Tanya, who nodded back enthusiastically.

"Oh, I don't know," Debra said demurely. "I haven't dated in a while. No offense...Mark, is it?"

"Yes, it's Mark," he replied, struggling not to laugh. "I understand if you don't have time to date me. I'm awfully busy myself these days. Still, if you find some free time, I'd love to take you out someplace nice."

In their heads they could not help but recall how that very afternoon Mark had come over on his lunch break while she was baking the birthday cake. She had braced herself against the kitchen counter they were standing next to now, pushing her hips back eagerly while he pounded her insatiably horny bottom. She had frosted the cake with his semen running out of her freshly-fucked asshole and down her thighs.

They shared a secretive smile and Debra murmured, "I think I would like that."

Her sons were less enthusiastic. They were eleven and thirteen and were very protective of their mother—jealously guarding the attention they got from her. They had reached that age where they had a crush on their mom, their older sister, and her friends. The last thing they wanted was another guy hanging around. Unlike their sister, they still held out hope that their mom and dad would get back together. Even so, they couldn't help but like Mark once they spent some time with him. He was one of the coolest "old guys" they had ever met, and he was really nice to their mom.

It would still be another two weeks before Mark and Debra let their daughters "talk them into" going out on a date at Tanya's eighteenth birthday party. The girls presented them with a gift certificate for a nice restaurant and insisted that they should go that Friday evening.

"I'll watch Kyle and Stephen and make sure they go to bed," Sylvia insisted. "Please, Mom, you really deserve this."

"I really want you to do this, too," Tanya added. She held both of her father's hands and looked up into his eyes. "Please, Papa? I would consider it a wonderful birthday present."

He couldn't say no to that.

* * *

The night of the date, Tanya went to bed but lay awake waiting to hear her father come home. She heard the front door open and sat up in her bed, eager to ask him how it had gone. She froze when she heard Debra's voice first. They were being quiet, so she couldn't make out the words, but it sounded like they were kissing and making out in the living room! Tanya grinned. This was a little more than she had dared hope for their first date.
