Daddy's New Girlfriend


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"Oh my God," Tanya breathed. Then she frowned. "Dammit, Tanya, I just told you I was horny and you know I just broke up with Todd. Now you tell me this?!?" She flopped back down onto the bed. "Jesus," she muttered.

Tanya had to grin. "Sorry," she offered. She knew it wasn't the sincere apology her friend deserved. "Maybe I should have my dad take care of you."

"That's mean," Sylvia muttered. Then she saw the thoughtful look on Tanya's face. "Wait—are you serious?"

"I was kidding, but now that I think about it..."

Sylvia slowly sat up again. Tanya grimaced and shook her head. She looked at her best friend for a long moment before she continued.

"I think we could trick him into fucking you. Since he's dating your mom, we can't just ask him; it could make a total mess of things. The problem is, if we do it the way I was thinking, he'll probably only fuck you in the ass. I know that's not—"

"Tell me the rest of this plan!" Sylvia interjected. Her arousal was so obvious on her face that it took Tanya by surprise.

"Okay..." She licked her lips and looked up at the ceiling for a second, figuring out where to start. "I was thinking you could sleep over at our place tomorrow night, since it's a Friday. We would act like you were going to sleep on the couch and I would sleep in my bed. I would tell my dad to sneak in and fuck me after you've gone to sleep. After he goes to bed, you would put on one of my nightgowns and take my place in the bed. You'd hide your head under the covers and stick your butt out for him."

Tanya stopped and shook her head. "As soon as I thought of that, though, I knew what would happen next. He would put it in your ass, the same as he did to me." She shrugged. "I know that's not what you want, so..."

Sylvia was on fire as she pictured the scene her friend had described. Their eyes locked, and they knew they were going to try it. Then Tanya's brow creased and she pursed her lips. She wanted Sylvia to enjoy this, but she knew how badly it had hurt her the first time. There had to be a way to avoid that...

"What is it?" Sylvia asked.

Tanya looked at her closest friend. She couldn't tell Sylvia what she was thinking. Then she recalled the way Debra had held her and then opened her up for her father the previous night. Debra was the person she needed to talk to, she realized. Even if it meant that Sylvia might not get what she wanted. It would be better for everyone if Sylvia was left horny and unfulfilled than if this ill-conceived plan ruined it for everyone. Tanya stood up.

"I really need to talk to your mom, alone. Please trust me on this, I need some advice and I can't think of anyone else I can ask."

* * *

Debra was nervous when she sat on her bed and faced Tanya. It didn't help Tanya as she struggled to figure out where to begin. Finally, Tanya sighed and shrugged. "Debra, you know I think the world of you. I really would love for you to marry my dad and be my mom. But that's not what this is about...well, not all of it anyway."

She shook her head in annoyance. This wasn't going to be easy, and she felt like she had gotten off to a bad start. "I love my dad more than anyone in the world. That was true before I had sex with him, and it's even more true now. Last night before you came over, I told him I wanted him to be with you, even if that meant he wouldn't be with me. I want him to be happy, and you make him happy. I want the same thing for you, though. Does that make sense?"

"I think so," Debra replied. She had no idea where this was going, but she appreciated the sentiment. She gave Tanya a reassuring smile.

Tanya smiled back and continued, "I feel like I owe you an apology. After that first time I heard you and my dad having sex, I realized I was jealous of you. It really threw me for a loop, and I didn't know how to act around him for a while. The more I heard the two of you, the more I knew I wanted to know what it was like to be with him, the way you were. I came up with this crazy plan to take your place in his bed for one night."

"I know," Debra said.

Tanya jerked in surprise. "You do?" she asked.

Debra nodded. "There were a couple of times that we got together at the apartment during the day, when we knew you were in school, and we talked about you. Your dad knew that you wanted him, and he sure as hell wanted you. He just didn't know how to make it happen." Tanya's eyes were wide as she listened. "It turned me on something fierce," Debra sighed. "I'm afraid I egged him on. I kept calling him 'Papa' like you do and encouraged him to take me. When I came over last night, he told me what had happened."

"Did he tell you it was my first time?" Tanya asked quietly.

"You never had sex before that?" Debra gasped incredulously.

"No, I meant in my butt," Tanya replied quickly. "It hurt like hell. I thought he was going to rip me in half. I mean, now I understand that you two were having anal sex a lot, but when I snuck into his bed I didn't. I thought he was going to put it in my pussy. When it was suddenly going into my ass, I didn't know what to do. I tried to be quiet, but he still woke up. By the time I saw him in the mirror, it wasn't that bad anymore. Then all of a sudden it was fantastic."

"It was the lube," Debra said, nodding in understanding.

Tanya thought it over for a bit. "That makes sense," she said. "It didn't hurt at all the second time, since he had lubricated me first." She nodded. So, I need to make sure that Sylvia lubricates her ass before her first time, she thought. That brought her back to the next point she wanted to make. "Are you okay sharing him with me? I mean, I know you spread me open and told him to take me last night," she blushed, "but that could have been a spur-of-the-moment lust thing. I just wanted to be sure."

"Oh, Tanya, I appreciate you sharing him with me," she replied. She impulsively reached out and squeezed Tanya's hands. "It was such a turn-on watching you two. I was so mad I had to leave. How was it after I left, by the way?"

"Oh, God, it was incredible," Tanya groaned. She felt her pussy getting moist as she recalled the way he had fucked her ass. She closed her eyes for a moment, and that once again reminded her of the next thing she had wanted to say. "After I went to bed, I had decided that I wanted my boyfriend, Justin, to fuck my ass. It has become my favorite thing to do, sexually."

"Mmm. Mine too," Debra nodded in understanding.

Tanya gave her hands a squeeze and then let go. "Then this morning, Sylvia told me that Justin and her boyfriend, Todd, had blabbed to all the football guys about everything we had done with them. Todd even referred to her as a 'slut.' We were so mad!"

"What?!?" Debra gasped indignantly. "That little shit!"

"We dumped them at lunch today. As soon as we got here after school, we were talking about it. Sylvia was still pissed, but I was actually kind of relieved. The thing is, Sylvia and I share everything. I had told her yesterday that I had been with my dad." Tanya colored. "I told her that he had fucked me in the ass. I also told her I had heard him do the same thing to you."

"Oh," Debra said. She blushed as well. That was going to make things awkward.

"I'm sorry," Tanya said. "It wasn't until we were talking today that I realized I probably told her too much. I just didn't know if I could talk to you about this sort of thing. I mean, as mad as we were at those guys for talking about us, I didn't think twice about talking with your daughter about your sex life."

Debra tried to process everything, but she gave Tanya a smile. "I'm sure it will be fine," she reassured the teenager.

"That's not all, though," Tanya went on, blowing out a big breath. "I had been relieved because I hadn't offered Justin my ass. I mean, can you imagine if he blabbed to the whole school about that?"

"You really dodged a bullet on that one," Debra replied with a thin smile.

"That's exactly what I said!" Tanya chuckled. Then her expression changed to chagrin. "The thing is, though...yesterday Sylvia asked me if I had actually seen my dad putting his big dick in your ass. She got a peek at him naked over the Christmas break, so she just couldn't imagine it. I told her I hadn't. But today I told her that I did see him doing that—fucking you in the ass—last night. As soon as I said it, I realized I shouldn't have. Debra, I'm really sorry."

"Hoo, boy," Debra said. She realized that she wasn't upset, though. Embarrassed as hell, but not upset. It was one of those things that she would have preferred her daughter didn't know about her, but she could appreciate how hard it was for Tanya to have this conversation. Then she realized that Tanya was holding something back. "So, what aren't you telling me?" she asked softly.

Tanya chewed her lip and looked at her guiltily. "Well, after I told her that I had actually seen you and my know—"

"Butt-fucking?" Debra finished for her, enjoying the blush that spread over Tanya's face.

"Yeah," Tanya choked. "After that, she sorta flopped back on her bed. She said she was all turned on thinking about it, and she had just broken up with her boyfriend. She knew I would be getting some from my dad, and so would you. I joked that I should get my dad to take care of her. She said that was mean, but then I started thinking about it..."

"You want to set Sylvia up with your dad?" As soon as Debra said it, she found it turned her on a little. When Tanya actually shared her plan, Debra was turned on a lot. "Oh, that's so fucking hot," she murmured, picturing Sylvia's exposed and lubricated bottom sticking out from beneath the covers. She felt a little guilty—it was her own daughter she was thinking about, after all—but the idea of Mark taking her like that...

"You need to let him in on it," she breathed.

"Pardon?" Tanya asked.

"Your dad," Debra clarified. "You need to tell him what's going on. He'll be gentle if he knows it's her first time." She gave another shudder as she pictured it. "God, I would love to see that."

Once again, Tanya got a speculative look. "Actually, you could."

* * *

Mark could not believe what he was hearing when his daughter presented her plan that evening. She wanted him to fuck her gorgeous, busty best friend in her eighteen-year-old virgin ass? While her mother watched?!?

"You're kidding me, right?" he asked.

Her brow creased prettily. "Did I miss something?" she asked. "You think it won't work?"

He blinked repeatedly as he looked at her and let his mind process it. His cock was beyond hard at that point, like he had mistaken a jar of Viagra for candy and had gulped down a dozen of them. He swallowed and ran his tongue over his dry lips.

"Maybe we should walk through it," he finally suggested. "That way we can see if there's a flaw."

They stood up from the dining room table and she followed him into his bedroom. He opened his closet and reached up onto the high shelf.

"First, the lube," he said. He handed her the brand new bottle. "You'll need to stash that in your room so she has it when it's time. Does she know how to use it?"

"I was planning to help her," Tanya replied.

"Seriously?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Again, this sounded like part of some elaborate set-up. He still could not help but picture his daughter working her fingers into Sylvia's ass. Fuck!

She nodded, but looked a little uncomfortable at the prospect.

"Alright," he croaked. He cleared his throat and tried again. "You look nervous about that part. Is it because you aren't sure how to do it, or because she's your friend and a girl?"

"Both, really," she replied.

"Okay, well at least we can make sure you know what you're doing. Come on." He led her into her bedroom and turned on the light. "Go ahead and put on your nightgown. I'll get a hand mirror and you can lubricate your own asshole. It will actually be easier when you get hers ready, because you'll be able to see it clearly."

"That makes sense," Tanya nodded as she unfastened her jeans and dropped them. Mark had to groan when she slid her panties down her legs, bending over right in front of him as she did.

He shuddered and then hurried into the bathroom to find the hand mirror. When he returned, she was just sliding the nightgown over her head. He watched it slide down over her supple, naked body and stood transfixed. She opened the bottle of lube and removed the tamper seal, then slid onto the bed and looked at him expectantly.

"Sorry," he muttered, shaking himself out of his stupor and stepping up to the bed.

"What's the best position for this? Should I have her lie back, or on her side, or kneeling?"

"Face down, ass up," he replied. "That will spread your ass open and if it runs down, you can scoop it back up instead of it going into the sheets."

"Okay," she said, rolling over onto her knees and pointing her ass upward.

Mark held the mirror pointed at her asshole and she peered over her shoulder as she held the bottle over her tight pucker and drizzled some of the lubricant over it.

"Always close the bottle before you set it on the bed," he instructed.

She nodded and used her thumb to snap the lid shut. Her other hand reached back and she worked the lubricant around her sphincter before sliding one slippery finger inside. She groaned as her tight ring of muscle resisted the invading digit. It was his turn to groan as she slowly worked it in and out. She added a second finger and tentatively pumped both digits in and out, but only to the second knuckle. He shook his head and picked up the bottle.

"You need to work those fingers around. You want to spread her open a little bit at a time, and you want to spread the lube around in there." He opened the bottle and dribbled a bit more of the lube directly into the gap between her fingers. "At this point you'll want to use more and you want to work it in there as deep as you can." He closed the bottle and set it down, then whipped out his hard cock and stroked it where she could see it. "Remember, this whole thing will be going in there, so you want to lubricate as thoroughly as possible."

Her breathing was heavy as she worked her fingers around. "Don't forget," she gasped. "While I'm getting her ready for you, you need to go let Debra in and sneak her into your room."

"Right," he replied, still unable to believe that letting Debra in so that she could watch was part of this insane plan. He looked down at her fingers squirming in her ass. "You know, your fingers are a lot smaller than mine. You probably ought to work in a third finger."

She let out another gasp when that third finger slid inside and stretched her further. "Oh, wow. That feels..."

She pumped her fingers in and out and then rotated them. Mark watched with his mouth open and unconsciously began stroking his hard cock. Tanya finally pulled her fingers from her ass, leaving it slightly dilated.

"Is that good, Papa?"

He dropped his trousers and stepped up to the side of the bed. As he pulled her over onto her side he muttered, "We're about to find out."

"Oh, Papa!"

Tanya had been so focused on the plan and the walkthrough that she hadn't expected it. Her father's massive erection felt incredible as it slid into her well-lubricated asshole, and then he was fucking her. She came explosively, and she knew Sylvia was going to love it.

Mark was far too worked up and he worried about hurting his daughter. Her horny little grunts and moans reassured him even as they spurred him on. He pounded her sweet butt and relished the way she pushed back to take even more. It only lasted five glorious minutes and then he threw his head back and groaned. His balls clenched up and he unloaded deep inside his daughter's horny asshole.

Tanya shivered when she felt it and looked back up at her father's face. He looked incredible. She loved the way it felt when he came inside her. But...

"Promise me you'll make it last longer for her," she panted.

He grinned down at his daughter's lovely face. Her eyes widened when he resumed pumping into her. "Oh, I will," he assured her. "That's why we practice."

"Oh!" she gasped. He hadn't softened one bit. This time he would last a really, really long time.

* * *

Sylvia found her palms were constantly sweating as the school day flew by. That morning, her mother had cheerfully let her know that the sleepover was approved.

"I talked to Mark while he was on his way to work," she had said. "He said he'd be happy to have you stay the night. It sounds like so much fun. I'm almost jealous."

Every time Sylvia looked at the wall clock in one of her classes, she couldn't believe how quickly the time had passed. She felt like she needed more time to think it through and that the evening was rushing toward her. Sylvia kept picturing Mark's enormous, throbbing cock in her mind, eager to take her tender little butthole. The prospect thrilled and terrified her.

Tanya felt completely the opposite. The school day seemed to drag on forever. She kept looking over at her best friend and could not wait for tonight to arrive. They exchanged nervous smiles all day. When they got out of that last class, Tanya was a bundle of nervous energy. Sylvia had trouble thinking clearly enough to hold a conversation.

They drove to the junior high and picked up Sylvia's younger brothers before heading over to Sylvia's house. The boys quickly attached themselves to their X-Box and the girls headed into Sylvia's bedroom. Tanya chattered away about their World History class, but Sylvia had trouble focusing on what she was saying as she packed an overnight bag. She peeled off her tight jeans so she could change into a fresh pair of panties—the ones she had worn to school were damp and uncomfortable after all that squirming in her seat in every class.

They had changed clothes in front of each other lots of times, but this was the first time Tanya caught herself staring. Sylvia had bent over to slide her panties down her legs, and Tanya licked her lips as her eyes locked on her best friend's shapely ass cheeks. For just a second, she felt like Sylvia's exposed pucker winked at her. Then Sylvia stood and Tanya quickly averted her gaze.

Sylvia pulled on a fresh pair of panties, and then she stopped and looked over at her best friend. "What clothes should I pack?" she asked. "I've been so preoccupied with thinking about tonight. What will we do tomorrow?"

"I guess we'll sleep in and watch some TV," Tanya replied. It was the first she had considered tomorrow, since she had been so preoccupied with tonight. "My dad has to work tomorrow, so we'll have the apartment to ourselves. Pack something warm and comfortable, I guess. Sweats?"

Sylvia nodded and grabbed a clean sweat shirt. After a few minutes she decided to pack fluffy pajama pants instead of the sweat bottoms. Their voices were low as they once again went over the plan. Then Debra arrived from work. She gave both girls a tight hug and a peck on the cheek before they left. Debra watched her daughter's hips swaying from side to side as she walked out the front door and imagined once again what was going to happen later that night.

Debra waited for the jeep to pull out of the driveway before she cleared her throat and walked into the den. "Kyle, Stephen, I need you boys to pack a change of clothes and pajamas. You're staying over at your father's house tonight."

* * *

It wasn't until six-thirty that Mark finally left the office. It had taken an enormous effort for him to contain his own nervous energy and manage the business. During his lunch break he called Clarissa, his former boss. He had not talked with her in a few weeks, and he felt guilty about it. She was surprised to hear from him, but she quickly apologized for not calling earlier. They had both been busy.
