Daisy Learns to HUCOW


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He pulled some hanging tubes from a bar and handed one of them to her, it had a glass holding container between the attachment cup and the vacuum line. First, take an alcohol wipe and clean the cup, the glass wear should already be good. She did as she was told actually finding this as fascinating as it was erotic. Once the cup was clean she rubbed his flank and he made the sounds of a soothed animal.

"Now you have to apply the cup." She put the cup on his cock, but the cup was too big. "You have to encourage it to grow for him to make a proper seal. Just no good without the seal, no good at all." He giggled. Bo watched as a slightly drunk Daisy reached out and grabbed his cock roughly. Buck rattled around in the cage making loud noises but found the straps wouldn't let him free. "You got to warm those hands up first and you might grab him a little slower. A scared bull is a bad bull, baaaad bull."

She breathed hot air onto her hands while rubbing them. Then she carefully took his manhood in her hand again. Slowly she moved him up to the cup, he was still too small. She couldn't believe it, she started stroking his cock feeling it grow. She was twisting her hand as she stroked up and down, without any fanfare she pushed the cup into place and this time it stayed there. She got up from her knees smiling.

"Good Job, now just turn the machine on and wait. Stroke his flanks and keep him calm. The machine can be a little disturbing at first, but it's designed to do its job." He pointed at the switch and she flipped it. The cup appeared to work like a mechanical blow job sucking him off while the cup vibrated his shaft. Buck was tense as he felt his cock swell with the sucking and shaking. It was causing him to grunt and hump the air.

Daisy was caught up in the moment trying to calm him and ease what was about to happen. She felt him stiffen and then pull at the straps before bellowing "Ahhh" out loud. She stroked his hair and rubbed his sides. She heard Bo say. "He's almost there, it doesn't take this thing long to work." So she tried to calm him even more stroking him under the chin. The Alpha Buck she had known since her truck rescue was nowhere to be seen. This was a shivering, shaking, jello of the man who had once held all the power around here. He convulsed as if cramps were overtaking his body. "Is this the way it always happens?" She asked worried that something had gone wrong.

Bo just smiled saying. "You should see it happening with a real bull." Most of the time we just buy our semen from a bigger farm, I think you can see why. Daisy noticed that the less stressed Bo was, the more normal he talked. "You better get ready to hold him, the machine packs a real wallop." Sure enough, Buck started a humping motion and the tube started to fill the glass jar. It seemed the machine was sucking in waves, harder softer harder again. Buck stopped bucking and hung limp in the straps, grunting to the rhythm of the machine. Once buck was firing blanks, Bo reached over and out the machine off.

Daisy started to stroke his hair tenderly. "I didn't know it would be that overwhelming or I never would have told you to do it. I'm sorry. I was born in Missouri, the show me state. I guess I'm so used to people who can talk the talk, but never walk the walk that I ask for proof of what they say. You've gone out of your way to prove that what you've been telling me is fact, yet still I question you at every turn. Like I said, I'm sorry."

Bo just looked over saying. "It ain't that bad. I've been through it too and it's a hell of a rush. The master here don't let you quit until you're drained. It takes a bit to regain your strength after that, but you sure know you delivered." Daisy looked at him asking. "The Master?"

Bo just laughed. "Nickname. Short name for The Masturbator. It gets you cumming while you're still in the middle of cumming. If you don't shut it off you'll cum yourself to death. You should see the bulls smile when you help them back to their stalls. We don't have bulls here anymore. Too temperamental and too much work. I think the blood is returning to his big head now." Buck just looked at her with a crooked smile on his face and said "Moo".

His cock was still hanging out of his suit and Bo said. "You need to take a little alcohol on a cotton ball and clean the head of his penis, you'll see what needs to be wiped away." Daisy did as she was told as if a nurse or something. Bo then handed her the container of 'Udderly Smooth'.

"You need to cover the area the cup rubbed against, keep the skin soft so it won't chap or callus. Whatever you do, don't make it sexual. If you get him hard this close to an orgasm like that it will hurt as it gets harder, hard hurts." Bo chuckled knowing the feeling. "You want to see a bull mad, let him get hard after having his sperm pulled. We keep a numbing compound so it wouldn't happen. It's on that shelf and you need to use a glove. Slather it on and all over, even on the balls."

Daisy had to wonder where the fun part of this kink was. "Now you take the alcohol and clean out the cup. Then fill this big syringe with alcohol and flush the line out. Put it on the holder to drip." Bo helped his brother out of the contraption, he weighed too much for Daisy to be of any use. She looked at his cock as it hung before him, it was large but hung loose. "Does the milking machine make your penis bigger?" Bo nodded. "The same thing with the breasts and nipples too."

They both walked Buck back to the table where he gulped down a half a can of beer. "Fluids, I have to replace the fluids." His brother just said. "If this had been for the HUCOW, we would have walked him on all fours over to a stall and got him a blanket. He would have to drink water from a bowl. It would have been 'No beer for Buck'. Nope, no beer." Bo walked back to the machine tending to the glass holding container with Buck's semen.

Daisy wondered why he felt the need to prove himself to her like this. To prove there was a gully under all that snow, to prove he could let a woman run him through the milking machine. Did he like her? Was this his way of saying 'I'm a man of my word, you can trust me'. Well, it worked, she did trust him now.

They all sat around the table drinking beer and talking about nothing. Buck had said there was no TV during snow like this so talking was their only entertainment. She had to wonder if they didn't believe in DVD's. "So guys, someone left a camera over there on the shelf, I was being a snoop and looked at the video. There was a woman being milked in that first station. Is that HUCOW? I didn't see any sex, isn't there sex with this?"

She could tell Buck wasn't ready for a question like that out of a non-participant. "Well that was sure sex for me earlier, I never came that hard before from the master." Daisy had to wonder if something she did made it so great. Was it her watching him and stroking him that made him cum so hard? But he had dodged her question, she just stared letting him know she wouldn't let it drop.

"Ok, there are many forms of HUCOW. I guess you could say as many as there are cows and farmers. I've talked to people who have their wives get on all fours and they lay on the floor sucking on one breast and then the other. Some men like sucking on their wife's breasts while they're lactating, they call that HUCOW too. Some people change their diet and keep their breasts stimulated so they keep lactating, they keep the breast milk refrigerated. I guess here we are close to regular milking, some kink but not real crazy kink."

"So of all the women that come out here to HUCOW, do you have a favorite cow?" Both guys knew she was asking about his love life in a lifestyle that was very unorthodox. "I mean are there any you have sex with, or take inside the house to your bed?" She felt stupid asking this way, but she really wanted to know.

"Most of the women pretending to be cows wish to be bred as part of the fantasy. It takes place at the same time as the milking. It brings the best pleasure that way. Only Betsy has been to my bed, but that wasn't during her HUCOW time. I guess it was what the kids refer to as a booty call. When she's here to HUCOW, she likes to stay in character the whole time. That means staying in the stall like a good little cow. But Betsy doesn't want to settle down with one man and the farming lifestyle can be a hard life. Better to romance about it than to actually live it."

The beer had left her buzzed and working with Buck's bare cock had made her very horny. That and the fact that her crotch was open to the touch with just a tiny bikini bottom to cover her folds. She wanted to know more about the lifestyle and what about it had all these women returning. Seeing she didn't know these guys she could dabble in it without anyone ever finding out. Hell, she was single now, who did she had to answer to? Besides the pictures on the wall of those smiling women showed her she would be in good hands. She didn't have to have sex if she didn't want to and she now knew these guys wouldn't force her.

"I want to try it. I want to try being milked and caressed and." She let her voice fall silent, she almost said bred. She had seen Bucks cock, the thought of being with him had been in the back of her mind from the moment she held it.

"Well, you'll need to be bare-breasted." Buck paused to let that sink in, but with her blushing nod he continued. "We'll get things ready while you change and get on all fours. Put a collar on and run a rope through it." Is this really what she wanted, or had all this talk gotten her so worked up that she just wanted to see what it felt like? She walked down to the first stall and took off all her clothes. But she didn't want it like this, not in a cow-colored onesie. She wanted the thigh-high cow boots and the gloves with hooves.

Daisy took a deep breath knowing she had never let more than one man see her naked at the same time. She walked out of the first stall bared to the room and confidently walked all the way to the third stall knowing the guys would see all of her, every imperfection amplified by the bright lights of the room. Bo jabbed Buck in the ribs to get his attention, now both were watching her breasts sway as she entered the third stall. She was a full-sized woman and perfectly proportioned for that size. It gave her a rush that these guys could see her for the sexy woman she was inside and not a plus-sized second choice others had expressed. She was about to be pampered like on the video, like those skinny girls must get on a daily basis.

She put on the fury thigh-highs and cow fur gloves with hooves. She picked a neck collar and ran a rope through it before placing it around her neck. She wanted the whole experience so she even picked a hair band with two little cow ears and two small horns. She even grabbed a cow bell to hook on the coller. She thought about putting the bikini back on, but Buck had gone through this without hiding anything and she wouldn't hide herself either. She looked in the mirror, there was one more thing.

She grabbed the cow tail with the smallest plug and with a little spit slowly pushed it into he virgin ass. There it was, she was about to be naked for two men for the first time ever and she was dressed as a cow while doing it. She was wetter than she could remember being. Maybe there was something to this cow kink after all.

Daisy lowered herself to the ground and felt the straw tickle her nipples as her breasts swung from side to side. With the rope trailing behind her, she walked on all fours until she was next to the milker. She liked the way the guys looked at her, they were in awe of her and how she looked in cowhide. Buck grabbed the rope while Bo removed the straps that would support her body.

Walking her between the parallel bars of the first milking station, Buck wrapped her rope around a stay. Bo then passed the waist straps across to Buck who hooked them back up. With a cinching of the straps, Daisy could feel the load on her hands and knees lighten. Next, they strapped her arms and legs to the upright poles, she was now helpless to fight any action they cared to take. Being bound this way only had her getting wetter. All the things they could do to her and Daisy couldn't stop any of it.

Her breasts hung down beautifully as the men stroked her fur and combed her hair. They broke out the moisturizer and soon hands were all over the exposed skin staying away from her pussy. As both guys worked her she felt a man on each breast working the lotion deep into her skin. It was another first, being attended to by two men at the same time, she had to wonder if these guys ever tag teamed a woman without all the fur. She would have to find out about that. Just when she shook from the attention she was getting, Bo placed the two cups on her breasts and started the machine.

It was pulling on her nipples and vibrating her breasts at the same time. The guys returned to comforting her by stroking both the exposed skin and the fur. Being her first time the feeling was more intense and they were doing their best to add to her calming pleasure. Daisy couldn't believe that an orgasm shot through her without any warning. She had never had an orgasm from breast manipulation alone. Not only that, but she felt a better one building. She had to know what this felt like if she was having sex at the same time.

She felt like such a slut even thinking this, Daisy knew if she had one of the guys, she would surrender to having sex with both of them. But who would know, only the three of them? Her pussy had an aching need so bad that if she could have moved her arms she would have used her fingers to satisfy her need. But she couldn't use her arms or her fingers. The only thing that could scratch this itch would be the words from her mouth.

There was no cow sound from Daisy, she just yelled. "BUCK, BREED ME! Oh Shit, Breed the Fuck Out Of Me. I need both of you to Breed Me Right Fucking Now." The orgasm was climbing slowly, but just saying this built the intensity. She could feel its power growing as thoughts of what would soon happen filled her mind. She had seen Buck's cock, she hoped Bo wasn't any bigger.

Buck had hoped she would give in to the moment, she was too hot not to use this way. He just stepped up to her, Daisy's pussy was right at the height for a good fucking. He grabbed her ass and pushed forward. Daisy was so wet he went all the way with ease. That didn't mean she couldn't feel him stretching her as far as she had ever been stretched. She moaned at the sensation of Buck's cock mixed with the pleasure of the milking machine on her breasts.

The pumps were amazing, like a thousand fingers attending to the pleasure zones of her breasts. Like Buck, this time she shook the entire milking station with her orgasm. Her pussy had been gripping Buck so tight that he burst at the same time, filling her with his seed over and over again. With the last thrust Buck fell back, leaning against the wall for stability.

A wave of heat filled her and she was tingling with an afterglow. But she felt yet another one building with the non-stop attention of the machine. "Oh God Bo, I need this to continue. Get in there and start fucking me." Bo was between her legs and sinking in with the combined juices being his lubrication. He was bigger than Buck and a little wider too. As much as her first cow fuck had been better than anything she had gotten from her ex-husband, what Bo was doing felt even better than Buck. He just went after it like a jackhammer and it was turning her to mush.

Daisy looked so sexy strapped to the milking station with her breasts flying wildly that he soon recovered and his shaft was ready to go again, after all, he was a regular when it came to the milking marathon. He walked around to the front and presented his hard shaft to her mouth, would she take it? Daisy was too far gone to stop now, even though having two men's cocks at the same time required a higher degree of sluttiness that she didn't think she had. Still, she just opened her mouth and let him slide in. She had never known how good it could feel to have two brothers working in rhythm to bring her best orgasm yet. It just kept building higher until she heard a ringing and then felt a bolt of lightning. She must have passed out for a second, Buck was out of her mouth and Bo had stopped his cock still dripping cum. With a hazy smile and a feeling of helplessness, she just looked up with her big brown eyes and said "Moo".

That was all they needed to see, it was game on now. Her sultry smile let them know she was up for this and more. They slid a dildo into her pussy that worked in sequence with the breast milkers. There was a clit massager on it and the three of them worked together to bring her the highest high and she was ready for more. Bo walked around to the front to see Daisy opening her mouth for him. This would be her Vegas, 'What happened in the barn stayed in the barn!'

Over the night they showed her every toy and every pleasure the two men could give. It was like a rebirth, like losing her virginity all over again. How could she ever look at regular sex the same way, this was so much better. She didn't know if she could be one of those women who allowed their picture to hang on a wall, but she knew she would give these guys anything if it meant another night like this. In a way she had always been bossy, always putting her opinion of the situation over anyone else. In a way that had changed.

Surrendering to a new situation had been incredibly fulfilling. For that moment her life was as simple as a cow grazing in a field. Pampered and pleasured by a couple of caring farmhands. She had to wonder how many joys like this she had missed by passing judgment on things she didn't even understand. If they wanted it, she would allow them to put her picture on their wall. She would be naked except for the fury boots and gloves that had her looking so sexy.

Once unhooked from the milking station, Buck and Bo carried her over to the first stall. Bo grabbed some blankets and pillows that had been stashed away at the back of the shelf. As Buck spooned Daisy, Bo went to another stall to sleep. He wasn't into that lovey-dovey stuff like Buck was. He walked to one of the windows looking out at the snow still falling.

Bo didn't know how she would feel in the morning, but he knew with this much snow nobody was going anywhere for at least five days. Would it be five days of fun or five days of regret while hiding in the barn? Bo just knew that Daisy was a hot-looking cow with a sexy smile and a perfect body, she would be back one day and Bo would be happy to see her.

( Start of Part Two, If there's interest and if it gets written )

Daisy woke to Buck's arms folded around her as they shared their warmth. Her pussy was still sore from the friction, it hadn't gotten much use since the divorce. She rubbed her nipples, they were longer and wider than they had ever been. That treatment had caused them to swell and she better understood why the women in those pictures had long fat nipples after repeated sessions. She felt a tender kiss on the side of her neck letting her know that Buck was awake and the long hard shaft now pressing against her back let her know he was up too. With a smile she realized this might possibly be the best three days of her life.

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HucowuddersHucowudders9 months ago

Hope part two posted soon. I have read the story over and over and dreamed it was me.

BrutalBuddhaBrutalBuddha10 months ago

Definitely interested in part 2! Keep up the great work!

HucowuddersHucowudders10 months ago

OMG how fantastic the story was to read. Read it many time as I pumped my udders. Please write more.

RavenWolfeRavenWolfe11 months ago

Please write part 2. It's so good, I've re-read it a few times and I'm always happy with the read. 😊

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I love it! The character development is awesome and engaging and the build up is the same! I think I personally would enjoy longer passages and more elaboration in the explicit sections. Some more details and maybe some well-placed dirty talk would take this from a 10/10 to an 11! Love it, definitely write more :)

Qwer12Qwer1211 months ago

Well Done and outstanding. The need for more chapters is a must. Great storytelling and great character development. This a five star chapter that must be followed by more. A prefect Hucow adventure. Cheers

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Very well done. One of the best Hucow stories on Lit, I think. A continuation would be appreciated. Sensitive character development for everyone in the story is certainly a plus. Carry on!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Very hot story line. I hope part two has her lactating.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Please write more…

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago
Very cool story

Looking forward to part 2 and really like your writing style.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Mooooo I loved the story and while reading I pumped my udders and dreamed of being bred. Please write another story

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Very intriguing and exciting, I look forward to the second part with tepidation

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

My clit wants to read more please?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I enjoyed this one, looking forward to part 2.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Keep it going.

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