Dancing Lessons

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She caught him cheating and choreographed her revenge.
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Many thanks to LSEiland for first editing and improving this story.

Imagine an editor who is disgusted by the plot of a story and puts aside repugnance to not only correct errors but also inspire the author to make it much better than it deserves to be. If someone like that existed, it could only be Dowageroftwo.

Immense gratitude to BeautifulStorm, the hardest working editor on this site, whose talent and expertise helped improve it.


If Randy had realized how hot Carmen's temper was, he would never have gotten involved with her.

Not that he hadn't been warned.

She had first captivated him at a party, and they had spent the evening in deep conversation. An ex-girlfriend had pulled him aside before he left to take Carmen home.

"Be careful with Carmen," she cautioned. "I've heard stories about what she does to men who trifle with her. Since you are a player, you'd be wise to stay away from her."

"Thanks," he said.

He didn't take advice from ex-girlfriends. If he had seen the twinkle in her eye and the smile on her face as she walked away, he might have realized she knew that and had been playing him.

Randy had a lot of ex-girlfriends. He was nice looking and, although mostly into himself, he was fun to be with. He fell hard for a pretty face and a hot body. For a few months, he couldn't get enough, especially if she kept up with his insatiable sex drive. Some of his girlfriends even moved in with him.

He wasn't mean and didn't intentionally humiliate them. It was just that as time wore on, another pretty face or amazing body caught his eye and pulled him away. He couldn't help it.

"It's just the way I am," he would explain to the woman he was dumping.

They didn't like being discarded like old garbage. Some of them were angry for a while, but most of them got over his callousness because he was always friendly and courteous whenever he ran into them. The more sensitive ones didn't forgive him that easily. The felt demeaned because he was treating them as a radom acquaintance who had never meant anything to him.

What he liked about Carmen was not only her striking beauty and her lithe, well-proportioned body, but also her fire and passion. She was a professional dancer and dance instructor. When he went to see her perform, she often danced roles where she was the jealous woman who either killed herself when she lost her man or took violent revenge on him.

She would throw her whole body into the role, and watching her turned Randy on. When they came home from one of her shows, both of them were highly charged, and their energetic sex didn't stop until they fell asleep from sheer exhaustion.

She moved in with him, and their intense relationship burned brightly for more than four months. After that, she noticed that he wasn't as eager for her as he had been at the start. Whenever she asked him about it, he would explain that it was normal for a relationship to go through different stages.

She didn't like his explanations, but she put up with them until the night she and some fellow dancers were rehearsing at a theater on the other side of town and went to a nearby bar afterwards. When she saw him across the room giving his attention to a good-looking woman, she was furious.

She got home ahead of him, and when he walked in the door, she screamed at him. He realized immediately that she knew and tried to calm her down with his "That's the way I am" speech. She was having none of it and kept on cursing him, calling him a disgusting animal whose brain was in his prick.

As she continued yelling at him, she got more graphic. She began threatening him and saying she would get a knife and cut off his balls. He saw that talking to her was useless and decided the best thing to do was leave and talk to her later when she had calmed down.

She screamed, "Come back here, you bastard!," as he got up and moved toward the front door. He heard her start to open drawers in the kitchen and felt something heavy hit him in the back as he ducked out.

He didn't return until the next night, when he knew she would be at another rehearsal. He dumped all of his stuff into the boxes he had brought and left in a hurry.

She called him a few days later, and her voice was calm

"Randy," she said, "we need to straighten out a few bills. I'm moving out of the apartment because it's too expensive for me to be there alone. Can you come over?"

"How about if we meet at Denny's?" he offered. "I can be there in five minutes."

There was a pause at her end.

"Fine. I'll see you there."

The conversation started as all business. They went through the bills and divided things up fairly. Then Carmen swept the papers into her purse and looked up at him.

"You know you aren't going to get away with this, Randy," she said. There was an edge in her voice.

"Get away with what?" he asked. "I thought you were satisfied with the way we split the bills."

"I mean get away with humiliating me the way you did. You could have told me you wanted to break up. I would have been angry, sure, but at least I could have held my head high.

"But you lied to cheated with your whore. It was humiliating for my friends to see you with her at that bar. You disrespected me, and I'm not going to forget it. You're going to pay for what you did."

"Listen to yourself, Carmen," he said. "First of all, she's not a whore, she's a nice girl. The reason I didn't say anything was because I was worried you'd react like this, and I was trying to think of the best way to tell you. I love your passion, and I'll remember the wonderful times we had and try to forget this ugliness."

"So you loved my passion," she snorted. "You're going to love it even more when I figure out what to do to you. Enjoy your nice girl while you can. Goodbye."

She got up from the table and rushed out before he had a chance to say another word.

He was worried about his safety and put a double lock on the door of his new apartment. But after a few months of looking behind him, he gave up the paranoia and settled into his normal life. The new girlfriend gave way to another new girl a few months later, and Carmen was not showing up at any of the bars or parties he went to, so he put her out of his mind until the night he went to a charity benefit.

He didn't know she was doing a dance in the show. When he saw her performing one of her typical roles and stabbing her false lover to death, he shivered, and when the show ended, he left the theater quickly.

He spent some time at his girlfriend's apartment and arrived home around one a.m. As he turned the key in the door, two figures came from the darkness on either side of the porch and grabbed him. One put a handkerchief over his mouth and pressed hard. He tried to yell, but only a muffled sound came out.

Two big men held him and pushed and dragged him down the steps to a car parked in front of his apartment complex. They shoved him into the back, and one man pushed in next to him while the other man went got behind the wheel. Almost before the doors were slammed shut, the car's tires screeched as it took off and drove quickly through the dark streets.

He noticed Carmen was sitting next to the driver. He began yelling but nobody in the car responded to his shouts. The windows were up, and after a while he ran short of breath and felt his voice cracking. Eventually he stopped and sat in silence, wondering how far Carmen would go to avenge herself.

The car drove to an area of deserted factories and pulled up to the only one with a light shining out of a window. A handkerchief was pushed into his mouth again, and he was dragged into the building.

They pulled him up a flight of stairs and into a large, brightly lit room with a wooden floor and a few pieces of furniture They sat him down in a chair. When he saw Carmen enter the room with the driver, he started to get up.

"Sit down, Randy," she said. "I can have you tied to that chair and gagged if you prefer. No one can hear anything around here anyway. I'll do whatever it takes for you to sit there and listen to me."

Randy sat back down, and Carmen pulled up a chair and sat facing him.

"You've probably guessed that it's payback time," she said. "Don't worry. I'm not going to cut you up or kill you. I've been planning for months and was ready to do this a few weeks ago.

"Then I began having second thoughts. I thought maybe I needed to control my rage and get you out of my mind. I think I was nearly ready to give it up, and then I saw you in the audience tonight with another new girl.

"I thought to myself, how many girls has he gone through since he cheated on me? How can he come here and watch me as if I was nothing to him? All my rage came flooding back."

She stood up and began pacing the floor quickly. He heard her heels making angry sounds to match the anger in her voice as she continued.

"I've decided the best revenge is to humiliate you, because that's what you did to me.

"You're going to be living here for the next month or so. There are some bedrooms off this studio where some of my dancer friends live. They're going to help me. When none of them can be here to keep an eye on you, you may have to be restrained. We have a TV you can watch while you wait.

"I took your laptop from your apartment. You will email your office and your girlfriend tomorrow that you had to leave in a hurry for Portland on a family matter. It's very personal and you don't want to hear from anyone, except by email. Has your password changed? I thought not. I can tell from your reaction.

"You're asking for a leave of absence, but you're telling your office if they can't give it to you, you'll have to quit and to please hold any money that's owed to you until you get back.

"If your current girlfriend has a key to your apartment and goes over there tomorrow, she'll find all the perishables were taken out and everything's tidy. If she writes to you, you'll respond with brief messages for a week or two and then you'll tell her you don't have time for her until you get back.

"As other friends find out you've left, you'll write similar messages to them until they leave you alone. I'll take care of everything.

"The idea is for them to leave you in peace until after your performance. You are going to give a private dance performance in this rehearsal room for me and a few of my friends. It's going to be a wild, erotic number. You're here to acquire the skills and learn the steps to perform it.

"That's all I have time to tell you now. Tonight, you're going to sleep in the restraints so you get used to them. I'll see you tomorrow morning when we start training. Nobody will stop you yelling, but I hope you realize that if you do that too often, you'll not only get hoarse and out of breath, but you could strain your vocal cords and damage your voice."


The next morning, one of the men untied Randy and watched him as they ate breakfast. When they were done, Carmen walked in with two women dressed in what looked like medical scrubs. Both of them wore surgical masks.

"Bring him to the lab," Carmen said.

With the man behind him, he followed the three women into a brightly lit room that was painted white. In the middle of the room was a hospital bed with large metal pieces attached to one end. The man led Randy to the bed and pushed him down onto his back. Then he got behind him and held him down as one of the women unfastened his belt buckle while the other unzipped his fly and took his shoes off.

He began yelling. Carmen sat in a chair watching him with a smile on her face.

The women pulled his pants and briefs off and gave them to Carmen, who told him, "You won't need them for a while."

The women lifted his legs and placed each of them into a curved tray at the top of a metal scaffold attached to the foot of the bed. His legs fit snugly into the trays. Straps were wrapped around them and tightened.

"This is an old hospital bed I found," Carmen said. "These stirrups were used to spread women's legs wide apart and hold them still while they were giving birth. We're going to use them to groom you for your performance."

She came over to the bed and sat down in a chair beside him and spoke.

"You can lower him now."

Someone wound a crank, and his bed was lowered until he was at eye level with Carmen. She took a plastic bottle off a rolling side table and squeezed some oil onto her hands. Then she reached over and took hold of his genitals. He tried to move away from her, but the restraints on his legs only allowed him to twist slightly.

He felt his legs moving and saw the women adjusting the stirrups until his naked butt hung slightly over the edge of the bed.

"He's in position," said one of the women.

"Come over here!" Carmen ordered. "I'm going to get him started today. I know just how he responds. Watch me for a moment, ladies."

They came over and watched her pump his cock and play with his balls. Then one of them left and wheeled over an IV pole with a plastic sack full of liquid hanging from it. He felt a greasy finger enter his ass.

He was getting hard, and the finger got him even more excited. Then it was withdrawn and he felt something else being pushed into him. He looked between his legs and saw a long tube connected to the plastic sack disappearing between his thighs.

"All right, hold it ladies," said Carmen. "This is how I want you to do it. See how big his dick is. It's now completely hard. Such a nice long thick dick. Too bad he can't keep it in his pants whenever he sees a skirt.

"Listen closely to his breathing. Try to time it. See how it's getting faster. When it's this fast, he's close. Look at his face. See, he's ready. As soon as you hear a break in the rhythm, turn the spigot on.

"Now! Now! Turn it! Turn it!"

As she began yelling, he erupted, sending come spurting up his body where Carmen was directing his cock. The come landed mostly on his chest, with some getting as far as his chin. Just as he began ejaculating, he felt a flood of warm liquid going into him from the tube.

When he finished thrusting and spurting and his breathing slowed down, he looked up at the big plastic liquid bag and saw it was empty. He suddenly felt full.

"How did that feel?" said Carmen. "An enema and an orgasm at the same time. You seemed to enjoy it. You're already starting to squirm, so it won't be long. We can do this the dirty way or the clean way. The girls can bring a bedpan over and then wash you after you've finished. Or if you cooperate, they'll unstrap you and take you to the toilet. Which will it be?"

"Toilet," Randy said through gritted teeth.

"Hurry ladies, I think he's ready."


When he came back to the room with the women, he felt weak and exhausted. He didn't say anything or try to resist when they strapped his legs in again and put him in the same position. He saw one of them take a small bottle and open it, pulling out a brush covered with a bright red color.

The woman moved the brush between his legs, and he felt a tickling around his ass as she brushed there. She dipped the brush back into the bottle several times.

"She's marking an area of your ass," Carmen said. "Now we have to let the nail polish dry. In a few minutes, you're going to feel a sting in each of your butt cheeks. It's just a local anesthetic and relaxant. You won't feel any pain for the next couple of hours.

"My friends are depilation technicians, and when I told them about you, they volunteered to do this. Rather than shave your pubic hair, they will permanently remove it, one follicle at a time. You won't be hurt at all, but your shiny smooth crotch and balls will be something to remember me by. Maybe your next girlfriend will get turned on when she sees your hairless chihuahua."

He felt like someone had pinched his ass as she continued.

"See, the injection didn't hurt much. In few minutes you'll be numb, like at the dentist, and you'll fall asleep. That's so you don't move while they work. We don't want any accidents. They'll be doing this almost every morning because there are thousands of follicles to remove.

"I've got to go now. I'll try to check in on you tonight."

Randy yelled, but she was gone a moment later. He continued to struggle for a while as the women watched him. Then he felt tired. He struggled to keep awake, but not for long.


"Time for lunch," said the man shaking him. It was a different man, one he hadn't seen before. He was even bigger than the previous one. Randy was lying on the bed in the white lab, but the women were gone.

He sat up and looked at the man.

"Put these on for now," said the man, handing him a pair of cotton panties. Randy looked at them in disgust for a few minutes but finally slipped them on and walked ahead of the man into the kitchen.

After watching him eat a sandwich, the man took him into the large room. A woman who looked to be in her fifties was waiting for him next to an iron rod full of hanging clothes.

"Hello, dearie," she said. "It's time for your fitting. Let's see... Tall, flat on top, nice round rear, legs a bit muscular. Thank goodness I have some odd sizes here. Put this one on."

She handed Randy a bright polka-dot dress, but he looked at her and didn't take it. The man reached around him, took the dress and pushed it at him.

"Put this on," he said.

"I don't wear dresses."

"You do if you don't want to get hurt."

Randy took the dress and tried to figure out how to put it on. The woman came over and showed him how to step into it, then buttoned it up behind him. It flared out from his waist and reached his knees.

"That looks quite nice," said the woman. "Now let's accessorize."

She looked at his feet and turned to a pile of shoeboxes lying on the floor.

"Extra, extra large. Here, try these on."

She handed him some bright green heels that matched some of the dots on the dress. Randy took them and sat down. They were tight, but with a little effort, he could pull them on.

"Stand up, dearie, and let's have a look at you."

Randy stood up and wobbled on the heels.

"That suits you," said the woman. She went to the other side of the room. "Now walk this way."

Randy stood there for a moment. He glanced at the muscular dancer and saw him glaring at him. He started walking toward the woman, swaying to keep his balance. When he got to her, he couldn't stop himself and reached his arms out to the wall to keep from crashing into her and falling over.

"I see we have a lot of work to do," the woman said. "Carmen wants you to walk in heels much higher than this. She also wants a lot of lateral movement from your butt. An hour of practice a day, and we'll have you doing a sexy sashay in no time. Let's get started."

He followed her instructions for an hour on the wobbly shoes. By that time, he was exhausted.

"Walk to your bedroom in the heels," the man said. "You'll wear them all day and evening, except for the lab in the morning and practice in the afternoon."

In the bedroom, the man pulled open drawers until he found a leotard, leg warmers and dance practice shoes. He laid them on the bed and spoke.

"Change into these and come into the studio."

He turned and left.

Randy pulled off the high heels and got dressed in the dance outfit. When he returned to the studio, there was a muscular woman there dressed similarly to him. She was all business. She didn't even greet him.

"I understand you're fine aerobically, but you know nothing about dance. So today let's start with warm-up exercises and stretches."

An hour later, Randy was drenched in sweat and exhausted. He was told to take a shower, put on the dress and high heels again and go to the kitchen for dinner. After dinner, he walked back to the bedroom. He was trying to figure out how to escape, but he was so tired that he dropped onto the bed and fell asleep in his clothes.