Daniel and His Mother Ch. 03


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"Butt, back and thighs!" she said happily and purred.

Daniel wondered why mom was on such a good mood today and quickly realized it was almost certainly because of how much punishment she was going to give him later; that did not make him happy.

He poured oil over her butt as usual and ran his hands through them. Her buttocks was stiff and in real need of massage. He felt surprised, he didn't think mom took this workout thing seriously but it seemed like she had put in the work in the gym today. What previously would've been perverted moans coming from her were now pained groans as squeezed her sore butt cheeks.

She pulled her panties down to her thighs again, something that always made Daniel feel disgusted. Today he almost felt like he was giving her a real massage however, perhaps it was because of the lack of perverted moans.

After working on mom's butt for almost twenty minutes he felt her muscles relax and she soon afterwards told him to start working on her back.

Daniel squeezed and pushed out some muscle knots in her lower back before quickly being told that it was too painful and that he should move on to her thighs; which of course he did.

He rubbed, squeezed, pushed and pulled on her thighs, thighs that were as sore as her butt and she groaned in pain.

Mom called an end to the massage session quite quickly and it had easily been the least traumatizing massage he had been forced to give her.

Before Daniel was able to leave she told him to get dinner done at six o'clock instead of seven which meant he had to go straight to preparing the food if he didn't want to run the risk of finishing it late.

He sighed tiredly but yet again did as he was being told, figuring he had little other choice.

Relatively speaking he was in a decent mood as he began preparing the food, but when he remembered that he would only be getting scraps of the meal he was preparing it took the wind out of his sails. When he was almost done mom snuck up topless behind him and asked how it was going. He presumed she was trying to get him to look at her breast but he didn't fall for it and he finished dinner five minutes before six.

Yet again mom took the lion share of the food and left only a small meal for him, her hunger seemed insatiable as she stuffed herself with the chicken and rice he had cooked.

Daniel almost wanted to break the silence and ask her if she knew what God thought about gluttony, but felt certain that would only lead to increased punishment so he remained silent.

When he had eaten up his slim meal he went to the fridge to get some butter and cheese to put on sandwiches like yesterday.

"No chandswiches." mom said with a mouth full of food.

"What?" Daniel asked, honestly unable to understand her.

Mom swallowed her food, "I said, no sandwiches."

"Why?" Daniel asked feeling perplexed.

"Sandwiches cost money too darling and we can't spend more money on food, I have other bills to pay as well." she said and bit into another piece of chicken from her chicken mountain.

"But I'm hungry! What else am I supposed to eat?" he asked feeling frustrated.

"You could drink some water." mom suggested as she scooped rice into her mouth.

"There are no calories in water!" Daniel exclaimed fiercely.

"No, but it makes you feel less hungry, try it. Drink a lot of water and you'll see that you won't be so hungry anymore."

"I'd rather have sandwiches!" Daniel said and took butter and cheese out of the fridge.

"I forbid you from eating sandwiches!" mom said harshly and pointed at him.

Daniel stopped his movements and gritted his teeth. After a few seconds of silence he grabbed the food and put it back in the fridge, angrily he stepped off towards the hallway.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going? I want some company at the table!"

Daniel turned around, red-faced with anger.

"So you can see me starve while you gorge yourself until you puke?" he sputtered.

"Not nice Daniel. Bad boy!" mom said playfully as she licked sauce from her fingers.

"I'll have to add another two punishment points to your daily total, you're at thirteen now."

"Do that you...you..." he stuttered angrily.

"Careful sweetheart, don't say anything you'll regret." she said and smiled evilly at him.

Daniel bit down on his tongue to prevent himself from unleashing a cascade of insults towards his mother.

"Sit down and relax, or you could do the dishes if you don't want to do them later." mom suggested.

"But you're not leaving the kitchen until I'm done eating. Unless you'd like more punishment of course." she said and raised her eyebrows dangerously.

Daniel opted to do the dishes, his anger spurred him on and he rapidly got it done. Mom was still force feeding herself when he was finished and he watched her with spitefully eyes as she downed the last pieces of food and burped.

"Excuse me." mom said and giggled, "I'm not used to eating this much but I know it will do my body good." she said and rubbed her bloated bare belly.

Daniel muttered insults under his breath and stormed out of the kitchen as soon as he was allowed to. He shut himself in his room where played the most violent game he had on the computer to relieve himself of some anger.

'What would thirteen points result in?' that was all Daniel could think about once his anger had subceeded. He knew it would be another level harsher than what he had endured yesterday and his mind raced when he tried to predict the punishment.

It was now only a few minutes left before the clock turned eight and he would find out.

There was no escaping it but he wanted to, badly. He considered jumping out the window and just running away from this hell hole he called home. But knew he'd regret it as he had little money and wouldn't be able to take care of himself financially.

He heard mom's footsteps in the hallway and swallowed hard one last time before he got up from his chair. He exited his room before mom could knock or walk into his room.

"There you are." she said and looked at him mischievously, her tits hanged unrestrained against the top of her stomach, but Daniel only looked at them in the periphery.

"Ready for your punishment?" she said lightly and tilted her head sideways.

"Yes." Daniel said unwillingly.

"You know I'm gonna have to punish you harshly this time since you got over ten points right?"

"I know." Daniel responded with his eyes fixed on the floor.

"Okay, come along then, to the kitchen." mom said happily.

He had expected to be punished in her bedroom but followed without questioning.

When they arrived he saw that mom had cleared the dining table of everything that normally stood on it and he suspected he'd have to lay down on it.

"Take off your clothes and lay face down on the table!" she commanded with some authority in her voice.

It's was almost as if she had anticipated him to complain, but he didn't, he did what she asked and layed down naked on the long wooden kitchen table.

"Good." she said and removed the chairs around the table.

"Now because you've been such a bad boy today Daniel I'm going to have to punish you much harder this time, so it's going to sting, a lot!" mom warned.

Daniel said nothing but his breathing intensified as he braced himself for whatever it was that was going to come. To his surprise mom exited the kitchen and came back a few seconds later. She held a long thin stick in her hand, he knew exactly what it was; a cane.

"You'll get fifty lashes with this." mom said and measured the cane against her own hand, "It would've only been thirty times if you hadn't been so mean to me at dinner so you'll pay for that." she said disciplingly.

Daniel gripped the edges of the table and squeezed them, 'He had been mean? What about her own behaviour?' he thought and felt anger boil up inside him.

"Hopefully it won't break on your butt." mom said casually as she examined the cane, "But if I does, I have another." she said and smiled sadistically.

The first couple of smacks of the cane on his butt felt less severe than the hairbrush had, it was a different kind of pain, less impactful but more scathing and lingering. After fifteen whips however the cumulative pain had started to add up and he begun squirming side to side.

"Hey, lay still!" mom said and put extra authority behind the next strike.

It felt like someone was pulling a dull blade against his skin time after time. Daniel tried to lay still but it was difficult, he had to bite his own lips to endure it.

Mom lashed him with the cane again and again, every time she hit him it stung a little bit more. He felt his legs beginning to shake, mom seemed to like that as she started moaning.

"Bad, bad boy!" she mouthed hornily.

Daniel's shaking got worse and worse with every strike mom landed on his butt. He squeezed the edges of the table with his hands and tried to endure it but it was impossible, he had to cry out from the pain.

"AOWH!!...It hurts...so...much!" he cried and looked at mom, desperate for some sympathy.

There was none to be found on mom's face however. Her mouth was half-opened and she wore a perverted look in her eyes. He glanced down at her bare breasts and saw that her nipples were hard.

He didn't give up begging however as it felt like the only thing that could save him.

"Please...no more...please." he begged but unfortunately his begging only seemed to have turn mom on more.

"Mmh...Ooh!" mom moaned as she brought her cane down harder on his ass than before.

All of a sudden Daniel felt a release, it was as if the pain wasn't as bad anymore and even though mom moaned louder than ever he could feel the strikes less and less and the shivering in his legs were reduced. The cane also made a different sound, a wetter thumpier sound, he looked over his shoulder and found out why; the cane had cut through his skin and the release he felt was his blood leaking out of his body.

Daniel instinctively tried to turn around to protect himself from further damaged but mom grabbed his neck with her free arm and pinned him down against the table as she continued hitting him with the cane.

"Lay still and take it!" mom exclaimed excitedly as she rammed her cane with all of her might down on his bare, bleeding butt.

"Please..." Daniel begged as the shaking returned with a vengeance.

After the initial release of dopamine caused by him starting to bleed what followed was an unbearable pain. His legs shook completely uncontrollably and his arms began to do the same. His butt felt like a crater, a bottomless wound that kept leaking the more she caned it.

Mom's hand around his neck was the only thing keeping him on the table.

He tried to stare at the wall as a way of steadying himself but with every lash of the cane he saw blood droplets splash against the white wall. He turned towards mom in a desperate attempt for mercy but as he begged he saw that she too was covered in blood stains.

Her bare hands, arms, belly and breasts were all stained by blood. Even her face had been splattered but she didn't seem to mind it as the expression on her face was that of ecstasy.

Daniel whimpered and began to feel weaker and weaker, he didn't know how much he'd be able to take before passing out and then the caning all of a sudden stopped. His body jerked autonomously for half a minute to the rhythm the cane had been coming down on him and he struggled to breathe. Feeling exhausted he nonetheless tried to heave himself up from the table to get away but mom stopped him with a hand on his back.

"Lay still hunny, you must rest, I'll take care of you." she said, all of a sudden sounding kind.

Mom wrapped a towel around his bleeding butt cheeks and he felt it stick against his butt.

Daniel groaned in pain. He wanted to leave, he wanted to go to his room and never come out again but instead he was stuck on the table as mom dotted on him.

"Aww, baby." she said lovingly, "Did it hurt much?"

He didn't answer, it was such a stupid question it didn't deserve an answer.

"Fifty lashes is a lot hunny but that was your punishment." mom said as if there was nothing she could've done about it.

She pressed down on the towel, "Quite a bit more than your little butt could handle I think." she said sweetly and stopped pressing down on the towel, "But that's why we call it a harsh punishment."

Mom went to the bathroom to clean herself off as Daniel laid on the table, his butt cheeks ached as he waited for them to stop bleeding.

Mom came back a few minutes later and changed the towel for a new one, the old towel had partly stuck to his butt and he groaned painfully as she removed it, he caught a glimpse of the old towel and saw that it was frighteningly bloody.

"You are bleeding so much hunny." mom said sweetly as she applied pressure on the new towel, "Looks like I gave you a real lesson this time huh?" she said like she didn't expect an answer.

She didn't get one either as Daniel shut his eyes tight and told himself that it was going to be okay, he was not going to die and that he'd soon be able to go to his room.

After another couple of minutes on the table mom removed the towel from his butt and was happy with what she saw.

"Okay hunny, the bleeding has stopped now, you can go to your room, but don't sit on your butt or lay on it okay?"

Daniel didn't answer her and went straight to his room, he collapsed face first into bed where he remained until he finally fell asleep.


To be continued...


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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Lame I felt as frustrated as the kid in the story.

sheenakysheenakyover 1 year ago

Yeah, story ends when son kills and cooks mother and feds her to the pastor. Before he leaves to canada.

Jutah3995Jutah3995over 2 years ago

The story started out well in the first chapters, but now it's the same ol song and dance. Boy fucks up, mom wants butt rub, then boy punished by a freak..repeat,repeat,repeat.. story is BDSM, not erotic/taboo

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

wrong category! take it out of incest/taboo and put it into BDSM and psycopathic authors section.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

This story isn't a satisfying read if it doesn't end with Daniel strapping his mom to a chair, waterboard jer with gasoline, lash her and pour lemon in her wounds, then light her ablaze. Only then would this deserve anymore than 0 rating

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I was taught that Jesus received 39 lashes before the crucifixion because any more was considered a death sentence. Seems a shame that the ridiculous mother in this particularly shallow piece of work doesn't appear to know that. Maybe it would be more meaningful if the religious elements were more to the fore, or maybe if there was anything other than outright cruelty driving her actions?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Whata nonsens!

Your story is like to keep a diary! Even its a fantasy its completely unbelievable! When a story doesnt be recognisable at reality its only laughable!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

The increasingly sadistic nature of the mother is a good progression, but I'd like to see a little bit more overall story progression at this point. It just feels like a series of pornos strung together at this point

DanielShadeDanielShadealmost 5 years ago

This is disturbing at this point. I read and actually kinda liked the first chapter but that was in expectation of some kind of payoff. I can see now you are only interested in describing physical abuse and horror. At this point I would suggest changing to the erotic horror tab as this has no place here or even in the BDSM tab

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

If I was ever in that situation I would either: kill the mother, get the fuck out of there or commit suicide so the mother can do her abusive nature on someone else.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Still waiting

Still waiting for next chapters !!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

next chapter ??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Don't stop !!!!

Continue the next chapter!!! Tell us where you are in the comments!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Need update

Don’t leave me hanging here finish it

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