Danielle and David Ch. 04


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"I want to be on top," I murmured before he could enter me.

He smiled, and before I could make my move, he slammed himself into me. I yelped more from the surprise than anything else, and then he lowered himself onto me and with the grace of a dancer, we rolled and I was on top of him. I managed to straddle him without losing our connection. I groaned as he stretched me open, filling me even more deeply than his initial thrust had. My mouth opened at the sweet, sublime and over-stuffed feeling. OH GOD!

"Oh yeah baby, that feels so good," he murmured as he placed his hands on my hips and started to grind his hips into me. "Feel me, Baby?"

"Oh yeah, how could I not. You are so deep this way," I groaned, matching his grinds with grinds of my own. The sensations radiated through my body, especially in my belly. FUCK! I need this!

I moved up and down slowly at first, and he offered me his hands. I held onto his hands for dear life and began to speed up my pounding. Our bodies were now slapping together. My breathing was ragged. His eyes were burning with wild anticipation. His breathing now matched mine, and he lifted his pelvis as I come down on his stiff shaft, which bounced me back up. We picked up the rhythm. Up, down, up down, up down...repeatedly and I was in ecstasy, it felt so hot, so good, and so primal. Between my panting breaths, his deep penetrations, his fullness... the vehement sensations pulsed through me and kept building. I watched him, our eyes locked, and I saw his love for me... his wonder.

I wanted to fuck him, and I was doing just that. There were no soft emotions going through me, just raw desire. Lust. My body needed this release and the hell if I was going to stop short of it. He was my dildo for the evening, and I would use him to hit that spot repeatedly. I was in charge. He was mine.

My thoughts pushed me, higher and higher, over the edge, and I climaxed around him... I cried out incoherently. He grabbed my hips tightly and closed his eyes, tipping his head back, his jaw straining; he exploded with my name on his lips. I felt his cock stiffen its final notch, and then he was pulsing inside me, his hips raised up to push himself even deeper. There, I thought to myself, he wanted to fuck me as much as I wanted to be fucked.

I collapsed onto to his chest, sated somewhere between fantasy and reality, a place where there was no Peter and no David, just my lust and my needs. Slowly the outside world invaded my senses, and oh my, what an invasion.

"I love you, Dani," he whispered breathlessly.

"Me too, Pete," I say automatically, realizing that I really was not in love with him at all.

He kissed my forehead and held me in place when I tried to move. I was lying on top of him, my head on his chest, I wanted to move, but he had a grip on me.


Natasha and I were eating lunch at the taco truck near work, when she told me about this cardio class at The Coliseum, a small family owned gym in Union City.

She was saying, "You have to get there almost an hour ahead of time if you want to get in. But girl, the instructor is a young Brad Pitt type, if Brad Pitt was 6'2 and muscular. His blond hair is shoulder length and, my God, those dimples! Well I just have to have his babies."

"Tasha, have you even talked to the man?"

"Talk? Who needs to talk! I just need his fine ass undressed in my bed and him screwing me till I scream for more," she said while humping the air.

I shook my head and motioned her to stop. "You are embarrassing me, horn dog. Stop it!"

"Look, come with me next week. You said you wanted to lose some weight and start toning up. I mean, walking is good, don't get me wrong. Actually, the weight you have lost so far is great. I know Peter is working that ass in the midnight hour, but cardio and helping me get a man into my bed will help you lose some weight, too."

I rolled my eyes at her. She was so vulgar at times. "Okay, but I swear to God, you do anything that looks suspect, I'm never going back with you again."

"You have my word. I just want him to get one good look at my ass, and I will have him hooked."

She handed me the simple flyer. No name of the instructor on it, but the gym's name and location and days with what the class would do. Obviously this flyer was done in a rush. I bit my bottom lip and wondered if David owned this gym. He had said he was a personal trainer, though not a cardio instructor. Tasha had said "family owned", not two male friends. Maybe this was a different gym. I was deep in thought when I felt a hand slap my butt hard.

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed, spinning around.

It was Peter. "Did I scare you?" he chuckled.

"No, it's more like you assaulted me." I punched him lightly in the shoulder.

"Baby, I am sorry. I didn't think I hit you that hard." He reached back to rub my ass, and then gently squeezed where he had hit me.

"Peter, stop!" I muttered, "I thought you had a meeting for lunch?"

"We finished early, and I knew you were going to stay close to the office, so I came hoping you were here." He leaned down to kiss me. "Shall we start again?"

I kissed him back and said, "Only if I can get some more of that," rubbing my lipstick off his bottom lip.

"Lady, I thought you would never ask." He leaned in, stopping right before his lips touched mine, "Hi."

His kiss was soft and it lingered, my lips still pressing against his, "Hi."

"Can you two love birds get a fucking room? People are trying to eat their lunch here," Tasha said, pretending to gag on her food.

"Oh shut up. Like your conversation to fuck the cardio instructor six ways sideways wasn't worse."

"What's this now?" Peter said, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Tasha wants me to go to some cardio class with her to help her fuck the instructor," I said, turning my full attention to him.

"Peter, she lies. I just want to have his babies, that's all," she said dismissively.

"Well, I think that requires that you fuck him Tasha, old girl."

"Who the fuck are YOU calling old? You had better be glad you got that whole Adam Levine shit going on, or I would drop you where you stand. I just can't send out that kind of karma in case the love gods send Adam my way one day. I need him to want me," she said, doing her Austin Powers mojo hand gestures, "Yeah, Baby!"

We all laughed. Peter went to order something to eat, and we all walked back to the office together. Peter and I were becoming more and more affectionate in public. I still thought about David, but he was becoming an increasingly distant thought.


Peter had to work late on Tuesday, so when Tasha called to see if I was free to go to the class, I agreed to join her. She had been hounding me for two weeks.

She came to pick me up at my house, and we were off. As she was driving, she kept trying to apply makeup. I just shook my head. Talk about having the wrong motives.

"Tasha, don't you think that's a bit dangerous. You are endangering our lives to put on makeup for a man who is going to have you sweating it off in less than five minutes."

"Well, since you put it that way." She applied another coat of lip-gloss "I better make sure he sees my face before I show him this voluptuous ass."

I just shook my head. There are no words for my friend Tasha. Oh wait, Predator comes to mind, though in a good way, not that creepy, hope they get life in prison way.

We finally got to the gym. It was a quaint little place. It had a nice brick-red awning that had a picture of a silhouette man lifting weights and a woman running. The gym's name was a bit strange, I thought. I would never have known it was a gym -- "The Coliseum" had a nice ring to it though.

As we entered the gym, you could smell the musky scent of those that had sweated before us. It had a pleasant little waiting room with a brick-red couch and two framed posters above it. The first said, "Our desire to excel helps us exceed our expectations," and the second said, "Working out strengthens our lives." There was a water dispenser next to the couch in the corner. On the table in front of the couch were several fitness magazines and some copies of Reader's Digest. I chuckled to myself; someone really put a lot of thought into the décor of this place. A woman walked out of a small office and greeted us.


Once we had filled out the paperwork and had a quick tour of the gym, we were told where the class would be held and that the instructor started the class on time. There were about ten ladies there, already waiting. Tasha looked at me and tilted her head at the competition. She gave me that game-on look. I just shook my head, glad that I had Peter and didn't have to participate in such shenanigans any more.

"So, Dani, whatever happened with that David guy? I mean, you had it bad for him. Then all sudden you and Peter were hot and heavy," she said as she was checking her makeup in the mirror directly behind us.

"Well, we were supposed to meet at Starbucks, but he never showed up."

"That shit is cold blooded. He stood you up?" she said, looking at me with that pained expression she always gave when she thought I was hurting. "Did he at least call and say why?"

"No, not one word. I did try calling him a few times. Nothing." I shook my head and tried not give away my real emotions.

"Fuck me!" she said, touching my shoulder, "Well at least Peter is a great guy."

"Yeah, he really is."

"So do you still think about the guy? I mean David?"

"I did for about a month until I called his cellphone and a woman answered." I felt my jaw tighten.

"Shut the fucking door! He had a girlfriend the whole time? Or just met someone new?"

"Don't know and don't care."

Tasha shook her head as though she understood and was going to let the conversation end, which I must admit I was glad, but then she looked at me with an intent stare. She cocked her head a bit and continued to look at me as though she was trying to figure something out that she had just eaten.

"You mean, you called and a woman answered the phone, but you didn't talk to her?" she pressed.

"No, I didn't. I just hung up the phone. I didn't need her rubbing it in my face that she was the significant other of a man who I thought liked me." I paused, trying to lower my voice to a whisper. "It wasn't meant to be."

"Really Dani? That woman could have been anyone, his mother, his sister, his friend. You should have said something. There might have been a perfectly good explanation. Then again, maybe you are right and he played you, but now you will never know. In court that is called reasonable doubt. You know the saying; we are innocent until PROVEN guilty." She made air quotes when she said 'proven' to bring her point home.

I knew Tasha was right, but I really didn't think I could face the truth. It was what I liked to call self-inflicted heartbreak. I wasn't ready to have him disappoint me, so I disappointed myself first. It may not have been the best way to resolve this issue, but I knew that I wasn't the only yellow livered person out there who has taken that approach. It's the ole "What you don't know won't hurt you" defense. I was going to stick to my guns.


The door opened to the room where the class would be held. A very attractive man was standing in the doorway. He looked at the ladies waiting and smiled.

"You ladies ready to sweat? Please turn your cell phones off before entering the class. We will begin in ten minutes." His voice sounded very familiar to me but I could not place where I had heard it before.

Tasha, on the other hand, looked at me, nodded her head, and set her face on manhunt mode. I prayed that she would not embarrass me.

We all entered the class after he propped the door opened. He waited to allow every woman there to enter before he did. Tasha made sure she was the last woman to enter the class.

"U-um Sir, I am new to this class and just wondered if the tennis shoes I bought on my lunch break will be study enough for the intense workout of this class." She looked up at him through her long eyelashes. She was in straight "get a man" mode.

"Well, they look as if they will hold up," he said, examining her shoes.

"Oh good, I wouldn't want to hurt an ankle."

"I'm sure you'll be fine. Miss.

"Ms. Skinner, Tasha if you're nasty."

"Ms. Skinner." He said with a smirk on his lips. He had Tasha's number, and from what I could tell, it was disconnected as far as he was concerned. However, Tasha would not let that be the end of this game of cat and mouse. She had her eyes on him, and she would try to wear him down.

"And you are?" she pressed.

"I am the instructor for this class, if you will excuse me." He said almost squeezing past her, "I need to get the music ready for the class."

"By all means, see you later Mr. Instructor," she said in her Mae West voice, "Come up and see me sometime big boy," taunt.

All I could do is lower my head in shame and hope that she would forget about flirting with the instructor after the 45-minute workout.

Whom was I kidding? It would take the battle of Armageddon to stop her and even then, she would try to get a phone number.


After a few minutes, the music started playing, and the instructor was in front of the class, giving his speech that I assumed he gave to every class.

"I am 'the Hammer'. That what they call me here, because ladies, when I come here, I come to hit it hard. I know some of you are here to lose weight, and you must understand that weight loss is something that requires several elements to be effective. However, this cardio class will help you shed those unwanted pounds while also helping you to build and tone muscle. For those of you just here for a good workout, you are in the right place. If you are in class to meet a man, as you can see, I am the only man and my only agenda in this class is to make you sweat. If you will take your places, we will get started. The first 15 minutes will be stretching, then we will go into straight cardio for 35 minutes, and the last 10 minutes will be cool down with a bit more stretching. If you need help, just get my attention and I will come to you. And 5. 6. 7. 8 and breathe."

I could see Tasha's mind working hard to develop her plan how to flirt and get his attention. I smiled to myself because I knew that this man was no walk in the park, and he was already hip to Tasha's agenda. This was going to be interesting. I smiled to myself.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
what a waste

nonsense .......mitchew

BunnyLBunnyLover 9 years ago

Next chapter please!!! I need to see how they react when they realize who each other is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I need a conclusion!!

PLEEEEEAS WRITE MORE!!!! (Great job so far...)

chocolatesistachocolatesistaalmost 10 years ago
i agree

Wtf, really omg I gripped my bed frame your trying to kill me aren't u?

D3stin2L0v3D3stin2L0v3almost 11 years ago

Why do authors on this site never finish stories before moving onto other stories or publishing on Amazon or other ebook site. This is very discouraging to the readers of your stories. It is so sad to start to read something become enthralled with the characters only to be left wanting.

black_maestrablack_maestraabout 11 years ago
wishing u success

I think you will do well on Amazon.com. I self published an eBook on there, it's kind of easy and nice to know you have a skill you enjoy that can generate a profit. But don't quit Literitica either. I like to try out my new material here like most aurhors. Keep up the good stories.

vickivalevickivaleabout 11 years agoAuthor
The next chapter

Hi all, Just wanted to let you know that the next chapter will be the final chapter and all questions will be answered. Right now I am writing 4 ebooks to be released on Amazon after March 27th. Then I will complete the final chapter to this story. There will be lots of movement and a few unexpected twist. Thanks for your comments, and especially for reading my work. I appreciate your time and do listen to you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Please Continue

Please do not allow the 'haters' stop you from completing this wonderful story. I for one would like to read more. Keep up the good work

WettnBlaccWettnBlaccover 11 years ago

I hope like the dickens you don't keep us waiting too long for the rest of the story....I need to know what's going to happen next. ASAP...LOL

emj417emj417over 11 years ago

i hope she chooses Daniel, if not, she is just 'settling' for Peter, bc she knows she doesn't love him. Besides Peter was just too dirty on how he moved in on her and he seems to be bordering on obsessive. If Peter really does love her and she chooses Daniel, he should want whatever makes her happy.

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