Dan's Story Pt. 01


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Marie: "Dan, your awful. I could be dying by the side of the road and if my skirt was up, all you'd be thinking about is sex!" She laughs a little through the tears and dries her eyes. Then she blows her nose, gets up and starts cleaning up all the tissues.

Dan: "I'll do that. You come in and lay down for a little while."

Marie: (To a point above the mirror) "And now he's trying to get me in the bedroom! My mother warned me!" and they both laugh again.

They come back out into the kitchen and she tries a slug of Dan's beer.

Marie: "Ahhh, that's better. So show me the rest of the house."

Dan takes her into the livingroom and points out the two windows that face east. She looks around the room and he steps to his study door.

Dan: "This room is a spare that I've been using for a study, but we can use it for whatever you like. She looks over his selection of books and manuals and they leave the room. Last he ushers her into their bedroom. She looks rather disinterested.

Marie: "There are no windows in here. In fact there are no windows from which we can see the street, are there?"

Dan: "Uh ...no, but you can see anyone coming around the walk to our door through the livingroom and kitchen windows." Dan sounds unsure of himself.

Marie: "Yes. Is this our landladies bed?"

Dan: "Yeah, the apartment was furnished. I don't think we can afford to buy furniture."

Marie: "You're right. I think I will lie down for a bit. I am tired from the trip and my stomach is a little upset. O.K.?"

Dan: "Sure thing. You lay down and get some rest." and he quietly leaves. Dan goes back to the kitchen, takes another mouthful of beer and notices Cyril outside the door. He takes his beer and goes outside with him. He strolls around the grounds with Cyril trailing him and comes to the garage again. He works his way in close to the window and stares at the old car. After a bit he wanders back towards the apartment and hears the distant sound of the phone ringing. He rushes to the door but it has stopped, so he quietly lets himself in and listens. He hears Marie's voice and realizes she's talking on the phone. He can't help but hear what she's saying.

Marie: "It's a lovely apartment, Mom, with windows that are well above ground level and they face the east, so we get the bright morning sun in our kitchen and livingroom ...And you should see the beautiful bouquet of roses that Dan got and placed on the kitchen table to surprise me. I love him so much, Mom, so very much ...I have not been crying! I was tired from the trip and was laying down when you called, that's all (sob) ...You are so far away (sob, sob)...and I just want to come home! (She really starts crying)

Dan stands there completely stunned!

Marie: "I'm sorry, Mom ...Yes. I guess that's what it is ...Oh Mom, how can I be so happy and so sad at the same time? ...Its nothing. Well, its just that everything was supposed to be ours, but he even has the landlady's tablecloth on the table. I sent ours down here."

Dan glances at the table.

Marie: "I will, Mom, I will ..."

Dan slips quietly out the door and wanders back into the back yard. He puzzles over what's wrong with her and what else he may have thoughtlessly done, besides the table cloth. He sits down on the back steps and plays with Cyril, waiting for her to finish and come out. After about half an hour he goes back into the kitchen. She's not in sight so he looks in the bedroom. She's sound asleep again. He stands by the bedside and regards her sleeping form. She looks so peaceful and he brushes some loose strands of hair back from her cheek. There's a lump in his throat and he has to leave.

Dan stands in the middle of the livingroom looking around him. He tries to see the place through Marie's eyes. It's impossible! He can again see some of the faults he had noted when he first viewed the apartment, but it had looked so good compared with everything else that was available at that time. He goes into his study and tries to write out some assignments from one of his manuals. He attempts to draw some schematic diagrams of circuitry he should be familiar with. He makes many errors and finally is ready to give up when his elbow is nudged and the pencil skids across the page.

Turning quickly in his swivel chair he catches Marie and holds her. "Ha, thought you could sneak up on me, did you?" he squeezes her to him as he comes to his feet. "All rested up?"

Marie: "Mmmm, squeeze me some more, handsome." She rolls her eyes at him. He holds her and gently kisses her on her lips. His lips trail along her cheek and he nibbles at her ear.

Marie: " I better see about making us some supper or you're going to eat me up!" and she slips out of his arms. "By the way, my mother called while you were out. Where were you?"

Dan: "Oh, just out in the back yard with Cyril, letting you get some rest. How is she? I suppose we should have called her when we got home. She's probably worried about her little girl."

Marie: "That was it. She knew what time my plane got in and she was waiting for my call. I guess I was too excited to call. She's just fine and sends regards for you as well. I told her that I was just fine, too, and how much I liked the apartment."

Dan looks puzzled but says nothing. "Give me a minute and I'll show you where I've put everything, " he calls out, but she says she'll find things. Dan doesn't know whether to go out to the kitchen or stay where he is. "Marriage is sure complicated!" he mumbles to himself.

He putters with his drawings for a few minutes and finally throws the pencil down. He goes to the kitchen. He stares! The roses are just where he left them but the table's bare. No tablecloth! He wishes he had stayed in the back room. Marie is cooking something on the range.

Dan: "Honey, you should have called me to show you how to light those burners. I'll show you later how to light the oven."

Marie: "I'm not dumb...or helpless!"

Dan: "Sorry, Hon, but the landlady had to show me so I thought I should show you. I know that you're a very capable woman! I'll leave you to it." Dan turns on the radio low and finds some music. He gets himself another beer and sits down at the table.

Marie sits down opposite him. She takes a sip of his beer. He smiles at her and takes a sip himself. She smiles widely and takes another sip. Dan snatches it up and takes another but before he can put it down she has her hands on it and is pulling. He hangs on and they have a tug-of-war, laughing themselves helpless. He plants his elbow on the table and holds out his hand for her to arm wrestle him. She takes his hand in both of hers but can't budge it. He relaxes and she falls back with his hand in hers. She looks at him with laughter in her eyes and speaks, "Oh Dan, I am so crabby tonight. Please forgive me. This is all so new to me. I'm right here with you, and this is where I've been longing to be for so long. Don't let me spoil it. I love you so!"

Dan: "I don't understand but I'll be patient. I wanted everything to be so perfect for you! I wanted you to feel at home here. I think you will. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it."

Marie: "Just be you. I'll be all right. And I do like everything you've done, I do."

Marie jumps up and returns to the range. She prepares macaroni and cheese. She brings a salad out of the frig and puts it on the table. Dan gets up and fetches plates and cutlery. She brings bread and they sit down to supper. Dan fills up on extra bread and butter. He helps her clear the table when they finish and dries dishes for her at the sink.

Dan: (Hanging up the dish towel) "I'll be right back. I have to go and feed Cyril. Irma's over on the mainland at her daughter's for a few days and I'm looking after him. Be right back." He goes to feed the cat.

When he comes back down the back steps he notices Clay's car out front. He enters the apartment and greets Theresa and Clay.

Dan: "Hi, guys. Clay had to bring you over to show you off, did he?" he says to Theresa. She grins and says, "Yep!"

Theresa: "Actually he brought me over to introduce your wife and I. And where were you? Out catting around, weren't you?" She laughs and jabs him in the ribs. The rest join in but Marie doesn't really seem amused.

Dan: "So, has Clay done the introductions?" Marie and Theresa nod yes. "Well, how about a beer, or pop or coffee? Whatever?"

Dan has coffee and Clay and Theresa have beer. Marie has juice and all gather around the table.

Theresa: "Marie, you're very much like your photo. Dan was showing it to us the other day. Was the shot professionally done?"

Marie: (glancing at Dan) "It was taken from a snapshot that Dan always liked. A friend of mine who works with photography cropped it and added some enhancements in the background. She did a very good job, I think"

Theresa: "Yes, she did. Would she do one for me, do you think?"

Marie: "Next time I see her I can ask."

Dan: (Nodding at Clay) "Clay, could you check a circuit drawing I'm working on." He gets up and says, "You ladies mind if we talk shop for a bit in the study?"

Theresa: "Go! Take him away from me." She laughs.

Marie: "You go work on your electronics, we'll find something to gab about."

Dan and Clay go to the back room. Dan gets out the schematic he was working on earlier.

Dan: "Something's wrong, Clay. She doesn't like the apartment. I hope it's only because it's all new to her but it's clear in her body language. She is uncomfortable with so many items that are not our own, like the furniture, and I don't know what to do."

Clay: "Give her time. She'll put everything where she wants it and it will feel more like home. She's also homesick. Don't forget she's an only child. Her ties to normalcy are her parents. She has always lived at home. I know how she feels, I think. I always lived with my mother in Burnaby until I joined the Air Force. Suddenly, I'm shipped to Montreal for basic. That's a long way from B.C., and I still go home whenever I get leave. Its a way of life that's hard to leave behind. And she had a good job and close friends in the community. She has nothing here but you for now. Give her time."

Dan: "Hmmm, you're right, of course. I'll just have to wait."

Clay: "Waiting with her should be easy. I seen you guys in the back seat. She must have been pretty hot this afternoon." He leers.

Dan: "Oh, you bet!" he lies, and then, "Hey, that's none of your business!"

Clay: "I thought so."

Dan: "Take a look at this exercise. Have you done this one before?" They pore over the material and the partial schematic. Clay draws a few symbols and Dan jumps in and finishes it. They study what they have put together, then check the answer page in the back of the manual. There are only two small errors but the circuit as drawn would have worked. The errors were all in the area of long term stability. They pat each other on the back as they rejoin the women in the kitchen.

Marie: "Like big kids, aren't they?"

Theresa: "Boys and their toys."

Theresa suggests to Clay that they should be on their way, so Dan and Marie bid them goodnight and they leave. Dan helps Marie clean up the kitchen, then they smile at each other and hand in hand they head for the bedroom. Dan strips off his shirt, T-shirt and shoes. He helps Marie undo the back of her blouse, then her bra. She turns in his arms and her arms go around his neck. She presses her bare breasts against his chest and they kiss a long time.

Dan's hands slide down from her waist to the cheeks of her bottom. He pulls her tight against him so she can feel his hard erection. She smiles a small smile and rubs her belly and breasts back and forth against him. They kiss again and he undoes the back of her skirt. It drops down to the floor. She giggles and runs her hand down between them to the front of his pants. She rubs his erection and he groans. One of his hands come around to the front of her as he reaches down to nibble at a breast. He rubs her opening through her panties and she shivers. She pulls down the zipper on his pants and undoes the belt. She pops the top button and his pants slide down. Rubbing each others private parts, they stand clinging to each other and kiss.

Bear in mind the only time they have ever had sex was on their honeymoon and during a brief period before he came to the base. Even so her panties are soaked with slippery natural lubricant and so are his shorts.

Dan: (huskily) "I think its time for bed."

They pull apart and he goes around the bed to pull down the blankets. He moves quickly under the light cover and sheet looking at Marie. She is standing by the bed with her hands on the covers to pull them down and she's as white as a ghost. Her hand goes rapidly to her mouth and she runs from the room. Dan sits up in bed staring at the door. He jumps out of bed and goes to see what's going on. Marie is in the bathroom, the door partly open, and she is bent over the toilet, puking into the bowl.

Dan: "Oh God! What's wrong? What happened?"

She brings up more supper and hangs onto the toilet. Dan kneels beside her and hands her Kleenex. She mumbles her thanks and retches again. The tears are streaming down her face and she looks so pathetic. Dan dampens a face cloth and helps her clean up her face. He rinses it under the cold water and applies it to her forehead. She looks up at him with a weak smile and says, "You've lost your 'hard-on'! Don't you want me anymore?"

Dan only shakes his head and runs the cloth again under the cold water. He runs it over her cheeks, mouth and chin, then folds it against her forehead again. He lets her hold the cloth and he draws a heavy bathrobe of his around her shoulders. She puts the wash cloth on the sink and gargles with some mouthwash. She has some color back and they go out into the dark in the kitchen. Dan turns on a small light on the range and he pours them some coffee. He fixes his with cream and sugar and leaves hers black, the way she likes it. She reaches over and sips his coffee, then hands it to him. They hold the cup together and first one, then the other, they sip from it until it's all gone.

They get up as one and return to the bedroom. They slide into bed and embrace, both naked and Dan is greatly aroused.

Marie: "Please Dan, just hold me tight."

They press bodies tightly one against the other and she lays with her head on his arm. In a little while she relaxes and soon Dan realizes she's asleep. He groans quietly and tries to go to sleep himself. It's a long time before he finally drops off.


Dan wakes to the smell of fresh coffee and bacon frying. He stretches and bounces out of bed. He steps into slippers and dons a bathrobe. He steps into the living room and hears church music playing softly from the radio in the kitchen. He listens and realizes that Marie is humming along with the music. He steps to the kitchen door and almost bumps into Marie.

Marie: "I was just going to call you for breakfast, sleepy head. We'll have to hurry if we want to make it to Sunday services. Where is the church from here?"

Dan: (looking guilty) "When and if I attend church, I usually go to the chapel on base. Would you like to go?"

Marie: "I suppose so, but it will all be men there, won't it?"

Dan: "Oh no, there are many families from the PMQ's who go there and a few from town, I'm sure. I would, of course, be expected to wear full uniform. It's up to you." He gets himself a cup of coffee. "Well?"

Marie: "I think I would like that but how do we get to the base?"

Dan: "The base runs a service bus every hour. We can catch it right down at the corner. That's how I get to work."

Marie: "And how would you like your eggs, kind sir?"

Dan: "Cooked! Anyway, it doesn't matter. Scrambled, over or whatever you like. I'm easy."

Marie: "Well, don't complain when you get them then!"

Dan: "Me! Complain? I never complain about food."

Marie: "I forgot. You'll eat anything."

Dan gets up and goes over behind her at the range. He takes her shoulders and turns her around. He says, "Good morning, dear." and kisses her. She says, "What was that for?" and his reply is he will always kiss her good morning and good night. She laughs uneasily and says, "You didn't kiss me good night last night."

Dan: (grinning) "We certainly kissed a lot last night before you went to sleep!"

Marie: "I'm so sorry about last night. I don't know what came over me."

Dan: "You're feeling alright this morning?"

Marie: "Oh yes, I feel perfectly well now. Mom says it was probably all the excitement, although that usually only occurs on a girl's wedding night. I didn't have that trouble then, did I?" She has a mischievous gleam in her eye. "It'll be better tonight, I promise you!"

Dan: "We have to wait until tonight?"

Marie: "Oh Dan!"

Dan: "Did you call your mother this morning?"

Marie: "She called me. I'm surprised the phone didn't wake you. It was just after 7:30. It was 8:30 her time and she's never been able to tell the difference. I had just got up."

Dan: "What did she want? I mean, was it anything important? You know what I mean!"

Marie: "No, I don't! What do you mean, Daniel?"

Dan: "Sorry, Marie. I was just asking what she wants to talk to us about, that's all. I guess she wanted to talk to her daughter, right?"

Marie: "She's used to seeing me across the breakfast table every morning. I guess she was lonely."

Dan: "Yeah, I guess."

Marie: "Anyway, she said if it didn't get better, I might have to get a mild sedative for my nerves. She had to when she was first married. Then I told her that I didn't have any trouble on our wedding night because you were so thoughtful and gentle and let me take it at my own pace. She said that Daddy was a virgin, just like her, and he just shoved it in, causing her a lot of pain. It has always caused her pain since then. She said, 'of course, your Daddy didn't have the experience of your young man' and I think she was being bitter. Anyway, we have never had any trouble or pain, so why should we have any now. It'll be O.K. You just wait and see!"

Dan: "You sure talk to your mother a lot about sex. I seldom spoke about it to my parents. With six brothers and sisters we always discussed it among ourselves. Going to Mom was a last resort."

Marie: "You better drink that coffee while I get these dishes done up. You have to get dressed yet, you know!"

Marie and Dan catch the 1000 hours bus for the base and walk through the PMQ's to the Protestant Chapel. It is next door to the Roman Catholic (RC) Chapel. They stand around with a few other couples until Sunday School is over then go in for the Worship Service. It's a modern building with natural wood finish on all the exposed beams. Stained glass small panes surround clear glass windows so it's bright and cheerful. The pastor is not much older than them and he is a lively speaker who keeps them awake. His sermon is built around the writings of Paul in Corinthians and his admonition to the Christians concerning chastity and marriage.

After the service many couples gather out front to socialize a bit and Marie strikes up a friendship with Betty Hamilton, whose husband is a radar tech, the same as Dan, and has been at this base for about eight months. His name is Gordon (his wife calls him Gordie but no one else does) and his friends call him Gord. He's also an AC1.

Betty and Marie chat away and they come to realize that they too rode the bus to and from town. They decide to have lunch at the base and Gord goes looking for the Mess Officer to get tickets for the wives. It will come off their pay cheques.

They go in for lunch and Sam drops down at their table at Dan's elbow. He looks around Dan and speaks to Marie. "Hi there, stranger. Where have I seen you before?"
