Dan's Story Pt. 01


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He heads off up the beach and leaves the women with their heads together. He finds a nearby stash of dead rushes for kindling and a little farther he comes across some driftwood piled up for another fire. Much of it is small, so he carries an armload back to their spot where the women are sitting on the blanket putting suntan lotion on their legs and arms. He applies lotion to their backs and lingers a bit over certain areas of Marie's anatomy. He gets a slap.

Marie: "Dan! Not in public!"

Dan stands and graciously bows in three different directions, "For my public." he says, and grins. Marie and Betty break up laughing.

Betty: (quietly to Marie) "I wish Gord would do that to me in private or in public." They laugh.

Dan arranges the kindling and smallest pieces of driftwood and soon has a crackling fire going. A girl down the beach hails them and Theresa comes near in a French Riviera style bikini and a wide brimmed straw hat. She's wearing light sandals and says she's been out for a stroll. Dan can't help looking at her great young figure and feels a stirring that he doesn't want his wife to see.

He heads for the water, calling over his shoulder, "Well, you guys can sit here in the sun all day if you want, but I'm going to get wet." He dashes in and his feet go numb. The water is freezing but he pushes ahead, trying not to slow down too much. The drop off is shallow and he has to go out quite a ways before he reaches waist deep. By now he is shivering but he scoops up water and applies it to his chest. He bounces up and down, then bends his knees and does the same, slowly immersing himself in the frigid sea.

Finally he spreads his arms and does a shallow dive and starts swimming. He only stays out for about ten minutes and heads back to shore. As he comes up the beach the women are watching him and laughing. Marie says, "Had enough? Theresa told us that the water was too cold for swimming, so we have enjoyed your performance." They all laugh some more. Dan's teeth are chattering but he soon warms up in the sun. He busies himself with the fire and breaking out the wieners. Dan cuts some green branches and sharpens them for the wieners. The women have the other goodies out so they all gather around the fire and cook their dogs.

After lunch Betty and Marie settle down on the blanket, face down and undo their tops so they won't have strap marks in their tan. Theresa comes up with a kid's beach ball from up the beach a ways and her and Dan start throwing it to each other. As the tide goes out, they throw harder and run farther with the ball. Dan comes up to the underbrush behind the blanket and gets two cold pops.

He thinks Marie is asleep but she opens one eye and in a low voice says, "Isn't it time for that little girl to go home, and you to come home, too, mister?" Dan stops and looks at her, but she appears to be sleeping, although Betty, who also appears to be asleep has a funny little smile on her lips. Dan can't believe she said anything! He thinks it must be his imagination! He hesitates before taking a pop back to Theresa and tells her he has had enough. She waves to the girls who are now putting marshmallows on their sticks and holding them over the hot coals, and they wave back. She heads off up the beach in the direction from which she came and Dan stands staring after her.

Marie walks down to where he stands and says from behind his shoulder, "You can put your tongue back in your mouth now. She's gone." She walks back towards the fire and Dan follows her. "Betty is sure it's she and her aunt that goes with the pilots to Halifax. They go when her uncle takes out the fishing boat. Her aunt works in a restaurant here in town. Gord knows all about her, but I guess Clay doesn't know her as well as he thinks."

Dan just says, "Oh."

"Don't you wish you were a pilot?" she asks sweetly and Dan turns a deep shade of red. "I think you're getting a sunburn." she says as they arrive at the fire.

Betty: (cattily) "Maybe he got too close to the two legged flame!" and both girls laugh. Dan just gets himself a marshmallow and promptly sets it on fire. He swears as it drops into the coals and gets another. Betty has to go around three thirty because Gord will soon be home for supper, so they pack up and head for home. The women don skirts and Dan his trousers and they head down the beach.

When they get home Marie goes for a shower and Dan goes to find Irma and ask her about the car. He finds her working around the rosebushes and Cyril comes to meet him.

Irma: "You look like you've been out to the beach. Got a touch of a burn, too, I'd say. Be able to tell better after dark."

Dan: "Yes, we spent a few hours out past the harbor."

Irma: "Oh, the water's cold there. Brown's beach is the place to go. Do you know where it is?"

Dan: "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I've been out there, but you need wheels to get there. And that's why I'm looking for you. Do you own the old Plymouth in the garage?"

Irma: "Why yes. Mr. Henshaw and I used to drive that car to the beach. But it hasn't run in years. I don't even know if it can run any more. How'd you know about it?"

Dan: "Spotted it when I was cutting roses the other day. I saw it through the window. I love to fix up old cars and I wondered if you would consider selling it."

Irma: (hesitantly) "I don't know. It was Mr. Henshaw's. I will have to think about it. Give me a few days, all right?"

Dan: "Of course. No hurry. You let me know when you make up your mind." He goes back to the house and finds Marie making supper. He catches her in his arms and kisses her. She looks him in the eye and says, "You sure it's me you want to be kissing?"

Dan: "I'm sure, very sure. For a long time I've been sure, and I proved it on our wedding day."

Marie: "Oh Dan, I'm sorry. I can be so obnoxious when I want to be. I'm truly sorry." She kisses him back.

After supper Marie rubs lotion into Dan's shoulders, back and legs. They are quite pink and he feels hot all over. Marie is darker complexioned and has a nice tan. She asks Dan to check for strap marks on her back. He sits on the edge of the bed and opens her blouse. Her breasts are tanned and the nipples stiffen up when the cool air hits them. Dan turns her around and checks the even tan on her back as she stands in front of him. "Let me check your legs now," he says as he raises her skirt. He runs his hands up her legs, up her thighs to her hips, and then draws her back into his lap. She wiggles her bottom and bounces a bit up and down. She speaks over her shoulder and saucily says, "Why Dan, is all that for me?" and she lifts the front of her skirt to reach down and undo his fly. She reaches inside and draws his bathing suit to one side so his cock can spring out in her hand. She rubs it against her panties, then pushes them to one side and rubs it against her flesh. She is slippery and so is he. She moves herself a little forward and impales herself upon him.

He feels he slip down over his manhood like a silken glove. "Oh God, girl." he surges up to meet her. He bounces her feeling the rough underside of his cock rub her clit's base inside her. Soon she is gasping and calling his name.

Later when they are spent and satiated for a little while, Dan takes his shower and she joins him. They wash each other off with tender care for private parts. They dry each other's backs and fronts, then dressed in robes, they pour one cup of coffee and share it at the table.

Marie: "It's been another perfect day, but I have a feeling I may have a visitor tonight. I think I had better wear a pad to bed."

Dan: "Can you tell when it's going to start?"

Marie: "Not really, but some times you get a feeling."


Their luck holds out and the pad is discarded that morning to make room for more important matters. Afterwards, they sit down to breakfast together and plan their day. Of course, none of their plans work out because Irma comes down to announce that the Plymouth is all his. She wants him to have it because she dreamed her late husband told her to give it to them. Dan spends the day trying to free it from its cocoon.


The Plymouth is out in the alley behind the house. Dan is in civvies and grease and is under the hood. Sam is lying under the car and Marie is in the back yard leaning over the fence.

Marie: "Dan, are you going to spend the rest of your leave working on that car?"

Dan: (calling from under the hood) "What's that, dear? What'd she say, Sam?"

Sam: "She's jealous of the car."

Marie: (indignantly) "Sam! I am not! And I did not say that, Dan! I just wondered if you are planning to work on the car all day."

Dan pulls his head from under the hood and looks at her. "Did you want me to do something for you, dear?"

Marie: "Oh, never mind!"

Dan scratches his head and gets a ratchet and socket from a toolbox by the garage doors. Irma has been watching from her back step and says to Marie as she wanders back towards the house, "Maybe I should have waited a while to give him that car, dearie. He is really lost in that project now, isn't he?"

Marie says, "It wouldn't matter when he got his hands on it. His passion is old cars. I'll just have to be patient."

Sam crawls out from under the car and stands at Dan's elbow where he is working with the ratchet. "I think you better find a place to park this baby for a while and work on your wife for now. She's all alone in that apartment, buddy. What are you doing out here?"

Dan: "Hmmm, I guess you're right. I'll just finish tightening some of these head bolts down and we can push her to one side of the alley by the fence."

Sam: "Leave the head bolts to me and go get cleaned up. I'll call you when I need a hand to move her. You Ontario Romeos are supposed to know all there is to know about women, but I could teach you a lot from the backwoods of New Brunswick. Scat!"

Dan: "Uh, thanks, Sam. I owe you. Staying for supper?"

Sam: "Check with Marie before you ask me, eh?"

Dan climbs over the fence, walks across the yard and enters their apartment. Marie looks up from a novel she's reading at the kitchen table as he goes by and into the bathroom.

Dan: (calling) "Where should I put these greasy clothes?"

She comes over to the bathroom door and looks in at him as he strips. "What are you doing? I thought you were working on the car!"

Dan: (smiling up at her) "I asked Sam to finish up. I couldn't leave you here all alone in the apartment." He reaches over and runs one greasy hand up her leg.

Marie: "Dan! Look at my leg!"

Dan: "Mmmm, I am and I like what I see." He runs his other greasy hand up the inside of her other leg to her pelvis.

Marie: "Dan! You stop that this minute! What a mess I am! Now I'll have to take a shower!" She stops and looks at him. "That's what you want, isn't it? You're trying to get me in the shower with you, you nut. I might have known!"

Dan simply smiles broadly and nods his head up and down.

Marie takes his dirty clothes and puts them in a separate bag to go to the Laundromat. He starts the shower and adjusts the water temperature. Marie takes off her clothes and comes up behind him. She slips her arms around his waist and hugs him. He opens the shower curtain and she shoves him in. Quickly she follows him.

When they are all done they towel each other off and play around a bit. Marie dons a robe and goes to fetch fresh clothes from the bedroom, but Dan follows her.

Marie: "Dan! Some one might see you through the kitchen or living room window. Shame on you." She giggles, "It might scare some people away!"

Dan: "But not you, eh?"

Marie: "It attracts me. I will always come back for more."

Dan: (Coming close and running a hand under the flap in her robe) "Be careful what you wish for...

Marie: (Pushing against his hand) "I don't think I'll get more than I can handle!"

They play a bit more and are starting to get worked up when a loud knock comes at the door. It's Sam and he needs Dan's help to move the car. Dan dresses quickly. "Should I ask Sam to stay for supper?" he asks.

Marie: "I was counting on him staying already, but I hope he doesn't stay too late." She winks at him.

Dan goes out and they move the car to the grass by the back fence. Sam is fairly clean and Dan smells gasoline on him. Dan asks him to stay for supper and Sam's delighted. They go inside and Sam cleans up in the bathroom. When he comes out he smells of soap and there is little hint of gas.

Over the meal they reminisce about times at Clinton, both the base and the town.

Sam: "Remember that night at the Bayfield Pavilion, when you and Marie were dancing and I came and got you to borrow some bucks to get a bottle from the bootlegger. You came down with us and Marie was livid." He laughs and Dan joins in.

Dan: (to Marie) "I remember best when I came back. You were going to go home with your girlfriend and her date. Wow, were you ever mad...and it didn't seem to matter what I said, it was the wrong thing. And I was half looped and couldn't make sense out of what was going on. Thank goodness I got sick and got rid of a lot of that booze or I never would have got sober enough to drive you home."

Marie: "I remember thinking you had a lot of nerve to leave me standing on the dance floor when you took off with Sam. I was furious with both of you, but most of all, I was humiliated. Dummy here couldn't seem to understand that when he came back. Why did I ever go home with you that night?"

Dan: "Twas my charm, lass, my ever endearing charm."

Sam and Marie both break up laughing at him. They go on like this until supper's done and Sam offers to dry dishes. Marie says she wouldn't dream of having him do so, so Sam excuses himself and says he had to head back to the base. It's near 1900 and he's going to catch the bus. After he leaves and Dan is drying dishes she says, "I though Sam was supposed to be working tonight. Don't you guys work together?"

Dan: "When he heard about the car, he got a shift change with one of the other guys in the barracks. I think he's working a week Saturday, he said, in repayment. He had to see it and knew I would be working on it so he came down."

Marie: "You guys and your cars! I don't understand it."

Dan: "Its a man thing!" He snaps her with the dishtowel.

She jumps and fires the wet dishcloth at him. They laugh and chase each other around the kitchen. Dan catches her around her waist and says, "Shhhh! What is Irma going to think?"

Marie: (grinning) "She'll think that they're at it again!" and they both burst out laughing.

Marie finishes cleaning up in the kitchen and Dan gets out a sci-fi novel and sits on the couch to read. Marie comes in and sits down beside him. She gently puts one hand on his shoulder and peeks at what he's reading. She sneaks the hand up his shoulder and slightly pulls on his earlobe. Dan continues to read. She leans forward and blows softly in his ear while her hand sneaks around his head and toys with the other ear. Dan keeps reading. Suddenly she grabs his head in both hands, tilts it back and kisses him.

Dan: "Oh, hi honey."

Marie: "Don't you 'Hi honey' me. You start something you better be ready to finish it. Sam's gone or haven't you noticed?"

Dan: (calmly) "So he has."

Marie: "So I'm right here!"

Dan: "So you are."

Marie: "Dan! Do something!"

Dan turns a bit towards her, puts his left arm behind her and with his right arm under her legs, lifts her from the couch. He carries her to the bedroom and gently lays her on the bed. He moves his right arm out from under her legs and runs it up between them. Her panties are hot, wet and slippery.

Dan: "You've been thinking about this for a while, haven't you?

Marie: "Dan! Right now!"

Later, as Dan is dropping off to sleep for the night, he feels her back up against him and realizes she has panties on in bed. Sleepily he lays his arm on her hip and runs his hand down over her vagina. His fingers meet with the outline of a heavy pad. Her time has come at last. He drops off to sleep.


Dan wakes and feels Marie snuggled back in his arms against him. She is peacefully sleeping. He gently moves his head forward and kisses her ear. He feels movement between his legs. His organ is starting to grow and soon crowds between them. He stops and drops his head back to the pillow. He has suddenly remembered the pad between her legs. He lays still for a few minutes then gently pulls his arm out from under her neck. He eases back and out of the bed. He steps into slippers and goes to the bathroom. When he comes back she has not moved so he climbs back in bed and snuggles up to her again.

He almost falls asleep when he feels her stir. He pretends to be asleep. She rolls to face him and stretches. Then she wets her index finger in her mouth and trails it down his chest. She quietly giggles and wets her finger again. This time she puts it in his belly button. She is silently shaking with mirth. Gently she urges him back onto his back and looms over him. She gets up on knees and elbows and licks his left nipple and her left hand steals down his belly to his erection.

She hesitates, and then moves her head as well to that area. She studies it as she gently pulls back the folds of skin below the head. A fingertip touches the tiny hole in the center of the head and Dan involuntarily moves a bit. She stops!

For thirty seconds she does not move, but then she gently strokes the sagging shaft. It immediately straighten up. She giggles again. She runs a fingernail down the bottom side of the shaft and her fingers slip over the twin bulges below.

She feels them and holds them in her hand and moves a bit to peer closer. She uses her thumb to press down between them, thus separating them. She rolls one in her hand and takes some of the skin between thumb and forefinger to better feel it. Her hand then gently grips his member near the base and she lets it slip through her hand as she raises it, thereby producing a large quantity of fluid at the tip. She feels the fluid with her fingers and rubs it all over the head of his cock. Satisfied with her inspection, she sits up and stretches again.

Dan opens his eyes a slit to see what she is doing. She is taking off her panties and pad belt. She looks at the white pad and tosses it beside the bed. She shakes her head and turns towards him. He closes his eyes and lays still. He wonders what she is doing as he feels the bed move.

He feels breathing on his face and knows she's near. He feels the bed shift. Then ever so slowly he feels her hand on his rod. She is toying with the very tip of it. He feels her slip her hand around and down it. Her skin is so soft and hot that it feels like her ... Pubic hair touches pubic hair and he realizes he's inside her. She rests no weight upon him but slowly moves up and down. He cannot help himself. He surges up to meet her.

After their lovemaking she jumps out of bed.

Marie: "Dan! Now don't you go back to sleep! I'm going to make us some breakfast." She dons robe and slippers and leaves.

Dan gets out of bed and stretches. He puts on a bathrobe and heads for the bathroom. He says, "Good morning, Horny" and kisses her as he goes by.

"What did you call me?" She yells but he's in the John and has the shower running. He climbs in and lets the hot water wash his thoughts away. Suddenly the water turns icy cold and he jumps out of the shower with a bellow, bumping into a mischievous wife who is bent over laughing. "That will teach you not to call me names in the morning," and she runs out of the room. Dan goes back to his newly adjusted shower and soon is finished his ablutions.