Dan's Story Pt. 01


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Marie: "Sam! It's good to see you again. When are you coming down to our place?"

Sam: "Can't! Its Dan, you know. He wants you all for himself and won't let us near." His eyes are twinkling. "He's always been like that. Very possessive guy! You'll have to teach him some manners, Marie." They both laugh and everyone joins in.

Dan and Sam get chatting between them. Then Dan thinks to introduce Gord and Betty. Sam says he's seen him at the shops when he took up a load of Unserviceable Parts (US). Gord doesn't remember and they shake hands. Marie and Betty start talking together and Gord, Sam and Dan talk shop. After lunch Betty, Gordon, Marie and Dan head up to the gate to ride the bus home. Marie and Betty exchange phone numbers and promise to call as Dan and Marie get off the bus. They all wave and the bus goes on. Marie and Dan walk the half block home hand in hand.

Marie: "Isn't it nice to make new friends. I wonder what their place looks like. Betty said its an upstairs apartment and can get quite hot at times. We'll have to invite them over when it's hot and we'll go over there when it's cold. What do you think, Dan?"

Dan: "I think I'm glad to be home. It's quite hot enough for me all ready. Although that sea breeze does temper it down somewhat, it would be a nice day to go to the beach, if we had the car."

Marie: "I plan on rearranging a lot of goods in the house today. I've been looking forward to setting up our house and I won't be deprived. Going to help me?"

They start with the bedroom and Marie finishes unpacking. Clothes are neatly hung up or folded and put in drawers according to Marie's design. Soon she can lay her finger on anything she wants in one room, at least. Then they go to work on the kitchen cupboards and closet. Then they stop for a cold drink and Dan suggests a picnic in the back yard for supper. Marie loves the idea and he takes her out to see the roses. She comes back in with a rose in her hair and stars in her eyes. She is certainly in better shape today than yesterday. Today she can relax when she sneaks a sip out of Dan's drink. There is laughter in her eyes and a spring in her step. Dan makes chicken salad while Marie is changing around the living room in her mind. He digs out some crusty rolls and puts them in a wetted paper bag in the oven to freshen them up. He also finds a box of potato chips and adds them to a large tray. Pickles and cheddar cheese on a saucer, cutlery and butter, and some cold beers. The tray is getting full! Marie holds the door for him and they take their supper and a blanket out to the back yard by the roses.

Marie: "I didn't know you could prepare food, too. I won't even have to learn how to cook, eh? I can just lay around and you can wait on me." She giggles.

Dan: "O.K. by me. Just as long as you can satisfy me in bed, that is. Man has more appetites than just for food, you know!" and they laugh together.

They spread the blanket and sit to eat. Cyril comes to investigate and Sam gives him some chicken. Marie says she will be glad when their landlady gets back to look after her own cat. Dan is surprised at her tone of voice, but says nothing. He pets Cyril who settles down beside him. Marie just eyes the cat.

It's a lovely setting, with the sun low in the west and the odor of roses hanging heavy in the air. With a keen appetite they quickly consume the food and as the dew starts to settle, they go back inside. Marie promptly puts Cyril outside the door and says, "Hadn't you better go feed that animal?"

Dan: "You're right. I'll be right back." He goes upstairs with Cyril.

On his return he finds Marie on the couch cutting a painted toenail. She works on it a bit with an emery board, then takes polish and applies an even coat to the repaired nail. She fans the toe with a magazine to dry the polish. Dan watches, fascinated. His mother doesn't paint her toenails, and for that matter, he doesn't recall anyone else he's known doing it. It's sort of erotic to him. How would she look nude with painted fingers and toes, he wonders.

She glances up at him and grins. "Haven't you ever seen anyone paint her toenails," she asks?

"No." is Dan's reply.

Marie "Surely you've noticed them on the beach?"

Dan: "Yeah, I guess you're right. I just never thought about it, I guess."

Dan gets a sci-fi novel and starts reading in a stuffed chair as she finishes. She turns the radio on and brings in some mending. She sits on the couch and he in his chair like an old married couple. Tonight they are comfortable with each other and the world is all right. And later, when they make love, the world is perfect.


Dan slowly becomes conscious and holds his breath. Marie's bare back is pressed against his chest for warmth and his one arm rests on her hip with that hand caught in hers and pressed to her breasts. His other arm is under her neck and she's asleep. He is afraid to move or she will awaken. He raises his head slightly to better survey her sleeping form and smiles. He has no idea what time it is, but can see light streaming across the living room floor through the door, so he knows the sun's up. She breathes so evenly and so peacefully that he quietly lowers his head to the pillow once more. She snuggles back against him in her sleep, seeking more warmth, and he feels a stirring in his loins.

Within seconds Dan has a hard erection that presses at her butt. He tries to ease back a little from her so as to not disturb her, but this causes a draft of cool air to swirl down between them. She shivers and nestles back tight to him again. Some lubricant oozes from Dan's organ and he feels it slide between her legs against her sex. He lies perfectly still but Marie breathes evenly. Dan starts shaking with the tension but keeps as still as he can. He becomes aware that she is holding his hand now cupped over one breast and can feel the nipple hardening under his palm.

Slowly, ever so slowly, he moves the hand and kneads the breast. She murmurs in her sleep and pulls the hand tighter to her. Dan knows that lubricant is seeping freely from his manhood as he can feel the coldness of it against the inside of her thigh. She cuddles her butt harder against him and his organ slides over hers. She moves her bottom and wriggles a bit, aligning herself with him, and he slides the tip inside. Dan holds his breath and listens to her breathing. It is coming a bit faster now, he thinks. He fondles the breast and she gives a little gasp. She pushes her bottom hard against him and he enters her deep.

She whispers, "Its about time you woke up," and she giggles as he starts to move in a steady rhythm. It's not long and she gasps, "Oh Dan, I can feel fuzzy butterflies in my tummy. Oh DAN! OH DAN!" Mike smiles as he eases up letting her catch her breath then picks up the rhythm again so they cum together.

After their lovemaking they go to the bathroom together and clean each other up. Dan stays to shave and Marie goes to put on a pot of coffee. Dan uses the toilet and joins Marie in his housecoat. They sit at the table sipping fresh coffee. She reaches across the table and places her hand on his.

Marie: "We should do that as often as we want now, because my period is due today or tomorrow. I don't have to worry about getting pregnant. Remember our marriage. I had just had my period a few days before the wedding. Remember how I spotted again when we were at the falls. When I first had sex, I guess my body got all mixed up and for a while I was afraid I might have got pregnant then. But last month there was a showing. It wasn't much but my mother says that it's my body's way of adapting. Anyway, I'm due again so lets enjoy it." She tugs at his hand and grins.

Dan: "Can I finish my coffee first?" He laughs.

Marie: "Here", and she picks up his cup, "I'll finish it for you!" and they play wrestle for the coffee and drink it between them. The play continues into the living room and becomes more erotic on the couch. Once again they are joined and passionately involved when the phone rings by their heads.

Dan: "Damn! Who can that be?"

Marie: "Maybe its Mommy", she gasps and laughs.

Dan: "Let it ring! Screw the phone!"

Marie: (chuckling as she breaths hard and fast) "You better not! You better keep screwing me!" All the same she struggles upward and picks up the receiver. "Hi! ...I remember ...I'm busy right (gasp) now ...O.K. ...Lunch? ...How will (gasp) we find each (gasp) other?" she moans softly. "Yeah, that's what -Oh, yes! -we are (gasp) doing. ...Yes! Right now!" She squeals, "Yes, yes, oh yes" and says to the phone, "I gotta go ...or maybe come, I'm not sure. (gasp) We'll see you later. Bye." and she hangs up the phone. "That was not my mother", she giggles, "it was Betty. We're having lunch with her. Don't slow down now!"

Later at noon they leave the apartment to meet Betty at the 'MIDTOWN' for lunch. The ladies giggle over that phone call and Dan feels embarrassed. Betty says they practice the rhythm method as well. Sex is plentiful one week before and after each period, but the rest of the month is famine. She says it drives her crazy to wait so long, but it's better than having kids. She admits to Marie that Gord is not all that hot even then.

"Once a month is good for him, but I want it every night. I have to urge him with his favorite foods and set the mood with lamps and sometimes candles!" she confides.

Marie: "I don't think we'll ever have that problem, do you dear?" She nudges Dan with her elbow and laughs. They order lunch and the two women continue chatting. Dan feels a bit like a third wheel on a bicycle.

After lunch Dan suggests they go down to the harbor. There is a steady breeze blowing from the sea as they approach some old houses down there and Dan points out to Marie the upstairs apartment that he looked at before. Betty says the old lady who lives there is crazy and Dan agrees she's quite a character. They watch the boats coming and going when Dan sees Theresa. He waves and she comes over to join them. Marie introduces her to Betty and Theresa tells them she's waiting for her father's boat.

They wait together, talking about her father and other seamen and boats that pass by. Soon her father's boat arrives and she coaxes them to take home some lobsters. They are all steamed and ready to eat, so Marie has a chance to try some right there on the dock. She likes them so Dan gets a couple for supper. Betty gets a couple for her and Gord, as well. Betty says she has to pick up some groceries at Gaudette's and get home. She leaves them. Marie and Dan wander towards home with their purchase.

They dine on lobster that night and marvel that it only cost them five dollars. In Ontario, at a restaurant, if you could get it, fresh lobster would have cost twenty dollars or better per plate.

They spend a quiet evening at home and their lovemaking this night is slow and tender. They remain locked together long afterwards and so drift off to sleep still coupled and in each other's arms.


They awaken together and Dan stretches. Marie tickles him and he snorts, then they laugh together.

Dan: "Well, my wanton woman, come sit on my lap and we'll see what comes up!"

Marie straddles him and sits on his stomach. She pokes him in the ribs and says, "You're going to be sorry. If you touch me with that thing, I'm going to pee all over you!" She giggles and jumps off him. She slips on her slippers and rushes to the bathroom. Dan follows at a more leisurely pace. She has finished and is washing her face, so he sits on the can to pee. He watches her bare backside as she brushes her hair and finally says, "I'll race you back to bed." and stands. She looks at his huge erection in the mirror and dashes out the door. They flop down on the bed, Dan on his back and Marie straddling him.

Marie: "This is the way we did it on our wedding night, only I'm not quite so tight this time." She moves her ass back and forth against his hard member, crushing it against his belly and teasing him. Dan struggles to get it in but she wiggles and eludes him laughing. Dan hauls her down to him and kisses her while working on both of her breasts with his hands. She moans and moves her pelvis to capture him. They are merged and she sits up a bit to move her body more freely.

Dan: "You are still nice and tight, my love!" He relishes the feelings she is generating in his organ as she wantonly rides him.

When they have collapsed together and lay side-by-side Dan says, "Still no period? I think we must be pushing it all back in!" He laughs.

Marie looks more serious and says, "It should be starting anytime now. Then we won't be able to make love for a few days. I hope it holds off until you go back to work or it only lasts a day or two." She reaches over and fondles his spent member. "Do you think we can wear it out?" she giggles.

Dan: "I don't think it will ever quit with you." and he kisses her.

They get up, dress and have breakfast. "What would you like to do today?" inquires Dan. Just then there's a knock at the door. Dan spies Irma through the glass and goes to the door. "Come in, come in." he says as he opens the door for her. "Dear, this is our landlady, Irma Henshaw. Irma, I'd like you to meet my wife, Marie." They shake hands and the phone rings. Marie runs to answer it, so Dan asks her if she would like to have some coffee.

Irma: "No thanks, I just arrived home and came down to get the keys. Thank you for looking after Cyril. Was everything all right?" She nods at the living room door.

Dan: (With a huge smile) "Couldn't have been better. Everything is just right." He hands her the keys.

Irma: "I'm glad, now I must run and get settled back in. Please ask your wife to come up and visit with me whenever she likes." She leaves and Marie comes back into the room looking thoughtful.

Marie: "That was Betty. She called to tell me that she thinks she knows Theresa by reputation. She thinks that she and another girl a little older than her are party girls for the pilots. They go to Halifax with them for weekends. How well does Clay know her?"

Dan: "Pretty well, I think. They've been dating since he arrived here and seem to be a steady couple now. She must be mistaken." He thinks about what she has said for a minute and hopes he's right.

Marie: "She also wants to know if we would like to go to the beach with her today. What do you think? I told her I'd call back."

Dan: "How? Has she got a car?" Then he says, "Oh, by the way, Irma says to come up and visit with her any time you like."

Marie: "O.K., but I really don't know her yet."

Dan: "Damn! I meant to ask her about that old car in her garage. I'll ask her later."

Marie: "What should I tell Betty?"

Dan: "Sounds good to me, if she has a way to get there."

Marie: "O.K. I'll tell her and I need some money. We have to get some groceries on the way home."

Dan: "Right! I'll stop by the bank. You have to go in and sign on the account, anyway. They have the papers all ready."

Marie: (coming over to lean on his arm) "I brought some money with me in traveler's cheques." She waves some cheques in front of him, "$2,500.00! How about that!"

Dan: "Where did it come from?"

Marie: (pulling his arm and whispering) "I robbed a bank!"

Dan: "What!"

Marie: "It was my pay and severance pay and holiday pay and a bonus and some was a gift from Mom and Dad, silly."

Dan: "Oh."

Marie: "You sound disappointed. Do you want me to become a bank robber?" She laughs. Dan chuckles, but is concerned. "How much from your Mom and Dad?"

Marie: "What's it matter?"

Dan: "You and I both work! We don't need help from other people to pay our bills! How much?"

Marie: (quietly) "$1,000.00"

Dan: "We'll pay them back! As soon as you get work and we can save up some money, that'll be our first priority. O.K.?"

Marie: "O.K. Dan, but why? It gives them pleasure to feel they can help us. Can't we allow them that pleasure?"

Dan: "Aw, Marie! It's too much like charity. Don't you see? We can do it on our own. Your mother doesn't believe I'm worthy of you, but your Dad and I see eye to eye. He has faith in me! So do you, I hope."

Marie: "I have faith in you, my love. Else I wouldn't be here. You're all I have now and I know you will never fail me. Please don't belittle my mother because I have the greatest respect for her, as you do for your mother."

Dan: (pleading) "Then why does she not like me ...or trust me, I'm not sure which? She thinks I've stolen her daughter and she's secretly bitter about it. I don't own a legal firm or have a millionaire father. If I did she'd respect me and find me likable, wouldn't she?"

Marie: (She speaks in a sad voice, almost crying): "I don't know but I hope one day you'll grow to like each other."

Marie goes to the bathroom and when she comes out she has on fresh makeup. "I am calling Betty", she says, and goes into the living room. Dan sits at the table nursing a beer.

Marie calls from the other room, "Betty says there is a small public beach just the other side of the harbor and we can walk over to it. Want to?"

Dan: "Yeah, sure. Why not, it's going to be a scorcher! Better take lots of suntan lotion."

Marie talks for a while longer to Betty and hangs up. "We're to meet at the 'MIDTOWN Restaurant'," she says as she comes back into the kitchen. "I told her in about an hour. That should give us time to stop at the bank."

Dan: "I'll get our bathing suits. Want to finish this beer. Its still cold."

Marie: "Not this early in the morning. It's only 11-o-clock! I'll see if we have anything for a picnic lunch on the beach and you can dig out some of those big towels. Wonder if we could start a fire and have hot dogs? ...and toasted marshmallows?"

Dan: "I guess we could. There must be driftwood. But we haven't got any buns ...or marshmallows!"

Marie: "We could stop on the way and pick some up?"

Dan: (putting the towels and suits on the table) "We sure could. Sounds like a great idea. Think we'll need a blanket?"

Marie: (grinning) "What're you planning on doing on it?"

Dan: "Marie! Do you think I would try something like that? Hmmm, it might be too late when we get home, though." He grins.

Marie: "Dan, get your mind out of the gutter!"

They laugh and horse around a bit more, then set out for the bank. At the bank Marie deposits the traveler's cheques and signs on to the joint account. Then they go up the street to the 'Midtown'. Betty's waiting for them out front and they walk on down towards the docks. When they come to Gaudette's, Marie asks Betty what she thinks about hot dogs. She agrees and they go in and purchase wieners, buns, mustard and relish and marshmallows. Betty has brought a potato salad and paper plates, so loaded down they head for the beach.

It's a small beach with red sand that's a trifle muddy near the water and has undergrowth growing down to within eighty feet of the water. When the tide goes out it will be quite a wide stretch of beach, but now it's confining. They set up near the trees for shade in case it gets too hot. There is a stiff sea wind blowing on shore but it's still quite hot.

Dan steps into the undergrowth and comes back in his bathing suit. The ladies tee hee and dare each other to do the same. Then together they rush into the bushes. When they come out they are both in Bikinis. They are laughing and Dan is glad there are only a few others on the beach to see his wife. She is gorgeous. Maybe a little thin but built like a model! Dan whistles in appreciation and gets black looks from both for his efforts.

Dan: "I'll look for some small driftwood and we'll soon have some lunch. If you want to go for a dip before you eat, better hustle."
