Dan's Story Pt. 01


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Dan: "I get the idea. No pilot lights. O.K., I can handle that and I'm sure my wife can, as well. Thank you, Irma." and he proceeds out the door with Clay behind him. They get out to the car and Clay says, "Be careful, Dan, she may want to show you how the shower works next!" and they laugh.

Dan picks out the last suitcase, they shake hands and Dan says, "I'm really grateful to you for taking the time to bring me in to town, like this. Thanks buddy. When Marie gets here I'll have you down for some good home cooking. That's a promise!"

Clay: "I'll hold you to that, now. You take care and I'll see you around the base." It starts to rain, great big splashes on the car, one drop here and another there, as Clay starts it up and pulls away. He has his left signal light on and is turning towards downtown when Dan heads back through the gate and around the house. By the time Dan reaches the door to his apartment, it's pouring rain and the wind is gusting it in artificial curtains across the town. Dan ducks inside and is surprised to find Irma still there in the kitchen.

Irma: "I must go and get Cyril in. If you need anything just give me a call." She steps out the door into the wind and rain and quickly goes up on to her back porch, "Cyril!" she calls. "Cyriiil, Cyriiil, come on kitty. Where are you hiding, you naughty boy? Cyriiil, Cyriiil." Dan closes the door.

He goes to the living room door and stands looking around. His few possessions do not seem to fill a very big hole in this strange, new place. For two years his home has been a small barrack's room or a dormitory with many other men. Rain streams down both windows in the kitchen and living room and the rooms are dark. Dan turns on some lights, but they don't seem to cheer him up much. He notes that he will have to get some stronger bulbs. Every one in the apartment seems to be a forty-watt!

Dan starts unpacking. Some towels he has brought from Ontario along with his toiletries he has been using at the base go into the bathroom. He is pleasantly surprised to find two blankets in the closet in the bedroom. He gets out a notebook and starts making a list. Sheets and pillowcases, beside it he writes, 'loaners till Marie comes' and he chuckles over the last word he has written. Feeling a little more chipper he digs out of his duffel bag a clock radio and plugs it in by the kitchen door where he can see it from the living room. He sets the clock and turns on some music.

Dan goes back to the kitchen table and his list. 'Food', he writes in big letters, and grins. He sits down in a kitchen chair and puts down 'coffee, sugar and milk' on the list. He leans back and opens the fridge door. It's clean and empty. He gets up and looks in the freezer. The same. He walks into the bathroom, has a piss and flushes, then comes back to the table. He rushes back to the bathroom and puts down the seat ...must not get into any bad habits, Marie will soon be joining him. He muses over that thought.

Dan returns to the living room and opens a flight bag. He pulls out two uniforms and takes them into the bedroom and the closet. He brings the flight bag in and lays it out across the bed. He proceeds to take each item out and put it away. He uses a saucer he has found in the bathroom as an ashtray and carries it around with him. He stacks a pile of sci-fi novels on a bedside stand beside a 5 by 7 wedding picture of him and Marie. He stares at the picture for a moment, then browses through one of the sci-fi novels for a while on the bed. He drifts off to sleep.

After about half an hour, Dan rouses and goes into the living room. He finishes unpacking and goes back to the kitchen to work on his list. It's still raining, but the sky is brighter now and it looks like it will soon clear up. In blue jeans, T-shirt and running boots, Dan slips on a light, water resistant summer jacket and prepares to go down town. He tries the lock with the key and finds it's tight, but works. As he pulls the door closed and locks it, he hears Irma above him on the porch. She sees him come out on the sidewalk and says, "Hi there. Would you like a nice hot cup of tea? I have some fresh and would enjoy the company."

Dan stops to talk to her, "Can't right now. Going to do some shopping." He holds up the list. "Maybe some other time. Did you find Cyril alright before the storm?"

Irma: "Oh yes, he was hiding in the garage. He came running when the lightning started. He's such a naughty boy! He knows when I'm looking for him and he hides! Maybe you should let me see your list. I may be able to help you with some extra items I have around." She comes to the edge of the porch and holds out her hand.

Dan: "Oh. I don't want to impose on you. Its mostly food on my list."

Irma: "Well, I was going to ask you if you needed any towels or linens. I have extra sheets and such. If you need them, you just ask."

Dan thinks this over for a moment and says, handing up the list, "I guess maybe if you could loan me some sheets and pillow cases till my wife arrives, that sure would be nice."

She takes the list, glances down it while walking back to her door and says, "Come on in. I'll get them for you."

Dan goes up on the back step and enters her kitchen. She is in a nearby room, so he steps to the door. It's her bedroom and he is reluctant to go any farther, but she holds out to him some linens, so he raises his arms to accept them. "What about a table cloth?" she says, rummaging in another drawer, but Dan says, "I never thought of that."

Irma: "Just like a man." And she holds up a sparkling white cloth with brilliant red hearts around it. "You take that one and make sure it's nice and clean for your bride when she comes. It will cheer the place up for her." She puts another white cloth on top of it, "For everyday use", she says. "Now, how about towels?" She comes toward him to leave the room.

Dan quickly sidesteps to let her out and follows her saying; "I have adequate towels and wash cloths with me, but thanks all the same."

Irma: "Well, there's your list. Are you sure you won't have a cup of tea?"

Dan feels guilty and says, "Well, maybe a quick cup." He puts his armload down on the corner of the kitchen table and she beams all over. She pours out a fine china cup for him and they sit at her kitchen table and chat over tea. Cyril comes from somewhere and rubs up against his leg. He reaches down to scratch him along his neck and Irma says he's lucky. Cyril apparently does not take well to strangers. Now it seems Dan has a new buddy.

After a bit Dan takes the linens downstairs and leaves the apartment. As he is going out through the front gate, he sees a hand waving to him in the front window. He waves back and heads down to the main street.

After a couple blocks he comes across a lively looking restaurant and, checking his watch, he goes inside. He doesn't know anyone there but has a quick hamburger at the counter. He notices that the bunch around the tables are all a young crowd, probably still in school. He leaves and heads for Gaudette's Save-Easy.

He purchases eggs, potatoes and a lot of canned goods. He reads the labels and decides if he can fix them. In a dry goods aisle he gets a frying pan, two pots and a coffee percolator. He looks at a toaster, but decides against it. Bread and buns from the bakery section, some bacon and cold meats from the butcher aisle, and his coffee, sugar, milk, and other basics. He leaves the store with a box in both arms and a broom over his shoulder. Dan whistles as he walks towards his apartment. The pavement is still damp and puddles are everywhere but the air smells fresh and warm breezes stir. Dan's in good spirits.

He returns to the apartment and unpacks his groceries. As he is unpacking, he listens to a mystery on CBC. He pours himself a paper cup of milk and makes a mental note to ask Irma if she has any cups or glasses he might borrow. He takes the milk into the living room, puts it on the coffee table and gets a sci-fi novel from the bedroom. He settles back on the couch to read and is lost to the world of mere mortals. When the news comes on at 2200 he leaves the book and listens to the news. He tosses the paper cup into one of the empty paper grocery bags and puts the bag under the sink. He also checks his saucer/ashtray to make sure there are no sparks in it and dumps it into the bag. He then washes it up at the sink and looks for something to wipe it off with. He uses one of his face towels. He starts another list - dish soap, paper towels, cups, saucers, plates, etc. He realizes he has forgotten a lot. He kills the lights in the kitchen, checks the door lock and then picks up his book and goes to the bedroom. Using Irma's linen, he makes up the bed and climbs in.


Dan is out of bed early this morning. The sun is streaming across the living room and the kitchen is golden bright. He sits the tomato juice out of the frig on the corner of the kitchen table, taking a gulp right from the can. He goes to the bathroom, returns and puts water in the frying pan. He puts it on to boil while he peels two potatoes with his jackknife. He cubes the potatoes and drops them into the boiling water. He turns on the radio and tunes in another station. On checking the potatoes he finds they are cooked. He drains them, adds diced onion and some butter. The potatoes brown up nicely and the aroma of onions frying fills the apartment. Dan moves them to one side of the frying pan, lays a few slices of bacon in the open space and watches as it crisps up. He drains off some fat and puts two eggs in the pan.

As they cook, Dan puts a towel on the table where he is going to sit. Breakfast is done and he puts the frying pan on the towel on the table and sits down to eat. He gulps more tomato juice from the can and digs into breakfast with his jackknife. Although a bit awkward, Dan enjoys the food immensely and finishes it off with a paper cup of coffee. He wipes out the pan with some bread and enjoys the last drop of coffee.

Dan feels so good, that he decides to go out for a walk. He walks downtown and ends up over at the harbor. The gulls wheel and cry over the water and some early birds are working on nets by the sheds. They smoke corncob pipes and talk about the sea, storms and fishing. Dan sits around with them most of the morning and soaks up the sun. He feels most contented. He goes up to the cafe by the wharves, thinking he might see Clay or Theresa but they aren't there. He enjoys a burger and a coke, and then starts wandering back to his apartment.

As he nears home and is passing the uptown restaurant, he hears a woman crying. He listens, then goes around the side of the restaurant into the parking lot. There, sitting on the curb by a side door, he sees a young girl of about fifteen. She is bent forward with her face in her hands and sobbing.

Dan clears his throat, causing her to raise her head, "Are you all right?" he asks. She tilts her head back down and stares at the ground. Tears drop from her cheeks to the earth.

"I'm sorry if you think I'm interfering", says Dan, "But on hearing your sobs I thought you might need help. I'll leave, if you like." and he turns to leave.

She: "No, no, don't go. I'm sorry. I had a fight with my boyfriend ...he's inside. We always seem to be fighting lately. I don't know why."

Dan: "Maybe he's having trouble at home with his parents. Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with you. Ever think of that?" Dan sits down on the curb a few feet away. "I'm Dan, by the way." He holds out his hand.

She grabs his hand in both of hers and exclaimed, "Oh golly! I think you might be right. His Dad and him have been fighting for weeks now. Why didn't I think of that? Thank you." She leans back releasing his hand, "Oh, I'm Mary Tourand. Are you an angel?" She smiles through the tears and her face lights up.

Dan: "Guess I've been called worse." He laughs with her. "You seem so young to have such weighty problems. How long have you been going with him?"

Mary: "Almost a year now and I'm fifteen, so I'm all grown up. My Mom was married when she was my age ...or maybe a little older."

She looks unsure and Dan sees a little girl in front of him, not a woman. They talk for a while and he finds out that her boyfriend's name is Emory; that his mother died shortly after he was born and he lives with his father on the outskirts of town. His father is a house painter and wants his son to either continue school or start house painting with him. Emory wants to paint pictures or do sign lettering and doesn't want to go back to school. He has completed grade eight and is seventeen years old. He has quite a reputation around the town for being a dropout, a ner'do well and a bit of a braggart. But Mary insists he's none of these things, that he's kind, considerate and thoughtful.

He also finds out that Mary lives alone with her mother, her father having abandoned them to go look for work several years ago and never returned. They don't know what his whereabouts are, but he left for Toronto. The police say they have not been able to locate him, according to her.

As she gets up to go back into the restaurant, a thin boy with straight dark hair down in his eyes and thin pointed features is seen by them at the corner of the restaurant. He has been watching them and looks like he might be getting ready to run away. "Em!" calls Mary. "Emory, come meet a new friend. He's from the base. He just came about a week ago. His name is Dan Miller. Dan, this is my boyfriend."

Emory comes forward slowly and hesitantly, with his face turned down and acts shy, "Hi, ...Dan." He says. He gives Mary a black look and jerks his head for her to follow him.

"I'll be right back" says Mary and follows Emory to the corner of the lot.

They have a few words and soon she comes back across the lot to Dan. She's smiling and says, "I have to go, but I think he likes you. He's not good around strangers but he must trust you cause he let me come back to say good-bye." She thanks him again for his kind words and says she hopes to see him around again, then whirls around and flies off after Emory, who had gone on up the sidewalk.

Dan follows on the other side of the street until he comes to his corner and turns right. He goes through the gate and says Hi to Irma who is sitting on the porch with Cyril in her lap. She nods at the other chair and he goes up and joins her.

He relates his meeting with Mary and Irma says, "I know her. I helped her mother when she was in labor to have that child. She's only fourteen. Awfully young to have a boyfriend, especially that young Clogg boy. His father's that Jack Clogg, the painter, and he has never had time or the inclination to raise that boy properly."

Dan: "They are poor?"

Irma: "Jack likes his drink too much, that's his problem, and his young son takes after his father, the way I hear it. Runs with an awfully wild crowd, he does. I don't know what Mary sees in him. She is a good catholic French girl and he is a drunken young English idiot."

Dan: "Too bad."

Irma: "Such a shame about Mary, you know. Her father was a sleazy weasel who didn't think she was his, just because he run around, he thought his wife did the same. He wouldn't even pay for her to go to school and she only completed grade five, I think.."

Dan: "Doesn't the government insist children attend school until a certain minimum age?"

Irma: "Maybe where you come from, but down here, who checks? Half the girls are pulled out of school early. It's considered a waste of money to educate them by most of the old timers. I thank my lucky stars that I grew up in Manitoba. We had to attend school and get decent grades, as well. Such a waste down here in the Maritimes."

Dan: "So you met Mr. Henshaw out west, eh?"

Irma: "No, my father was in the Air Force. I was a PMQs brat over at Greenwood when George came to work at the base. He was so handsome and daring, in those days. We came here when the base was being set up because he worked for them by contract. That was a long time ago, over twenty years now."

She becomes reflective and Dan soon says he has some work to do down stairs. He gets up to leave when she asks if he needs anything else to set up house. Sheepishly Dan tells her about his breakfast. She has him follow her into the house and sets him up with dishes and cutlery. Dan thanks her very much and takes his leave.

He goes downstairs and throws a TV dinner into the oven. With a tall glass of milk he sits down to enjoy his solitary meal. He wonders what Sam is doing tonight. He wishes he were with him or Sam was back here. He thinks about taking the bus out to the base and going to the wet canteen, but doesn't act on it. Instead he turns on the radio and gets his book.

MONDAY, JULY 25: 0830

Dan leaves the apartment in 'civvies' (civilian clothes) and heads down town. About a block past the Restaurant is a bank and next door the telephone office. He checks the sign on the door and glances at his watch. He turns away and looks up and down the street. There is very little traffic moving this morning and the air is crisp and fresh, with no wind to speak of. There is a coffee and sandwich diner across the street called "Fran's" so he crosses over and enters the shop. There are a few patrons having light breakfasts but no one that he knows. He buys a paper and orders coffee.

Waitress: "You take cream?" Dan nods yes and she brings a half empty cream picture. Dan is reading the paper and glances up at her. She is maybe twenty-five or so. "Are you Fran?" he asks. She shakes her head no. He fixes his coffee and stirs it rather vigorously.

"Will there be anything else?" she asks, leaning her elbows on the counter before him and giving him a sneak peek of creamy bosoms. Dan considers for a moment, snorts and says, "Yah! ...Do you know if the phone office opens punctually at nine-o-clock?"

She stands upright, turning from him with a swing of her ponytail hairdo and says over her shoulder, "You can see for yourself, they're right across the street!" She gets busy at the other end of the counter and Dan chuckles as he goes back to his paper.

Dan finishes his coffee and goes over to the phone office at about 0915. He makes inquiries about a new service. They ask his address and inform him that all he needs is a phone. The girl has him fill out an application form, date stamps it and hands him a box. In the box is a bright new black rotary dial phone that can be mounted on a wall or set on a counter. He asks about one of the new push button phones, but she informs him that they do not have that service available yet. He comments that he has used such a phone out at the base, but she says that is because they have their own independent system there. All they have at the base are the pay phones. He nods indicating he is aware of them and pays for the hookup. With his new phone under his arm he returns home.

Checking around the apartment, he finds the outlet by the couch in the living room near the kitchen door. He plugs in the phone, lifts the receiver and hears a dial tone. He leaves the phone on the end table and gets himself a cold glass of milk. Glancing at the clock radio he notes it is 1020 hours and will be just after eleven-o-clock where Marie is. He gets a sci-fi novel and plops down on the couch.

Half an hour later he picks up the phone and dials Marie's workplace in Ontario. He gets the receptionist who transfers his call direct to Marie's phone. It rings three times before she comes on the line.

