Dan's Story Pt. 01


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Marie: (Distractedly) "Hello, Marie Elmsdale, may I help you?"

Dan: (Looking into phone ear piece) "What? ...Marie? Its Dan."

Marie grabs up phone and says, "Dan, what are you calling me at work for? Where are you? Is something wrong?"

Dan indignantly speaks into the phone, "Why are you still using your maiden name?"

Marie: "Because that's how our clients know me. What's going on? Are you here in town?"

Dan: "No, no! I just called to let you know our new phone number. You got a pen?"

Marie: "Of course!"

Dan: "Its area code 902 and our number is 341-4411. How about that? Easy to remember, eh?"

Marie: "I've got it. So, are you moved in yet?"

Dan: "Yes. That was the other thing I called to tell you. Clay helped me move on the weekend. The place is terrific and our landlady's a doll. She has loaned us linens and dishes and all kinds of stuff to cover until you get here and we can do some shopping."

Marie: "I turned in my notice. The boss was real nice, too. He said he's been expecting it."

Dan: "She says she is really looking forward to meeting you. Will you be coming soon then?"

Marie: "Who is wanting to meet me?"

Dan: "Our landlady, Irma. Don't you remember I told you that an older widow owns the house where the apartment is? Mrs. Henshaw! Remember."

Marie: "Oh yes, I remember. Does she live in the house, too?"

Dan: "Yeah, she's upstairs. When do you think you'll be coming?"

Marie pauses and thinks for a moment, "Dan, I'm awfully busy right now. Can I call you back?"

Dan: "Sure ...I guess so. But I have to go to work this afternoon at 1600, that's five-o-clock your time. O.K.?"

Marie: (smiling) "Never mind! I've shoved my work off the desk. Now, listen! They are throwing a party for me here at work. I'm not supposed to know, but even the big boss is planning it. Isn't that something? Anyway, I will be finished here on the fifth of August and I think the party is next weekend. Mom and I are going shopping in London on the sixth and my girl friends here in town want to have a party for me on the seventh, that's Sunday. Daddy is shipping a lot of our stuff from the wedding down some time around then and they are going to drive me to London Airport on the following Friday. That's the 12th. Are you following me?"

Dan: "Wow! You've got it all figured out! That's great! You're going to be here the day I go on leave. I took leave from the 12th to the 19th so we could be together for a while. Ever neat!"

Marie: "No, silly. I catch the plane to Toronto in the evening on the 12th where I make a connection to a night flight into Summerside. I should be landing at the base about 0800 your silly time. Can you be there?"

Dan: "Nothing could stop me! I'll be there! Oh, wow! Is this ever great news! Wow!"

Marie: "Down, boy! I need some help from you. Where should Daddy send the things?"

Dan: "Just have his send them to AC1 Daniel E. Miller, CFB Summerside and I'll pick them up at the base. I think that would be best. Do you want me to just leave everything in the boxes till you get here, so we can open them together?"

Marie: "No, don't do that. Many of the things you can use right away. That stainless set that Donna got us and those linens that Mom put together, and all those appliances. I have been really looking forward to outfitting my own kitchen ...and our bedroom. Won't it be fun? I miss you every night. I crawl into bed and dream about how it was on our honeymoon. I reach beside me and pretend I can touch you. It won't be long now, will it?"

Dan's voice is husky, "Wow! I know what you mean. I can't hardly wait to hold you in my arms again, either."

Marie: "Oh Dan, you're just thinking about the sex! I think I know you!"

Dan: "Honey, its more than that. I miss you beside me at the breakfast table, walking down the street, sipping a beer or just about every where I go and thing I do."

Marie: "Oh Dan, those are the right words! I'll be there soon. And now I do have to get back to work ...or maybe they'll fire me right now", she laughs.

Dan chuckles and says, "No such luck! Well, you take good care of yourself, Sweet Marie, and remember I love you and think of you all the time. Bye now, Hon."

Marie: "Good-bye for now, my husband."

Dan hangs up the phone and dances around the apartment like a madman. He's so happy he sings some stanzas from 'O Solo Mia' as he swings around the floor with an imaginary partner. Of course, this brings his landlady to the door. He tells her the good news and she smiles and is excited for him. They chat for a few minutes and she invites him up for lunch. He says to himself, why not, and goes upstairs with her. She has quite a bit prepared and he suspects she was going to come down and ask him to join her anyway. They are eating when Dan hears a distant phone ringing. He doesn't pay it any mind and goes on eating, but in a moment he says, "Aren't you going to answer your phone?"

Irma: "That's not my phone. It must be yours. Probably the phone company checking to see if it's working all right. See, its stopped ringing." They do that and they can tell from their end that it's O.K. if it rings ...or something."

Dan: "Hope it wasn't Marie ringing back for something." He quickly finishes his lunch. He thanks Irma for a nice lunch and goes back downstairs. He stares at the phone with indecision, but finally goes to the bathroom. As he is coming out the phone starts to ring. Dan quickly scoops it up and says, "Hello."

Dan: "Clay, how did you know I had the phone in? ...from Theresa? ...That's her aunt that works in the phone office? ...Oh, that's her aunt that works at Fran's. I get it. Wow! A guy can't do anything around this town except everyone knows about it. Did she tell her that she showed me her boobs? ...Just kiddin! Anyway, what's up? ...Really, she brought me coffee, put her elbows on the counter and leaned right to me. I almost got a peek at her belly button. And I know she did it on purpose... What do you think? Aren't you at work? ...Yeah, at 1600. ...O.K., see you at supper. By the way, did you try to call me a little while ago? ...O.K., it must have been someone else. Catch you later."

Dan paces the floor and goes to pick up the phone twice, but finally decides against it. He goes into the bedroom and starts sorting out his uniform for work. He strips and sits on the edge of the bed to pull on his socks. He stares across the bed at their wedding picture and muses a bit, smiling. It is quite evident what he is thinking about! He quickly pulls his socks off and goes to the bathroom for a cold shower. Then he goes back and starts dressing and soon is in full uniform. He stacks his dirty clothes and shoves them into his duffel bag and pushes it to the back of the closet. As he comes out into the living room he hears someone at his door. Checking the door and not seeing anyone, he opens it and in comes Cyril. He hops up on the kitchen counter and struts down to the taps, then turns and regards Dan with large green eyes.

Dan: "Well, well! What are you up to? You want some water? How about some milk?" Dan goes to the frig and brings out a bottle of milk. Cyril just eyes him. He puts some milk in a saucer and puts it in front of Cyril, who looks at it and looks away. "Well, what do you want?" Says Dan. He runs some water in the sink and Cyril flicks out a paw and splashes him. "Hey!" yelps Dan. Then Cyril licks the water off his paw. He flicks more water and licks again. "You sure are one messy cat!" says Dan, laughing. When his claw is clean and he has washed an ear on that side of his head, Cyril turns and starts to lap up the milk. Dan turns off the tap and pets him along his back.

Dan: "Well, buddy, I guess you've decided I won't bite you." He speaks in a low, gravely voice quite similar to a cat's purring tone. He does this from experience with cats at home in Ontario. As he talks with Cyril, the cat begins to purr and when he goes into the living room for a moment, Cyril follows him. Cyril rubs against his legs and Dan pets him for a moment, and then says, "Well, my friend, you're going to have my pants a mess with cat hair. I think you better go home. Beside I have to go to work." He goes to the kitchen door with the cat and scoots him out the door. "Bye, now." He closes the door. He glances at his watch and notes it is now after 1400. The phone rings. He steps to the living room door and picks it up.

Dan: "Hello ...Yep, its me. Did you try to call me back at noon, Honey? ...Sorry, I was outside. I heard it ring but I was too late to catch it. ...I only heard it ring a few times. I must not have noticed it at first, I guess. ...I think it is 134, or maybe 143 Cameron Street. Hang on, I'll go out and look at the numbers." Dan rests the phone on the coffee table and dashes out the door. As he comes flying back in Cyril sneaks in with him. "Honey, are you there? ...Its 143 Cameron Street in Summerside. ...I can't guarantee I would be here to take delivery. If he sends it to the base, they will hold it until I can pick it up. ...I can get Clay to haul it home for me. ...I just think it would be better that way, that's all. Hey, stop that! ...It's the landlady's cat, Cyril. He's a gorgeous orange and white Persian, and is he ever big, and right now he's trying to untie my shoelaces, I think. ...Well sure, he's here in the apartment. Why? ...He's just a cat, and I rather like him. ...Don't worry. His home is upstairs, he won't be living with us! ...You never had a cat? I know you once had a dog, I saw pictures of it. A Spaniel, I think. ...O.K., You take good care of yourself and I'll see you soon. ...Bye, Sweetheart." Dan hangs up the phone.

He plays with Cyril for a while, then the cat wants out. Dan opens the door for him and hears Irma calling, "Cyriiil! Kitty, kitty, kitty. Come, Cyril!"

"He's down here, Irma", calls out Dan, "He's coming."

Dan goes back in, shuts off lights and looks around. He comes out and locks the door. He goes around the house and walks to the corner of Cameron and the main street. He looks at his watch and notices that he is about twenty minutes early. It's 1445 hours so he decides to walk a ways and keep his eye open for the bus. He steps along lively and soon passes the used car lot. After a bit he comes to the rise in the road where it turns and passes Jack and Lorena's place. Before he reaches their driveway, he sees the bus and hails it. Soon he's at the base and ready for another shift in Servicing.

At supper time he meets Clay and they go in together. He tells him about Marie's calls and Cyril. Clay tells him of the latest between him and Theresa.

Clay: "This is it. This is true love! I just feel it in my bones. She's so lovely and I feel I don't deserve her. How could I be so lucky?"

Dan thinks about what Sam told him, "Maybe she feels the same way, Clay. Maybe you're just what she's been looking for, too."

Clay: "Yeah, that's what I mean. Isn't it terrific? You know what it feels like! You found Marie and she found you."

Dan: "But Clay, don't you remember when I started dating Marie she had other boyfriends and interests. I had a heck of a time getting her to go out on a second date. And I was still fucking Kay a little, then, too. That's when Kay started going out with Charlie; sometimes I think it was to discourage me. Who knows? Hasn't Theresa got an old boyfriend in the closet?" He chuckles at the image that comes to mind of Kay naked in the bathtub of beer at the Montreal Motel at Christmas time.

Clay: (rather sharply) "No! What are you trying to say?"

Dan: "Sorry, Clay. I'm not trying to interfere."

Clay: "Well, don't then!"

Dan: "Look, you've only gone out with her for two weeks, Clay. You haven't had a chance to get to really know her. I went out with Marie for a year and it wasn't until our wedding night that I found out she was still a virgin. You can't get to know a person overnight, eh?"

Clay: "It's none of your business, but we had sex on our second date. That's how much she trusts me. That's how much she loves me! So there!"

Dan: "All right, you win. She loves and trusts you. But you know as well as I do that sex is not always used to show love. Some guys use it as a way to be popular with other guys, sort of a trophy hunt! And some women use it to hang on to a man, so they can say, if worse comes to worse, 'I think I might be pregnant'. You've seen that. In that way it's a trap. You know what I mean?"

Clay: "That's preposterous! You think a gorgeous chick like Theresa has to 'trap' a man? God, men must fall over top of each other trying to date her! You're crazy!"

Dan: "Right, Clay. But think about this. She hangs out at the cafe by the harbor. Where are all the guys that are trying to date her? Have you seen them? Has she mentioned them? For God sakes, Clay! The women outnumber the men four to one on this island, ...and you're in uniform! Think about it! I don't say she doesn't love you and I know you're infatuated with her. Listen to yourself! All I'm saying is wait and see. Don't rush into something before you can see the whole picture. Keep a cool head, man!"

Clay: "I don't have to listen to this bullshit!" He gets up and leaves. Dan looks sad and finishes his supper. He returns to Servicing and goes back to work.

Dan finishes work and catches the last bus to town. He heads up Cameron Street and stops. A Volkswagen is sitting in front of the house, its front bumper dangerously close to the fence. He hurries up the street and peers into the car. Clay is slumped over on the passenger seat and it's apparent he's quite inebriated. Dan opens the driver's door and says: "Clay, what're you doing here?"

To which Clay raises one hand and says "Hi, buddy." The hand falls again.

Dan moans, "Oh God, what am I going to do with you. You have to be in to work at 0800. Come on Buddy, you need some strong black coffee." He reaches in and catches Clays hand and pulls him upright.

Clay just moans and says, "G'way. Leeme lone!"

"Come on", says Dan and half lifts him out of the car. Supporting him on one side they weave up the sidewalk. Irma's place is in darkness. "Where is she when you need her?" Dan thinks to himself.

They stumble around the house and Dan braces him against the steps while he unlocks the door. He guides him to the couch and dumps him there in the living room. He goes back and closes the door. He fixes the perk with lots of ground coffee and puts it on to boil.

Hearing a thump he returns to the living room to find Clay on the floor. He pulls him back up on the couch and takes his jacket off. He pulls off Clay's shoes and straightens him up on the couch. He tries to get Clay to talk to him, but without success. He goes back to the kitchen and looks at the perk. It's beginning to bubble so he leaves it and goes to the bedroom. He slips off his shoes and steps into slippers. He pulls off his tunic and hangs it in the closet. Then he rolls up his sleeves and returns to the kitchen. He pours some coffee into a cup and looks at it. He tastes it and burns his tongue, spitting it out in the sink. "Shit!" he says.

Dan turns off the burner under the coffee and fills two cups with the black concoction. He sets them in the sink and runs cold water around them. He lets it run for a few minutes and checks the coffee temperature with his finger. He shakes his hand and says, "Hot!"

The cold water runs for a few more minutes and he cups his hand around one of the cups. It's still quite warm. In another two minutes he takes a sip from one of the cups and says, "Hmmm...It'll do." He carries the two cups into the living room and puts them on the end table by the phone.

Clay is again slouched down on the couch. Dan straightens him up in a sitting position and sits down beside him. "Clay, have a coffee with me." he says, reaching for one of the cups.

"Hi, Buddy!" says Clay. Dan carefully places the cup in Clays hand and help him guide it to his lips, "Baah, that awful coffee", sputters Clay. "Its bitter!"

Dan: "O.K., O.K., Here. You can have mine. Its better." and he switches cups with Clay. This time he takes a good drink of the coffee and looks at Dan. "Yoush right, Buddy." and the cup tilts precariously. Dan steadies it for him and Clay throws both hands up, coffee and all, and says, "Yoush right, Buddy!" and attempts to drink from the near empty cup. Dan shakes his head and goes to look for something to clean the coffee up off the couch and carpet. All he can find are a pair of his soiled shorts in the duffel bag, so he uses them. Clay is staring at him from half closed bloodshot eyes.

"Coffee alllll gone." He sighs. Dan takes the cup from his hands and gives him the other cup.

"Drink up, my friend", he says. Somehow he manages to get the second cup all down the inside of Clay. He goes to the kitchen and pours the cups full again. This time he puts a little sugar in them and stirs them. He comes back sipping from one and says, "This is yours."

Clay takes the cup and sips it from shaking hands. "Dan." he says and looks a little steadier at him, "Yoush right! I been thinkin. She's a good girl, ...but ...she needsh a way out. Don shink she's ushin me...shink she wants to love me. She can't know if she loves me yet ...can she?"

Dan: "I don't know, Clay. I just don't want you to make a big mistake. I just asked you to be careful, eh?"

Clay is nodding and almost spilling his drink. Dan takes the cup from him and says, "Come on, buddy. Time to grab a shower and hit the hay." He helps him with his shirt buttons and Clay gets undressed. Dan fits a towel around Clay's waist and leads him to the bathroom. He pulls the shower curtain shut and reaches in to turn on the cold water. "Ready, Clay?" he says.

Although still very unsteady on his feet, Clay lays the towel across the toilet and steps up to the curtain. Dan sweeps the curtain back, quickly guides and shoves him in and closes the curtain.

"Jesus Christ, let me out of here", exclaims Clay coming through the curtain. He is shivering and glaring at Dan. "You stupid bastard, the water's ice cold." Dan's grinning and Clay explodes, "You knew it was cold! You son of a bitch", he grabs the towel and starts rubbing himself vigorously. He is much soberer now.

Dan: "When you get yourself all dried off, I'll have some more black coffee for you. Then you can get yourself dressed and get back to the barracks. You've got to be at work in just six hours. So hurry up in here."

Dan leaves the bathroom chuckling at his recollection of Clay coming through the curtain. He puts the pot back on the lit burner and heats the coffee some more. When Clay's dressed he comes into the kitchen with a sheepish look on his face. Dan pours two cups and lays out the cream and sugar. They fix their coffee and sit at the kitchen table.

Clay: (still shaking a bit) "Sorry, Dan. I didn't think before I came here to your place. Hope we didn't bother your landlady."

Dan: "If you can't burden a friend with your problems, what kind of friend is he? I hope I've not turned you against Theresa. I think she's a beautiful girl, intelligent and worthy of any man's affections. If, in time, as she gets to know you better and you her, she may prove to be the woman you'll want to live with for the rest of your life."

Clay: "I don't even know if she likes British Columbia. There's a lot we haven't discussed."

Dan: "Finding out if she is the one will be an adventure, to be relished and enjoyed. It's a time of discovery for both of you. Enjoy it. Just be honest with her along the way and insist she do the same. I don't know if I made a mistake, and I don't think Marie knows if she made a mistake. We were swept up in the flurry to get me transferred halfway across the country and we were really starting to enjoy each other's company. We were not willing to let it go."
