Darla's Games Day 11


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Courtney sat on the opposite side from her brother, in the centermost of the five chairs on that side. Farin moved to the seat on her left and I sat to her right. As I sat, Courtney's father greeted me.

"Welcome to our home, I'm David and I presume you have met my wife Janet." His voice wasn't snobby like I'd expected... you know, I was thinking I'd hear a voice like the typical rich guy in a sitcom.

"Hi, I'm Carrie. You have a great home." Okay so I sounded about as dirt-under-his-shoe as I'm sure he thought I was.

"Thank you, how do you know my Court?" he replied and I noticed Courtney smirk out of the corner of my eye.

"Oh." I blushed, "I'm on the cheerleading squad with her ... at ... from school." Come on Carrie, get it together girl, you are stumbling like you have something to hide. 'oh, I'm the girl who broke her nose last week. I was just upstairs eating her pussy while fucking my ass on her dildo. Oh, and did I mention your maid just spanked me?'

"Oh, I know her much better than that Daddy." Courtney smiled at me. "I've known her casually for the last three years of high school, but we just really got to be close this year."

I blushed bright red.

"That's nice kitten, great to see you making new friends. So what have you ladies been up to?"

'Oh, not much, flashing your son, eating your daughter's pussy, stuff like that.'

"Homework." Good. Simple. Non-invitational for further pursuit of the question.

Maria was busily walking around the table setting out bowls of soup as we chatted. I was particularly impressed with the Diet Dr. P at my setting. I wondered how they knew.

"How did the Burton case go today dear?" Yeah for Courtney's mom taking the conversation off of me.

And so it went... Very conversational family at dinner time. My mom and I would be lucky to have dinner together, especially lately. The soup was fabulous of course. I thought it was a bit light for dinner, but would soon find that it was just a first course. Yeah, I was in way over my head here. Why didn't Courtney go to private school?

"So guess who you are going to see Thursday princess?" Courtney's father asked, it seemed by the inflection she should know the answer. That was doubled when Courtney's face lit up. "Really Daddy!?"

"Yeah it's all set up. You can decide whatever you want."

"Can I get a tattoo?" Courtney giggled.

"No!" Her mom and dad answered in unison. All three laughed and I couldn't help but laugh a little too though I had no idea yet where she was going Thursday.

As the salmon with rice and vegetables was placed before me, the conversation had moved to Farin, then school, then back to me. I tried to shovel a bite into my mouth, even though I was barely hungry after eating from Courtney earlier, but I wasn't fast enough anyway. So, as my dinner got quite cool, I filled them in on me, my family, my scholastic performance and finally my goals for after school next June.

I was surprised to find that I hadn't really thought things through as much as I should have by now. Courtney seemed to know exactly what school she was going to attend, her major, minor, she practically knew what classes she was going to take her first year.

I just stammered out a rough plan to apply to in state colleges and take lots of art classes and hopefully some writing courses as well. All this inspired Courtney's family to push other avenues that I should consider, like computer graphics and advertising. In fact, Courtney's dad had a good friend in a large local marketing firm that he was certain he could get me in for an internship or first job.

"Well Dad," Courtney broke in. "As much as I'd love to find out who you plan to marry her off to, we do have some homework to attend."

I was startled a bit, but thankful for the exit opportunity. I politely excused myself and thanked them for a lovely dinner and avoided eye contact with Maria. I followed behind Courtney and Farin and we were soon upstairs in Courtney's room.

"Well, Farin, you want her services while we finish our homework?" Courtney asked when the door was closed.

"Court, can we just give her a break please?" Farin plead.

Courtney looked disappointed at Farin. "Fine, but just remember I gave you the option and you turned it down."

"Whatever," Farin rifled through her book bag. "Biology?" She pulled out the familiar, boring book and slammed it onto the desk.

"Sure, and I know where we can get a model if we need one." Courtney giggled.

I rolled my eyes and lay down with the intention of catching a short nap while they finished their homework.

"Carrie?" Courtney's voice interrupted.

"Yes?" I opened my eyes and tried to control the temper in my voice.

"Do be a love and go downstairs and ask Maria for three bottles of water."

I fumed but got up and left for the kitchen. When I arrived, I saw Maria busily cleaning up the dishes. She saw me and gave me an evil smile.

"Um, can I get three bottles of water please?" I asked her and felt so demeaned before a freaking maid that it probably ruined my confidence for the rest of my life... only time will tell.

She nodded to the refrigerator and I was glad she spoke some English as I opened the door and took out three bottles, holding two against my chest with my left arm and one in my right hand as I closed the door. But as I turned, she was right there in front of me, smiling at me.

She took me by the wrist of the hand with one bottle and led me out to the back door and outside of the house. I let myself be dragged along because I figured it was what Courtney had instructed her to do. And across one of the greenest lawns I have ever seen, she led me to a rather large tool shed. I followed her inside, wondering what the hell she was on about, when she closed the door behind us.

She smiled at me, lifted her skirt, dropped her black silk panties and told me why I was there. I can't say I was terribly surprised, but I wept the whole time I undertook the task of eating out Courtney's maid. There are no particular details of that act that make it worthy of reliving. She muttered in Spanish. I sucked and tongued and did what I did for Courtney and then Maria, the maid, came on my face.

All women taste different I think. Maybe it is just me, but it seems there is some of their personality imbedded in their orgasm. Maria was a very pungent smelling and tasting woman and I did not enjoy her taste at all. I cleaned up and she laughed at me and we left together to the house.

As soon as she let me go at the back door, I headed for Courtney's room as fast as I could go without running. I opened the door to see Farin and Courtney studying and they looked up at me. "What the hell took so long?" Courtney laughed.

I blushed and handed her a bottle, not wishing to talk about it at all.

"God Carrie what is that smell?" Courtney stood up and smelled my face. "You stupid bitch Carrie. You ate the maid out didn't you?" She laughed. "Wow, you really are a slut. Why the hell would you not say no to the maid Carrie? It's the MAID!"

"Fuck you Courtney, you know you set this up. Enough alright? You've brought me down to nothing, you win... whatever, just don't keep rubbing it in." I said louder than I had intended.

She stepped back and looked at me and frowned. "I did not set that up Carrie. What would be in that for me? If I wanted you to eat out the maid's pussy, I'd want to be there to watch it happen. She did that quite on her own. But now what is done is done. Still, you are mine when you are here and nobody else will take liberties with my property without my express permission." She started to look a bit angry.

"Go wash your fucking face Carrie. And you will NEVER eat that bitch Maria out again unless I tell you to do it. You got that?" Courtney was quite angry and she turned and walked out of the door slamming it behind her. Farin looked up at me and sighed. "She really didn't have anything to do with it, at least she didn't say anything to me."

I wept again and fell to the floor. "I need out Farin. You have to help me. They are making me into this... thing.. it isn't me..." I blubbered.

"Oh shut up Carrie. All you do is cry anymore." Farin said and it really surprised me enough to stop me in my tracks. "Nobody made you do that Carrie, you ate her fucking Venezuelan maid. I get Courtney, you feel guilty and hopefully you'll get over that soon. I get Darla and her group. What I fail to understand is how the hell you could go down on Courtney's fucking maid. Why?" There was a great deal of anger there and it took me completely off balance.

"I don't know Farin." I choked back my tears. "I really thought Courtney had set it up."

"So, maybe next week Courtney tells you to go in the locker room during basketball practice and you go down on the entire squad? Seriously?" Farin replied sharply.

"You are making this so difficult Carrie. Don't you want to just be with me?" She asked, almost pleaded.

And there it was. She thought I would rather lick a hundred pussies than just hers. She was making my depravation about her again. She didn't get it at all.

"Maybe we should stop for now Farin." I offered. "This is obviously too much for you to deal with and to be honest, I can't see how you would want me when I have this to deal with anyway." I gulped.

She glared at me. "Fuck you Carrie." And she came up to me and kisses my cunt smelling face. And I kissed her back, passionately, not like the whorish kisses I was required to give, but with true passion and fire.

And soon clothes were being pulled off and our hands were everywhere. And we kissed and fell naked onto Courtney's bed and my fingers were in her and hers in me and she was cumming and I was going to cum with her and SMACK!!!!! I was slapped in the face so hard it dazed me for a moment.

Tears in my eyes and stars floating around my head I looked at her as she writhed in orgasm. She finally came down and kissed me again and I returned the kiss and we started going at it hot and heavy again and fingers dipped inside each other's honey pots and I was racing to the orgasm denied me for far too long and SMACKKK!!!! She slapped me again hard.

I rolled away, holding my stinging cheek. "Damn Farin, why did you do that?"

She rolled with me and kissed me. "To keep you from cumming of course. You don't want Darla mad at you again, neither do I." She said. "So... this is your solution? To slap the shit out of me? Forget it!" I yelled at her.

"Sorry," Farin smiled at me, "I guess that was a pretty stupid idea."

I looked at her, and it dawned on me that she really thought that was a good plan. I rolled my eyes and laughed a little and soon we were hugging and kissing again... but I pushed her hand away from my pussy. I did not want to be slapped anymore.

It was about the third orgasm for Farin and a great deal of frustration for me, when Courtney finally returned and looked up, and just watched us until we stopped and feeling suddenly uncomfortable, disentangled and started getting dressed.

"Don't stop on my account." Courtney smiled. "But, just as well, you two need to go. Becca is going to give you a ride home."

Perfect ending to the day, riding home with that bitch. I held my tongue though and dressed in Courtney's clothes. "Court, you mind if I wash these and bring them to you at school?"

She smiled that insidious smile of hers. "Why do you think I would want you to wash them?" She licked her lip. I rolled my eyes. She started laughing. "You better wash them! Or I'll let the whole senior class smell your cunt funk." She laughed and I smiled and Farin even giggled. And we parted on decent terms I suppose.

Not long after cleaning up a bit, including washing my hands and face for about the tenth time since getting to Courtney's house, we met Rebecca in the drive and Courtney handed her a twenty dollar bill for gas. Last thing I wanted was to be in this car with Rebecca, but my choices were none. I climbed into the back and when Rebecca said to Farin, "No fucking way, I am not a chauffer and I do not want either of your pussies on my seats and smelling up my car." Farin reluctantly sat in front.

"So." Rebecca started in as soon as we pulled out of Courtney's drive. "How in the hell are you ever going to get your life back Carrie? Between me and Courtney and I guess Farin, I hope you have plans to leave the state at the end of the school year, I know I would if I was in your shoes, but then again, I would never be in your shoes." She laughed, her eyes bearing into me through the rear view mirror.

I knew she was just trying to get a rise out of me as always. Or maybe she really wanted to just press it that she had control over me. Either way, I sat back and bit my tongue for the ride home. She kept at it for awhile, and eventually just turned to Farin, who hadn't stopped trying to get her to lay off of me from the moment we got in the car.

"So, tomorrow Farin..." she began and I listened but pretended not to. "I was thinking another ass fucking party but this time, I want to invite some of her friends. You know the friends she had before she became such a slut. Think we could pull it off? Think we could get them to come?" Whether Farin caught my aghast expression or not, I do not know, but she spoke up for me nonetheless. "Enough Becka, that is not going to happen. Too many people know as it is."

Rebecca glared at her. "We'll see." She smirked.

I pretty much blocked out the rest of their back and forth for the ride home. When we finally did arrive at my house, I gave Farin a kiss goodbye over the seat and Rebecca scoffed.

As I went inside the house, I maintained a distance from my mom to excuse myself to shower after my sweaty work out. I could smell the pussy all over me, mine, Farin's, Courtney's and the maid's. I took a long and very hot shower and slipped into some comfortable PJs. I ran a load of wash including Courtney's clothes, watched some television with my mom and headed up to bed.

There was a message from Darla on my computer when I got upstairs and naked, and as much as I wanted to ignore it, I knew they were watching. Or could be. I'm sure they had better things to do than watch the screen constantly to see when I got into my room.

It read, Good job today slut. Tomorrow you will wear the green flared mini skirt and beige tank top. Wear a jacket to get out of the house. I will pick you up and give you a ride to school.


A jacket to get out of the house? The implications of showing off my nipples all day was exhausting to contemplate so it took a bit of time, even as exhausted as I was, to fall asleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I love the way Courtney humiliates Carrie. The “feeding” part is so degrading I blew two loads in an hour. You may have stopped writing now but I wouldkill for an additional chapter or story with just a day of Courtney doing her worst to Carrie. Thanks :)

LupusDeiLupusDeialmost 6 years ago

Is it just me, or is Courtney more natural and, however inexperienced, better domme than Darla can ever hope to be?

Then, I'm still hoping for a good ending, however implausible it becomes. Well, whatever it is, it is written it seems, so all I have to do is continue reading.

jenorma2012jenorma2012over 6 years ago

All I can say is this is not my kind of story

unicorn64unicorn64over 10 years ago

I want to see how you give carrie her life back or are you. Why don't you just let her kill herself like she wanted to. Or are you trying to drive the lesbianism out of her. What happened to safe sane and concentual. You wrecked her life. Isn't that enough.

lovercat2942lovercat2942about 11 years ago

Jessica, I'm glad your muses finally inspired you to continue this story after all this time. Nice bit of introspection by Carrie at the beginning of the chapter. Good to see the Courtney character fleshed out more here. Quite frankly--to this reader Courtney just continues to be a relatively harmless hedonist in the scheme of things. Just a thought--after Carrie's ordeal with that hooker, Barbara, and the repeated anal and oral violation by the girls at school, I knew that Carrie would get through Courtney's relatively mild machinations okay, I also like the deepening feelings between Farin and Carrie. I am still eager to see how you resolve the Julie-Carrie conflict.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Better than the last chapter

I'm glad that things are becoming a little less extreme, though I do hope that things start to be tied up rather than spiralling further out of control.

Also, this chapter was made even more entertaining by me using google translate (inaccurate I know) to find out what Courtney and Maria were saying to each other - leading to:

"The dog was cello"

and "Oh my God! ... Pope is ... if ah bitch suck my bitching cone"

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Thank you sooooo much!!!

This was the very first sex story I read here in Literotica. And it was also the reason why I've kept reading here. I was disappointed when this story was not continued but I kept hoping you would come back. So whenever I get into this site, I never fail to check your profile for updates. So please continue with the good work. I hope you bring more cummmmm in the future. :)

- Yankumix

koala011860091koala011860091over 11 years ago
Woot woot!!!

I'm so glad you're back writing this. I really liked the visual of Courtney talking to her maid in Spanish while she spanked her and then while Carrie licked Courtney while fucking herself up the butt. I had to use Google translate to follow the conversation, but I kind of like that it made the story interactive, and it really accentuate Carrie's humiliation since it gave me a view into how it felt not to understand the conversation. I also liked how remorseless Maria came off - I think Carrie should find her way to some more abuse at Maria's hands...

Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Thank you!

can't wait for the next one to come out

Mc1sucksMc1sucksover 11 years ago
Thank You!

Like everyone else, so happy you are back! Love this story!!!

1Martiniman1Martinimanover 11 years ago

So glad to see you're back and continuing this story. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping more chapters are added soon, I'm really itching to see how this story ends, as it seems Carrie is in pretty deep now. However, I'll enjoy all of Carrie's delicious adventures along the way.

slaverowanslaverowanalmost 12 years ago
Thank you!!!

Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

I've waited so long for this, please please keep going xxx


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I am very happy you are back writing more chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Thank you

This series is by far the best story i have ever read. I've been checking your activity regularly for about a year to see if you had posted anymore stories. Please continue to write more if you have the time :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Glad you are back

Thank you for taking up this story again! Look forward to future chapters

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