David and Becky - Casavana Prison Ch. 03


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She looked down at my bed and a cruel smirk grew on her face. "I hope you enjoy laying on the thin mattress and sleeping with a crap pillow for your head while you have nice dreams of your beautiful wife fucking her boyfriends. Big, strong, handsome men, in your bed while you suffer in a drab cell sleeping in an uncomfortable bed. She will suck their cocks while you are not allowed even to wank with your own hand. How do you think you will like that?"

"I won't like it, Madam Gabriela," I answered, my mouth dry.

"I think you do like it, prisoner. Your cock has grown big and aroused. It turns you on." She laughed at me. "I will be your main guard, you will get to know me well over the next months, and I hope I get to beat your ass many times with the strap and maybe even the cane. Now, before I go, I will give you a chance to speak, you can ask questions or say what you think, but remember, you must only say respectful things."

"Thank you, Madam Gabriela. I know I have no permission to speak unless invited, but what if there is something very important, such as health related, or a maintenance problem with the shower or toilet?"

"When a guard enters the cell and you have been told to stand, you may raise your hand. You will be given permission to speak, but if it is not considered important, you will be punished. It may result in the cane if it is so serious. Madam Popescu will decide. Anything else?"

I wanted to continue speaking, but in my frustration, I was unable to think of anything else to ask. "No, Madam Gabriela."

"Very well, you know these rules, so don't break them, and remember the camera is on you all the time. Unfortunately, you missed lunch, but I will see you later when I bring your evening food. Enjoy the rest of your day."

It felt so final when the cell door slammed shut noisily and I heard the bolts being locked. The two solid bangs echoed around the cell and I suddenly felt very alone.

The cell was completely silent, the only sound I could hear was my own breathing. Just a few hours earlier, I'd been sitting on a plane arriving at Keara airport with my beautiful wife sitting next to me, her long, smooth, tanned legs bare and available for my eyes to see and feel. Now I was locked in a grey cell, naked and alone, not knowing how long I'd be here for.

I had to force myself to stay calm as a wave of panic swept over me. The people running this place were tough and it seemed they were well trained in maintaining strong discipline. Originally, I'd been thinking two weeks would be hard to get through, but now with at least three months being my sentence, I didn't know how I'd endure it.

As my thoughts lingered on the extreme sex life I shared with Becky, and the situations she always led me into, I realised, the point we had now reached was inevitable. Everything she planned pushed me beyond my tolerance. She teased me and denied orgasm to begin with. When she suggested a chastity belt, or cock cage, as we called it, I said no at first. Then I came round to the idea and ended up loving the added torture it gave. Then she wanted me to watch her have sex with another man. At first, I said no, then she coaxed me into accepting it. I loved the humiliation of watching her, especially while trapped in my cock cage.

Then she wanted me to watch her and her friend pleasuring another man, me even providing oral sex to both women while trapped in my cock cage and left frustrated with no hope of relief. I came around to that idea after a short struggle. Then she wanted her friend to cane me. I hated pain, but she manoeuvred me into a situation where I ended up asking her friend to cane me.

Then she even supported her evil friend, Gina, when she grassed on me to the police and I ended up in prison for a month. I should have realised when that happened just how much out of control it was all getting. Now this, the female domination prison; it had come along and hit us both in the face. As soon as she realised what the casino gamble was and Madam Popescu's ownership of this prison, she quickly twisted everything that was happening into furthering our outlandish sex games. This was way beyond my level of submission, but what made it even worse was she had managed to increase my debt without my knowledge or permission by continuing the bet with Madam Popescu on my behalf -- and losing. The game had gone too far out of control -- Becky was way too far out of control.

And yet, as my thoughts lingered on my hopeless situation, I found my penis growing to an uncontrolled lustful level, I had become so desperate, so quickly. There was something highly erotic about being a prisoner in a femdom prison at the mercy of cruel female guards, and it was making my penis throb. I really wanted to wrap my hand around it to give it some pleasure, but I knew if I touched it, I'd start to stroke it and be unable to stop. Not wearing a cock cage was, in many ways, a much more frustrating way of imposing the no masturbation rule; it was harder for the victim to control. Temptation was there all the time; it was as if they wanted the prisoner to fail so a caning could be awarded. How utterly cruel. The humiliation and frustration was pushing me to the edge, I had to relieve my ache!

I knew there was a camera on me and that all the screens were being monitored by sexy female guards, but my humiliation was driving me to depths I'd not felt before. I wanted to degrade myself further to increase my humiliation even more. I lay on my back so my throbbing, frustrated penis was in full view of any observers. I wanted to be seen in my most shameful state, but I didn't know what I hoped to achieve because it only made me feel even more desperate for sexual relief.

I sat up and faced the shower. I was hot and sweating in the humidity, and thought a cold shower might do me good. I looked at the shower tap, it looked like a simple on or off, no adjustment for heat.

The mattress was becoming very irritating. It was spikey and prickly and kept sticking to my buttocks when I fidgeted. I lay down trying to take my mind off my tortured penis, but I couldn't get comfortable no matter what position I attempted. Lying on my back was just about the best I could hope for, but once again, my penis in all its frustration was clearly on view.

The cuffs on my ankles dug into me whichever way I lay and I wasn't able to part my feet enough. It was becoming more annoying and painful but it was something I was going to have to live with for three months ... or longer.

After I'd been here for several hours with nothing to do, I was so bored. My thoughts turned to escape, but I had the thick metal door to get through, and then another thick door to get to the stairs. If I somehow managed to get past those doors and exit the building, I'd be naked with no money in a foreign country. I sighed with exasperation.

I looked around my cell, the walls were plain, made of large slabs of heavy, grey stone, built centuries earlier. The metal door was also grey with a letter box sized flap, and above this, a small peephole for Madam Gabriela, or any other guard, to look in. Above the door was one of the two lights, the bulb set behind a grill. Both that light and the one high above my bed were switched on. I hoped they would be switched off at night. I lay on my back and studied the ceiling, but there was not much to see except the curve which went from the front to the back wall. There was an air vent that was only allowing the hot afternoon air in. I wondered how cold it would be in winter, not that I expected to be here in the winter, but as hot as the summers were here, I knew in the centre of mainland Europe, the winters would be equally as cold.

I was so bored; time was going to pass very slowly for me. I had to do something to keep myself occupied, so I straightened and smoothed out my mattress, picking it up and trying to flatten it down more evenly. The pillow was thin with little inside it, but it was better than no pillow at all. That took me all of about two minutes. I had no accurate sense of time; many hours must have passed since I was locked up. The light above the door was annoying me, surely it would go off at night as it would save money. I was so hungry too. I had missed lunch and awaited the evening meal that Madam Gabriela had promised. What would it be? I was under no illusion that it would be anywhere near what I was used to. It would be cold soup, or left overs from the guards' meals, I think that was what Madam Popescu had said. Whatever came, I would be eating every last bit, I was so hungry.

The boredom was driving me mad; I rearranged my mattress again, how many more times can I do this? I flipped it and twisted it for amusement. Anyone would go crazy left for any length of time in here. How could I possibly endure a long sentence in a cell living like this? There was nothing I could do about it, which was the whole idea. But I'd go insane from boredom alone, just lying here day after day, naked, hungry, and unable to call anyone.

My mind was turning, trying to think of some stimulus, but all I could think of was Becky and what she'd allowed to happen to me. I tried to sleep, but it was impossible, I wasn't sleepy enough, and as soon as I closed my eyes, images of Becky's naked body came to me, beckoning me to join her on our bed. It was so frustrating. I should have been with her now, sitting in a nice restaurant having a lovely, romantic meal, music playing softly in the background, holding hands across the table. We would be looking into each other's eyes telling each other without words what we were going to do to each other when we got to our bed. No! I had to stop thinking like that. Becky was no longer the same woman I'd married, but she was still a stunning, sexy woman, and every thought I had, drifted towards her and sex, or lack of it, and it was driving me insane.

The events of earlier in the day invaded my mind. Madam Popescu was a beautiful, dominating woman, maybe about ten years older than me. She had such a professional air about her, wearing that smart dress, but the provocative way her cleavage had been on view was so arousing. I imagined her holding a long cane and looking at me with a severe expression on her face. She actually canes people, I thought, she must be a sadist, just like all her guards. The image of Madam Popescu whipping her cane down on some poor unfortunate's buttocks stirred my penis to life again. My hand went instinctively to hold it as I lay on my back, and I started to massage it to full erection. Oh, that felt so good. Then I remembered the camera and Madam Gabriela and I immediately let go. I imagined female guards watching me, hoping I'd go through with it so they'd have an excuse to cane me.

I didn't even know how many guards there were. I'd only met two: Madam Gabriela and Madam Izabela, but there must have been many guards, no doubt all beautiful, sadistic ladies hoping to catch frustrated men like me, masturbating, so they could report them for a caning. Oh, this was hell, but the delicious kind of hell. My penis was like an iron rod.

I waited for someone to come storming in, but nothing happened, no-one had seen me touch my penis. I was getting desperate, but I had to do something about my frustration. I rolled onto my side facing the wall as if I had fallen asleep and remained motionless for several minutes. I was sure my erection was out of view of the camera. After a while, I slowly moved my hand down to it, trying to keep my arm and shoulder as still as possible, and discreetly I stroked its long length. I couldn't help myself as I began moving my hand faster, it was so good. I was breaking the biggest rule of all and I couldn't stop myself.

It was the image of Madam Popescu swishing her cane down hard onto bare buttocks that was again spurring me on. Her breasts heaving inside her tight black dress, sweat on her brow as she put every effort into dishing out punishment. I visualised Becky smiling, her face flushed with arousal as she watched the deep red stripes appearing on the victim's buttocks. Within seconds I reached a tremendous orgasm. Ohhhhh it was ecstatic. My orgasm lasted an age as my penis pumped its creamy fluid. It streaked across the mattress, and onto the wall, running down to the floor. It was so intense after my week of denial and the events of the day. I spurted and spurted as the sexual pleasure engulfed my body until slowly it eased. The rush subsided and I lay on my side exhausted, terrified to turn towards the door.

I lay still for a moment listening for the bolts of the cell door to suddenly and angrily release, but nothing happened. Had I got away with it? After the heights of ecstasy, I was now back to the harsh reality of my situation; the dull grey walls, the hard spikey mattress, the hopelessness. I tried to survey the mess I'd made without moving too quickly to draw attention.

Using my hand, I wiped my mess off the wall hoping what had dropped to floor would dry out and disappear. I frantically searched the wall for any bits I might have missed so I could at least wipe it and spread it thinner to dry quicker. I mustn't leave any sign of what I'd done for Madam Gabriela to find. It was a serious offence for which I would be caned. One stroke of the strap was bad enough. Twenty with the cane would be unbearable.

Once I was satisfied I'd wiped it all up, I went to the sink and washed my hands and face. It must have been late afternoon and the humidity of the day was increasing, but I felt sleepy at last and I lay down on my side on the bed with my hands in full view of the door.

What had I got myself into? I had allowed myself to be locked up in a cell by a bunch of sadistic women in a foreign country, a thousand miles from home. It was only now in the cold light of no sexual arousal that I could see the result of my ridiculous actions. I'd got myself into a real predicament, with Becky's unwanted help, and there was nothing I could do about it.

With these depressing thoughts, I drifted off to sleep.

Coming next in chapter 4: Settling into the harsh regime of a femdom prison

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Highjacked! The storyline has been hijacked. I and many if not most of the people who began reading this series were following a story of a loving domme and her submissive husband. And it good reading! Any dissatisfactions I might have were that Becky might ought to provide a little more evidence of her love for David. Some moments of tenderness, some cuddles, kisses, or inquiries as how he is doing. In this David summarized clearly the direction of Becky’s leadership. And in it, there is less and less love showing up.

And now, she has ‘sold him down the river’ (an American phrase from the 18th century). Her days are full of high livin’, endless sex, and no thoughts of David. His days are…what we have just read. If he survives to be released, he will be a broken man, hrasping on to the thin hope that Becky will take him back and reciprocate his love.

If he survives, and if she is the same hard-bitten bitch, he might well purchase a pistol, load it, and end his misery for good. J.

jamieanne63jamieanne63about 2 years ago

A delightful predicament...I am reminded to be careful what I wish for! Would I take his place?!?! I do believe he has just earned himself a caning although at the moment he believes he got away with his crime! I'm looking forward to continuing on!

ABIIIIABIIIIabout 2 years ago

This is my favorite chapter of the bunch (having now read through chapter 11). I love Becky in this. Suddenly she's so cold. There's little in the way of sympathy. She doesn't let him speak. She only warns him not to masturbate. Suddenly, she's one of them (maybe she always was). AND she knows how long he's in for. I guess she's okay with it. So harsh. Masterful storytelling!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well, poor David still has not realized just what a pickle he is in. Of course, they already know that he masturbated and he will suffer for it. I hope that they will videotape all of his beatings and show them to Becky. On the other hand, I would hope that they show David most, if not all, of the tapes of Becky fucking Liam and other guys. It was inevitable that Becky would throw out that she was going to have sex with other guys. It is in her nature to torment David in such a way. And David loves it. He just came thinking about Becky. Gee whiz, David, get it out of your mind or they could beat it out of your mind. Perhaps at the end he will not be able to get it up in any circumstances because he has been conditioned to not get any erection. Maybe they will put him in a punishment cock cage that shocks him when he gets an erection, at the same time feeding him viagra in his food. What a psychological beatdown that would be. Even Becky would not be able to get him erect. Many more chapters to come and I hope we get the full prison time and an epilogue of the aftermath.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Superb. Congratulations OllyT. BTW, "anonimous" are boring and they only connect with themselves. What sad life must someone have to be in LIterotica chasing authors who they dislike just to write nonsense in the comments. How sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I can't agree more with Asssh. This is boring. Never mind it connects in no way with the first parts of the story. Readers develop certain expectations based on what they've read already.

I've no idea where the story can get from here. Starring like an idiot at the cell walls, 24/7? For 4 months?

It's sad & nonsensical. With an emphasis on the latter. Seriously, the women now in the story -- the guards -- they're not interested. It's just a job for them, tending for perverts they most likely despise -- and in no "dominating" way. Prostitutes in the "dom" business despise their clients, prison guards will feel sickened by having to be there. Where's the eroticism in here? We now have a pervert (D) masturbating at being in prison.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

when she stood in front of him and told him she was going home to screw other men and Gina he should have folded his fist up and beat the shit out of her he is going to be whipped anyways make itt worth while then he gets out go elsewhere but back to the slut

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I also thought it was cool that she wouldn’t let him speak. Very creative and erotic and frustrating! Can’t wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Can’t wait for the next chapter. Excellent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Enjoying, enjoying, enjoying. It worked for me that she didn't let him speak, but I wished she had (again) said that she loved him. It's an unusual relationship and they are unlikely characters, but I have to say, you've done what few could. You've brought them to life.

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