David's Ordeal


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"David," Sonia said, "I want to try something different. I want you to face me. That OK?"

OK? My face would be in her pussy. I was instantly excited – and erect.

"Yes, Sonia." I said, trying to keep my voice sounding uninterested.

"OK, David."

Sonia pulled me between her legs. My head was against her shimmering black breasts. She leant over and whispered in my ear. Her black hair fell on my cheek and caressed it.

"When I want you to go, I'll lean back. When I want you to stop I'll lean forward so that my pussy is in your face. OK so far?"

"Yes," I whispered back.

"When I want you to turn left, I'll lean left. For right, I'll lean right. That's it."

"That's it?" I asked.

"Yes. Get under my skirt and we'll go."

I would have objected that those few signals weren't enough. Sonia was impatient to start so I bent down and thrust my head under her lifted layers of clothes. I couldn't prevent a slight gasp as my face met her naked pussy. Sonia's hands forced my head inward and she spread her legs. My nose and mouth were buried in excited warm moist flesh. I realised that Sonia didn't care whether she won or not. She just wanted me to kiss her pussy. I extended my tongue and licked. Sonia shivered around me, pressing my face deeper until my breath was stopped. I stood up with Sonia's legs wrapped behind my back.

Hands gently turned me until I was facing the obstacle course. I couldn't see a glimmer of light under Sonia's layers of black. I heard nothing except the pulse in my ears as Sonia's legs clamped over them. Sonia leaned back. Her pussy's seal over my mouth and nose broke. I could breathe. I started to walk forward slowly. Sonia leaned further back. I continued walking until my legs hit an obstacle and displaced it. Sonia's legs pulled my face into her pussy. I stopped.

She leant to my left. I began to turn left. Her legs convulsed around me, trapping me in her pussy. I stopped turning. She leant right. I turned right through about a hundred degrees. Her pussy grabbed me again. I stopped.

Sonia leant back. I moved forward slowly and continuously straining to catch up with Sonia's pussy. I wanted to enjoy its scent and caress again. Sonia suddenly hauled her legs against my back. I had a mouthful of pussy again – too late. I had touched another obstacle. Sonia kept my face smothered by her pussy. I could feel her turning her head to look around.

"That's it," She said. "I give up. David? Please kneel so that I can dismount."

I lowered myself carefully to my knees. Sonia's legs found the floor. Her hands still held my head against her pussy. I pushed my nose inside and tongued where I could. Sonia's hands directed me where she enjoyed it most.

"Eight faults and incomplete in five minutes," I heard Deb say as if from a long way away. "You can let him out now, Sonia."

Sonia sighed. She pushed my head away before bunching her skirt and petticoats. I rolled out on the floor. She dropped to her knees beside me before wiping my moist face with the hem of her skirt.

"So that's why you were so useless, Sonia," Deb said. "You were enjoying him under your skirt and not really trying."

"David tried very well," Sonia retorted. "I enjoyed every minute of it."

Anna led me to the bar for another drink.

"Who's next?" Deb asked. "When David's recovered from Sonia's ride, that is."

"Count me out," Anna said. "I'm too drunk to try and I might pee all over him."

"OK, Anna. Anyone else want to give this contest a miss?"

"I'm out too," said Hilary.

"And me," added Jean.

"Me too," from Elaine.

"OK." said Deb. "As I seem to be the referee there is only one other possible contestant. Pam?"

"I'll have a go. I don't want to leave Maggie unchallenged. Let David finish his drink first."

I was grateful to Pam for that. Sonia's pussy had been demanding. I looked carefully at Pam's dress. Her skirt was slimmer than the others. Would I fit under it?

Pam sat on the bar and hoisted her skirt, bunching it around her hips. I approached her dubiously. I couldn't see how I could get under her skirt. I knelt in front of her. Her sheer stocking-covered legs wrapped around me. Her hands forced my face against her bright blue satin panties. She lowered her weight to my shoulders. I stood up with a few helping hands. Those hands dragged Pam's slim skirt down around me. My face was inexorably pressed deep between Pam's thighs. My arms were lashed to my sides by Pam's slip, lining and dress.

I opened my mouth. Blue satin filled it. I tried to breathe through my nose. I couldn't. Blue satin had blocked both nostrils. I vainly shook my head between Pam's clutching thighs. I was suffocating. I vaguely heard Pam trying to give me directions on how to move. The blood was pounding in my ears as my breath ran out. I slumped to my knees as I began to lose consciousness.

I was vaguely aware of Pam's clothing being dragged off my head. A mouth covered mine and gave me the kiss of life for a few seconds. When I could breathe for myself I saw that Deb had revived me. She lifted my head to her lap and stroked my hair gently.

"I think that's enough of this game," Deb announced. "Pam was a woman too far, or rather her tight skirt was too much. David needs to recover."

"Sorry, David," Pam said. "I thought that you would be able to breathe through my clothes."

Pam dropped to her knees and kissed my forehead. I couldn't reply. I was still panting. I kissed her hand that was holding my head.

Deb lifted me further, from her lap to her breasts. I relaxed against their firm softness as the others played a game of leapfrog with difficulty. Their skirts were too large for easy jumping. Several jump events ended in a head of flashing legs and heaving skirts.

Deb's arm hugged my head against her. I enjoyed being cradled by her.

"Are you ready again?" She whispered.

"Nearly," I replied. "I'm enjoying this."

"I can see you are," Deb said softly, glancing down at my tented trousers. "but I can't monopolise you all evening. How would you like some breast play?"

I looked up at her and nodded.

Deb arranged the next game. Each of the women had to use their breast or breasts to stop me from saying their name. My nose must be kept clear so that I could breathe.

Anna tried first. She held my head in her cleavage. I sank between her breasts but could easily say her name. Although I was buried up to my ears the cloth between her breasts stopped my mouth being pressed tight against her.

Jean's orange satin was slightly more difficult. My nose was just above her neckline and in her cleavage. I managed to splutter 'Jean' as her wrapped arms clutched me.

Hilary's lighter dress was no obstacle. Her breasts were firm but I easily turned my head to one side.

I had some problem saying 'Maggie' for Margaret until her strapless bodice slipped downwards as I wriggled. Maggie clutched at her top and gave me the room I needed to speak.

Elaine was as easy as Hilary had been. I had worried about pronouncing her name but she hugged me too loosely.

Sonia's heavy black jersey top stretched over my lips. I enjoyed her perfume for a few seconds before showing that jersey was easy to speak through.

Pam's tightly lilac-covered breasts nearly stopped me speaking. I had to wriggle as hard as I could before squeaking the single syllable of her name.

Only Deb was left. Her name would be easy to say if I could say anything. She looked too confident.

Deb placed me across her lap with my face upwards. There was a gasp from the others as she unzipped the back of her dress, shrugged her shoulders out of the armholes and pulled the bodice down. She unhooked her bra and laid it aside. I was mesmerised by her breasts so close to my face.

"Open your mouth, David," She ordered.

I did. Deb filled it with one of her breasts. One arm and hand held me firmly in place. A finger depressed part of her breast to give my nose room to breathe. Each time I opened my mouth to speak Deb pushed more of her breast inside. I had no possibility of winning. Deb's breast was far larger than my mouth. Her breast gagged my mouth so efficiently that a faint grunt or snort through my nose was all I could do.

Deb smiled down at my ineffectual attempts to speak. I flailed my legs in an attempt to break her hold. On my back across her lap I couldn't get enough leverage to resist the weight of her torso pressing behind her breast. I stopped struggling.

"I think I won this bout," Deb said.

The others agreed. They went to the bar for more drinks. Deb kept her breast stuffed into my mouth. She sipped at a drink held by Anna.

"Aren't you going to let him free?" Anna asked.

"If he accepts that he is helpless, perhaps. Are you helpless, David? Blink to agree."

I blinked.

"I think he admits it. Will you bring him a drink please, Anna?"

When Anna returned Deb eased her breast from my mouth. She spread her legs, letting me slump into the folds between her thighs. She clasped me between them. I was covered from my shoulders downward in Deb's dark blue skirts as she held the glass for me to drink.

"I think David has done enough. For the next trial he should be a passive participant. Agreed?"

I saw several nods.

"Then can some of you put some cushions on the floor, please?

Deb's request was met. A pile of thin cushions from the chairs was arranged to cover a space about eight feet by four. They knew what was coming. I didn't.

Deb spread her legs. I crawled out from between them.

"Lie down over there, David. On your back."

I did.

"OK. This time we are all going to sit on David's face, one by one. I'll time each session at no more than thirty seconds so that he doesn't get too short of breath. The one who produces the largest result wins."

Pam objected.

"Surely that will be the last one? Won't the effect be cumulative?"

"You may be right, Pam. We'll draw cards to see in which order we sit on David. Highest goes first. Ace is higher than King. OK?"

Deb picked up a worn pack of cards from the bar. Pam drew first. A four. The others had higher cards except Anna who had a three.

Jean was first. She had shed her net pantaloons. She settled herself on my chest and slid forward until her pussy was very close to my face.

"Ready, David?" she asked.

I nodded. My nose touched her lower lips.

"OK, Jean," said Deb. "I'll count to three and then you have thirty seconds. Take a breath, David. One, two, three!"

Jean's pussy covered me. Her outer lips spread across my cheeks. I disappeared under her net petticoats and orange satin. Her hands pushed her clothing over the uncovered part of my face. She squirmed on me and her pussy opened wider to engulf me deeper. I was just beginning to enjoy her when Deb said "Stop!" loudly.

Hilary followed. She wrapped her skirt behind my head and pulled it upwards, tilting my face into her. Apart from her pussy's seal over my mouth and nose, the rest of my face was resting against her skin. As she withdrew her pubic hairs tickled my nose. As she stood up I sneezed. That sneeze destroyed the start of the erection that had been building.

I was barely ready for Sonia and her frantic pounding on my face did nothing to restore the hardness that I had lost. She was face-fucking me as hard as she could but the effects of the sneeze were still affecting my nose.

Maggie was much more gentle. Her hands pulled her white satin panties aside. Inside her nylon petticoat her scent was stronger than the women before her had been. She cradled my head inside her skirt and gently stroked her pussy lips over me, never depriving me of breath. This treatment I really appreciated and regretted the end of Maggie's thirty seconds.

Elaine was much more firm with me. I was buried deep between her legs. Her pussy spread over my nose. My mouth was beneath her crotch and being ground against her. The red hue of her dress turned her soft skin bright pink as I struggled to absorb the pressure.

"I'm next," Deb said. "Will you count me down, Jean?"

She held her hooped petticoat out until Jean announced 'Three'. She dropped it to the floor behind my head. I met her shaven pussy. Her hands somehow reached under her skirts to pull her labia apart before stretching them to a hermetic seal over my mouth and nose. I trusted Deb. Why? I don't know. I relaxed under her as she rocked slowly backward and forward. I could feel that this time my erection was insistent. Deb wiped my face with the hem of her skirt as she passed me to Pam.

Under Pam's slim skirt I was visible to the others standing around. My eyes remained uncovered despite the bunched skirt around Pam's waist. No matter what Pam did, my embarrassment was more significant than her encouragement. My erection subsided again even as Pam's pussy gently stroked my face.

When Anna covered me, I was covered. Her skirt hid me from everyone. The train extended beyond my outstretched legs and was wider than my arms' stretch. Anna was as gentle as Pam or Maggie but my complete concealment was really arousing. I had been completely engulfed by Anna's skirt and petticoat. That sensation added to her warm scented pussy. When she stood up and whisked her skirts away from me she was declared the outright winner, as the bride-to-be should be on her Hen night.

That was the end of my ordeal that evening. I was hugged and kissed by all of them. Deb held back until last. She hugged me and just didn't let go. Before I knew what she intended I was inside her taxi heading for her flat. There she repeated the facesitting until I was willing to strip and let her claim me for the night. After that? That's another story.

Note: The first paragraph of this story, shown again below, was a challenge to the members of the Yahoo group 'Underyourskirt'. Members were invited to complete the story. So far I am the only writer to accept the challenge.

This was the challenge paragraph:

"LADIES NIGHT OUT......... David was having a quiet drink in a local club one night when a group of attractive ladies out on the town for a 'girls night out' entered the bar. It appeared they had already been celebrating for some time and were looking to have more fun as the night went on..."

Comments and feedback are welcome. The story was written for a specialist audience who like facesitting and may not have general appeal...

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ProfDavrosProfDavrosalmost 8 years ago

I enjoyed this! Inventive and fun. Easy to picture myself as David - lucky guy.

Your writing flows and is vivid. Looking forward to more of yours!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Sounds like fun

May all our ordeals be such as this one


im18zapakcomim18zapakcomover 10 years ago

It right. I had treat reading this. Wonderful imagination. superb reading experience.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Unsure of my comment

Near the end you refer to the "end of his ordeal"? He was stuck in a room with a bunch of horny women that kept sticking his head under their dresses. It sounded like he only struggled for breathe one or two times? Other than worrying about catching a nasty disease, why would this be an ordeal? One thing baffled me. Why wasn't he trying to lick and munch away on all the pussy? This "face sitting" seems to be a silly game. If he starts to have a difficult time breathing and no amount of moving around frees him to breath, use your teeth! He'd breathe in a heart beat.

Sorry. I just don't get it.

garyr19680garyr19680about 14 years ago

I'm new to this genre and enjoyed your story very much. I think that I'll be fantasizing about this type of fun more and more in my 'solo' sessions. Thanks.

BobRooneyBobRooneyabout 14 years ago

I love satin and dominant women, so this was a real treat for me. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
More under-the-skirt face sitting please

We need more sexy under the skirt knicker stories like this instead of the usual straight bang bang thankyou mam stuff

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
It may have been the only entry to the contest

But it still made the contest worthwhile! A great story, and excellent description of some complex games.

NamizujsNamizujsover 18 years ago
Great as all your work!

I liked this very much!



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