Death Falls: Jane Doe


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Trudy pipes up, "Someone should tell Rita that. She seems to think she has some claim on him. Just because he felt sorry for her one time and let her have it, she thinks she should have it whenever she wants."

Mike looks disapprovingly at Trudy, "Blabbermouth. You don't need to go around telling all you know. So why Jean Guy, Barb?"

"Why not? He's unattached now. It was just a one-time thing to get even with Jim. He knows that."

"Are you sure?"

She shrugs. "I have to go and try Mom again. I'll be right back." She takes off towards the snack bar.

"So you're out for the weekend, are you? Are the boys with you today?"

"They're around here somewhere. Up at the snack bar, I imagine. You working on a case now, Mike?"

"Lots of them but no murder cases, if that's what you mean."

"What other kinds of cases do you take on?"

"Mainly fraud, government fraud. A lot of people try to beat the Insurance Corporation of B.C. (ICBC) with phony auto accident claims. The same is true for the Workman's Compensation Board (WCB); a lot of phony workplace accidents and back injuries. We check on phony welfare applications and Unemployment Insurance applications and such. We also do a lot of skip tracing."

"Skip tracing? What's that?"

"Someone doesn't want to pay off their Household Finance or Bank of B.C. loans so they skip town. We track them down. We do that for Zellers, Sears, Bank of Commerce and a number of others. That's mainly Trudy's department. She does it all by phone."

"Wow! And you drive truck on top of all that?"

"We have a crew of investigators. There are five counting Trudy and I. It can get busy but most of the time we stay on top of it."

"Does it pay well?"

"Usually ten percent of what we save the corporations. By the hour we charge a flat rate plus expenses for murder investigations or checking up on someone's husband or such. Same with skip tracing, so much a head."

"What would you charge me to check up on Barb and Jean Guy?"

"You don't want to get into that yet. Give her a chance to get it out of her system. If she's still carrying on an affair she'll grow tired of it. If you succeed in nailing her, you can kiss her good bye. Give it time, Jim. That's my advice and that's free."

Barb comes back and looks worried. "Still no answer. I think we should go by the house and check up on her. At least we should by Monday, if I still can't get her. She may be out to my sister's in Richmond for the weekend."

Trudy says, "Who's that, Barb."

"My mother. I've been trying to call her for a day or two now and no answer. She just lives in Mission so it's nice to see her when we can get away. At least she doesn't live in Calgary or somewhere far away. I try to call her every week and my sister comes out to take her out once in a while. It must be awful to be older and alone. I'm glad I have Jim and he's in good health."

"She's a widow?"

"Hmm, yes. Dad died a few years ago. He left her well off and with a nice home so she doesn't suffer from privation, by any means, but it still must be lonely by yourself. I try to urge her to attend senior singles activities and she does, except she says they are all grope clubs. She says the older men are worse than the young ones she remembers. She's a feisty old gal, I'll give her that."

Marlene joins them and she has Crystal and Jan in tow. She says Rick and Julie are up in the snack bar with Shelly. She puts her toes in the edge of the pool and Mike gets up to join her. They dive together and swim underwater like a pair of frogs heading for the shallow end of the pool. She pops to the surface and starts to backstroke back up the pool as Mike swims along side of her.

They chat back and forth and he dives under her to pop up on the far side. She just laughs and keeps on swimming. Near the end they both sink into the water and Trudy looks over the edge to see what they're doing. They are near the bottom kissing like a pair of fish. She laughs and points them out to Barb and Jim, who get a chuckle out of it, too.

When they come up they pull themselves out and sit down on a towel by the rest of those gathered there. Marlene trails her fingers along the inside of his thigh and laughs as he pushes her hand away. He turns her and kneads her back along her spine. She relaxes and leans back heavily against him. He droops one arm loosely around her neck and toys with a nipple. She slaps his hand and he pulls it back.

Trudy shakes her head and says, "Like a pair of children. That's what they are."

Mike grins and says, "At least I don't wet the bed anymore."

"Oh Mike! Now you're the blabbermouth." She explains, "I couldn't get up fast enough this morning. I got a stomach cramp and didn't make it. Old mouthy here tells everybody."

"Marlene, did you see Glen up there at the snack bar? I see Julie and Rick in the hot tub but I don't see Shelly."

Jim says, "They're probably just having a coke or something. They seem to like each other."

Marlene gets up and says, "Trudy, how would you like to go for a coke?"

She shrugs and says, "Why not? Mike, help me up."

Mike gives her a hand and says, "Bring me back one, too, please."

Marlene absent-mindedly says she will. As they leave the pool area she says to Trudy, "I just have a feeling that all is not well." She hurries then waits for Trudy. When they reach the snack bar it is empty and Les is sitting alone behind the counter.

Marlene asks if he has seen the kids. He shakes his head. They go out the side door and Trudy says, "Where would he take her? Do you suppose they're in the Laundromat?" They check and no one is there.

"Damn, Marlene. Time is wasting away. Let's check the hedging around the volleyball court." They weave in and out of the hedging and next check behind the tank of the waterslide, but there are a bunch of members there getting it ready to start around noon and no kids.

Marlene says, "If I know Shelly she won't feel guilty about trying this out so she will seek comfort and where is it most comfortable. Our bed in the trailer! Let's go!"

They walk as quickly as Trudy can, back past the cabins and on to Trailer Row. As they come in sight they see Glen leaving the trailer and heading for the snack bar. He doesn't see them and Marlene stops Trudy from calling to him. "We know where he is and she's probably inside. We'll talk to her first."

They go to the trailer and enter. They hear someone crying and go to the master bedroom. It's Shelly and she's sitting on a patch of bloody sheet, one that had been folded and clean. Marlene runs to her and catches her against her bosom.

"There, there, Honey, you just cry it out. Did he hurt my little girl? You're safe now, honey. We're here for you."

Trudy says, "Are you still bleeding?"

Right away Marlene looks to see and she is not."

Again it's Trudy who says, "Did he force you, Shelly?"

She shakes her head against her mother's breast. "I asked him to do it. I didn't know it would hurt so much. I told him to stop and he did, but I thought I should let him finish, so I gritted my teeth and asked him go on. Does it always hurt so much?"

"The first time it does and sometimes the second time, too. After that it's alright."

"Why do people do it? That would never make me happy. Do we just do it so they can come?"

Trudy smiles, "Wait until you're older, you'll see."

"That's no answer. Can't you tell me now?"

Marlene says, "You'll have to be older to understand the answer. The answer wouldn't make sense to you now."

"Tell me anyway, please." She pleads for understanding.

Marlene looks at Trudy who says, "God, I hope I have this right. Crystal will ask me the same thing someday. When you get older those feelings you have now, when you want to have pleasure and you play with yourself; those feelings will center on a man in your life. You will seek that pleasure from him. Then, if he's any kind of a man, he'll give you pleasure and you'll come the same as he does." She smiles.

"That's what it's like with your Dad for your Mom and I. He provides us with such pleasure that sometimes we come before we even have actual intercourse. It's a wonderful thing to become one with a man you love and share that union through sex and mutual concern for each other, but it's not for children. It takes years of experience with life before you develop that trust and love that makes sex the best. You have only begun your life and somewhere there is a young man your age. He is growing up just like you. He is learning to be kind to others and to share. He's learning to provide a living for a mate and someday he'll look for someone. It may be you. He's worth waiting for. Don't rush it. How'd I do, Marlene?"

"You sold me. I think I'll give up sex until I grow older."

Shelly laughs. "Oh Mom, Dad would never let you do that."

"You know, your Dad would let me do that if it's what I wanted to do. He backs me in everything. I would never want to give up sex with him, though. Some day you will have a man you feel the same way about. Be patient, my child, and chose well."

They help her get herself cleaned up then take her with them towards the pool. When they have gone a short distance she stops and says she is sore. "Can I just lay down for the day and it will be alright tomorrow."

Marlene says, "You're not just embarrassed to see him again, are you? You have no need to be. You endured pain to give him what he wanted so you can hold your head up high. You did nothing wrong."

"No. Honest. It's just sore; that's all. It burns when I walk. I'd rather just lay down for a while."

"Okay honey, you go back and lay down. We'll try not to disturb you when we come back to the trailer. You can lay on our bed." Shelly goes back to the trailer while Trudy and Marlene walk across the grounds.

Trudy says, "That's the way it's supposed to happen. For me it was different. I was a few month's older than her when my mother's boyfriend raped me. It wasn't really rape. Like Shelly I asked him to do it, but he was a man my father's age and he took me to bed when my mother was not available. I had seen how she did it so when he drunkenly said I could be his wife for the night, I was proud. He said I looked better in bed that my mother did and I let him take me. It hurt so much and I thought he peed in me. I didn't know what to think and I was scared something would go wrong because I was bleeding and his stuff was running out of me. I told my mother when she came home from the bar and she hit me. She called me a liar and I showed her the bed. Then she called me a slut, but she took me to the doctor. He never reported it because my mother told him not to and my father outranked him. I never saw him again. It started a pattern in me though, that only Mike has been able to break. I love him so much, Marlene."

"Wow! I didn't know. Does Mike know?"

"That I love him, sure." She grins.

"No! About the rest."

"I told him. He never told you, eh? That's another thing I love him for. He never tells your secrets. He's one hell of a guy. We're really lucky."

"Sometimes I have a hard time seeing it that way, but yes, we are lucky."

When they get back to the pool Barb has gone to the hot tub with some others, but Jim is still chatting with Mike. Mike looks expectantly towards them and Marlene nods towards the pool. Mike excuses himself and dives in. Marlene joins him and they swim effortlessly in a slow easy motion side by side.

"Was everything alright? Did you find them?"

She nods but he doesn't catch it so she says, "They tried it at her request. She's quite upset and sore. I don't think it's likely to happen again. She didn't like it. She's O.K."

"Where is she?"

"At the trailer laying down."

"I better check on her."

"She's alright, Mike. Let her rest."

"You're sure he didn't force her!" Mike looks angry.

"She asked him to do it. Don't get bent out of shape. She's alright." Mike swims faster and she easily paces him. In the shallows he stands up and looks towards the trailers out of sight beyond the snack bar.

"Damn! Damn!"

She pleads with him earnestly, "Put it out of your head, Mike. Shelly wanted this and now she is satisfied. She won't try it again for quite a while. Let her come to you and tell you if she wants you to know. Please calm down."

Mike grins, "That's what I'm supposed to tell you when this happens. I guess you're right but I just feel I should do something. I better swim it off." He heads back up the pool with furious stokes and Marlene doesn't even try to catch up. She swims back to the deep end and pulls herself out to rest by Trudy.

"You told him. I can tell by the way he's churning up the water. What'd he say?" Marlene just shakes her head.

Trudy glances at Jim and says no more. Marlene says, "I see Barb's having a hot tub, Jim. You guys really like that hot tub, eh? Still come down mornings to enjoy it?"

"Yeah, we do. It's a nice way to start off the day. Guess I'll go and join her." He gets up and goes that way.

Trudy grins and says, "Smooth." Marlene just grins.

In a few minutes Mike pulls himself out and flops down beside them. He still has storm clouds in his eyes and can't get settled in one spot. Trudy complains of her back pains and he automatically starts to work on it for her. When he's done he shifts around and stands.

"I'm going up to the trailer. I have to have a word with her. I have to know she's alright."

Marlene shrugs, "Hurry back."

Mike strides out of the pool area and across the grounds. As he nears the trailer he hesitates and debates what to say. He enters the trailer quietly and goes down the hall, then stands by the door to watch her sleeping form. He sighs and turns to go.

"Daddy?" He turns quickly and catches her in his arms.

He holds her for quite a while and she sobs against his chest. She whispers, "Please don't be mad with me, Daddy."

He squeezes her and says, "I'm not mad at you. You had to try it and you did it. You're still my oldest and smartest girl the same as you were yesterday. I love you as much as I ever did. You're just a little wiser now."

"And sorer."

"You're not even that sore. It doesn't hurt down there near as much as it does up here." He tousles her hair. "Your mother was right and you were wrong. That's what hurts, isn't it?"

She remains silent.

"When you went off with your mother to tell her you wanted to try to have sex, she told you it wasn't a good idea, but it was up to you. We try to raise you kids to think for yourselves so when you're alone, you can use your heads. We expect you to make mistakes. We make mistakes, too. But we try to give you good advice. This time you didn't heed her advise and you found out she was right, didn't you?"

Hesitantly she whispers, "She (sob) was right."

"I know it's hard to admit that you were wrong and as long as you don't admit it, your mother is afraid you might do it again. She's afraid you haven't learned a lesson from this. See, us guys, we don't understand how you women think most of the time but we can often see the problem, even though we don't understand. I think you have to tell your mother that she was right and that you were wrong. That will clear the air and you'll be friends again. See what I'm getting at?"


"Well, you don't want to go down to the swimming pool where your mother is because you don't feel comfortable around her now. You feel she's going to look at you funny or watch you all the time. Am I right?"

"I guess. She probably won't trust me any more."

"See. That's where you're wrong. She still trusts you but she would like to hear you say that she was right. If you can admit you were wrong to her, she'll know you learned something and she'll be happy about that." He leads her to the kitchen, "Want some milk? I'm thirsty." He pours two glasses of milk.

"Dad, do you think Glen will hate me now. I let him finish even though I was crying. He left right away and didn't even say anything."

"He's probably scared that you will tell us and we will tell his parents. Do you want us to tell them?"

"No! It was my fault. I should have listened to Mom."

"O.K. So why not tell him that. Tell him you are too young and shouldn't have done it. Also tell him you don't plan to do it again. If he's any kind of a gentleman, he'll accept that and it will be done with. If you feel like still being friends with him, tell him that, too. Honesty is always the best policy."

"I should talk to Mom first."

"You're right. Finish up your milk and let's go swimming. Your Mom's down at the pool." She downs her milk and is ready to go. When they step outside she grabs his hand and they strut along towards the pool chatting and laughing.

Just passed the volleyball courts Marlene sees them coming. She smiles at Trudy and nods her head in their direction.

"He's worked his magic again, Trudy. He's a smooth tongued devil, isn't he?" Trudy nods emphatically.

Mike accompanies her through the showers and into the pool in the shallow end. They swim together to the other end and he helps her out. He back-flips and goes deep to frog around and surface near the shallows again. He looks to see Shelly talking earnestly with her mother. Soon they laugh together and she runs to find Jan. Marlene looks down the length of the pool at Mike and waves. Mike does a theatrical bow in the shallow end then he swims their way. He pulls himself out and flops down on a towel.

"Just about lunch time, isn't it?"

Trudy whoops, "Pool time!" and tries to get up in a hurry. Mike helps her and they both go back into the pool. They swim the length and meet Marlene down at the shallow end by the gate. They all catch a shower and walk up to the snack bar watching for the kids. Julie and two other girls her age that Mike has seen around the club are sitting with their heads together talking and laughing in a booth. Richard and Glen are just coming in the side door. Glen sees them and turns around, but Richard grabs his arm and brings him along to them. Richard says, "Have you seen Shelly?"

Mike cuts the women off, "Last I saw of her was out by the pool. She was looking for Jan. The waterslide should be open before long. I imagine she's waiting for that. Are you guys going up on the waterslide?"

"You bet. We're just waiting for it to start. Come on, Glen. I'll bet she's down there."

"Hold on. Why are you looking for your sister?"

"Glen has something to tell her." He glares at Glen, "Don't you, Glen?"


"I imagine she's down there, then. Tell them that we're eating. If you or they want anything, this is the time to get it."

"Right, Dad. See you."

They take off for the pool area. Marlene hisses, "Aren't you going to say anything to that young man?"

"No need. His big mouth has gotten him in trouble with Richard already. Let them straighten it out. If we get involved, we'll end up at odds with Barb and Jim. Let them take care of it. Have faith in your son. I taught him, didn't I."

Trudy laughs and says, "Listen to him, Marlene. For once I think he's right."

Before they are finished eating, the kids are all back and getting something for themselves. Glen and Shelly are chummy and Richard joins the table of girls with Julie. Jan and Crystal come to join the adults. Mike keeps an eye on Shelly and Glen until he realizes that Marlene is doing the same. He relaxes and finishes his food. Les comes through and announces the waterslide is starting.

There's a general exodus of children heading for the waterslide. Mike stretches and says, "Shall we join them?" He notices Trudy's reluctance and says, "You better go and lay down, my love. You look a bit worn out."

"I think I will." She lowers her eyes. "Care to join me?"

"I think I'll go help Marlene keep an eye on the kids at the waterslide."
