Death Falls: Jane Doe


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Down at the poolside they find Max and Rita Karding chatting with Barbara and James West. In the hot tub are Olga Johansen, Darlene Campbell and Jean Guy Marshand. Trudy calls out to Olga, "Where's Lars?"

"In the snack bar with Les and another couple playing bridge. Can you imagine! With lovely weather like this and they're sitting inside playing cards. When did you guys get here?"

"Just a while ago. Do you suppose I dare climb in there with you?"

"I don't think it'd be a good idea. How long to go?"

"Any time in the next two weeks. I wish it was tonight."

Mike says, "Whoa! Don't wish that. We're a long way from Chilliwack."

Darlene laughs and says, "Pauline had Heather in her cabin. Can you believe that?"

"Anyone seen Heather lately?"

Everyone shakes his or her head. Mike and Trudy go on to shower following the rest who are already in the pool. Mike helps her slide into the water and she swims with him by her side the length of the Olympic size pool. Due to her ungainly shape and shorter stature, he only has to laze along to keep up with her. He helps her out at the deep end and bounces out himself only to turn and dive deep. He frogs along the bottom and watches Marlene's shape overhead swimming, then rolls on his back and allows himself to surface under her.

They splash and roll together and she swears at him then breaks up into laughter and tries to get on his back to sink him. They wrestle and horse around in the water and suddenly both dive deep to swim side by side to the deep end and pop up together. He helps her climb out and jumps up to sit on the edge of the pool. He shakes his head and soaks Trudy who has just dried herself off. She squeals and pushes him back in. He leaves the two women and goes swimming along counting heads.

Everyone accounted for he swims back to the deep end and pulls himself out to sit with Trudy and Marlene in the setting sun's rays. He declares, "Time for a hot tub."

Trudy whimpers, "Massage my back before you go, please." She stretches out the 'please'.

"Flop down here on your side." He works on her back until she's limp then rolls her onto it and kneads her pelvis as well as up around her stomach.

"Oh thank you, you darling man. That feels so good. Now you can go to the hot tub."

Marlene says, "My back is bothering me a bit. How about it, 'darling man'?" Mike grins and points at the deck by Trudy. Marlene stretches out on her stomach and Mike notices she has some swelling already. He works his knuckles and broad thumbs into the joints up along both sides of her spinal cord, then back down. He rolls her on her back and she curls up a bit. "I don't need that here. I'm all right now. Thanks."

"I was just going to work the muscles around your pelvis and stomach. I see you're beginning to show."

"That's a little too intimate for public viewing in my opinion. Trudy and you can do whatever you want but if I need that, I'll ask for it in private."

Trudy hoots with laughter, "I suppose you think I'm a slut because I let him massage my pussy in public. It feels good so I say, why not?"

"I don't massage your pussy. Ye gods, why don't I get smart and go for a hot tub?"

Trudy echoes, "Why don't you get smart and go for a hot tub?" Mike nods with a grin and heads for the hot tub. He climbs in with Olga, Darlene, Jim, Richard and Julie. He soaks up the heat and works his way around to sit along side Jim. "Where's Barb gone?"

"Up to the snack bar with Jean Guy. I suspect they're trying to find a way to disappear for a while."

"Barb and Jean Guy?"

"She got even with me and now she's hooked. Every time she sees the guy she goes to pieces. I'm sure they've been at it more than once. She says it only happened once to get even with me over Pauline but I've got eyes. I see them eyeing each other and then you can't find either of them for an hour or two.

"Where do they go?"

"I'm not sure but I think down behind the base pool for the waterslide. I've never caught them but I saw her coming from there twice. Trouble is I have never seen Jean Guy down there."

"Maybe they haven't been meeting like you think. Where are the boys tonight?"

"Playing volleyball, I imagine. They were a while ago. They won't be able to play much longer before it gets dark."

They chat for a while when Richard and Julie climb out. Mike says, "Rick, will you check that your sisters and Crystal are alright?"

"Right, Dad." They go off towards the pool. Rita arrives from the snack bar and slips into the water along side of Mike. She slides her hand down his body as she settles and grips his organ.

"How's it hanging, Mike." She laughs. Mike removes her hand and says he's fine. She chuckles and says, "Your wife too close tonight, big boy?" Mike ignores her and speaks to Jim.

"Let's go over and watch them finish up their game. Coming?" Jim climbs out with him and Rita says to save her a dance at tomorrow night's dance in the snack bar. They head for the volleyball courts across the grounds and beyond some screening hedges. As they come out the other side they are surprised at how dark it is on this side of the grounds. The game is apparently over and everyone is gone.

"Must be up at the snack bar." They go that way. When they get inside they search through the crowd and find eight-year-old Chris, Jim's youngest son. He's with Jan.

Mike says, "Does your mother know where you are, young lady?

"Shelly's looking after me."

"Where is Shelly?"

"I don't know. She was here with Glen after the volleyball game." Jim spots Barb and asks, "Have you seen Glen and Mike's girl?"

"Not since the volleyball game?"

"How long has that been?"

"Just over half an hour, I guess. Hi, Mike. Lose your kids?"

Mike grins, "You know how it goes. One's supposed to stay with the other and keep an eye on each other. It never seems to work although it looks good on paper."

"You better find Glen, Jim. We should be heading home soon." He nods and they go out towards the pool. They check around the hot tub, the sauna and showers then out around the pool. Mike stops to tell Marlene they can't find Glen and Shelly. She looks seriously at him and says, "You better find them." She tells Trudy as they leave and go back towards the cabins and trailer park, known locally as Trailer Row.

They can't find them and are heading back when they meet Marlene who is looking worried. "Did you find them?"

"No. They must be going the other way when we go looking in the other direction. If we stand still they'll probably come to us".

Jim says he'll go and see if Barb has seen them. He heads for the snack bar and Marlene says, "If his little bugger has laid a hand on her..."

"Take it easy dear. Even if they have decided to experiment, as kids will sometimes do, no harm is done. They are both too young to cause any harm."

"Unless he forces her. If she wants to, O.K. but if he forces her I'll take the son of a bitch to court along with his parents. And I mean it!"

"Easy dear, you're sounding like Sadie when Julie and Rick wanted to try..."

"Don't mention that woman's name to me, you two timing bastard. Find my daughter!"

Just then Shelly comes across from the snack bar towards them and calls, "You looking for me, Dad?"

"Yes. Where were you?"

"Glen and I were down behind the pool at the base of the waterslide. We were experimenting."

Marlene looks aghast, "You wanted to experiment with Glen? Why didn't you come and talk to us before you did that?"

"There wasn't any time. It was getting dark and if we wanted to see what we were doing we had to do it fast. And it worked out great!"

Marlene puts her hands over her face and cries, "My God, she's going to be a nymphomaniac!"

Mike says, "Calm down now. Honey, what was it that you and Glen did exactly?"

"We experimented with his hose and I didn't even have to suck on it. It started all by itself." Marlene gives a small shriek behind her hands and Mike groans.

"Shelly, why did you want to play with his hose?"

"It was an experiment."

"I know. I know. Marlene, say something to her."

"You're the sexpert in this family! You talk to her!"

"Let's go find the other kids and go back to the trailer."

Marlene says, "I want to go home. You can sell the damn trailer! I won't come back here again ever!"

"But Mom, what's wrong? I was only gone for a little while. We couldn't go any faster. I kept telling Glen you would be upset but he made me bend over the tank and hold his hose while he put it in."

"You told him you didn't want to?" Marlene looks vindictive.

"Well, no. I told him we had to hurry or you would get mad if I was gone too long."

Marlene whimpers, "Did he put his 'hose' all the way in?"

Shelly shrugs, "Quite a bit of it."

"How much?"

"About four feet, I guess."

"You mean inches, don't you?"

"No." She laughs. "That wouldn't be enough."

Marlene looks suspicious, "Are you playing games with me?"

Mike says, "What hose are we talking about?"

"Glen got it from up by the maintenance shed. It wasn't hooked up or anything. It was just lying there."

"And what did you do with the hose?"

"That was the experiment. He said we could make the water run without sucking on the hose. He had me bend over the tank and hold the hose while he put it in the tank and let it fill with water. I held the end under the water and he pulled the rest of it out real fast and it worked. It started running all by itself! The experiment worked!"

Marlene gives a nervous laugh, "We better find the other kids and get back to the trailer."

Mike chuckles and says, "Yes, boss." He ducks as she swings at him and they start back down to the pool. Shelly runs on ahead. "You know dear, you have a suspicious mind."

"I'll kill you if you breathe a word of this to Trudy." She glares at him. "Don't make a fool of me more than I already feel. Promise me."

"I promise and I have to admit, I was fooled as much as you were. I thought they had decided to try out sex as well."

Marlene grins and mumbles, "FOUR FEET?"

They both laugh as they amble along. They find the rest and all assemble in the snack bar for a snack. Barb and Jim have gone home with their boys. Marlene asks, "Did they say if they were coming back out this weekend?"

Mike is the one who responds. "Jim said they are coming out both Saturday and Sunday. They only live over here in Rosedale."

"Oh God, I'm going to have to have a talk with you, Shelly. Let's go for a walk." They wander out into the grounds and away from the snack bar with Marlene talking seriously to her.

Julie looks at Richard and says, "Shouldn't you say something to your Dad, Richie?" Richard shakes his head.

"Shelly will talk to Mom about it. Don't worry."

Mike says, "Come on sport, let's have a talk." He nods towards the door. Outside he says, "Well, what's Julie talking about?"

"It's Shelly. She wants to try out having intercourse. Julie and I tried to talk her out of it but I think she's going to ask Glen. She says she'll be nine in two weeks and she wants to try it now. She's just jealous of Julie and I. We told her it isn't as much fun as everyone says but she wants to try, anyway. Julie even told her we stopped but I don't think she believed her."

"I see. When did she decide all this?"

"Just in the last little while, I think. She didn't say anything like that before we went down east."

"Did you tell her about the girls on the plane?"

"I might have. I told her I met them. I guess I told her about having sex with them, too." He looks down at the ground.

"You know that wasn't right, don't you? Gentlemen don't brag. I hope I'm raising a young gentleman. Let's get back inside."

"I'm sorry, Dad. I guess it just slipped out. It won't happen again."

"Make sure it doesn't, son. I'm proud of you as a warrior and I want to be proud of you as a gentleman, as well."

"Yes, Dad."

They go back in and join the group. Marlene comes in with Shelly and says, "Let's go get the trailer set up for the night."

Richard moans about his bedroom being so small, but he's glad to have his own room. They sort out their gear and put a lot of stuff away. Marlene makes the beds while Trudy unpacks the stuff for the kitchen. Mike helps where he can, sometimes on the far side of a bed and sometimes putting pans on a top shelf. He checks the curtain across the living room entry and draws it across.

The girls are thrilled that they all will be bunking in together. It takes a while to get them settled but eventually they quiet down with two in sleeping bags on the floor and two in the studio couch/bed. Mike enjoys a last cup of coffee at the table and Trudy rubs his shoulders.

"Let's go to bed, darling. I need your magic touch." She nibbles on his ear. Mike follows her back to the bedroom and finds Marlene already in bed. Trudy nods for him to climb in the center and she lays down beside him with her back to him.

Marlene turns out the light and all is quiet. Trudy reaches back and touches his hand, then takes it and pulls it around to her groin. Marlene bends over him and kisses him. "You guys go ahead and do what you want. I'm going to sleep. Good night, dear, Trudy." She lays back down in the dark.

Trudy says, "We'll try to be quiet and not disturb you."

Marlene snorts, "Mike! Be quiet when he's screwing? Who are you kidding?" She chuckles and Trudy giggles as she presses herself back against Mike.

She raises one leg to give him access and when his hard penis moves over her vulva she whispers, "Where did you get that hose, Mister?"

"Mike! I thought you said you wouldn't say anything? Damn you, you don't have any respect for me, or my feelings at all! You promised you wouldn't say anything." Marlene whines the last and sounds like she's going to cry.

Mike turns to her and says, "I didn't say anything. Honest, I didn't. Trudy is just horsing around. It was a coincidence; I swear it was. I didn't tell her anything." He tries to kiss her and she pushes him away. "I'm sorry you don't believe me. I didn't break my word to you and I don't know how to prove it. I love you with all my heart. Please believe me."

Trudy says, "Hey, what about me? You said you loved me, too? What's this, 'I love you with all my heart' shit?"

"Trudy, not now. I'm trying to help her understand that I didn't tell you about the hose."

"What hose? This thing here?" She giggles as she grabs it.

"No, it was a hose that Shelly was telling us..."

Marlene says, "You don't know what Shelly told us?"

"You went for a walk with her, not me. How would I know what she told you?"

"Oh Mike, I'm sorry." She starts kissing him all over his face and they end up in a tight embrace with their bodies fully engaged.

Trudy exclaims, "I thought you were going to sleep?"

"Mmmm, later."

"Damn! Double damn! I'm going to climb right on top of the two of you. Here I come!" She starts to do it and Mike parts from Marlene with a laugh as she breaks up, too.

Marlene says, "I might as well tell you what all the uproar is about." She explains what happened and they all get laughing. Trudy exclaims, "Four feet!" and they all start laughing again. Then Marlene says, "So after all that mess, I wasn't really prepared for what she wanted to talk to me about later. I wanted to warn her about Glen and she wanted to tell me she was going to try and get Glen to have intercourse with her. It really caught me off guard. She was asking me if she could and I wanted to scream, 'No!' but I didn't want to scare her."

"What'd you tell her?"

"I explained that sex is something much enjoyed by adults but children don't find it very pleasurable. The little boy is often impatient and hurts you, then he squirts that icky stuff all over you or in you. When boys become men they learn patience and consideration. Then they are smart enough to let the woman have some fun with sex. It's better to wait until you grow up and have a relationship with a man you can love for a long time. Then sex can be fun."

"What'd she say?"

"I think I'm grown up enough now to try it."

"Oh God! What did you say to that?"

"I went on to point out to her that her breasts aren't near as big as mine yet and she doesn't have near as much pubic hair as I do. She hasn't even had a period yet, so she's not near as grown up as she thinks she is."


"She pointed out that her hair is much lighter than mine and she will never have as full an appearing bush as mine so that isn't a fair comparison. She told me she's been masturbating, and I didn't know that, and she knows what an orgasm feels like. She wants to feel what it's like to have one with a boy."

"Wow! Then what'd you say?"

Mike interjects, "I'm going to sleep, ladies."

Trudy says, "What'd you say then?"

"I told her she was not likely to have an orgasm with a boy until she meets a man with the patience to bring her to one. I said that Glen might not have any experience, anyway. Of course, I know better."

"So what did she say to that?"

"She told me that he had told her he did it before but he wouldn't say who with. That speaks well for the boy. He's not a tattle tale, anyway."

Mike speaks, "Hey! I'm going to sleep here."

"So go to sleep. What did you tell her then?"

They are both leaning over Mike and talking quietly so the others in the trailer can't hear them. He rolls his eyes and waits with a sigh.

"Well, he may have done it once before but he's no expert like her father. I told her there aren't many like him, though, who can make a girl scream with longing and turn her belly to jelly with delight."

"You didn't!"

"No, I didn't but we have to give poor Mike a thrill or he'll go to sleep on us." They both start giggling and tickling Mike. Soon he's engaged in some heavy three-way action. While he screws Trudy, Marlene kisses him all over and urges him on, then she does the same for Marlene. Mike ends up a very tired boy and glad to get to sleep.

Marlene fixes breakfast while Trudy and Mike make love. She lays on his arm afterwards and says, "I have to go and pee. Can you help me up?"

He goes to pull his arm out from under her and she winches then bites down, clenching her jaw. Mike says, "What is it? Are you having a contraction?"

She waves him away and gasps, "No. It's a stomach cramp. It hurts right here." She grunts. Mike starts in kneading and she says, "Harder, right there! Can you feel it?" He can feel the knots and works all around and through them until she relaxes. "Oh Mike! I pissed the bed. Damn! I'm sorry. I'll clean it up. Help me up."

"You go clean up in the bathroom and I'll clean up here. Go on with you. I can take care of it."

He quickly strips the bottom sheet off the bed and wraps it up to wipe the mattress with. He leaves it uncovered to dry. There is only a small spot that makes it through, anyway. He puts the sheet with the dirty clothes to go to the Laundromat. He digs out a clean sheet and leaves it folded on one side of the mattress to put on later. He notices that the sheet he pulled off is a stained mess from last night's escapades anyway. No harm done, he figures.

He goes out for breakfast and finds the place in an uproar. There are kids everywhere so he retires to the bedroom and grabs a towel. He winks at Trudy as he goes through and says, "Pool time." He heads out and hears her following. Down at the showers they wash each other down and head into the pool. It's early but Jim and Barb are in the hot tub. Mike leaves Trudy to go wish them a good morning and they climb out to go for a swim with them. Afterwards they sit on the deck.

Mike says, "So you decided to get even, did you Barb? I thought you would wait for me." He grins.

"No way. I wouldn't want to tangle with Trudy, let alone Marlene. You're off limits around here."
