Debauchery on Faculty Row


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"And I'm not wearing panties-wink, wink!" She lifted her skirt and skipped off. Chase just shook his head, laughing.


Chase went home and changed into his running clothes. He'd been too busy to hit the gym to work out or to go for a run for the last couple of days. He just felt a deep rooted need to release some nervous energy. The whole nightmare had him all out of sorts. The sooner they turned this over to the authorities, and they had things in hand, the sooner he'd sleep again. He'd spent every night with Abby bundled in his arms. They'd have to kill him before he let them ever hurt her again.

Before he left on his run, he tried calling Abby to see if she'd like to go out for a late dinner when he got back. She didn't answer. It dawned on him that she was tutoring the nursing students at the library. He left a message and took off running through a little used path he'd come upon through the deep woods. The hills and rugged terrain added a little more oomph to his runs.

He was about a mile in, pouring on the steam, his mind totally preoccupied with the nefarious goings on when he rounded the turn into the woods that ran down a steep, pine clogged hill that leveled off along the river.

He never saw it coming.

As he jogged along the dark, narrow path through the thick pine grove a huge, masked man jumped out from behind a tree like a bolt of lightning, inches from him, and cracked Chase across the forehead with a baseball bat. Chase folded like an accordion and went out cold.


When Chase slowly woke, his head felt like a keg of dynamite had gone off inside. The pain was excruciating. Stars danced before his unfocused eyes. Floaters darted in all directions like meteors.

His right eye was mostly closed, the lid only held barely open by dried blood. He could taste the metallic flavor of blood and felt the massive dried patches of it crack on his upper lip and cheek as he moved his jaw to ensure it wasn't broken. The bitter, iron taste was making him nauseous.

He was gagged and tied at the wrists through the back of a tilted, dentist's type chair. He was naked. His legs vulgarly splayed spread eagle over the two sides of the chair leaving his crotch totally vulnerable with his ankles tied beneath the chair to the same rope lashing his hands.

His heart raced. What little light there was in the room was just a glimmer of waning moonlight slicing through a blackened basement window.

He suddenly realized where he was. A cold tremor ran through his body as his blood turned to ice. He kept his aching head down, pretending to still be out. He needed time to think.

If only my head would stop pounding, he thought. He knew, at best, he had a concussion. The confusion was alarming. He was praying his skull wasn't cracked.

"Welcome back, Doctor. And now you see how easy it was for us to get to you." The booming, mechanical voice hurt Chase's ears as it echoed off the stone walls. "There's no place for you to hide."

"Now; let's get down to business before my associate is forced to cause you any further pain."

"I believe you have something we need, Doctor Brandt. A collection of budget sheets, perhaps? Pull off his gag!" The blaring, eerie voice sounded like the guy had an electrolarynx.

Rough hands came out of the dark from directly behind Chase and tore off the stifling gag. The sudden movement made his head feel like a hand grenade had gone off in his gray matter. He was dizzy and disorientated.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Doctor Brandt. You choose."

The dark figure appeared from out of the shadows dressed in a long black robe with a demonic black hood over his face. Chase could only see his silhouette. It reminded him of the satanic ritual scene from Eyes Wide Shut.

"Fuck you! I don't know what the hell you're talking about!"

The shit-bag behind him snatched Chase by the hair, jerked his head back violently and landed a punch out of the dark. It came out of nowhere, quickly and painfully, as it made contact squarely with his jaw. The already excruciating pain coursing through his head multiplied tenfold in a blinding flash of white. He felt sick. He knew if he didn't fight against it, he'd certainly pass out.

His years of martial arts training kicked in. His mind focused on ignoring the pain. He concentrated intently on the single beam of light, fighting every urge to just give in to the pain and sleep.

"Yes, we know what a tough guy you are, Doctor. But everyone has their breaking point. Now. Let's be civilized, shall we? Where are the documents?"

"I mailed them to my lawyer. If anything should happen to me, he's going public with them."

"I think not," the chilling, digitalized voice chuckled maniacally. Chase barely noticed the huge figure behind him inching up even further from the shadows to stand beside the talking, hooded nightmare. The thick, damp air was cloying, but the distinct aroma of sweat filled his nostrils, causing his gag reflex to red line.

"We've already ascertained that you have plans to speak to the university president in the morning. Which means that you still have the documents. You certainly wouldn't go to that clueless old simpleton without some sort of proof of your accusations. And any lawyer would be legally bound to come forth with any evidence along these lines in his or her possession immediately. We're no fools, Brandt!"


This time it was a hobnailed boot heel that came out of the dark and caught Chase squarely in the groin. The pain roared through his body like a raging forest fire. He leaned forward and vomited, the spray spattering his bare legs. Beam of light or not, Chase went out. For how long, he didn't have a clue.

The talking demon grabbed a handful of Chase's matted hair roughly and jerked his head up. "Still choose to remain silent, Doctor?"

Chase initially thought that the concussion was so severe that he'd lost his mind. The voice was coming from the clown's asshole. Then, in the shifting moonbeam, Chase noticed the white wire leading out of the robe and looped from under the mask to somewhere on the demon's waist. He was wearing some sort of a voice disguising device. It was obviously Bluetooth because the creepy voice was also broadcast through a speaker mounted on the wall beside the chair.

Was he someone Chase knew? Someone who had to disguise his voice to keep Chase from recognizing him? And if he was disguising his voice, did that mean they had some plan to beat him senseless and release him? Assume they'd scared him into silence like the disgusting pictures did to Kay?

If that was their plan, they didn't know Chase Brandt very well. Now he was truly pissed. This wasn't going to end well for either Chase or the ass clowns torturing him. One of them was going down and Chase wasn't going down without a fight.

Feeling empowered by his enraged revelation, Chase went for broke. "Fuck you, Douche Bag!" Agony and pain rang from his voice.

"Well, luckily for us, we anticipated that you'd be uncooperative. Lights!"

When the eerie red floodlights shone toward the front of the room, Chase nearly had a stroke.

Chase was in an enclosed alcove. It was set up as some sort of demented dentist's office. Rock on three sides with a glass front. When he looked up, his heart stopped.

There, tied to rough hewn wooden frames, bound wrists, waists and ankles to the tops, middles and bottoms of the heavy rectangles, Abby, Kay and Stephanie struggled helplessly against their bonds. All three naked and gagged, trussed up disgustingly spread eagle. And all three obviously out of their poor minds in terror.

"You sick, twisted fuck! I'll tear your fucking heart out and eat it while you watch!!"

Chase was fighting his bonds to get out of that chair and tear the heads off of the evil, twisted tormentors. The red he was seeing had nothing to do with his head injury, or the ghostly red spot lights. It was pure, unadulterated rage. Before Chase could finish his enraged curses, the figure behind him shoved the gag back into his mouth and silenced him, roughly jerking him back in the chair by his hair.

"We tried to be nice, Doctor; but apparently you don't respond to kindness. Maybe this will convince you."

"Watch closely, Doctor. Who knows? You may even enjoy it. I know I will." The laugh that followed was the psychotic laugh of the truly demented.

The demon went out through a transparent door, closing it, and reappeared at the profane stage, barking orders to an as yet unseen minion. Every sound Chase could hear blasted from an overhead speaker in the tiny booth.


A whip lashed out of the darkness beyond the edges of the eerie red lights and caught the three women across their bare backs. Their muffled screams through their ball gags, and their frantic, tortured thrashing both enraged and petrified Chase. He was helpless to stop the insanity taking place before his unfocused eyes. Hearing their amplified cries coming through the infernal speaker just added to his own terror.

His rage helped clear his mind. With all the concentration he could muster, he started working diligently at the nylon ropes binding his hands and ankles.

That was their first mistake. Nylon rope could be stretched. Another useless tidbit from his seamanship classes that, like algebra, he thought he'd never need. And his years of Muay Tai exercises made his hands and wrists extremely strong and flexible

He had to be cautious. He didn't want to make it obvious to the thug behind him that he was trying to free his hands. The backrest of the tilted dentist's chair helped keep his efforts undetected. And God help these sick cocksuckers if he did get loose.

The spotlights shining grimly on the girls were the only light in the room. Chase and the gorilla behind him were in total darkness in the dank, alien chamber. That, and the tilt of the chair made trying to free himself that much less conspicuous."

"Again! Just for good measure."

The whip lashed out again, catching the writhing ladies squarely across their backsides. Their muffled screams were killing Chase. Tears poured from his eyes as he frantically struggled to get free.

"No more whips. We don't want to leave any marks. Spin the frames."

A third robed and hooded minion, the whip wielder, came out of the shadows, reached up and spun the frames like a wheel of chance. It stopped with a loud, jarring click leaving the three petrified women splayed out in a vulgar position; their faces pointed toward the floor, legs splayed wide open. The floodlight shining off of their most intimate parts was casting revolting images on the mirrors surrounding the degenerate's stage.

Chase was slowly, methodically, managing to loosen the ropes. Little by little the bonds were stretching and releasing as he used every bit of strength he had in his wrists and fingers to stretch and untangle the poorly tied wraps and release the tension.

He was fighting with everything he had to remain concentrated; his determination winning out against his addled mind. He had to get free before they really got incensed and injured the girls. If they knew as much about him as they claimed to know about him, or about Muay Thai, they'd have bound his feet better. If he managed to free his hands, his feet would be free as well. He was praying that worked in his favor.

"Let's start gently, shall we? Apply the nipple clamps, please."

The third masked fiend reappeared rolling a red satin covered table to the side of the stage. The animal roughly jerked each struggling woman's head back by the hair and viciously clamped the nipple clamps on all six breasts, fondling the shackled women, taunting them heartlessly. The screams, even through their gags, were driving Chase over the edge. He started working even more fervently at his bindings.

Go slow, Brandt. Calm down. Use your head. Don't let him see what you're doing.

The swine behind him was so close, he could feel the sick fuck's erection rubbing against Chase's exposed shoulder. He was deriving a sick, twisted pleasure from the abomination taking place in front of them, paying little attention to Chase. Chase could feel his hot, foul breath on his neck. He'd occasionally grasp Chase's face roughly to make him watch the three women writhing in pain as the sick, twisted psychopath panted in sexual delight at the sadistic abomination playing out on the unholy stage.

"Flip them again," Satan incarnate called out; his evil, electrified voice echoing through the speaker in the surreal house of horrors.

The ringleader sashayed to the front of the booth, swinging the tails of his infernal robe like he was dancing to some twisted showtune playing in his cobweb infested mind. That act, more than any other, ensured Chase that the psycho was definitely unstable. That petrified Chase. The mentally ill had their own reality. They had no understanding of right and wrong.

"I assume you know what this is, Doctor?"

The demented fuck was holding up an antique anoscope, waving it from outside the glass divider; making sure Chase could see the gleaming stainless steel in the red light's glow. He coldly clicked the device open and shut slowly, incensing Chase further before moving toward the archaic frames.

The girls muffled cries of fear and pain echoing off the walls was gnawing at Chase like a pack of rabid rats, driving him on as he struggled harder to concentrate on loosening his slowly relenting bonds.

He started with Stephanie, spreading her butt cheeks roughly and sadistically crammed the anoscope into her rectum without aid of a lubricant. Her screams were heart wrenching. Tears flowed harder from Chase's undamaged eye as every nerve in his body fired off electrical charges, driving him harder to concentrate on getting his feet free.

"Ou! We've got a virgin here!" His sick, electrified laugh, thick with his perverse pleasure, infuriated Chase even more. Chase was irate. A level of anger and a bubbling cauldron of adrenaline more intense than he'd ever experienced in his life radiated up from the very pit of his soul and spread through his mind and body in a tidal wave. The pain in his head and his excruciating testicles were all but forgotten.

The barbarous creature knelt between Stephanie's trussed legs and ran his serpent-like tongue along her tortured backside, rubbing his crotch with one hand while heartlessly shoving the fingers of his other hand coarsely into her vagina. Chase was revolted as he watched the demented demon rubbing his crotch as he so viciously violated Stephanie. The scene just outraged him even more; fueling a fire he was determined to unleash on all three of the depraved bastards tormenting them.

When he'd tired of Stephanie, he moved to Kay, running his tongue between her buttocks through his Halloween mask. His fingers were roughly groping and fondling her sex. She was thrashing against her bonds, almost seizing. The entire frame was shaking precariously.

Chase's heart was beating in his ears like a tympani. Hot blood rushed through his veins in a raging inferno, coursing through him at the speed of light. He was trying to control his anger and concentrate on his bonds, but his aching head made serious concentration problematic.

"Ou! This one's not a virgin!" He laughed a sinister, cold hearted laugh as his minion stepped up and spread Kay's buttocks almost ceremoniously, opening her disgustingly for the fiendish barbarian to ram an anoscope inside her.

Kay went rigid, her back arching to the limits of her bonds for a brief moment, then she let out an earsplitting screech of agonizing pain through her gag and went limp. Her long, soaking wet hair hung loosely over her tortured face.

"I believe I've seen this pretty little twat before. Hand me a speculum!" he barked, heartlessly.

Kay came alive, thrashing impotently against her strong bonds as he carelessly shoved the speculum into her barely healed vagina.

With a flick of his thumb, he opened the bills to the hilt and crammed his claw-like fingers inside her. Groping her.

Claw like fingers," Chase thought wildly. "Zeigler!"

Kay once again, let out a garbled, heart wrenching scream, thrashing against her bonds with everything she had.

"Ah, yes. I was correct. This one's a very old friend." He jerked out the speculum and roughly shoved his gnarled fingers inside her again, sliding them in and out violently. He followed his godless act by forcing his whole hand inside her, viciously twisting it in and out, fisting the helpless woman. The maniacal cackling screeching through the infernal speaker was more than Chase could take.

Finally! Chase had one hand free. He used it slowly, cautiously, to free the other.

Godzilla behind him was obviously never a Boy Scout. He couldn't tie a knot to save his ass. The disgusting perv was so intent on watching the abomination taking place in front of them that he wasn't paying any attention to Chase.

Chase was actually sickened. The disgusting, unwashed ogre behind him was rubbing his erection across Chase's shoulder. His hot breath, ripe with whiskey, almost caused Chase to hurl again as the rancid aroma wafted down across his face.

"We're saving your little sweetheart for last, Doctor. She's going to be the main attraction tonight! I can smell her hot, sweet little pussy from here. I can't wait to have my way with her while you watch!"

"That pleasure, of course, will be after my associate has his way with your tight, muscular ass. He prefers the male of our species. Ever been buggered, Doctor Brandt? Sodomized? Pegged, maybe? No. I'm sure you haven't. The first time can be a little disconcerting, but it quickly becomes quite pleasurable. Are you sure you don't know where those papers are?"

"Fuck you, you Sick Cocksucker!" Chase was screeching in anger. His venomous threats echoed around the tiny booth.

"Shut up, Cutie! He can't hear you. This booth is soundproof. The better to bugger you in, My Dear." Godzilla's maniacal laugh was disgusting. He rubbed Chase's shoulders, making kissing sounds just inches from Chase's ear.

The demented deviant returned to Stephanie and roughly opened the anoscope in Stephanie's anus fully. Laughing maniacally. Chase couldn't believe that this sick, twisted individual could do something so heinous with absolutely no remorse. He was taking his sick, deviant pleasures by hurting a helpless victim. Stephanie, thankfully, passed out.

"Oh my! Your colleague isn't quite as stoic as you are, Doctor. Dear, dear. I may take a moment to enjoy this beautiful virgin asshole with some of my toys before we move on. It gives me such pleasure to deflower a virginal rectum with my vast array of toys. And I'd so love to try out my sounds on this very beautiful urethra." The animal stood to the side, reached between Stephanie's splayed legs and spread her labia wide enough to tear the sensitive tissue. "Look. She's even cleared the path by shaving her loveliness."

He leaned down and took a slow, sadistic lick of Stephanie's vagina from front to back, laughing the entire time, biting her left buttocks viciously. Stephanie bucked, screeching through her gag.

He laughed that psycho laugh again, staring at Chase as he slowly crammed his fingers in Stephanie's vagina again and spread her grotesquely.

"When this little cupcake wakes up, I have a feeling she'll truly enjoy having that tasty urethra sounded, don't you, Doctor Brandt?" The monster was fingering Stephanie ruthlessly, ramming three fingers into her tormented sex.

"But alas, we're pressed for time this evening. But for our spectator's pleasure, the warms ups are over. Time for the center ring. Let's see how your little girlfriend tastes, Doctor Brandt. Still not talking, Doctor?"
