Dehumanizing Sex: "The The Stepford Wives"


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Millicent's meals had been true cordon bleu creations and he missed them dreadfully. If she were here, none of this nonsense would have happened. He would have been a true gentleman and a respectful husband. He would have kept his member where it his pants.

Just as he was about ready to call Grace, the phone buzzed and she was on the line. "Hello. I hope I'm not interrupting your dinner." Elmore assured her that he had just finished eating.

"Good. What I said this afternoon was the result of jealousy; you were right, I don't have any claim on you and you, of course, have none on me. But we are sleeping together and that creates bonds of a sort.

"I know you've been with a lot of women since Millicent passed away. Frankly, I've been playing the field somewhat as I explained. We're both trying to find someone who fits our ideal partner. We're still in love with our spouses and that's not a healthy situation emotionally.

"I don't know what to say. If we visit the workshops Saturday, it could be that we could also talk at leisure about our personal relationship. It could also be that we might irritate the situation. How do you feel? Are you ready to go with me to see the mechanical dolls? It's quite an experience."

Elmore paused briefly and thought about the short and long term issues at stake. "Honestly, Grace, I'd go anywhere with you. I'm very attached to you and that's a little ahead of the game, certainly for you. However, the fat is in the to speak. I think we need to get closer together or at least talk about who we are and what we want. This trip will probably give us that opportunity."

"That's what I was thinking. How do you feel about Jennifer? Is she one of your throw-aways or are you serious about her?"

"She's a decent woman, but we don't have a lot in common."

"Okay. Let's do it. We could go with separate rooms or a double bed. I vote for the double bed. Otherwise, it would be pretty hypocritical." Grace's voice sounded resigned to their being together.

"That's what I've reserved. Let's talk tomorrow at school. I can pick you up at your house afterwards or we can leave from school in my car. If you prefer an early getaway, bring your suitcase. Thanks for calling."

Grace wished him good night and hung up. Elmore knew there was a great deal of latent tension in the air. He was not looking forward to mixing emotional commitment and the android future of human relations this weekend.

He went upstairs and started to pack his suitcase; he made sure that condoms were included with his other toiletries. When he finished, he picked up his phone and called Jennifer.

When Jennifer answered the phone, she warned Elmore that her "man," Barry was with her. They had been arguing, but had "made up" with an extended session in bed. She was relieved when he said that he was busy this weekend and would have to cancel. He hung up with a strange feeling of deception and regret that Jennifer would no longer be available for play time.

Grace let him know at school Friday morning that she would prefer leaving from her house; letting students and faculty see them leaving together with suitcases could be a little compromising at this stage. Elmore nodded in agreement and headed for his 9:00 class on trigonometry. Grace was handling an introductory class on plane geometry. Her mood seemed better although the trip to the capital city could prove to be tense or relaxing. Elmore hoped for the latter.

Her son, Barnett, who was on vacation from his prep school in Virginia, met him at the door. They shook hands and chatted while Grace was gathering her things.

She had told Elmore that Barnette was quite the athlete: a top-notch swimmer and baseball player. He had made the all-conference team in baseball last season. He was being highly recruited by a number of colleges and universities for his pitching ability.

She also explained that having both children in private schools was very expensive. Thankfully George had left her a very generous insurance policy that covered their expenses.

Grace gave her son a hug and kiss on the check as they set off. He was going to watch the house during their trip. She felt more comfortable having someone there to be a sort of overseer. She had laughed at the same time, saying that Barnette would probably invite his friends over for a party. He understood, however, that cleaning up was his responsibility.

Along the way, they chatted about work and trivial matters. Neither Elmore nor Grace wanted to discuss serious issues on the Interstate. Grace filled him in on the mechanical doll facility once again. She gave the impression of being very much at home with the mind-bending innovations that were being created and experimented with.

In a sense, Elmore thought the scientists were playing God in their attempts to create a viable machine that could perform a majority of the acts that one associated exclusively with the human being.

The androids could now think for themselves; they no longer had to be programmed for each movement. They were able to make decisions about the best way to handle difficult situations. Artificial intelligence permitted them to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of driving an automobile along the freeway. There were more responsive and less likely to be distracted than humans when steering the vehicle.

They were now able to assist surgeons in the operating room based on pre-determined information related to a medical procedure. The physical android was being modified at a rapid pace to adjust to a changing environment. The possibilities, according to Grace, were infinite.

Within fifty years, the world as we know it would be completely different. Every home would have a robot or android to perform routine tasks, even cook meals.

In addition, as they had discussed at length, the sexual dysfunction that so many couples now encountered would be offset by a specialized android that could alleviate their distress. The bedroom would be digitized to the mutual pleasure of spouses or partners. Grace was eager to introduce Elmore to the sophisticated "pleasure" dolls and their functions.

Elmore was of course curious but he feared the mechanized future and the dehumanization of sexual relationships. Grace was convinced that human behavior could be changed for the better by science and technology. Orgasm would be at one's fingertips and no longer dependent on the mood or physical durability of a partner..that would be the new normal.

Elmore couldn't stop thinking about the passive and obedient dolls of the Stepford husbands. A world without drama or dissent in a relationship would be intimidating and boring in his opinion.

The traffic downtown was intense as they arrived at the hotel. After they checked in, Grace suggested they try a restaurant very close by that specialized in Greek cuisine. Afterwards, they could stroll through the malls that surrounded the hotel and capitol center and return to the hotel. The artificial intelligence plant was about fifteen miles outside the city. They had been scheduled for a 10:00 tour the next day.

The evening weather was perfect and they enjoyed the Greek food and syrupy alcohol that accompanied the dinner. Grace seemed to relax and she caressed his arm fondly as they waited for the waiter to bring the check.

Elmore offered to pay although Grace had suggested they share expenses. Elmore countered with the offer to split the meals but let him pay for the hotel room. Awkwardly, Grace agreed knowing that she would not commit fully to their relationship in this manner. She would maintain her independence for the time being.

In the hotel room, almost out of habit, they made love with a determined intensity and this time, Grace seemed to reach her orgasm in sync with Elmore's noisy ejaculation. At least, she told Elmore she had done as much. He truly wanted to believe her.

They fell asleep a short while thereafter, avoiding any discussion of their mutual problems. That could wait for the appropriate moment. Elmore had held her in his arms for a while and realized that he didn't understand what her goals might be for them as a couple. He had been completely seduced by her sexuality and charm; how she felt about him was still a mystery in his eyes.

The "artificial doll" plant (or artificial intelligence laboratory) was located a short drive outside the city in a suburb with other high tech industries. They arrived at 9:30 (Grace insisted they get there early to be on time), signed in at the main desk and waited for the director to accompany them on a tour of the facilities.

Elmore noted that cameras were everywhere and were capturing their least movement. It seemed typical of a restricted entrance company under government contract.

John Lattimore was a tall, rather intense engineer who had graduated from Cal Tech and was managing the plant where artificial intelligence products were being manufactured. He had known Grace's husband, George, who was also an engineer specializing in robotics.

He greeted Grace with a big hug and then turned to shake Elmore's hand. "Good to see you. Grace tells me you're colleagues in math."

"Yes. She's been an asset to our program. She very good with the students." Elmore replied, looking at Grace as he spoke.

"Great. Well, knowing Grace, she's filled you in on what we do primarily. And maybe on some of the research that's not for public eyes but will impact the way we live in the future."

Elmore nodded and Lattimore motioned them to follow him to the elevators. They exited on the top floor and proceeded down a long corridor to two large steel doors. He swiped his identity card in a slot and they opened up.

Elmore, Grace, and Lattimore entered an alcove where a disembodied voice asked Lattimore to look into a screen for eye identification and then to place his palm on an adjoining plate for hand identification.

As guests, Grace and Elmore had to go through the same process. John explained that the system had vetted them through the FBI, NSA and CIA files, checking for any illegal or terrorist activities in their past. It had taken only a few seconds whereas twenty years ago, they would have been detained for hours to accomplish the same identity scan.

They entered the laboratory itself and signed in at the main desk. They were given identity badges that had to be displayed on their chest wherever they went. If a security agent discovered they weren't wearing their badge, they would be arrested on the spot.

Elmore was looking right and left like a tourist in New York City viewing the sights. There were multiple robots with articulated limbs that did not resemble humans. According to Lattimore, these were being constructed to perform heavy labor tasks or, for police safety, to enter buildings and detect terrorists or criminals who were holding hostages. They could also assist in construction, sadly eliminating many manual labor jobs in the process.

Elmore speculated that the new world of robotics would force hundreds of thousands of laborers to seek a new form of employment. It had already revolutionized the automobile industry.

As they moved though the plant, Lattimore and Grace were chatting in an animated way about the various machines and their functions.

After a while, Grace came over to walk with Elmore and indicated which machine was experimental and how it would affect life in the future. She pointed out a human-looking prototype that, if properly dressed, could pass for an ordinary citizen in the street. Grace emphasized that this some degrees a future cyborg (part human, part machine)...would easily replace those workers in offices whose tasks were repetitive or required few interchanges with colleagues or the public.

They were working, Grace pointed out, on letting this prototype be more "interactive," that is: make decisions based on current data, tell and understand jokes, speculate on important issues, and other non-binary activities. It was at the point of being a rudimentary human in appearance and speech patterns. It was one of the major accomplishments of A. I. Its future applications were innumerable. Grace's face was animated with excitement at the prospect of robotics.

Elmore was amazed at what had been done in cybernetics and A. I. The wide variety of robots and androids were the harbingers of a world with no soul or emotions. These were and would be empty, efficient machines that would respond only to rational algorithms.

The future was clear-cut: no fuzzy edges would be tolerated. It would be responsive to what ideologues thought it should be. Human imprecision and imaginative thinkers would be minimized or rejected by the new masters of the universe.

Elmore had a sense of insecurity when faced with the mechanization of the "new society." Before long, one might not even know who was a cyborg and who was biological or genetic. In fact, helped by advanced A. I. discoveries, the "master" or consumer would be victimized by the subservient robot which would have been transformed into a dominant player.

Elmore could picture, as in science fiction films, the use of androids to wage war or disrupt political rallies, disguised as citizens exercising their rights to protest, and other extreme situations.

Lattimore came to a section of the laboratory labeled "Experimental. Authorized Entry only." Grace leaned toward Elmore and said, "This is what we were talking about. They're experimenting with domestic or home prototypes of all sorts, even sex dolls for multiple purposes as we'll see."

John Lattimore smiled and led Grace into the side laboratory where he turned them over to Nataska, a Russian-born scientist who was working for the C. I. A. to create sentient androids for sociological and military ends. She had become an American citizen and was proven to be loyal to her adopted country.

"Nataska will take over from here. After you've finished, drop by my office and I'll debrief you. I would like to hear your comments and opinons." He waved good-bye and Nataska introduced herself with a trace of a Slavic accent.

"Welcome to the special wing of our artificial intelligence laboratory. I'd like to show you around and introduce you to some of our very experimental androids and explain their use.

"I must remind you that no pictures are allowed, no notes may be taken, and obviously no audio recordings may be made.

"In a sense, this is the commercial division of our company. We are fabricating robots that will seamlessly enter the everyday homestead and perform a number of tasks or duties which are currently associated with spousal responsibilities.

"We are particularly excited about the sentient dimension of our machines. Many couples and individual suffer from sexual dysfunctions. This creates discord and bitterness among the married and single cohorts who are seeking a more fulfilling life.

"Some of the models and activities we are going to demonstrate may shock you. These are not pornographic or inappropriate in themselves; they will show how highly specialized androids can be used as substitutes for the human, not to replace that individual but to complement his or her flaws and inefficiencies.

"Also, if any of you would like to enjoy being serviced by one of our androids, we recommend you volunteer. This demonstration will take place in a special room that will guarantee full privacy and anonymity. In exchange, we ask that you fill out an evaluation form after the experiment is over."

Nataska led them down an aisle with various robots and androids involved in multiple domestic tasks: cleaning the kitchen floor, making beds, washing out sinks and bathtubs, etc.

Nataska explained, "These will alleviate the boring chores that housewives or husbands must perform on a daily basis to maintain the cleanliness of their homes or apartments. Just as, many years ago, the dishwasher and washer-dryer made housewives' lives infinitely less onerous and fulfilling, these robots will perform the same labor-saving purpose."

Next, there were androids who could be trusted to babysit infants, change diapers, and permit parents to leave the house without having to take the children with them or hire a babysitter. In case of an emergency the machines would warn neighbors, the police, and call the parents as well.

"We expect many households to have a domestic android within the next twenty or thirty years. It will turn out to be an enormous market that will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs." Nataska spoke with conviction and pride at the work being accomplished in the laboratory.

"Next," she indicated, "we have the green room which is restricted to authorized personnel only. However, Dr. Lattimore has granted you permission to observe our experiments in this area.

"Once again, you may be a little shocked at what you see, but we view these experiments as emotionally beneficial to thousands of individuals who are experiencing sexual malfunctions. In a sense, we are in the business of saving marriages."

Nataska swiped her card through the slot and opened the door to the large laboratory room. Grace and Elmore were surprised and intrigued by the many robots in various stages of fabrication. Some were virtually complete and closely resembled their human couterparts; others were only partially assembled.

The male prototypes were young, muscular, with realistic silicone skin and limbs. To one side, several penises of varying sizes and lengths were aligned. An aperture in the groin was holding one large penis that would service the female participant in sexual intercourse. The hip movements of the model could be activated by pushing on a row of buttons.

"This is one of our more complete models. Normally, we have female volunteers who demonstrate its efficacy but there are none today. Nonetheless, Grace, if you are interested, we do permit our guests to personally test the device with your written consent. It's pleasurable and without the slightest risk of harming your genital area.

"If you would like to try it, we can prepare you for that purpose."

Grace laughed and then reconsidered. After all, she had come here to investigate the sensual capability of these androids. George had been using his masturbatory device with considerable success. Why not give it a try....

"Elmore, what do you think? Is this a step too far?"

"Not really, if you feel it would give you an idea of how the new world will work. Let's live on the wild side."

Grace nodded and a smiling Nataska led her to a dressing room where she would leave her clothes. She would be required to be nude to effectively use the device and reap its benefits.

Shortly thereafter Grace reappeared in a hospital gown. Nataska gave her a thorough explanation of how the device worked and reassured her that an assistant would be by her side to observe and intervene if necessary.

A female assistant gave Grace a tube of lubricant that she applied to her vaginal area and a small amount to her breasts that would be manipulated by the robot. The penis of the robot was coated with lubrication prior to penetration.

Nastaka activated the device and Grace watched with considerable interest how it operated. The android could make surprisingly conventional moves of penetrating and rotating its hips for greater friction. Its hands could extend and massage her breasts with various degrees of pressure. Kissing had not yet been developed but the robot could gently caress various parts of the body to promote lubrication and pre-coital stimulation.

Prior to sexual activity, Grace would have to choose the penis or dildo she preferred. She looked at Elmore who had a broad grin on his face; he indicated the largest example, very similar to his own penis. Grace suppressed a chuckle and pointed out the "top of the line" selection.