Demon King's Pet Ch. 07

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Elli explores her new home after an exciting morning.
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Chapter 7 - The Plot Enters Growing Season


The young concubine, Elli, isn't very surprised by this though. Her family's cottage was also drafty, but sharing a bed with her youngest siblings helped. Thom, only a few summers younger than Elli, used to hide in Mother's old blanket and keep watch over what few animals the serf family had to help work their lord's field. Sometimes Elli wasn't sure where her father slept.

Now that she is alone for the first time since the attack on her home, Elli feels the weight of it all. Aescaster is a magnificent place, but she isn't a wife, only a concubine, and that means she can't always be allowed into her new king's bedchambers. She can't even attend to her queen. No, some surviving servant or maybe lesser noblewoman gets that honor.

Elli curls up, her feet tangling in the far too soft and far too light bedding, the warmth she'd tried to add from a few coals in a metal dish having long since faded.

In her heart, she knows these monsters killed her family. It was their deaths and her fear that fueled her magic. She'd nearly joined them if not for some unspoken rule.

New rules, from mysterious rulers. That was what Arisselia had been warning her about, wasn't it?

The untrained and uneducated young woman had lived under an entirely different set of rules and expectations, and not even the wise Sorceress of the High Veils fully understood the demonic creatures' games. All that Elli knew was that eventually she would be hidden away among her king's other concubines and only brought out when he wished to play with her again.

The worst part of that? She really, really wanted to be his favorite toy and feel his massive tool inside her again.

And until there are more concubines and the renovations of Aecaster's inner sanctum are finished, Elli was going to be very lonely and cold.


Half-frozen toes seek out the bitterly cold stone beside her bed. Maybe he wouldn't mind a little surprise visit? Arisselia certainly wouldn't complain if another served in her place.

Elli makes it all the way to the door, hand poised over the handle.

But what if she got caught? Elli went to sleep in only a thin shift and her silver collar. Just the thought of running into anyone...

The grunts would report it. The soldier beasts would... Elli doesn't want to start a fight and she already doubts her safety around those monsters. The human servants and supplicants are almost worse. She can't brave the judgemental stares without her king or queen. And the robed ones, Elli supposed they were all generals or knights or something, they'd probably have some preset punishment waiting until the demon king could hand out a final one.

Elli fingers the thin metal 'round her neck. No. She must be a good pet. That's the best way.

Instead, she returns to her bed and gathers all the bedding she can carry before plopping it in front of the nearly dead fireplace. A little skill with the poker, a fresh log, and some luck fills the room with the crackle of new flames.

It might not be safe, falling back asleep in a bundle of fabric in front of the fire, but it is warm. And it's safer than leaving her room without permission.

"Are you that defeated, my pet?"

At first, Elli thinks she must still be dreaming. But she blinks away the sleep from her eyes and looks up, and up some more, to find a bemused expression on a pale, greenish face.

"Or are you more comfortable down there?" King Orduzell questions. The tapping of his clawed fingertips on a crossed arm indicates that he expects a proper response from the sleepy girl.

"It was cold." She doesn't exactly know what to do with herself, but she lets the bedding drop from her shoulders as she kneels before him. "And lonely. I only had the fire to seek comfort from."

As she hoped, the response seems to appease the demon king.

"I too am a little lonely this morning." He sighs dramatically as he looms over her. "Someone insisted that I leave the bed this morning and go bother someone else. She's lucky that I enjoy breaking past her contemptuous nature. I'll make her lose our little game yet." He turns away, two quick strides taking him to the chair by the window. Dawn's light hasn't quite struck the room yet.

"Arisselia doesn't seem to like losing." Elli offers gently before following the silent command of her king tapping his thigh. She continues as she crawls over to where he sits. If he wants a pet to play with and reward, she can certainly act like one! "But I think she's kind of, well the look on her face when she's frustrated or plotting is... well, I like it."

The chuckle above her is almost as warm as the touch of his hand on her head. "That look. I know it well. Her brows start to grow together. Battling her has been as amusing as it is exhausting. Come, my pet. Help your master with his own frustrations."

His claws pull aside the front of his soft white night robe, and Elli reacts quickly. She shimmies her own nightclothes up over her head and wiggles her butt closer to his seat. 

Now kneeling naked before her king, she reaches out with two delicate hands to stroke the soft skin and firm ridges of his mouthwateringly amazing cock. The scent of sex and musk, tinged sour after a night of passion and sleep, chases away all thought of her loneliness and worries.

The concubine leans forward, arms pushing her breasts together in a way Arisselia said means "please use these fluffy things any way you please," before she begins kissing the underside of the demon king's thick unwashed shaft.

Already covered in a mix of dried juices and sweat, one lick brings a glossy sheen to the mottled green and pink flesh. The taste is an unusual mix of salty, bitter, and sour that would usually leave the girl disgusted at whatever she had put in her mouth, but in this moment it was all she craved. She wets it well, working her tongue along the ridges and finally up to the spines near the tip.

Drool drips down Elli's chin as she suckles at a spot just under the crown. The grip of his long fingers in her hair tells her she is doing well, but the growl above her urges her onward. She presses her lips over the slitted end, tongue testing the little hole curiously as she envelops what she can of the massive thing in her warm mouth.

"That's a good pet, I can always count on you to treat your master well, can't I, Elli?" She'd nod in agreement of the pleasure-fueled praise if she could, but she can only bob her head and look up with what she hopes is a doe-like expression of absolute obedience and longing. "Yes, that's a good girl. Come, use your breasts too." He orders with soft insistence. Meanwhile his fingers burn against her skin, stroking one of her tits before tugging playfully on her nipple. His other hand reveals that it has found a vial of lubricating oil.

Yellow eyes watch intently as the oil falls drop by drop onto the plump skin of Elli's bosom. The girl drags her tongue over the cockhead as she suckles, and seeing that he's in the mood to be entertained, she releases the tool in her hands and presses them into her own flesh. The oil makes it easy to glide her hands over the silky mounds, fingers digging in hard enough to leave marks in their passing.

Wordlessly, Elli shifts forward until only the tip is in her mouth and she can press her bosom against the hot shaft of his giant cock. The growls certainly seem pleased. That sound and the soft praise vibrate all the way through the submissive concubine and tickle at her cunt. Aroused fascination becomes a lusty moan as Elli feels herself growing wet. She throws herself into the task, trying to take as much of his cock as possible into her mouth while enthusiastically, if a bit unskilled, rubbing the rest of his length with her oiled tits.

The herbal brightness of the oil and the bitter, musky coating of his cock fill her senses as she alternates between licks and bobbing more of it into her mouth. Her breasts are going to ache all day with the way she's forcibly molding them around the ridged shaft, and the thought only adds more tingling to her slowly soaking cunt.

She wants to imbue the feeling of his wonderful dick all over her body. In every crevice and hole.

Elli moans, eyes closed as she savors it all. The emptiness left behind by the memory--and sinfully erotic pain--of having this brutal tool at full size inside her melts into the warmth of the pulsing in her mouth and if she could just have even a little bit of that inside her aching pussy right now she'd just...

The hand on her head holds her still, and she can tell the king seated before her is holding back from fucking her poor throat like that first time. A whining growl fills the room just as the harsh taste of semen fills her mouth. She can't swallow the entire flood and some of his seed escapes to fall down her chin and onto her waiting breasts.

"Don't swallow any more." He orders, his morning voice gruff after climaxing.

The hand guides her off his softening dick and back into a kneeling position. Without prompting, Elli uses her arms to puff up her boobs even further and waits for her master's next command.

"Just like that, yes..." He watches, towering above her. "Open your mouth, pet."

His own off-white jizz, mixed with spit, drips from her mouth despite her best attempt to hold it in. It splatters onto her breasts, staining them further with his seed. The king watches, breathlessly as far as his concubine can tell.

"Swallow." He's the one swallowing to get the command out though.

And Elli can't escape his gaze as she slowly, deliberately swallows the horrid mess in her mouth. The rest cools rapidly on her skin leaving her shivering.

"That's," He swallows again before breaking eye contact, "that's a good pet. Now, quickly clean this before I get aroused again."

So she does. A quick, methodical licking pattern makes sure the only one still incredibly dirtied in the room is her.

Later, after being given permission to explore the castle grounds, so long as she doesn't wander off, try to escape, or bother anyone important, Elli finds herself sulking in what used to be the Holy Knights' communal bath.

The water is warm and scented, and meticulously-laid tiles adorn the pool and surrounding floors. The walls need to be redone, the concubine decides the moment she steps inside the room after wiping her body clean with a rag soaked in scalding water and harsh soap. Those four large surfaces are covered in murals displaying the great achievements of the servants of Eidannos and their god who apparently was a buff elderly youth with a beard and mane made of light or gold depending on which wall you looked at.

The buds of a sense of refinement and taste begin to grow within the former serf. Elli might have to suggest painting all of it over with an ocean or a nice pastoral field before someone decides to lazily paint over the existing scenes with King Orduzell as the new god. She and Arisselia need somewhere to relax after all.

It is just late enough in the morning that Elli thankfully has the bath to herself except for the lone servant girl tending to the heating apparatus. Arisellia and their king are probably already busy with duties the former serf will never understand.

"Gods," Elli mumbles, her chin just above the water, "If I'm this upset just because he has duties to attend to, what am I going to do when he finds more women for his harem?" She could handle sharing the king with his highly reluctant and mostly disinterested wife, especially when Queen Arisselia seemed happy to spend time with the younger woman too. "But how do I hold his attention with ten other women?"

Her thoughts on how Arisselia had been quite fair in her warnings of what harem life could entail are interrupted by a cautiously quiet voice. "Only ten women? The last King of Aescaster was supposed to have at least fifty in his harem."

The servant looks just as startled as Elli upon realizing that she had responded to the bather's question. Elli didn't take any offense, obviously castle servants were higher ranking than serfs. And gossip is always desired.

"Fifty?" The concubine wracked her memory for another question, struggling to remember who her former lord had until recently served. "What about... King Reiphos of Norfeld?"

"Oh! Uh..." The girl's shoulders ease and she sits up better on her little stool. "He's only really got three or so lovers. Not much of a harem really. And the rumors say one of them killed his legal wife ages ago because she got a nicer present at a feast."

Elli wades closer to the edge of the pool, shaking her head. "That's not what Morvenn said. She said that was only a silly rumor and that it was probably her face makeup that killed her and that if any of us wanted to seduce a man we should stick to pinching our lips and belladonna drops in our eyes. 'Specially since those are easy enough to make ourselves."

"Who in the Five Heavens is this Morvenn person to tell me I'm wrong?" The girl angrily tosses a hard coal into the flame chamber mounted on the wall.

"Hedgewitch of Bridgefall and that's part of Lord Bruschnel's former territory so she heard it from his servants that actually have been to Norfeld. Probably."

"Saints and Ladies, I thought you were one of the High Veil students or something." The servant gives her a reappraisal. "I ain't even heard of Bridgefall but then Norfeld Kingdom ain't... wasn't exactly a big place."

Elli hides her blush by ducking into the water for a moment. She knows she's nobody. "My family were serfs. When they attacked Queen Arisselia, she was in Bridgefall which wasn't far from our farm. The whole place got caught up in the battle between them." Cautiously she adds, "My name is Elli, by the way. No title or anything, just Elli." 

"Saph. Saph of Heraan if you need someone to call for me. So... You're a farm girl, and he just chose you for this?" The other girl gestures around the air with vague wonderment. "That's... actually, do you have a maidservant yet? You kinda need one if you're a court lady now."

"If you're wondering how that happened..." Elli sighs as she thinks how to put it all into words. "His army attacked and killed everyone except me because I had just enough magic to survive. Guess that and..." She points to her tits floating slightly above the waterline, "these were just enough to impress him?"

The servant girl licks her lips, thinking before she admits, "I ain't got a lick of magic. And they say the only one more powerful on this continent than the Holy Saint of the First Order was Lady...Queen Arisselia." She corrects herself quickly. "But uh, if you could ask around about getting a private servant, I'd be more than happy to help. You can already dress yourself and I can run errands or do whatever you need."

"I thought I could dress myself." Elli pouts. "But you know the really fancy dresses with all the lacings?"

The other girl laughs, "I can force you into one and we can probably figure out how to tie it too. Though why any of those silly ladies even bother with them, I'll never understand."

"I bet it's to make their tits look bigger!" Elli has found her first ally among the staff at Aescaster Citadel. "Can you read, by any chance?"

"Not like any of the formal stuff, but I can. Somewhat. Just don't ask me to pen any letters for you 'cuz my handwriting is atrocious." That's better than where Elli's at, and now she has a better idea of what to do for the day.

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