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"Hello." Said Miss Clearmont. She moved up for a moment and then settled her ass upon my lips.

"Darling, I'm so glad to catch you at home." The other voice was Kathy's.

I must have started in surprise at hearing Kathy's voice because suddenly Miss Clearmont's thighs closed their grip on my head. I felt the power of her legs as she squeezed, the effect being to make me use my tongue with much more urgency. Miss Clearmont lowered herself even further closing my mouth with a fleshy gag that prevented me making any sound. My tongue played over her ass and teased the little creases and puckers of flesh that closed it. I felt a movement in my ass as the dildo quietly came to life and started to vibrate. The feeling made me almost ecstatic.

"I got a strange message when I got back from my business trip." Continued Kathy. "My friend Denise, who you met the other day, left a message to contact her. But she is not at home and has left no clue at her work as to her whereabouts."

"It's OK Kathy, she's not in hearing, you can cut the crap." Replied Miss Clearmont. "I have her in a cell downstairs and you came too soon for me to arrange our little trick. It doesn't matter though, because she is totally disorientated and we can set up the manoeuvre in the next hour."

"Oh good. How is she? You didn't give her to the gentle attentions of Greta did you?"

"Only for an hour or two." Replied the woman whose ass I was licking. She wriggled slightly in the chair and I had trouble keeping my tongue in place. I felt the puckers of flesh loosen a little and licked harder trying to push my tongue in as deep as possible.

"Is she ready for Pete then? Or do we have to wait a day or two?"

Miss Clearmont replied "She's not quite ready to try to fuck him yet, but she is sure that you are going to come and rescue her from me."

"Good then we can delay until tomorrow and then I'll let her loose when I come." said Kathy.

The dildo vibrated more urgently and I took it as a signal to lick with more force. Suddenly Miss Clearmont's ass hole loosened completely and my tongue pushed inside. I pushed as hard as I could upon feeling a reaction from Miss Clearmont. The vibrator reacted with a slow in and out motion that took my breath away. Miss Clearmont's thighs were quivering, which made it difficult to hear the next few exchanges because they closed round my ears and also made it difficult to breathe. Miss Clearmont orgasmed. It did not show in her voice as she talked to Kathy except that once she caught her breath and turned it into a cough. But in my privileged position I felt her characteristic reaction as her sex swelled and she clamped her thighs hard together. She relaxed and moved a hand to stroke my hair, which I took as a gesture of approval from my supreme sexual Mistress. I felt a sudden happiness that I had pleased her and started to work again on her sensitive ass.

"What will you do to the silly bitch when Pete no longer has a use for her?" Asked Miss Clearmont.

The dildo in my rear made my pussy wetter and wetter but I did not come. In fact I was now hoping that I could get Miss Clearmont to come again and thus please her even more. My tongue probed as deep as possible and I could feel the heat of her shaved pussy on my forehead as I worked.

"Oh, then Greta can have her. I find her curious but prudish attitude a bore. I'll let you have her if you want but I'd prefer her to disappear into Greta's grip because she doesn't let go. Any way I promised Greta that I'd pay for one of her slaves to be altered as much as she wished and a promise is a promise. I'd rather I spent my money on a friend's education than have some stranger benefit." Said Kathy with a sarcastic laugh.

Even though I was being fucked from behind and had my tongue slipped up Miss Clearmont's hole I could hear the conversation and take it in. My heart sank. I had decided to try to please Miss Clearmont to escape Mistress Greta but I had placed my real hope in Kathy to get me free of the whole situation. Kathy was betraying me. She was worse than Miss Clearmont was, because she was going to give me to Mistress Greta after playing some game with Pete as part of his education. I felt Miss Clearmont shift back as if relaxing. Her sex slid over my mouth. I touched her clit with my lips and tongue and then stuck my tongue as far as it would go up the tunnel of her sex. I could taste her warm wetness and feel the thrusts of the dildo in my rear. Somehow serving her was turning me on. My cunt swelled and sweated sex, but there was no relief. My lips fumbled for a moment and then gripped her engorged clit. Slowly I massaged it while teasing the very tip with my tongue.

"I'll tell you how I'll arrange matters." Said Miss Clearmont. "Just leave the slut with me for a couple more days. By then she will be so wound up with waiting for you that she will orgasm when she hears your voice. I'll arrange the meeting and you can arrange the rest."

"OK then, two days and I will phone you beforehand. I'll get my driver to help her back to my place. One loose end though, the photos?" Said Kathy.

"I don't know yet, perhaps there may be a use for them yet."

The two of them said goodbye and I heard the door close as Kathy left. Miss Clearmont sat for a while. I worked over her clit again and then moved to stroking her inner lips with mine. The wetness of excitement flowed into my open mouth tasting almost sweet with stimulation. I licked and sucked and she came. A trembling overcame her and she slid forwards to allow me further access. It must have been five minutes before she got out of the chair and stood. She looked down at me with a smile.

"Kathy is such a manipulating bitch, but I love her." She said. Then she stroked my face with her nails. One finger slipped into my mouth and explored in an almost casual manner.

"I have saved you from Kathy, would you serve me to save yourself from Greta?" She continued. I tried to say "Yes" and nod, but my head was held firm.

Miss Clearmont released me from the chair. She left my ankles together but the wrist cuffs came off. The pants remained on but the dildo was stilled when she disconnected it from the chair. It took a moment to stand but Miss Clearmont held me. Then she sat me in her chair. The documents on the desk caught my eye. Some of them had my name on them others appeared to be financial papers.

"I need your help as a lawyer. I would like you to sign these papers as a witness. Here, here and here." She indicated on the forms. "This is to stop Kathy getting at your money." She slid a hand down to my dripping cunt and stroked it. Her nail scratched at my inner lips and her thumb tickled my clit. Before I came she deftly slowed down and pushed a pen to me. I picked it up in my shaking hand. As I tried to read them she pushed her breasts out of her coat and moved a finger to enter my cunt. I was on the very brink of orgasm. The invasion of my ass hole and the sight of those smooth full breasts tipped with pierced gold filled my mind. I longed to please her and kiss those orbs gently, rubbing the rings with my tongue and teasing the erect flesh with my lips. I signed wherever she indicated and shifted to allow my Mistress better access to my sex.

Suddenly she stopped. Her hand withdrew and the breasts drew back. She took the pen with a hand that was wet with my excitement and placed it out of reach. Then she placed a hand at the back of my head and gripped me by grabbing a handful of hair. My orgasm receded and Miss Clearmont got me out of the chair by pulling my hair.

"How dare you sit in my chair." She said as she dragged me upright. My shock at the sudden change of events numbed me for a moment. Miss Clearmont slapped my face and pushed me to the centre of the room.


Miss Clearmont gave me a push that made me fall to the floor. I fell heavily and banged my head on the floor. I was still bound loosely by the ankles and could not break my fall. I felt dazed. The lack of sleep, the large gin, the White Room and the confusion of the over-heard conversation combined to befuddle and leave me with no will. I heard Miss Clearmont go to her desk. When I opened my eyes she had a syringe in her hand and had discarded her white coat. Her face showed excitement and elation and her full breasts shone with perspiration. With a step she was standing over me looking down. Then she bent over me and placed one hand on my neck. I felt the fingers of the other probe my breast for a moment before she injected me just under the nipple. She stood again to watch me, but I was simply too exhausted to move. I felt the heaviness of limb over come me again. I felt so tired, a feeling of hopelessness overwhelmed me and tears formed in my eyes.

"Now you are mine little cunt slut. How could you possibly consider that Kathy would rescue you from this house? Kathy had her own plans for you."

I moved my head to the side so that she could not see the tears. Miss Clearmont went to the desk and gathered the papers. Then she knelt beside me and held the papers before my eyes for inspection. I could not focus on the forms and anyway her hand was trembling with excitement that shook them and made them rustle.

"Let me tell you what you have signed." Miss Clearmont went through the papers one by one and explained them to me as she did so. "This one makes a withdrawal from your savings account. The amount has yet to be entered but it will be all of your money. It also transfers all the money in your cashing account to the savings account first. Now this is an interesting one. This little sheet renames your trust fund, which I believe matures in just five days time on your thirtieth birthday. Let me see now..." She rearranged the sheets until they were in the correct order. "This one moves the money to an offshore fund in the Bahamas that is a numbered account. That means that any one with the correct code number can use the account." She explained this to me as if talking to a child. "Now then, this one has my signature on it. It is the one that closes the Bahamas account and moves the money to my account in Austria, Europe."

She flicked over to another form. "This could be my favourite, even though the thought of all your millions being mine makes me so wet that I could just come by thinking about it. This one," she went on, " is the one that you signed that makes me your manager should I wish to have a porn starlet on my hands. The last is the best, it is a letter that I shall send to your office asking to resign your partnership and of course leave the business. In it I will of course include the photos that we made just a few days ago as well as the other ones that you and I shall shoot in the next few days."

Once again she showed me the forms and this time I could see them clearly. The letter took just a few moments to read. It cited that my interests in pornography modelling did not suit the interests of the firm and that as such I resigned as of now and passed all my interests back to the senior partners forthwith. It was personally addressed to Jake Darrell, the senior partner. My eyes filled up again and tears dripped down my face to soak into the plush carpet. Miss Clearmont then placed the forms back in order and put them into a tray on the desk. All was clear now. There would be no blackmail because Miss Clearmont would have it all; money, inheritance and a cunt slave ripe for the fucking. I could hear her opening another drawer and then she came back to me. She squatted before my face and showed me a little box. Her legs parted to reveal her dripping slit, and her erect clitoris standing prouder than I had ever seen. Flipping the lid she pulled out two shiny steel rings.

"I have been so thoughtful. Since you have done me a favour and given me something I felt that it was only right to give you a little present." Slipping a black nailed finger through the rings she held them up for me to see. Each was about an inch in diameter and had a break in it. Stamped onto the rings was a single word, "Slave". Behind the rings I could see her pussy dripping sex, the cherry red of her clit seemed to throb with lust. A dribble of sex juices dripped onto the carpet.

"Before I fit them I should explain. These rings are chromium plated. Underneath is vanadium steel which, the maker assures me, cannot be cut without a diamond saw. When I pinch this little part a bolt is released that cannot be withdrawn making them permanent." With that explanation she leaned forward to attend to their fixing. First she removed the posts that she had shot through my nipples in the White Room and then she carefully positioned the rings. It was at the edge of my vision but when she clicked the first one a pain shot through my nipple. If I had not been drugged I might have reacted. As it was I could not even flinch. The second was worse.

"Oh dear, did I miss the little hole? Never mind, it is permanent so I'll just have to accept the position."

Miss Clearmont stood and surveyed me with a critical eye. "There is one other little thing that I have to do. If you don't mind I'll get it over with and then all our accounts balance."

She went back to the desk and opened a drawer. Then she returned with a pencil in her hand. With one foot she rolled me over onto my front. Then she sat on me and drew something with the pencil. It seemed to take ages, even though the area that she worked on was a small one just over the small of my back. When she had finished she went to go for some other piece of equipment. Once again she kneeled over me. I heard a low hum like a dentist's drill before it contacts a tooth. Suddenly there was a sharp burning pain in my back. The pain continued as she worked. It must have taken twenty minutes but at last she was finished. Standing up again, I could see her shoes and ankles as she stood and looked down at me.

"Every piece of baggage should have a property tag my dear. This one is yours. I am sure that you will agree that since I own all your property as well as you, it would be remiss of me not to mark you as mine." She chuckled as she spoke and then went back to the desk to pack the tattoo needle away.

I felt so weary and sick that I just lay there, my mind a blank. Miss Clearmont spent about ten minutes at the desk and then picked up the phone. She spoke for a few moments about preparing a room and then came back to me. Once again she tipped me over with her foot. I lay staring up at the ceiling.

"I am going to tell you what's going to happen to you now. In a week or so you will come into your inheritance. I cannot work you over until then because I would hate it if you were unable to sign a document or some such and I had disposed of you. So for the next week you are going to be my guest. I am going to love giving you to Greta and that bitch slave of hers. But before I do so I will keep you in the White Room and then you will have to perform for the cameras." As a present on your thirtieth birthday I'm going to give Greta a little present, you."

With that she went to the chest of drawers and withdrew a monster dildo. With a smile she showed me an attachment that allowed it to be fixed firmly onto a woman's crotch with a belt. "When I fuck you on your birthday I'm really going to open your cunt up. If you show any sign of rebellion I guess you know which hole this will be going into? Then I'll gift wrap you and send you to Greta." She replaced the terrible thing back in the chest of drawers and returned with a grin on her face. She let out some of the chain between my ankle cuffs. Then she went back to the phone and ordered a slave up.

To the slave she said, "This cunt needs feeding and watering, see to it. I need her in the photo studio in two hours ready to become a slave for the rest of her life." With that she returned to the desk, replaced her coat and left the room in a swirl. In her hand were the papers that would give her my fortune.

Four The White Room.


The slave carried me to the corridor where the White Room was but instead took me a couple of doors further. On the way he did not say a word. We entered the room and he put me on the floor. The tiles were cold and hard and the room was a gloomy one with naked brick walls and a ceiling of rough concrete. The slave fastened me to a ring on the floor and left me to my thoughts. Scarcely one passed through my head, I just felt forlorn and lost. The gag held my mouth open and I dribbled from one corner. My breasts were sore with the rings and I shifted a little to get them out of contact with the rough floor. Other than that I waited. The slave returned with two bowls that were of the type that dogs eat from. In one was a sort of paste; in the other was a yellowish liquid. I looked at the bowls with distaste. I was almost so hungry and thirsty that even this fare would make me eat. The slave looked somewhat sympathetic.

"If I were you I would eat. The brown mush is simply the leftovers of the house ground to a paste. You never know when the next meal will come along."

I looked at him; it was the first time that any one had been genuinely sympathetic in the last few days. He was naked except for the tattoo of Mistress Greta. Even here I could not escape them. I nodded acceptance of his advice. The problem was that my mouth was held open by the gag and my hands were fettered. To add to the agony my muscles were still affected by Miss Clearmont's injection. At last I managed to drop my face into the bowl and suck the pap up with my aching tongue. I licked and sucked. It tasted of nothing really. Lumps of sweet were mixed with ground up savoury food, the effect being an unpleasant sort of thick gruel. Several times I gagged on the stuff before licking the last few lumps from the bowl. I struggled on my knees to the other bowl. It was not water but water mixed with something salty and slightly bitter in taste. I drank a little but the taste of the water put me off after only a few gulps.

"You had better drink it all because you will be punished if you don't." He said.

I lapped at it like a cat but it took too long so I finally got up my courage and sucked the whole lot down. When I had finished he took the bowls away before returning a few minutes later. I could feel my stomach rebel at the food but held it down.

"Are you Denise?" he asked.

I nodded agreement and he looked thoughtful.

"Were you there when Mistress Kathy was meeting Miss Clearmont.

I nodded again at which a little smile showed and a look of comprehension crossed his face. Once again he left the room, coming back this time with a bucket and a cloth.

"I have to clean you up and get you ready for Miss Clearmont." He said.

He sponged me down in an impersonal way before asking me if I needed the toilet. I shook my head. Even though I had been so degraded I was still too proud to shit in front of him. He nodded again and undid the fetter that fixed me to the floor. He picked me up and carried me out. I felt dizzy and nauseous and closed my eyes, so I did not see where I was taken. In fact I nodded off to sleep for the first time in a couple of days.

When I woke, shaken awake roughly, I found myself in a brightly-lit room lying on a rough low table. My hand and ankle shackles and gag had been removed.

"Are you ready to become a sex slave?" Said Miss Clearmont.

"You have my money, my sex, my fear, why do you want to destroy me completely?" I replied.


Miss Clearmont did not answer. She looked incredibly angry at my question and stormed off. I managed to swing my legs off the table and stand by the time that she came back. In her hand was her bag. She had a savagely angry look on her face and dropped the bag by me so that I was able to look inside and see a profusion of shackles; sex gear and medical items all tidied and racked in exact order. She opened a small pocket and took out the open-mouthed gag. She fitted it in a matter of moments before turning again to the bag and taking an electric razor. With rough motions she slashed all the hair from my head. Then she pushed me with my back to the table and removed my pubic hair. It hurt because the razor had a cutter to cut longer hair and she pressed so hard that it bit me several times. When she had finished she put the nipple lead on that I had had on when I first met Mistress Greta. This time she tightened the screws with a savage twist that hurt even more because the rings had left me sore. She wrapped the lead around her fist and pulled me out of the set.
