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"You are for the White Room. You will never question me again Denise. In fact this may be the last time that any one will call you Denise. From now on your name is anything that anybody wants to call you. You will be taken from here on your thirtieth birthday. I will then make love to you a last time before Miss Torment is to get you as training material. She needs to learn that a slave has to be degraded slowly to learn to adapt to each punishment one at a time. This way the slave does not notice the gradual lowering of her guard until she is totally ready to serve and be altered and remoulded."

We had reached the corridor. I saw the door to the White Room and pulled at the leash. A fiery pain in my breasts nearly made me faint and then I was pulled into the room. Miss Clearmont hung the leash handle from a hook and left me waiting for her return. When she came back she had a man in to who was carrying a number of pieces of wood under his arm. The slave was not the one with the tattoo of Mistress Greta on his chest. While Miss Clearmont talked to me he put them together silently.

"You are not going to be comfortable here. I have arranged for the doctor to come in a few of days. The doctor will begin the planning for some alterations. Before then I have decided that I will start the work on you myself. I have changed my mind about you being filmed yet. You are still too wilful to meet the outsiders who make the films professionally and anyway you are going to feature in a movie in which a sadistic Mistress fucks her slaves with larger than normal objects. I will open you up. I fancy that Mistress Torment will want you nice and slack anyway so a few days will be all I need to work you over."

The slave had completed his work and was standing by a frame that he had put together for a moment, then he left again and returned with a projector. He fitted a battery of slides into it and plugged it into a concealed plug. A wire came out of the projector and was plugged into a small socket that projected from the lighting. I looked at the frame that he had set up. It was an "A" frame. It stood about as high as my crotch and had a screw attachment at the top. Miss Clearmont explained it with glee in her voice.

"Your legs will be shackled here." She pointed at the bottom of the frame. "The widening dildo goes here where your cunt will go over it." She indicated the top with a gesture. "Every day that goes by, I shall use a larger one. Then the real pain begins because there are other uses for them. Look at these beauties."

She took six dildos from her bag. With great relish and care she placed them upright on the floor. The first was about six inches long but very wide. Each was longer and wider than the next. The last seemed about a foot long and as wide as a bottle. I must have pulled a face because she laughed and said. "When we have finished with your cunt I will start on your ass hole. You are going to be fit to fuck a house when I've finished with you."

With that she dismissed the slave with a wave and moved the frame to the wall next to me. Then she screwed the smallest under the top of the frame. When she was satisfied she got me to stand over it. My feet were shackled tightly to the base of the frame. By twisting a screw she inserted the object. I could feel it press against the lips of my cunt. My weight forced it in. Slowly I felt it push it's way into me. It took several moments before she stopped turning. With a sigh she stepped back to admire my position. Then she fastened my ankle cuffs to the base of the frame. I shifted but could not get comfortable. I felt stretched to the limit and wondered how I could possibly take the next size up never mind the last one in the row.

"God. But you turn me on. It's so horny seeing you on the frame and not being able to escape your fate."

I struggled to talk but she had the mouth gag set so wide that all that came was a gurgle. She reached down to feel how the rubber prick was entering me. She massaged my over-stretched cunt lips with her fingertips and then moved forward to stroke my clit. Her other hand stroked her breasts through her white coat and fondle the rings. Then she opened her coat to reveal her belly and crotch. Her fingers slipped into her cunt and started to flutter over her sex. I could see her fingers glisten with the juices of her excitement. Her other hand massaged me more insistently. Then she slipped the fingers from her sex into my mouth.

"That's better little slave, lick the flavour."

My tongue licked the musky fragrance from her fingers as she began to rub me towards a climax. I started to feel an easing in my cunt as I trembled. Suddenly she slapped my face and stopped the massage just before my climax. Then she ran a finger again round my stretched inner lips. Her nail scratched me and I screamed.

Once again she started to masturbate herself. I saw her open her legs wider, pinch her clit between forefinger and thumb, and roll it between them. Miss Clearmont threw her head back and came.

"Oh God, that was good, I can't wait for the next visit. I am going to have you."

With that she turned and left me to stare at the row of objects that were going to stretch me over the next few days. Suddenly the lights turned orange and the ordeal had begun.

The lights changed colour and I shifted position to accommodate my cunt to the object that was slowly stretching the muscles and widening me. It was so uncomfortable that it seemed to be bumping the top of my hole. I could take the weight off it for a few minutes but then my thighs gave out with a quiver of fatigue and I slumped allowing it greater penetration. Every few minutes the lights changed colour. I tried to resist the effect but I started to fantasise again. Then the room started to cool down. The hum of a fan was just discernible. The temperature dropped. I felt goose bumps on my flesh. The lights went blue. I stared to shiver and could see my breath in the cold air. The muscles in my pussy tried to contract but the dildo held them open. The air seemed icy and I moaned as I got cramp in my leg. I slipped further down and the widening dildo forced it's way further in. The colour stayed blue. I shook with cold, the pain in the muscles of my legs got worse. I cried out but no one came. I seemed to be frozen to the core when the fan stopped and the light turned brown. Suddenly the projector came to life. It shone a picture of Miss Clearmont on the opposite wall. She was sitting in an armchair with her legs apart revealing her pussy. She was beckoning with her hand whilst holding a short crop in the other. A smile played on her lips that told me she was pleased at my progress. All the time that the lights were brown the air temperature stayed warm. Colours came and went but every time the colour turned blue the cell got cold and I screamed with anticipation of the pain. Then a further refinement, while the pain colours showed I saw Kathy. Every time that it shone brown, a picture of Miss Clearmont was shown. I slumped with fatigue but the dildo pushed against me and I had to straighten. The lights turned green and the projector showed a picture of Mistress Greta. She stood by a bound slave who's crouched naked form by her feet showed him to completely at her mercy. She was fully dressed but in a bizarre rubber dress that let her massive breasts hang showing the rings and studs that pierced them. While the slide picture hung there I could not but feel that she was stopping the blue light and the cold that came with it and Kathy's picture. The purple light showed Mistress Torment naked and with a whip in her hand. She had her pussy wide to show the two rings that pierced it and a single thick chain which hung over her breasts and draped to her crotch. I shivered with cold when the blue came on and then was then rescued by one or other of the Mistress's before being treated to more cold. Whenever a light changed to a colour other than blue I sighed with relief.

It seemed an age before Miss Clearmont came back. She stood before my bound form and then fixed my hands to a hook in the wall above my head. Then she unscrewed the dildo. I felt the relief of the emptiness of my vagina. She exchanged the dildo for the next in the row. With horror I saw her add another to the row. The seventh was bigger yet.

"I think that you can do this little thing for me if you try. You will love me later for the work I am putting in for you now."

Then she turned the screw and the next was forced in.

"If you think that this is bad wait until I start work on your ass! You are going to thank me for my attentions when Greta's bitch slave starts work on you. Unfortunately I have some important things to arrange so I cannot stay to enjoy, but next time I come I hope to have the time."

With that parting shot she left me. I could feel my bladder pushing against the object that over filled me. I had no control and let go, feeling a warm stream run down my leg to the floor.

The lights changed to yellow and a low sound started. It gradually increased in volume to become a scream of noise. The blast of sound resonated around the room. It must have lasted a few minutes but it left my head empty until the lights turned to blue and the hum of the fan started. The object pushing into me was longer as well as wider than the last. I felt as though I was being impaled. My legs trembled with the effort of pushing up against the shackles. A reaction set in and I felt my pussy grip and struggle against the intruder as it rendered the muscles slack. The cold and the picture of Kathy took control. When the lights changed to brown and Miss Clearmont's picture appeared I thanked her mentally for saving me. I was on the slippery conditioning slope. In fact I was falling rapidly.

By the time that Miss Clearmont had inserted the sixth widener into my straining pussy I was not fully conscious. She had to slap my face before I could recognise her.

"You are nearly there now. Only one to go and then you will be ready up-front and then we can begin with your ass."

The colours took on effects. Blue was cold, red was heat, and yellow brought the sound. Brown brought Miss Clearmont, my saviour. Green brought Mistress Greta, my goddess in rubber. Purple brought Miss Torment, my example of a perfect slave and mistress. I feared each change as the lights flickered for a few moments before each transformation adding apprehension and tension to the changes. Some colours brought pain, temperature changes and sound that was unbearable. Others brought relief. My mind started to associate the Slave Mistress's with relief and the other colours with agony. It went on and on. I could not count the time and started to react with hatred when I saw Kathy and relief when I saw the others. I knew that I was being conditioned. I understood the principals behind it but my mind was overwhelmed with the sensations of the colours, sounds and pictures. I felt my grip on reality slip as I longed for relief from Kathy. I did not notice at first but the periods of pain that came more often or else the good colours came for a shorter time. The dildos hastened my decline into a fantasy. They filled me and held me rigid on the frame, the ache from my drawn out muscles eased as each increased my capacity. I longed for the slightest human contact and came to long for Miss Clearmont to come and talk to me even if it meant that she fitted a larger object into my cunt. I cursed the time that I had spent with Kathy and longed for the torment to end. In the end I could not even feel how it might be when it ended. I had forgotten my money, the apartment and all to do with my job and former life. I was being reprogrammed. I had been in the White Room for at least several days when the seventh was screwed into place. I was delirious, soiled, and defiled as I had long lost control of my bladder and bowels. Miss Clearmont wanked every time that she inserted the next size dildo. I vaguely had the impression that each time she came more energetically as she asserted her power over my body. Some times she dribbled water into my mouth. Occasionally it tasted salty or bitter; once or twice it was sweet. I had trouble keeping it down, my throat was becoming sore from dryness and cold and I had trouble swallowing. I could not sleep more than a few naps before the sound or the cold and heat started. From lack of rest I was becoming an automaton. I do not even remember the last few days in the room until the last was removed. I felt my muscles in my cunt try to clench in reaction but they were stretched to slackness and would not respond.

Miss Clearmont was standing talking to a man in normal clothes.

"She needs water and some food or else you will lose her." He was saying.

"Later she will be fed and watered, but we need to discuss her operations. I want the slut to realise what is round the corner." She replied.

"OK then but she must be fit enough to recover fully or else she will make a poor slave."

The doctor walked round me considering. "We should start on the breasts because it is the most complex, how big should they be?"

"I figured about twice the size of mine." She said whilst watching the effect that her words had on me. I failed to flinch which made her look annoyed. She came close and slapped me. "When your breasts are the size of melons, with nipples full of rings I shall send you to Greta who will come in her pants when she sees you." I felt a single tear trickle down my cheek which Miss Clearmont wiped away, and said. "You will love your new life as a slave I promise you, you will get to serve me and make me come with your tongue every day while I will control your every breath with my ass hole. I will keep you in a cage at the foot of my bed so that you will always be at my beck and call. I will fondle your breasts if you are a good little girl and thrash them if you are not."

"You are paying so that's your affair, but she will look enormous."

"That is the idea. I want her to look not enormous, but gigantic. You will give her more than big tits, she will become my body slave for a while and then Greta can have her. When can you start?" said Miss Clearmont.

"In a week I'll have her on the table and a few weeks later she will be healed." He said unemotionally.

"Good, the other changes that we discussed can be done later, and that gives me time to do a couple of other things that need to be done."

"Clean her, feed her and don't let her get too exhausted just before I do the work."

With that he made an inspection of me that left no part untouched. His hand even slipped into my pussy. He frowned and moved his hand around with no difficulty.

"If you do not keep something there she will start to shrink again. I recommend that you do another week and then the effort will not be wasted. The size will become permanent." He withdrew his hand and wiped it on my breasts with a casual motion.

Miss Clearmont and the doctor left the cell still deep in discussion. I was fully awake, but weak with lack of food and sleep. I looked at the mess on the floor by the frame and shuddered. What would it be like to have my ass hole filled like my pussy had been? It seemed difficult to believe that Miss Clearmont had been a nurse. I shifted my weight and felt my fettered hands unhook from the hook on the wall. Just then the slave with the tattoo of Greta came into the cell. In his hand were a bucket and a sponge. He closed the door and placed the bucket by my feet. With a twist he unbuckled my ankles. I could not stand and was lowered to the floor. He sponged me down, as I perceived feeling and circulation return to my body.

"My name is Henry, I'm going to see if I can get you out of here."

I vaguely remembered Kathy saying that she had given Henry to Miss Clearmont. It seemed from another world. Then it had been someone else and had been of no concern to me, now I suppressed a shudder and thought of myself.

I nearly fainted. I could not walk, my hands were shackled, and I was naked. Here was this man promising to get me out. I laughed weakly at the ridiculous thought of me getting out. My first word was, "How?" it was all I could say round the gag.

"I'll carry you."

His strong arms lifted me and he took me out of the cell. Up the corridor he went through a door that led to the normal part of the house. I saw that from this side the door was disguised as a shelving unit full of books and ornaments. The light from the windows blinded me and made my head swim. He carried me through the house. I never wondered at the lack of people, but we met no one. He took me to a bedroom where he gently put me on a bed. From under the bed he produced a pair of bolt cutters.

"Put these here earlier." He muttered as he struggled to get the handcuffs off. It was a labour to do so, as they were heavy-duty cuffs. At last he cut through them and my hands were free. I began to hope that he could get me out. I tried to stand and look out of the window. We were in a room that overlooked a narrow path that led by the house to the street. My legs wobbled and I nearly fell to the floor. Henry was looking through a wardrobe.

"If you are not dressed then you won't get far." He said.

I looked at the clothes that he had in his hands. A pair of high heels and a slip of a dress, but they were better than nothing was. He even found a pair of pants, even though they were tight rubber I put them on. Then I staggered to the sink in the corner and drank long from the taps. It helped but then I realised that the internal gag was still in. I had become so used to it that I had forgotten that it was there. He peered into my mouth and then fetched a pair of tweezers from the dresser. Using them as a lever on the catch I felt the gag release. The gag fell out on to the floor. My jaw suddenly ached and I realised that it was not only my cunt that had been stretched. I rubbed my face and tried to smile but I think that I produced more of a leer.

He helped me get the dress and shoes on. The dress was knee length and of stretchy form fitting material. The shoes had heels that were high but normal. I managed to stand and took a few steps.

"There is no time now, come." With this he opened the window and helped me over the sill. There I stood in the alley not believing that I had escaped. Henry gave me a wink and shut the window. I had thought of an important question for Henry and looked to see that he had already shut the window. What day was it?

Five The Runaway Birthday Girl


The alley ended at the rear of the houses with a fence that in my state I could not hope to climb. So I headed for the road. It was a suburban street like any other. Trees lined the wide road and big houses surrounded by gardens stretched in both directions. I decided not to pass the front of Miss Clearmont's house so there was only one direction to go. Walking slowly I headed away from my prison. The air had a slight chill on it and I could see that evening would soon be coming. The feeling of simply being free revived me more than any drug could have. I felt energy and determination return. I could not believe that I had spent a week at Miss Clearmont's house so I still could stop her having my inheritance. Now that my legal career was almost certainly over I decided to make one more appearance in court. Kathy and Miss Clearmont would be charged with kidnap and my revenge would be to see them go to jail. I came to a road that crossed Miss Clearmont's and turned the corner. It had taken me at least twenty minutes to get just a few hundred yards but my step was quicker and my legs were getting stronger. I ran my hands over the dress too smooth it and found a fifty-dollar note folded small in the only shallow pocket. Being suburbia there were a lot of people around but I found that I had no desire to speak to anyone. About fifty yards ahead of me a woman was climbing out of a cab. I shouted and tried to run, but the best that I could manage was to quicken my step. The driver waited for me and I climbed in. He pulled off as soon as I had closed the door and asked me where I was going. I replied with my apartment address. I felt safe for the first time since I had been at Kathy's house before Miss Clearmont had raped and photographed me.
